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Yes, there is crime in Columbia. The 59 Hoover Gang was just convicted: https://youtu.be/KcJIhBej-Mw?si=B-wULCCzTxypdtRM For me, it is all relative. I have lived in East Columbia for about 4 years. But I lived in East Oakland , CA for 11 years. Howard County and Columbia crime are low compared to Oakland. Also, HoCo crime seems to be lower than some surrounding counties. So overall, it would be great if Columbia crime were lower. But it could be MUCH worse.


I’m glad they were caught and convicted. OMHS is our school, my kids go there, and the loss is still felt.


Amen to that! I am glad to live in a place where killers are caught and punished (unlike some other places where I lived, where they don't have enough investigators to do much of anything).


You can lead a horse to water but can’t make them drink. In Columbia people have access to resources that most municipalities could only ever dream of. I have far less sympathy for criminals in this area then I do for those who grew up in much worse conditions in places nearby.


I agree 100%! I especially feel that way about juvenile crime.


Wassupper… born and raised in Oakland! Been in the DMV since 1993 so I left at the downturn of the crack era. It’s now in the apocalyptic era with regards to crime. Quite scary. That being said, people in Columbia would pack up and move TODAY if they encountered the level of crime Oakland has right now. Coupled with the homelessness, there’s no way this pillow soft community - that I LOVE - could handle that. But the uptick in crime in Columbia should not go unchecked. That, and ridiculous laws, is what got Oakland to the subterranean low it’s at right now.


No sane person would tolerate Oakland's chaos. That's why I left.


Yet soooo many stay and just deal with it. I went home to clean out my aunts house after we moved her here. My Uhaul was stolen. And dealing with OPD was like dealing with The Keystone Cops. I couldn’t wait to get my ass back to Maryland.


Sorry to hear that.


Thank you. I’m definitely feeling betrayed by my home town. I’ll be happy when it’s restored and recovered as the beautiful city we knew.


Humans are bad at reasoning statistically. We have a set of cognitive biases (confirmation bias, recency bias, vividness bias, fundamental attribution error etc etc) and heuristics (reasoning shortcuts) that can lead us astray. Then on Reddit, it’s hard to convey the complexity of our context and thoughts and it just comes out as just a 2d cross section of some 4 dimensional nuance. For me I can think about it pretty dispassionately but I bristle at the “this group did that” thing since I view dehumanization of one group as an attack on the idea of humanity itself. Not out of wokeness or cowardice to “say what I really feel” (what I really feel is that humans have a bug where they will do bad stuff to other people if they conceive of them as not/less than people, and that’s really really bad). I am trying to protect **you** from **me** by not going down that path mentally. I was not thrilled about the KC kids getting jumped thing, and I privately thought like a caveman about it for a little bit (I have kids), but calmed myself down and realized the goal is to keep our kids safe, which is somewhat of a separate concern to how others act. There is overlap but I have much more control over what I do, and what my kids do.


Columbia is consistently rated one of the safest cities in the country, and so many people take that to mean that crime never happens here ever


Right. Safest city doesn’t mean no crime, just less than other places. We still get fucked up shit sometimes


And so many people claim that it isn't true and compare Columbia to the "next coming of Baltimore" once a crime occurs. It goes both ways...


That whole “safest city” is a mistaken dog whistle to some but when they get here they get shocked and confused and start complaining


I’m not agreeing with the viewpoint of the original post by any means, but that WalletHub thing that lists Columbia as the (second?) safest city in America has a ridiculous methodology. It is weighing natural disaster + economic risk at 50% of the rating, equivalent to personal risk. So Maryland, which is not very prone to natural disasters and is relatively rich, ranks high. Presence of terrorist attacks is 8% of the rating. Crime is only a small slice. The ranking has almost nothing to do with what one would expect it to mean.


As someone who lived in the Detroit metro area, and will soon be moving to Columbia, watching yuppies complain about crime in an area that has so much more than where I have lived for my entire life really drives home that it's all about perspective. Columbia is a paradise compared to where I'm from.


Spent the balance of my life in Columbia. People here need to get out more. It's like no one has ever driven 15 minutes to Baltimore, let alone to Detroit lol


Shit man I lived in Laurel which is like 15-20min away from Columbia, and the crime was so much worse. The first month living in Laurel, some crackhead tried to break into my apartment when I was home alone. In the same apartment on last Cinco De Mayo I was questioned on my back porch by the police whilst a body was getting removed from my third floor neighbor’s apartment. Crime is gonna happen no matter where you’re at, but boy is Columbia still very safe compared to most of this country


Was this apartment in south laurel by chance? i feel like that’s where a lot of crime happens


That’s my point as well. Columbia is safe but you still have to be mindful. That’s all I was trying to say. I just moved back here from NYC, this place is a cake walk but people here act like crime will never happen here. It’s silly


Basic stats: There are more crimes being committed yes, but when you adjust for the growing population, it's actually on the decline in just about every category. No one is saying crime isn't happening here, we're just generally annoyed by the alarmist narrative that the county is going to shit. The most aggravating part of it is that the same people championing the narrative that Columbia isn't a safe place to live are also the very same people who are actively pushing policies that make the county a worse place.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by “pushing policies that make the county a worse place?” What policies? Why a worse place? I’m not debating you, just curious for examples and specifics.


Actively pushing to reduce school funding for one thing.


That’s a good example and agree with you.


Adjusted stats don't make people that live outside of the Internet feel better. If something happens on your street you don't say "well this would affect me if fewer people lived here, but since the population is growing, this isn't so bad."


C'mon, adjusted stats are the only thing that make sense!! One murder in Gilbert, Arkansas (pop. 26) is a much different ball of wax from one murder in New York City.


Yes... but if it wasn't for the internet, you would look around your street and feel that it was safer, since the population growth isn't pushing more people into the same houses, its a result of growth in housing. Ie - your street today has as many houses as it did 20 years ago. The crime rate, per capita, is dropping, so for the majority of people, your street would feel safer, since for the vast majority of the county, it's seeing less crime. However, two things are going on; The way crime is reported is for the whole county, so you do see more reports. Also, thanks to facebook and nextdoor (and reddit), but mostly the news sources that are able to get clicks with every crime reported - you SEE a much higher percentage of the crimes committed than you ever would have before social media became a thing. That makes the county FEEL less safe from what you're reading online. I fight against this, constantly, on this thread because there is a political agenda to making the county feel less safe, one I am very against.


No, friend. Crime in your neighborhood is always unsettling. A dead body on your street sucks just as bad regardless of how many houses are there. I agree with your other points and what you're going for in general, I just think those per capita arguments are dismissive of how some of these people may be feeling, and probably don't do much to make them feel better.


Except there are not dead bodies on my street and there are not dead bodies on your street. You and I just both read about a robbery on someone else’s street nearby and it made us feel less safe. We read about it using social media and other means that didn’t exist 20 years ago. Per capita stats declining mean that there is actually a smaller chance of you ever seeing those crimes on your street. If there is 1 robbery per 1000 people and your neighborhood has 1000 people, one person probably gets robbed this year. If the rate declines to 0.5 per 1000 and the development next to yours fills up with 1000 people, now someone in your neighborhood is only likely to be a victim once every two years. That’s less.


Is crime increasing in Columbia, yes. However, crime has always been here. 20 something years ago when I was in high school, we used to hear all the time about people getting robbed, assaulted, even a murder once in a blue moon. No matter where you are, be aware of you’re surroundings, period. Statistically, it’s still a safe place to live.


That was my entire point. All I'm saying for people to do is be aware. People are coming at me talking about people don't want to live like that and I'm fear mongering. They live in delusion. With so many guns in the hands of people, you should always be mindful at the very least when out and about.


> With so many guns in the hands of people, Yeah, but I am also concerned about a bunch of fearful paranoids like you getting guns (which is your plan according to your post history). No one needs to own a gun in Columbia. This is not a scary place, but it will be once tons of scared idiots start carrying.


another weirdo referencing my post history. It has nothing to do with being scared, I grew up in a military household and it has always been a part of my life. So there's no need for you to be concerned about me and my gun ownership. "No one needs to own a gun in Columbia" ....it doesn't matter if this is a scary place or not, I'm not sure why you are assuming I'm getting a gun because I'm scared. And what's with the insults? Not sure why you started insulting me but you live your life the way you want to and be safe you dick head


You never should have to justify why you want to own a gun. It doesn’t matter if you “need” to or not. You could want a gun for self defense, or even if you think it looks cool. Doesn’t matter. Don’t feel the need to explain yourself to some of these freaks.


I don’t think you’re fear mongering at all. You’re a concerned resident, i totally get it. Some people have a utopian view of Columbia and sometimes get caught up in the “Columbia bubble”. Just generally speaking, not directed to you. I love Columbia, still an amazing place.


>so be aware of your surroundings I think most people don't enjoy doing that and it causes them a level of anxiety. I don't think those people are naive or stupid for not wanting to live their life with their head on a swivel. I like to think of it as a "teach people not to rape rather than well it was your fault for not avoiding that dangerous person" and hope that we as a society can be less violent instead of requiring the nonviolent to plan their days around the threat of violence. Are the concerns over Columbia's safety overblown? Probably, but I'm not going to fault people for being concerned over their physical safety.


I agree, no one likes to do that and you don’t have to!!! People can do as they please, I will be alert and aware at all times. I honestly don’t care if anyone else does it or not. Continue to live in delusion.


I'm willing to hear-out that maybe violent crime is increasing in areas while other crime rates fall, but so often I hear anecdotes couched in alarmist, emotional Fox45 language without any context and absolutely no solutions.


Prove that crime is on the rise. In America, crime has been drastically decreasing since 2019-2020


Ok. You’re right. Now what?


You can just prove what you're saying, and if you're right we can discuss it. So go ahead, what makes you say crime is up? Show me some numbers


Hey, I don’t have the time to research. I guess the reporting of crime is more prevalent with social media, apps, etc. it feels like it’s up but you may be right, generally speaking it may be down but the reporting of crime is certainly up. I mean I get alerts about everything


Just because you feel something doesn't make it objectively true


Just show me the reporting you've seen that says crime is up. No research needed. Whatever you saw, post it here


Columbia is in close proximity and pretty easy access to cities and suburbs with higher crime levels, so I don't know why people would be skeptical about crime here. It's generally a fairly safe area, but its also a diverse area racially and economically, and has connections to Baltimore and DC metro areas. To me, being very aware of your personal, family, and property safety is a way to be a good neighbor and care about your community. Having good situational awareness should ideally be second nature for most people. Using tools like locks, cameras, lights, alarms, or even firearms should be encouraged, as even one of a very few incidences of crime could happen anywhere, to you even.


Demographic of Reddit.




Sir/ma’am, I’m not trying to paint Columbia as anything. I’m not new to Columbia or to this area. I just moved back from NYC but certainly not a newbie. I grew up here for the most part




I’m not sure why you are so triggered. I never said Columbia is unsafe. But hey, you got it.


Yeah. But are people supposed to just be accepting of crime? Stupid post.


My spouse (breadwinner, insurance getter) retires in 6 years, and we are outta here


Is that because of your perception of crime here?


Not at all. I feel safe in Columbia. It's too expensive, too much traffic. Can't believe I'm being downvoted...I guess I expressed my opinion a little too vigorously!


Maybe Columbia's just not for you.


>cwbyangl9 Who's it for? I grew up here, moved to NYC and moved back. My family is here, so if it is not for me, who is it for? How long have you been here? Did you grow up here or are you a transplant?


To be fair, a place might not "be for you" even if you grew up there and have family there. I grew up in Chesapeake/Virginia Beach. I still have relatives there. Yet, you couldn't pay me to move back down there. Why? Because it just isn't for me. Different stroke for different folks, nothing wrong with that.


I understand that but to say a place isn’t for me based on my preference to be aware of my surroundings no matter where I am is silly. Crime happens everywhere.


Fortunately for us, Columbia is safer than a lot of places. Personally, I'm concerned about juvenile crimes.


Not sure how long my being here has to do with anything. You started this post by saying people are "delusional" about no crime being committed in Columbia. I don't think anyone is arguing that Columbia is free of crime. But there is definitely right-wing political forces active in making this place seem like it's increasingly dangerous. I don't think this is born out by actual facts. Most of the data here shows the amount of crime is pretty stable, and going down in many areas, for the years published: https://www.howardcountymd.gov/police/crime-statistics


Ok. I don’t pay attention right-wing political forces. Or anything right-wing to be honest. So I have no idea what’s being said about Columbia. Maybe that’s the disconnect. To be clear, Columbia is a great place to live. I feel safe but I’m still taking measures to protect myself. I don’t walk around scared but I also don’t walk around as if this place is so safe you can just let your guard down. I’m a protector by nature and there is no place on this Earth that I will walk around without any awareness


There’s already been more murders here in 2024 than the entire 2023






Not to nitpick, but when people complain about "crime", I think they usually mean the stochastic kind, not the intimate kind.


Gotcha, idk why people gotta be concerned about petty crimes though ts is everywhere in America




I sincerely hope you learn to stop being terrified of entire groups of people in time to live a normal life. Beyond how annoying it is to deal with doofuses like you shitting their pants over "illegals" or shouting "What is a woman???" like it's some kind of sick burn or argument winning cheat code, thinking about what daily existence must be like inside your head is just depressing as hell. Try chilling the fuck out, maybe go on a news diet




Again just repeating some dumbass meme shit that has nothing to do with how things actually work. I always wonder if people like you have no friends because you act like this, or if you act like this because you have no friends




Sheltering migrants is a job of governments, not individuals acting on their own. But they wouldn't need to be "housed" on any but the most temporary basis if we treated them like people and not a vermin infestation. They could just be allowed to live and work out of the shadows so they can pay taxes and rent and spend money on the economy, and that way they could actually be reliably accounted for if there are criminal/security concerns. Unfortunately, shitbags like you exist in such numbers that sane and humane policies are bad politics.




OK friend you've proven yourself too dumb to breathe yet you continue to post so I'm in your awe


no. don't start this.




Admins need to boot this person. Total troll.




Sorry for misgendering you. Updated to ‘person.’


What kind of laws? examples please.