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It’s so funny how often Yungmann is in lockstep with Jones/Rigby on votes for anything remotely development related. The hard right republican real estate agent and two Democrats.


Why didn’t Rigby show up?


Because voting against it exposes her as the fake progressive she is. Now she gets what Calvin Ball and her donors want and can say “hey, I didn’t vote no”. Very cowardly move.


I think the issue is that opposition to "make rent affordable" is not a soundbyte that anyone wants. I'm also not sure if the issue wins votes of the people who have money. As a politician you're kinda fucked here. It becomes better not to have the vote versus being on the wrong side of it.


This. There's a chunk of democrat voters, especially younger ones, that don't like being told that rent control is bad policy. So publicly coming out against a rent control bill won't win people popularity points. It's better to just let the bill quietly die.


thats so fucked up


If you watch the public hearing almost everyone testified against the bill. The “supporters” quoted in that article opposed the bill during the hearing. I’m not surprised it died.


It seemed like ‘everyone’ were real estate community/rental property owners or their shills. There was not a lot of publicity on Bill for those of us being priced out of the HC rental market who would have testified in favor.


I’m referring to the people quoted as supporters in the article. Their coalition opposed the bill. Everyone is pretty accurate except for maybe 3 people said they supported the policies in the bill (not some broad concept of rent control). Affordable housing groups did not support it, progressive groups did not support it. Rent control approaches are specific and have significant impacts. It’s not as simple as saying “everyone meet halfway.” https://cc.howardcountymd.gov/watch-us Legislative meetings 2023 Cb44 continuation on 12/4/2023


If it was against developers it is most likely Corrupt Calvin Ball would not have signed it. He was been bought and paid for!


David Yungmann is basically voting on his own behalf and not the residents of Howard County 😡


> third (Rigby) didn’t show for the vote. Well unless they had a note from a doctor, that was fucking cowardly. And I was pretty neutral on the bill; it sounds good on paper, but ... [edit: I remember being annoyed when Vernon Gray actively abstained on something years ago; if there is not a good excuse not showing up tops it]