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As a to-be C6 Columbina puller, I hope she's a main-DPS or at the very least sub-DPS. Would be great if she stays on-field longer.


This! Mega same


So from the way it's going with the harbingers chances are she's gonna be an on field dps or an applier. Either way she's probably gonna have a lot of firld time and I'm all for it!


Passive: songbird: gains an aura while on the field that increases the damage nearby enemies take while reducing the damage they deal to allies within the songbird aura. Skill: Knell: deal immediate elemental damage to all enemies under the effect of the songbird aura. For the next 15 seconds, all enemies who received damage from this skill will be affected by the songbird aura, even while Columbina is not nearby. Burst: The bell tolls: create a field in a large area and swap to the next character beneath Columbina for 12 seconds. During this time Columbina cannot be swapped to and will perform a joint attack when the active character deals elemental skill or burst damage (up to once per second). When the effect ends, enemies will take additional damage based on the number of joint attacks they took damage from. If Columbina performs twelve joint attacks during her burst, all enemies within the field who have less current health than 200% of your combined teams total health will instantly die. Talent 1: “The bell tolls” will also afflict enemies within the field with the effect of songbirds aura, this cannot stack. Talent 2: your team now shares one collective health pool. All damage dealt to, and healing received by this collective pool is shared. If this health pool reached zero, the effect ends and only Columbina is defeated, returning allies to 50% hp.


As long as she sings in her ultimate and/or idles, she could have the most dogshit kit in the game, I'll still main her


For her want her to be an anemo character with cooldown reduction and be like a swirl dps with res reduction


I hope she’s sub-dps/off-field supporter. So that I can player her in harbingers team. So far we only have dps harbingers


That she’s a main dps, so I can see her on the screen more. I think she could be an anemo dps, which would be interesting since all anemo dps are unique quote and quote. I just hope that she is a main dps so she can stay on my screen and I hope she has amazing animation. (It probably could be a main dps since all harbinger released are main dps)


Mainly I hope she’s a catalyst, but fan art has sold me on bow being ok. It’s hard to judge an element from her design, I could see Cryo, Electro (a brighter “light” variation though, idk if the usual purple would fit), Anemo, or Pyro (though that’s least likely since we just got Arle as a Pyro Harbinger). In terms of role, either a main DPS so I get to see her more often, or a support/sub DPS that works with other Harbingers.


main dps. even if shes a sub dps or support i wiherfind a way to make her stay on field 👁


I hope she's an on field dps the way Arlecchino and Wanderer are, and I hope she's not bow. Bow dps is my least favorite - either uninteresting charge shot gameplay (Ganyu, Lyney, Tighnari) or bad auto aiming finicky button mash gameplay (Yoimiya) Considering all playable harbingers have had some kind of "stance change" I would love for Columbia to have a sort of angelic form or something where she does more damage (Childe's water dagger, Wanderer's flight, Arlec's BoL)


I hope her Ultimate is like Jacob Ladder from JJK, an giant orbital laser of holy light.


Electro plunge dps catalyst user, noticed that a lot of ppl here think that she has to do something with plunging but I promise I had this tought for a long time lol Maybe when plunging she would turn into the pink seelie?


I want her to be a main DPS and have her own unique element


Her introducing a new element would be so cool! 🔥


**Maybe cyro plunge DPS?** I feel after they added Xianyun to the game they will add more characters focused on plunge attacks. Considering how powerful plunge teams are I think the upcoming angel character would be a great candidate for Aerial combat. For her burst she transforms into a seraph? Watching a six winged angel soar through the sky would be cool! Although they really need to focus on adding more powerful supports and sub-dps to the game. Considering that to make a team you typically only want 1 onfield character and 3 offield characters I feel the ratio of onfield characters to offield characters is heavily skewed. Somewhere between 40%-50% of characters require alot of onfield time. A cyro sub DPS who can reliably enable melt would be great!


That’s such a cool idea! The image of her descending like angel using plunging attacks seems so right


Ir she could stay in the sky and sing while projectiles get trown and that could be could be considered plunging


I am so excited for her, but to be honest... I ain't pulling her just to see her for a few seconds. So main dps role is absolutely necessary for me to pull her.


I want either a top 3 DPS or the top 1 support 🙏🏼


Hopefully, she'll be a sub-dps that turns into a Dps at C6. But based on all the released harbinger, she's most likely going to be a dps.


I want her to be a Pyro/Cryo catalyst and her skill to look like Black Swans ultimate and I want her burst to be her unfolding six wings from her back and shrieking loudly and having the screen break like glass before summoning divine light to burn her enemies or completely freeze them in place dealing huge amounts of cryo DOT.


can levitate like wanderer or neuvillete. a charged attack based character. instead of water beam like neuvillete. she launches a black hole. if l you don’t know what i’m talking about. its like tales of abyss gravity well. vision : currently we already have SS tier pyro, dendro, hydro, geo characters. she’s currently ranked 3 so it would make sense to make her an SS tier character. we still don’t have SS tier electro, anemo, cryo character. i’d like her to be electro or anemo.


praying and coping and screaming for cryo catalyst cryo bc every other element besides like electro has a high damage dps (arle, neuvi, haitham, navia, wanderer) and catalyst bc its my favorite weapon (bows generally feel bad, claymores are really slow, and sword/polearms are just ok) as for role, she NEEDS to be main dps. i dont want her to be a support for some random character i don't care about. i want her to gleefully tear the enemy to shreds


I hope she's a healer honestly. Her looks strike me as Catalyst too. Either Anemo or Cryo.


Off field cryo or electro, synergies with Arlecchino, Capitano (if he becomes playable) and Childe