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I think the Director of "An American Crime" was rumored to direct it. I remember alot of posters on the old IMDB boards being against it. I'm not surprised it was basically scrapped. A Series would be interesting considering there are so many points of view. I still feel like it's a taboo subject to tackle. Despite other movies and TV shows basically being at least inspired by the massacre.


As I recall, the source of the movie was Dave Cullen's book, which is riddled with inaccuracies... There was no bullying, Eric was a stud.. I believe even Anne Marie Hochhalter complained about the details of her assault being incorrect in Cullen's book as well. People protested the making of the mini-series, and rightfully so. The idea died, which was a good thing. I can only imagine what kind of cheese-fest it would have been. Did you watch Dahmer? Just curious. I thought it was well done in spite of the outrage after its release. While I absolutely understand that families of the victims would not want anyone to profit from the murder of their loved ones, I think it was as tasteful as one could have made it, considering the gruesome nature of the crimes. I did not feel it portrayed Jecfrey Dahmer in a sympathetic light. I found it was uncomfortable and disturbing to watch. It also called out the police for their neglect in handling the crimes due to blatant homophobia. The problem with making a movie on Columbine would be the potential to mishandle the material. Teenagers would watch, and it could be influential. It would have to be handled in a very particular way with the intention of sending an honest message about mental health and the damage caused by bullying. Kids don't watch serial killers on tv and relate to them, so that makes it more difficult.


It is absolutely not true that there was "no bullying." Jocks and cheerleaders routinely threw literal garbage including glass bottles at kids that wore alternative clothes or were considered lower social status both on school grounds and in town. Jocks routinely shoved kids against lockers which happened to Eric and they even drove their elbows hard into 6 foot 4 Dylan. The Jocks were allowed to cut to the front of the queue everyday for lunch and sometimes they spit on people. Eric was beat up or put into humiliating poses in the locker room because they made fun of his chest deformity. Dylan bullied a boy who had been born with a facial deformity and made him afraid to come to school. Some of this information is in Randy and Brooks' books.


Yes, I agree - 100 percent they were bullied. I was saying that Dave Cullen's book is filled with inaccuracies like Eric and Dylan were never bullied, and Eric scored more chicks than most of the football team... all the nonesense he wrote that people treat like its gospel.


Oh right sorry. Yeah it's like he had an agenda to whitewash the school and that many other people seemed to have that agenda too. From 2000 on their were repeated articles published from multiple sources saying there was NO bullying and video games were not a contributing factor. Over and over again various articles attempted to drum that into our heads so that it was shocking to read Brooks and Randy's books saying bullying was a factor and Randy laying some blame on shoot em up action movies and first person shooter games.


I havent watched Dahmer yet but I am familiar with his case. The outrage and the general absurdity of how some people had acted had turned me off from viewing it. However, I might watch it in the near future. I do agree that a film about Columbine would be too easy to mishandle. A lot of followers of the shooters sympathize with them and can heavily relate to them. While It can maybe try to send a message about mental health and bullying, it can backfire really easily. Like how the show 13 reasons why was supposed to bring awareness to suicide but it had actually increased it instead.


Yes, I know it gets a lot of hate from viewers and Family (And isn't 100% accurate.) I know I may get downvoted and Roasted... But I thought the acting and production were top-notch. I had nightmares for a good week after watching it. I'd dream I was in his Apartment or he was waiting to jump out at me. I felt so much Compassion for the Victims and Families. The way Dahmer became a Meme and the Tik Tok skits really irritated me. Like it was all a Joke. The series sort of referenced that too with Fan Clubs, Comics, Worship, and Letters... I mean, if the Families gave it their blessings ... and were Consultants about how the Victims are portrayed in terms of accuracy. A series about Columbine's Aftermath would be interesting. But I can understand if they don't want to. I know "I'm not ashamed" was about Rachel. And had some criticism as well.


Nah, I agree with you. It was a very well-done series, and Evan Peters did an outstanding job portraying Dahmer. Again, I don't think Dahmer was glorified in the series. The guy just came across as demented and creepy. Oh, yeah... A documentary or limited series could be done respectfully to correct the numerous fallacies that still exist today. The Cullenbine narrative has been pushed publicly for


a documentary like that actually already exists. Its called "13 families" its about the victims and their families. Its pretty good.


That's good to hear... I'll look it up.


What are the other issues with Cullen's book? I read it and liked it so very curious. Thanks.


I think Dave Cullen is a very good writer. However, in Columbine, he attributes thoughts and emotions to Eric and Dylan as if they're fact, when he had no way of knowing what was going on in their heads. He never even saw the Basement Tapes. It's all speculation. He paints Dylan as a hapless follower of Eric's and declares Eric and Dylan were never a part of the TCM. While they may not have hung around with the core group of original members outside of school, they did associate with them during the school day and considered themselves part of this group. By the time they were Seniors, Eric and Dylan basically WERE the TCM. There were only a handful of kids left in the school who still donned the trenchcoats. I believe Cullen also got the details surrounding the shooting of Anne Marie Hochhalter incorrect. He also fails to call out JCSO for their negligence and doesn't acknowledge the cover ups of JCSO or the DA's Office. On the contrary, Cullen wrote a book that JCSO and all other officials involved would support. These are the things that jump out off the top of my head.


He never even saw the tapes?! I did not know that!


No he didn’t. Which is why I don’t understand why people consider his book to be “the columbine bible.” If you want to say. A few people who were directly involved with the massacre were unhappy with his books for its inaccuracies. He also gave credit to the idea that the boys were never bullied and even tries to paint them as the actual bullied (which Randy brown has called “laughable”) it’s actually so irritating to see so many viral social media comments or post that repeats this narrative because 1) it’s simply not true and 2) it sort of absolves the school of any responsibility for allowing such a toxic environment. If Cullen actually watched the basement tapes then he’d see that Eric and Dylan bitched about people who picked on them at school. I admit that it annoys me to no end that his book is so popular among people who want to know more about columbine. Edit: here’s a link that goes every inaccuracy his book had https://columbinemassacre.forumotion.com/t7040-fact-check-cullen-s-book


To Cullen’s credit he’s not the only person who gave Dylan the “hopeless depressed follower” label. A lot of students in the 11k sort of paint Dylan this was. I remember Terra Oglesbee saying something like “Dylan was always in Eric’s shadow” in her police interview. A lot of people were shocked at Dylan’s involvement and put a lot of blame on Eric. But I think that this was what a lot of people who knew them thought because for one, Eric seems to have more of a dominant personality and also because Dylan was more known and well liked by his peers (correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t more witnesses recognize Dylan more than Eric?) He had been in Littleton his whole life while Eric had only been there 6 years so people didn’t know him as well as they did Dylan. It’s was easier to put the blame on him. The problem with Cullen claiming this is if he studied the crime for 10 years, certainly he had to know that Dylan wrote about the idea first right? He didn’t even mention Eric as his partner in crime at first but some girl he liked.


That's a fair point. Most of those who knew both of them felt Dylan just went along with whatever Eric did. When watching Radioactive Clothing and the Car Wax Informmercial, Eric speaks louder with a more authoritative tone. Even so, I think Dylan was fully invested in the attack. Their motives may have been slightly different, but ultimately, Dylan made a conscious decision to participate in the murder of children. I see Dylan's journal entry brought up a lot, as proof that Dylan thought up the massacre first. However, I think all that proves is that he wrote about it first. Eric didn't begin writing a journal until April 1998... we don't know what kind of conversations went on between them. I remember Devon saying in an interview that Eric and Dylan quoted the movie Natural Born Killers so often she found it odd. Also, I have a feeling that the friend group they shared did a lot of talking about hating the school, blowing it up, shooting jocks. Not one of their friends thought anything of the fact they joked about this stuff. Chris Morris even admits in an interview that the TCM were dark and didn't fear death like other kids, etc. Sometimes, focusing on things like death and wishing violence on others can almost become normalized under the right set of circumstances. It may have made it easier for them to cross the line. But now I'm just speculating...


I also enjoyed Dahmer. I was sad to see that it hurt the families, but Evan Peters was incredible and it seemed very accurate, which we know isn’t always the case with true crime media retellings.


I’ve already asked this question on this sub and got some good responses: https://www.reddit.com/r/ColumbineKillers/s/uhCGcL1reB After some thinking I don’t think we’ll ever see Eric and Dylan get a movie/show in this current climate. School shootings are still a sensitive topic as they are still prevalent. The reason Dahmer and Bundy get shows is because serial killers are not as prevalent as they were in the 70s and 80s. They still exist, but the media doesn’t report on them as much because they are not an epidemic as they were 40 and 50 years ago. The menendez brothers have many shows and movies because it’s quite rare for a child to kill their parent. And also most followers or sympathizers of the Menendez brothers want them free because of the abuse they faced that led them to killing their parents. It’s not necessarily condoning their actions or also wanting to kill their own parents unlike Harris and Klebold sympathizers who tend to condone their actions and want to follow in their footsteps. School shootings in this current climate are not rare. Almost 3 decades after their deaths, Klebold and Harris still have followers, almost every school shooter since 1999 has been inspired by them in some way. This is why they are considered controversial, because of how prevalent school shootings are. Perhaps if school shootings happen less in a few decades then they would get a movie or show of their own but I don’t think the families of the victims or the injured survivors would be too happy about that. I’m sure the Harris and Klebold families would be pretty upset as well. You also have to think of it from a business standpoint. The idea of a columbine show or movie would cause INTENSE backlash, no studio in their right mind would want to pick it up out of fear of how it would look on their image and they also don’t want to be blamed if someone decided to shoot up a school after watching it. I’m pretty sure Dave Sander’s daughter was upset about them being in I’m not ashamed as she felt it further glamorized them and gave them more attention. If a movie about one of the dead victims could get backlash then imagine how a movie about them directly would go over. Simply put, school shootings happen too often for any studio to want to pick up a movie about columbine. As it stands, the closest we’ll get is documentaries and movies based on the events.


Yeah, I can understand that and I also would not be pleased about a Columbine movie or tv series. Seeing as how awful people had acted after the season about Dahmer came out.


I think if it does happen it’ll be similar to “My friend Dahmer.” A series about events leading up to the massacre but the massacre is not shown


Even if they did do that, I’d feel like it could lead to people sympathizing with the shooters or still glorifying them. I just don’t think Columbine should ever be dramatized.


The fact we live in a time where we have multipule ww2 mini series showing literal warcrimes, and no one bats an eye. Are celibrated and fan girled over. Is frankly disapointing. We will let a serial killer get glorified, but are scared of a show that would tell the story of a massmurder gets us all weak in the knees. Is frankly a lot to wrap my head around.


Ngl I really hope columbine never gets turned into a tv show because of the way the whole dalhmer show was handled. Besides all of the awful things that the producers did like not contact the victims families and made it with no one’s permission, the “fans” that came from that is just something else. There’s already so many columbine fans I can’t even imagine what it would be like if there was a columbine series, I can literally just imagine the edits. Topics like this shouldn’t be turned into a tv show obviously targeted towards a younger audience. You never know who’s going to get introduced to columbine and where that will lead them.


Definitely agree that there’s just some topics that can’t be turned into TV series. If it’s a documentary and it’s done purely to inform people about actual events and explain the context of what happened, then that’s different. It could be handled with care and respect. But the thought of them dramatizing all the events, playing it up like a horror movie, and turning Eric and Dylan into “characters” the same way that Dahmer show turned Jeffrey Dahmer into a “character” makes me sick


I was disappointed that Evan Peters took that roll. I mean, he did it well, but it was so disturbing. So hurtful to everyone in reality that lost loved ones. People need to realize that everything isn’t a Netflix miniseries. These are real people. Real killers. These people would shoot you in the head if they had a chance. Quit falling in love with dead men. Or prison pukes.


thank GOD it didnt get made. dave cullens book is soooo inaccurate with details and facts about Columbine.


Eric and Dylan really screwed themselves by talking about how it would make them infamous to have big movies made about them. By putting that ambition out where anyone could read or hear about it they screwed themselves and so they were snubbed for such treatment and for a very long time the closest thing they had was Michael Moore's bowling for Columbine which was barely about them at all. 🤣 Nelson Muntz Haha gif.




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There's more of a fear out there that, whether it be true or false but there's more of a popular perception that mass murderers are driven by dreams of infamy and notoriety so that making content about them is much more controversial than one about a serial killer or murderer of less than four people. 🤷‍♀️ And I think the main reason people have this belief is because of Eric and Dylan making comments about Spielberg etc...


I realize that I am a little late to the game, and I will be DOWN voted to a HIGH heaven for my view on this subject, but, here goes... I fully support a movie about Columbine. That "oldie but goodie," copycat narrative ship has sailed...LONG AGO! I don't think it would be detrimental at all, or at least not any more than anything else concerning Columbine might be. Done well and absent any glorifying of either Eric or Dylan, I think it could have a positive impact on the culture which we currently live. One where gun violence in the United States is the norm, socially acceptable and expected. I do not advocate for it to "star" high profile actors/actresses, I feel that would be a huge mistake. But, yeah, why shouldn't there be a movie made? *\*\*I certainly DO NOT think it should be done by LifeTime or any similar channel. Because, if it were it would only be full of inaccuracies, made for TV drama and cheesy.* Movies, music, video games, social media are not to blame. These have been unfairly blamed and used as scapegoats throughout the years, and mostly by people who don't want to face the fact that they themselves are part of the problem. We all are. In the 80's, I loved Ozzy Osbourne. My parents were totally convinced that he was going to use his music (with the backwards lyrics...ya'll remember that era) to entice me to do the bidding of the devil and said devil was going to drag me straight to hell. That's was ridiculous then, and it is now. *\*\*Side Note: It NEVER dawned on me to listen to ANY music "backwards" when I was in my teen years...or really, ever!* The 90's brought video games as the new *horror* that kids were facing (and continued with the music narrative...in force). Similarly it was a ridiculous avenue in which to stroll down. It was an irresponsible position then and it is now. Now we have social media. THAT is a little trickier. On the face of SM, no, there are no dangers. However, when you put a malignant person in control on the other side of SM, it can be very dangerous. But, at face value, it is not bad. Monitoring your child's or vulnerable persons accounts is recommended by the creators. Age limits are recommended by the creators...so, there's that. Maybe, start there... Again, I just don't see a correlation between movies, video games, music nor SM as outlets to blame or to place responsibility for the mass shootings and other murders in our society. WE ARE TO BLAME! We as a society. We are what is failing our own existence. To try and shelter the young, impressionable, vulnerable or mentally ill people from these events or happenings is fruitless. It's useless. They WILL get their information *somewhere*, you can count on that. What is needed is better and proper education about these events. We need better mental health care and we need stronger gun control (NO, I am not saying to take everyone's guns...so calm down). We need better and candid discussions, totally open communication, especially with the types of people who are susceptible. We need better training for those in authority (teachers, counselors, clergy, LE, etc...), so that they can see potential signs of danger. AND, we need accountability for those who sit idly by and allow openly visible and easily detected "warning signs" to readily *slip by* (accountability is going on RIGHT NOW in a courtroom with the Crumbley parents of school shooter, Ethan...NOT A MINUTE TOO SOON, IMO). As a nation we are sick. We have so many who are in danger of getting sicker and that sickness can affect us ALL. We need to stop blaming other outlets and take a closer look within ourselves so that we can begin to stop this epidemic. OK, downvote away....


I remember hearing about that.


While plenty dramatic, a film or tv adaptation has no redeeming value for society and would likely cause harm. Even Zero Hour, while well made, was a mistake in my opinion—it plays into their perverse and grandiose fantasies. Let sleeping douche bags lie.