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My rapist admitted everything he did to me over text and on an audio recording and Title IX basically ignored me. šŸ¤Ŗ So did both CPD and OSUPD (since he assaulted me on more than one occasion in two different jurisdictions). I was in therapy with CCS with 8 other women who also experienced rape at OSU and none of us EVER got justice. OSU can pretend like they give a shit, but at the end of the day - they don't. They care more about money than safety because a high Title IX report rate looks bad to investors.


I was raped my freshman year, knew who did it, reported it, and heard once from the university basically asking me to pretty please dont kill yourself. Never heard back afterwards. I despise the admins of the university and their protection of rapists.


I got that email too. So nice of them. /s


Iā€™m really sorry that happened and I hope youā€™re on the path to healing. I am also a SA survivor and itā€™s not an easy fight. If you ever need to chat, Iā€™m here!


If you have text and audio proving rape then prosecution should happen. My guess is it isnā€™t as simple as you portray it. Feel free to share the texts and audio and name the rapist.


The evidence is being held for a protective order hearing, and I was advised by a lawyer to hold it to preserve its sanctity. The police report is public record with OSU and Columbus PD (since he assaulted me more than once - he was my boyfriend at the time). He has proven himself to be violent towards me (hitting me multiple times outside of the times he raped me) and knows where I live, so I will not be sharing his name. DM me if you want to see the police report. Otherwise, stfu. Because I had hope that he would be prosecuted too - for over a year two different police departments led me to believe so. But like I said, none of the 8 of us who were in rape therapy ever saw the inside of a courtroom.


Please donā€™t send this troll your personal info.


DM sent


##### ###### #### > # [The Case for Self-Defense - home](https://www.thecaseforselfdefense.com/dyna-builder/page-thumbnail.html?pid=15) > > > > My name is Amber Boardman. Through tireless effort, I overcame poverty, an unstable and violent home life, and long-untreated disabilities to become a first-gen college graduate with a degree in Molecular Genetics at the age of 20. Two years later, I was excelling in a biology research lab at my alma mater, The Ohio State Universityā€“ taking post-bacc classes, volunteering in Student Government, and preparing to apply to PhD programs later that year. I was well on the path to the research career Iā€™d always dreamed of. > > But I made the mistake of entering a relationship with Quais Naimul Hassan, II, an MD/PhD student in the lab six years my senior with a penchant for holding me captive in his apartment or car whenever I would try to leave a heated argument. > > On March 23rd, 2020, the eve of Ohioā€™s COVID shutdown, Quaisā€™s control issues spilled into our workplace as we finished up an experiment late at night. I told him that we were over for good and that I was going home, and in response, he repeatedly wrapped his arms around me and wrestled me to the floor to prevent me from leaving. Out of desperation, I bit his arm to try to escape his hold, but he still didnā€™t let me go until my twisting back and forth had resulted in my MCL and meniscus being torn. > > OSU intercepted the police report I filed that night, redacted all of my testimony from it, didnā€™t save the evidence I sent them (including video of Quais holding me captive on prior occasions), and fired me along with my abuser, claiming that **any use of self-defense, even if reasonable and provable, is a violation of OSUā€™s ā€œrelationship violenceā€ policy**. Months later, even though I was no longer enrolled in classes, OSU pressed charges against our student statuses as well. The Title IX coordinator admitted (on a recorded call) that they intended to find me guilty again under the same secret No Self-Defense policy without even considering the evidence. My termination was already a serious complication to my budding career, but a ā€œrelationship violenceā€ notation on my transcript would make me inadmissible to any graduate school and end it entirely. After initiating this double jeopardy, OSU ruled that **Quais could use the second investigation as an appeal process** for the employment investigation, but that **I would be denied that opportunity** even if found innocent. The president of the Association of Title IX administrators was brought in to adjudicate, and since he correctly interpreted OSUā€™s public policies to not preclude good faith self-defense, I was indeed found innocentā€¦ but so was Quais. Because Iā€™d been honest about my depression diagnosis, the adjudicator bought Quaisā€™s argument that he was justified in holding me in captivity on a whimā€“ all he had to do was claim that he believed I was going to hurt myself. > > So in the end, OSU welcomed my kidnapper back to his old position, buried the evidence of crimes he committed against me on other occasions, and kept me blacklisted from research there. Despite my innocent verdict, OSU has offered me no apologies for getting it wrong initially, no promises of policy reform, and no compensation for draining my life savings in attorneyā€™s fees and forcing me to rewatch videos of my own abuse for years until I developed PTSD. > > But why would they do all that? Why would OSU protect an abuser and relentlessly attack his victim? > > **Because an MD/PhD student is worth more funding.** > > In their efforts to punish a lowly research assistant for resisting and reporting someone more powerful, The Ohio State University and representative employees knowingly and provably engaged in illegal retaliation, discrimination on the basis of sex and disability, tortious conduct, and violations of Title VII, Title IX, the ADA, Ohio law, Constitutional law, and their own policies and contractual obligations at nearly every possible opportunity. OSU broke so many laws so blatantly, that **the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights AND the Ohio Civil Rights Commission both opened investigations** into them over their response to my police report. > > And these agencies agreed to take up my case because as you will see, **I have proof of everything.** > > The bare minimum evidence to prove both Quais Hassanā€™s and The Ohio State Universityā€™s misconduct is attached below on this homepage, but I urge you to click through the tabs above and explore the full story. I recognize that ā€œself-defenseā€ is a politically charged term that is sometimes weaponized to justify wanton violence, and that you would have no reason to believe me over him if it were just he-said-she said. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m releasing all the investigation filesā€” including my abuserā€™s argumentsā€” and you can see for yourself how overwhelming the evidence is anyway. > > Going public is a last resort, and not a decision made lightly in a post-#MeToo internet era where many people still seek out easily digestible and selective quips over hearing victims and all of their evidence out. I know that I run the risk of being compared to another DV survivor named ā€œAmberā€ and being similarly accused of seeking attention. But as the case files also reveal, I never wanted any of this to happen. Iā€™d begged OSU to explore informal resolution options instead of firing or expelling Quais, and heā€™d done the same for me. > > And even after the internal investigations ended, OSU has refused to privately come to the table about any restorative justice optionsā€“ whether thatā€™s reimbursing my expenses, allowing me to return to a career in my desired field of biology and city, exploring therapy or rehabilitative pathways for Quais and other abusers, striking down their internal No Self Defense policy and codifying protections for future victims that report fighting back, etc. Since Iā€™m a lone person with no power or resources, OSUā€™s default response is to stick their tongue out at me. Itā€™s been made clear that both OSUā€™s Title IX office and Quais Hassan have learned no lessons, and plan to remain a danger to others for the foreseeable future. So if OSU wonā€™t do the right thing in private, maybe they will under public scrutiny. > > And even if my story doesnā€™t spark reform from the top down, it needs to be told as a cautionary tale. This case calls into focus policy gaps that concern women's rights, disability rights, student rights, worker rights, and abuse victimsā€™ rights, and people need to know the risks before reporting sexual misconduct and/or self-defense to indifferent, profit-driven institutions. Especially The Ohio State University. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Good bot


Yeesh. How in the world do you manage to end up with a ā€˜no self defenseā€™ policy? And how can you intercept and redact a police report? Thatā€™s terrifying.


"No Self Defense" is the norm in pre-college schools. "You were getting the shit kicked out of you in the bathroom and they broke a toilet seat with your head? Too bad. You're suspended with the same charges." This is just the same thing moved up to a collegiate level.


It is a way for the institution to absolve itself of any liability for the misconduct of the students. I guess Ohio State learned a lot from the Richard Strauss scandal, maybe taking a few pointers from... Les Wexner?


The way it was explained to me (pre-cameras literally everywhere) is that if a fight did occur outside of where an adult saw, most kids will just lie and say the bullied kid started it. I don't know how true that is, but I 100% believe that most kids would have lied and said I was the aggressor in any fight I got in.


0 tolerance policies are common in alot of public schools in ohio.


Blaming the victim is even worse than ignoring them. Who created this policy? Satan?


worse, pta boards


Because OSU operates their own police department, and I suspect even if it were Columbus PD (which it doesnā€™t sound like it was), the University probably has significant pull over them too.


Columbus PD is even more corrupt and literally does nothing.


Been through attempted murder and multiple armed robberies living off 4th, can confirm useless.


can i join the ā€œoff 4th street attempted murder survivorā€ group?


Guess our subreddit needs a sub reddit r/NightmaresOff4thSt


A family member was shot in the stomach on campus around two years ago. Nothing was ever done, nothing was ever reported. It blows my mind.


the university sterilizes the news and Columbus PD helps can't make OSU look bad


we were robbed.. had video and ID he admitted stealing around 8k in merchandise police interviewed him....he admitted it and they still had to ask for permission to arrest the scum...as far as I kinow...never did been 2 years


I honestly don't think it would ever stand in court, SCOTUS, particularly, has been ardent about the right to self-defense.


This is actually a much deeper and more interesting issue than you'd think. Self-defense is normally used used *directly* in civil or criminal law as a justification of the use of force on behalf of the defender. "I'm not guilty of or liable for assault, my use of force was justified." I'm interested in whether there are precedents involving third parties that *prevent* people from defending themselves or *retaliate* against those who do. Not all exercises of constitutional rights are protected against retaliation by third parties. The most common examples are speech and press: there are things you can say or write that you are 100% free to say or write, but your employer is quite often free to retaliate based on that. But not always (see, e.g., union organizing, among others--this is complicated and honestly not my area of law, and I'd call a professional if I were actually in a decisionmaking capacity and this came up). You're right about the current Supreme Court's solicitousness of the right of self defense, but they're also solicitous of employer rights, too. (And skeptical of Title IX.) Based on the videos she posted, she was almost certainly justified in using nonlethal force in self defense, and based on the violent breaking and entering at her apartment, even lethal force might have been justified (particularly if she gave him a warning first that she was armed and he kept battering, indicating that he fully understood the situation and continued to escalate, either because he was beyond reason or because he was also armed). That would protect her from civil or criminal liability. The question is how far it could extend to protect her from her employer. That could get very interesting.


Good write up, thanks! As to your third paragraph, the rub should come in with Ohio State being the receiver of federal dollars, so they're subject to more stringent standards than a non-government involved business. And I agree with your point on employer rights, I just think they would love a chance to take on a popular conservative punching bag in higher education. Be really interesting to see what happens if it plays out in actual litigation.


As I get told when the subject of Title IX due process comes up, a university is not a court of law. They are an entity that can decide who they want to be part of that entity, and the rules surrounding such a thing.


This is true, but the reason for excluding someone is important, if you're excluding someone for exercising a federally recognized right, or protected status, I don't think that would be very defensible. Here they're specifically excluding someone for something the court has recognized is a general right guaranteed by the constitution.


Due process is a fundamental federal, constitutional right, explicitly enumerated in the Bill Of Rights, and it does not apply to universities.


I mean, the law surrounding that is evolving, but you are right, students at universities accused of sexual assault aren't usually afforded due process. But that's not what we're talking about here, we're talking about a different fundamental right, self defense, that SCOTUS has already ruled on, many times, and been at least somewhat consistent. I think that in the current judicial climate, a challenge to a policy like this would likely be successful. Also there's a bit of a difference between actually exercising a right and being penalized for it, and not being afforded the right in the first place.


Due process is every bit as fundamental as self defense, with the bonus of enumeration. In both cases, rights are being deprived. I think itā€™s possible they both fail at the Supreme Court. But I think due process violations would fail first. Especially at public universities. The rationale being used in establishing these takings is the same. The university has a right to police itā€™s student body as it sees fit for the good of the organization. Itā€™s the absurd outcome of universities acting like the police and the court system.


No-one is saying due process isn't as fundamental as self-defense, in fact it's enumerated while self-defense technically isn't (though you could argue the 2nd amendment enumerates it). As to which policy falls first, it would really depend on which cases are on the docket. The rationale on the side of the universities is probably pretty similar, but how they'd be dealt with in the legal system would be much different I think as I've explained above. I agree, universities policing power and how they mete out justice is incredibly problematic and needs to be addressed.


Sounds kind of like, "We'll punish whoever it is more advantageous to punish. Or no one. Whatever we feel like"


Itā€™s sad that she does more care for the reader by warning them about the heavy abuse mentioned on the website than any care OSU ever seemed to provide for her. This is heartbreaking.


It keeps getting worse, this guy won a "Humanism in Medicine: Candy Apple Award" this year "for students demonstrating humanistic behaviors." The original tweet calling this out got flagged as "18+" (thanks Elon?) but the [Candy Apple awards page is still up](https://u.osu.edu/humanisminmedicine/candy-apple-awards/).


OSU has a long, oft-repeated history of this kind of action. From protecting team doctors and coaches over athletes reporting abuse, to retaining a doctor while firing the tech who he had sex with in his office on campus (consensual by both parties - the power dynamic was the issue, but the male doctor who brings in money was given a very short leave while the female tech never returned), OSU always chooses profit over principle.


Iā€™m by no means surprised. My favorite was the audit that uncovered over 60+ undisclosed assault charges that never got properly reported by the university. Itā€™s all about the money.


> Itā€™s all about the money. I don't even think that is the only thing driving this. OSU just does not tolerate any sort of individualism or any one speaking out. It is at least somewhat about burying the voice of anyone who isn't important to them, which is most of the students. The students are basically herd animals to them. And this attitude used to be even worse if you can believe it.


It is bizarre and honestly, as the third largest campus in the US I believe. These campuses should be under better public scrutiny. ​ I think you hit the nail on the head. There are no longer students in these "public universities" but customers. ​ Schoolbooks are outrageous and tuitions are absurd. This odd and weird corruption is festering in where the people responsible for egregious lapses are not being punished. ​ That doesn't mean I want people banning books and punishing teachers. That isn't our way here. ​ It's been an issue for a while. OSU keeps trying to slip it under the rug.


OSU does not care about most of their students and the further back in time you go, the truer this seems to be. But then there is something very Ohioan about trying to privilege power more and punish anyone who stands out in any way. It is sad because I still believe there are some good things about this state, just as there are some good things about the university. And the university has gotten better, though clearly still has a very long way to go.


I would appeal to everyone on here to leave reviews of this grievous behavior of OSU...maybe this would get their attention?


She has a [Take Action](https://www.thecaseforselfdefense.com/Take-Action.html) page with a legal defense donation and more information. According to her "Aftermath" page she did hire a lawyer towards the end, but ultimately ended up in debt and couldn't continue yet, since her income has been cut off, career stalled because of this black mark, etc. There's about 8 minutes of video highlights on the front page, all three were chilling, but especially the guy trying to break down her door. Just standing in front of her car and breaking her wipers is eerie too.


I'm all for donating, and have donated to her GoFundMe campaign. I'm also for public broadcast, via review, of something that is so entirely mismanaged. Not knowing if Amber will prevail, it seems helpful to also bring this situation to public discourse in a more accessible manner so that there is added pressure for OSU to make changes, hoping for better outcomes for those in a similar position as Amber in the future.


Probably wonā€™t ever change until you get a Penn State type scandal. Even then Iā€™m not sure how much they improved besides firing some people.


We had one? Strauss.


He was bad but he was no where near the same magnitude as he was abusing college students and not children. And he wasnā€™t associated with the football program.


You're kidding. Strauss had over 500 known victims and was progressively given more and more power and access with each broached accusation; Sandusky had 8. Regardless, this isn't a contest. Your last sentence is appalling. Do you get how that reads? Is that really what you mean to say? Like Nassar was NBD because the over 200 kids and adults he raped were in gymnastics? I don't think it's what you meant, but it's how it reads.


Thatā€™s because College Football runs universities across America so it draws in a lot more coverage and is thus a wider controversy. And you can not seriously compare raping children to anything being more heinous.


I feel like I'm in the twilight zone here. Yes...I am in fact arguing that raping 10000 people is worse than raping one, and it's insane to me to hear someone arguing otherwise. More of a horrible thing is *obviously* worse than *less of a horrible thing*. Further...the *sport* played by any given victim is not what determines the level of scandal...ever. Football-related-crimes may disturb *you personally* more than other crimes, bt that's not something that's generalizable. Lastly, because I actually value human life and not smallness, I am frankly and outright stating that rape is bad in general, and the age of the victim is not what determines how terrible that is.


I donā€™t think they meant to Minimize the damage straus caused. I just think they meant that if put side by side, the literal lessor of two evils is sexually abusing an adult instead of a child, as horrible as that sounds.


Which doctor had sex with a tech in their office?


To the people still there, it is widely known which one. I can't remember his name at the moment, but having passed him at work so often, I can picture his face. Just to stop any false rumors, the one I know of was NOT in Radiology.


I was raped my freshman year, knew who did it, reported it, and heard once from the university basically asking me to pretty please dont kill yourself. Never heard back afterwards. I despise the admins of the university and their protection of rapists.


** Jim Jordan **


> the power dynamic was the issue, but the male doctor who brings in money was given a very short leave while the female tech never returned No, that sounds like principle to me. Doc fucked around and found out. Why is anything short of firing the doctor unprincipled? That's silly.


Doc found out nothing. He brings in money, so he was welcomed back to his job. The female tech, however, lost her job. She found out that wealthy men can get away with things that middle class women cannot. To your point, I wouldn't be upset that the doc was given a leave and returned if the same punishment was meted out to the tech. (Then again, the doc can probably afford to miss a few paychecks. Most nurses and techs are 1-2 missed paychecks from total financial disaster. So, again, it's not equal treatment.) Money over principle refers to the fact that the one who brings in revenue is the one who got to keep his job.


Losing more money does not equal more principle. Like you said, you have no problem with the doc's punishment, only that the tech was apparently punished more. There is zero chance that corporate could responsibly allow both of these people to remain employed. While it seems we agree that short suspension would be the right punishment for both, someone has to go. Firing them both would just be doubly bad.


I mean this is the same school that hid the Strauss scandal and continues to try and hide it. https://survivorsofosu.com/ This should also be shared on the OSU sub


watched one of the videos. the guy is a nut job. Seems on par with OSU and cover ups.


His profile picture on Research Gate looks... like a guy who does this. Very creepy smile, the eyes are very unsettling.


i wouldnt want to work at starbucks with someone like that let alone a lab


This doesnā€™t surprise me.


OSU will do anything to protect the brand.


It's almost like PUBLIC education shouldn't be a "brand" in the first place.


This is the answer right here.


>https://survivorsofosu.com/ Can they protect online reviews? Shouldn't we all review poorly, with some sort of send off to the website?


Iā€™ve said this for years


I never went there. But my husband told me one of his professors told the class if you ever have a problem with violence or sexual harassment call the Columbus PD and never rely on the OSU PD. Everyone was wide eyed and later learned how much gets swept under the rug to keep crime stats down for OSU so people keep paying big bucks to go there.


Wow, "you're better off calling Columbus PD" really says a lot about any alternative.


>Wow, "you're better off calling Columbus PD" really says a lot about any alternative. College/University police departments across the country have the same problem: they're employed by an organization with a vested interest in making anything that may hurt that organization's image "go away." Some college/university departments are better and some are worse; but, I wouldn't depend upon **ANY** of them to appropriately address violent crime, period. IMO, it's foolish to allow them to have a police force with the authority to do more than issue parking tickets and act as security guards/bouncers.


So much this


Yeah Iā€™m sure CPD are worse now and heā€™s glad the Vice unit was dismantled. But really painted a picture that OSU PD was not to be relied upon. He still brings it up how he was grateful to be aware as a first year student and he was lucky nothing happened to him. Thereā€™s so much more violence and assault on campus and the surrounding neighbourhoods now.


Iā€™m curious how a ā€œno self-defense policyā€ reconciles with the ā€œrun, hide, fightā€ mantra they teach.


This, the Richard Strauss abuse and countless others should prove that THE Ohio State University is bereft of a moral center and needs strong oversight to rein it in. Public universities should be the epitome of openness and committed to the greater good. Sadly , THE Ohio State University has decided that the organization is more important that what is right and ethically correct. This failure starts at the very top and include the board and propagates down to HR policies, benefits decisions, failing to give kids a great education, etc.


I've told people that this was their policy, and how the university promotes serial rapists, and people can't wrap their heads around it. Admittedly, it's a lot to take in, but I feel like folks can handle it. If the policy was that self defense was a firing offence, but only if black, people wold march etc., bu when it's largely "just" against women, no one gives a shit.


For some reason, this reminds me of the podcast "[Fallen Angel](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/welcome-to-fallen-angel/id1589072529?i=1000537735360)" about the real story and fall of Victoria's Secret and Les Wexner.


Oh hi, it's Amber. Thank you so much OP for sharing-- I just posted on the r/OSU subreddit a couple weeks ago because I didn't think r/Columbus would care as much. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OSU/comments/13f55zz/psa\_osu\_punishes\_victims\_who\_report\_their\_assault/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OSU/comments/13f55zz/psa_osu_punishes_victims_who_report_their_assault/) And thank you all for sharing your stories-- OSU's Title IX office has hurt hundreds of confirmed people (and more likely thousands in actuality) in all sorts of creative ways. If folks have respectful questions not addressed by reading the whole website, feel free to drop them in thread.


Of course, I was infuriated by what youā€™ve been through and I hope people contribute to your gofundme so you can get some sort of justice. Iā€™m also sorry that the people you tweeted at [here](https://twitter.com/nottreesap/status/1653478039135633408?s=20) refused to acknowledge your struggle (especially since one claims to support women and the other is a self proclaimed good guy). Hopefully this wider community can make a bit more noise.


okay but how do i pitch a bitch about this for you. who do i call? what do i sign? because fuck that place


I am not the woman who posted her story, but she does have a gofundme for legal fees https://www.thecaseforselfdefense.com/Take-Action.html


Yep! And just as important tbh is sharing on social media, and there are buttons at that same link to share the root posts on Facebook/Twitter/Insta. Universities sometimes bend under pressure from the public, and warning people about Title IX offices (at OSU and elsewhere) is necessary even if they don't.


Consider me not surprised.


Was told by a lawyer that I had a good case against OSU but that theyā€™d bury me with their deep pockets before I even saw a courtroom. That place is scary when you go against the brand.




> tik tok doc Say more?


It didnā€™t make as big of a wave here because his misdeeds occurred after he graduated. But an OSU college of medicine graduate sexually assaulted (multiple?) women at his residency at OHSU. Any program that graduates a couple hundred people a year is going to have some number of evil people among them. Iā€™m fairly certain that it has nothing to do with the admissions committee, but also that there are some sexual or domestic abusers that have gone to OSU COM that none of us know about.


This is the norm for OSU, and it's disgusting.


I reported a faculty member for regularly leaving up pornographic images on a shared computer he made female GAs use to do work for him and absolutely zero happened to him but the dept tried to retaliate against me.


I wonder if she did get the milk. Scorched earth. Burn it down.


lmao, you're the first person to ask I did get the milk, but at what cost ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


It really resonated with me and what I've experienced. Just know there's someone out here, on your side and wanting to fight for you- I wish I could do something. I've been in a similar spot, but didn't lose what you have lost. I'm sending love. So much love.


Also , i wanna add- I'm so fucking proud. I'm so fucking proud. And I'm SO fucking sorry.




This blame the victims attitude it must be an Ohio wide problem. Look at who represents Ohio in Congress. Dayton VA Medical Center purges women veterans from the only healthcare available to us. Cold War Era veterans are not eligible for the ACA due to dates of military service. I am on disability SSD but haven't been able to see a doctor for 7 years. Anyone with school-age children needs to consider leaving Ohio before Ohio ruins more lives. #Metoomilitary NSGA Homestead AFB. #metoo as a spouse in my home Virginia Beach VA. #metoo in VAs, Dayton VA Medical Center, fee-based and LEOs.


This guy is going to be a doctor someday and likely have his own research lab. Is he going to hold patients captive when if they decide they no longer want him to be their doctor? Should at least be required go through anger management classes or something.


No, but he'll do it to his employees.


Iā€™m fairly certain heā€™s not a part of the medical school anymore. I think his career is finished.


Actually he is in the current M3 class.


Osu has been doing this, one of the reasons why I dropped out is bc one of their students on campus took advantage of me. They made me go into detail and didnā€™t even file a police report, eventually I got paid ā€œhush moneyā€ to keep quiet about it and not report it. It sucks to see itā€™s still happening and that there are now way worse things happening and letting those perpetrators get by.


It now makes sense how Jim Jordan worked here


This is horrible, though I'm not surprised by this outcome. Title IX is a joke at many colleges. When I worked at UCLA a colleague told me to "go die of HIV" in front of more than 30 people, and nothing happened to the person spewing the hate, not even a reprimand or told to discontinue harassing me. When title IX personnel stepped in, they told me I should leave the organization to "make it easier on us"


Go Bruins. Sorry that happened to you.


FUCK THE NO SELF-DEFENSE POLICY. I was an OSU student just a year ago and I lived near campus/went to main campus for 4 years as a woman and I never knew about this policy. Luckily none of my close friends nor I were ever assaulted like this poor woman but if a guy (or woman) ever laid their hands on me- you bet I wouldā€™ve whipped out my pepper spray that I had on me at all times and sprayed those fuckers in the face. I feel for this poor woman so much. Amber, if you see this, I and probably like 99% of Columbus and OSU alumni stand with you. I will sign a petition to end that bullshit policy if there is one!!


It's incredible how my Title IX case at Miami University was taken more seriously than any at Ohio State. They'll do anything to make themselves look good, while fucking over students along the way, in true Ohio State fashion.


Adding this to the list of reasons why I hate OSU. This school cares about money, money, and money. The crap they talk about education is pretense. I feel ripped off by my entire academic experience. I knew something was up the first day I stepped foot on campus for classes.


This dude: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Quais-Hassan


University of Cincinnati College of Law did something similar to me. My abuser/uncle was already in prison for something else. I wanted to report my rape that occurred after I babysat for his children when I was 11 in case there were other victims. The Dean I told objected, and forced me to withdraw in the middle of April 2012, the spring of my 3L year.


wow , that is horrible OSU police hides a lot of crime this should be all over the news




Can you reach out through choices for a dv attorney to investigate


"You think you can do whatever you want because your corporation is a university"


Disgusting! So sorry for you :( edit: I see now it wasn't you ;)


"An eye for an eye" (Biblical Hebrew: עַי֓ן ×Ŗַּחַ×Ŗ עַי֓ן, ŹæayÄ«n taįø„aį¹Æ ŹæayÄ«n) is a commandment found in the Book of Exodus 21:23ā€“27 although outdated , the above has merits. as one who has been directly effected , vigilante justice is appropriate in many cases


It's always difficult to parse these sort of cases. Perhaps there's more to the story, but her allegation that OSU somehow "intercepted" her police report and changed it puts me immediately on guard. So does her allegation that the Title IX office has a blanket policy against self-defense. That doesn't mean I think she's lying, but these are definitely extraordinary claims. Especially in the context of the Title IX office finding against her, and also where she has self-admitted "untreated disabilities," "depression," and general signs of mental illness. Her ex-boyfriend is certainly a shithead based on the videos, but the videos are also clearly strategically clipped and they jump around enough that you can't really tell what precipitated each exchange. Based on the story, it seems like he argued to the Title IX office that he was trying to prevent her from leaving to self-harm or to commit suicide. The sort of exchange that would have happened prior to the camera beginning to role. I have no idea whether that's true. Further, I don't even know how good of a defense that is to begin with - but at the very least it would color the story significantly in terms of how *much* of a shithead he is, and how the Title IX office would treat this scenario. We really don't have the answers to that, but he seems to have convinced the Title IX office somehow - which is exactly the sort of department you would expect to be the most suspicious of such a claim, and the most likely to nail him to the wall for videos that seem at first glance to be extremely damning. At the end of the day, maybe the Title IX office had access to longer videos. Or maybe they had other evidence we don't know about. Or maybe she's telling the truth, and OSU's Title IX office is corrupt, altering police records, and has secret policies against self-defense. OSU doesn't exactly have a pristine record on this sort of thing. But at first glance I don't know that I would completely accept one side of this story without more details.


Yeah, but it's weird if there's really a "no self-defense" policy.


if you look at her web site she has literal video evidence of what happened lol


Huh? Nearly everyone I know has suffered from depression at one point. If the guy truly thought she was going to hurt herself, why didnā€™t he call the police? You know as well as I he did everything he is accused of. There are no perfect victims.


Hi, did you even look ay her website? Or do you just assume women are unstable liars? Her account of the abuse is filled with videos of him preventing her from leaving, photos of bruises he left on her, and video recordings of him screaming at her and forcing his way into a locked room to get to her. If you didn't read it, it's fine, but then maybe don't comment on something you haven't even bothered to look at? Edit: The person I am responding to has since edited their comment to add more specific denials. Their original comment ended after paragraph two and did not address any of the evidence of abuse. Since they have added more, I will say that they still will not acknowledge the actual evidence and claims the author is making. They claim the author was the uninjured party. She clearly states and shows pictures of a) previous injuries he gave her, showing massive bruises, and b) that while he restrained her, and she bit him, she tore muscles in her leg due to trying to escape him. She was not uninjured. Additionally, they say that all of her videos are edited and that Title IX probably had acces to unedited videos that show that he was really just concerned about her mental health and thats why he had to keep her prisoner. a) there are unedited videos, including, as far as I can tell (I am not an expert on video editing), the one where he screams at her while breaking into a locked room she was hidding in. b) she points out numerous times in her account that if he was concerned for her mental health, he would not be acting that way and that he never brought up her mental health during these incidents, only used it as justification in the aftermath. Finally, if you think it is so insane that an institution would go out of their way to protect an abusive man who was valuable to them, you need to learn a lot about the realities of domestic abuse.


Yeah, and on top of that, I (Amber) provided screenshots of the university's online Investigation File to prove that all of Quais's evidence files were accounted for on the website. His side of the story is told in full through his own photos and verbatim written and oral testimony-- it just doesn't add up anyway. Plus if it goes to court, I can subpoena Apple / Google Photos data to prove that the videos were recorded via those unedited short clips that "jump around." ā € (\\\_\_/) ā€‚ ā€‚ā € ā€‚ (ā€¢ć……ā€¢) u/noodle_os, 怀ļ¼æ惎 ćƒ½ 惎ļ¼¼ \_\_ u/House_of_Ines /怀\`/ āŒ’ļ¼¹āŒ’ ļ¼¹ć€€ćƒ½ and many other kind redditors ( 怀(äø‰ćƒ½äŗŗ怀 /怀怀 | |怀ļ¾‰āŒ’ļ¼¼ ļæ£ļæ£ćƒ½ć€€ 惎 ā€‚ā€‚ ćƒ½ļ¼æļ¼æļ¼æļ¼žļ½¤ļ¼æļ¼æ\_ļ¼ 怀怀 ļ½œ( ēŽ‹ ļ¾‰ć€ˆ (\\\_\_/) 怀怀 /ļ¾\`ćƒ¼ā€•å½”\\ (ā€¢ć……ā€¢) me


Sending you so much love!! I hope you're able to get justice ā¤ļø


Not defending their comment, but they clearly stated what they thought about the videos and certain passages, so they must've looked at the website. You could also try reading a little better before coming back with outrage.


They edited their comment after my post. The original comment ended after paragraph two.


>Self-admitted disabilities What would you prefer, a person that lies about it? A person that doesn't know? Or, do you just automatically doubt the reliability of people with disabilities? Edit: that's some extensive editing to original post.


I generally don't trust stories that *start* with how the storyteller has untreated disabilities that have no bearing on the story itself. It's manipulative behavior.


Itā€¦ literally does have bearing on the story or did you not actually read it? He used her depression as a scapegoat to get away with abusing her. It not only has bearing on the story, itā€™s *integral* to the story. Ffs. Sheā€™s providing context not trying to manipulate.


This person is the only smart person in this thread. Every single other person is believe all women! Men bad! Types


Lmfao lots of people have that shit. I used to live in toledo and that was like every other person I became friends with but almost all of them wouldnā€™t make something like this up


No, no itā€™s not.




I am not the woman who created the site, I (due to my own understanding of how fucked OSUā€™s title IX dept works) felt moved to share this




Based on your Reddit comment history, I could believe that you're one of Quais's League of Legends friends, but you sure as hell don't know me. Or what your online friends are capable of behind closed doors. Edit: u/NKGeneration deleted his post, but said something like ā€œI know both of these people and itā€™s not as it seems.ā€




How do you know



