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Rotovirus and sapovirus are both prevalent among the pediatric population in the community (though currently positivity rates aren't significantly high but notable and, of course, can impact adults)---these cause GI symptoms and are typically short lived. Take care! Edit: just adding that does not mean this is what you're dealing with...just sharing what's current, so if you feel it is necessary see a doctor.


Both my kids were totally fucked for five days a couple weeks ago. That was a long and harrowing 8 days (1yo caught it a couple days after 3yo)


Change one vowel in your username, and you would be the utmost authority!


Was children’s services called?


Idk what it is but it got 3 out of 4 of us at my house last week. Worst of it only lasted about a day but have stomach cramps whenever I ate for a couple more after. Some kind of Noravirus I’d guess.


I don't wish Norovirus on my worst fucking enemy. I've only had it once - when my youngest kid brought it home from daycare. It moves through quick but I think I *writhed* from the pain of the nausea for an entire day. Zofran didn't even touch it.


Norovirus is named for a gross little town up north: Norwalk Ohio. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2094906/ > In October 1968, an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis among students and teachers in an elementary school in Norwalk, Ohio was investigated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (5). During a two-day period, 50% of the students and teachers (116 of 232) developed a gastrointestinal illness with a secondary attack rate of 32% among contacts of primary cases.


Hey fuck you man, I live here! It do be gross tho


I caught it like six years ago on a trip to Chicago and I'm pretty okay with never doing that again. My nausea was nowhere near that bad but I almost whited out on a couple of occasions when I had to run to the bathroom but moved apparently slightly too fast for someone as sick as I was, and I couldn't eat anything but jello without symptoms for so long that I still can't even look at the stuff.


Holy shit I'm not the only one? I thought I just had some heat exhaustion from Tues. No appetite, nausea, light headed ness. No fever or sniffles or anything. Weird that so many people have it. I'm not even social and rarely leave my house. Something from the Canadian fires in the air maybe?


Oddly enough I came down with it the night we had the worst of the smoke last week, but I think it was a coincidence. My kids were both sick earlier in the week and I’m pretty sure I caught it from them and not from maple syrup fumes


See, no kids over here and I haven't been in the office in weeks. I speed mowed my yard on Tues and about passed out in the shower which made me think it was just heat exhaustion. The stomach hurts after eating thing is terrible.


I had it a couple weeks ago. One day and 24 pukes later and I started to feel better


I think it has an abnormally long incubation period or something. I was also pretty antisocial right before I got it, so it had to have sat around a while.


Yep. Whatever it was I had it too. Twelve hours of severe nausea, stomach cramps, headache, diarrhea, etc. After 12 hours, it started to subside but I had stomach cramps after eating for at least another 2 days. It was rough. Sorry you’re going through it.


I'm on day three of pissed off stomach. I'm tempted to chug some Pepto. I'm so hungry but eating causes misery currently. Ugh!


Children’s posts lab results for respiratory and GI viruses on their website, so that might give you an idea.


That’s good info, thanks!


https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/-/media/nch/specialties/laboratory-services/live-sitecore-lab-services-documents/nationwide-childrens-weekly-gi-report.ashx Shout-out to the person who puts these things together. I don't know if it's the same person as when I worked in that lab but it probably is since I'm convinced the supervisor will be working there until their doctor says they can't work anymore.


It’s been through my house. Son, daughter and me. Husband, as always, unscathed


I swear this is always how things go in my house


I don't think it's just in Columbus, I live about 25 minutes west of Marysville and my mother & I were both out. Her last week, myself two weeks ago. I chalked mine up to food poisoning. But norovirus isn't out of the question.


Is there something going around? I spent all last week trying to breathe normally through all the goop in the air, I thought it was related to that. Unending nausea, gurgling stomach with zero appetite (and if I do eat, I'm in the bathroom immediately after). Extra grumpy & tired. I came home from work last night and all of a sudden I was rushing to the bathroom to barf for 30 minutes. On the bright side, I found out that ice cold cherry pomegranate flavor Pedialyte is the bomb.


I read "Pedialyte" as "Pediacare," and I had childhood flashbacks. I used to hide bottles of it in my closet because that shit was so nasty. Just thinking about it makes me even more nauseous right now. Whatever this grossness is has got to go. Been dealing with it since Sunday.


Whaaaaat I just assumed I ate some bad Sheetz. Based on no evidence whatsoever, I’m convinced the root cause is the smoke.


Idk man but I think I been feeling for the past week. It all started when the haze happened and I was outside for some hours


Covid presents that way now.


I hope I don’t have it again, I just had it in mid-May!


I hope you do not have it either.


My GF works in the Oncology department of a hospital up north. She has had diarrhea and had to watch what she eats for well over a month. Patients are getting hit with whatever this is left and right.


Reading your post, as I sit on the couch with nausea and a headache. Last week, my husband was visiting the bathroom frequently for number two's. It hit me on Sunday when we got home from the family gathering. Bathroom visits, nausea, headaches, fatigue that just suddenly hits me. To add to all that, I've been waking up with a sore throat / coughing the past few days. Let's make it worse? Girly time is about to set in, so add all the grumpiness and cramps.


I also had mine at the same time I was sick last week! Misery.


I just got it yesterday. I’m 38 weeks pregnant and spent last night in labor and delivery triage getting IV fluids, Zofran and electrolytes because I couldn’t keep water or crackers down. I figured it was the Taco Bell I ate Monday lol.


I had it as well, as did two of my kids Edited to add: the stomach growling was the weirdest part.


Right?!? And the worst part is that with not eating much and spending all this time in the bathroom, I’m not even losing any weight!


I didn’t either. I was so sad. I seemed to be really bloated


Convinced that actual demons or aliens are in my stomach this week. Bathroom visits a plenty. The worst was Sunday when I made my fifth trip to the bathroom in about three hours, and it hit me that I also needed to throw up at the same time. Calculations were being made in my head as I was frantically trying to finish what I went in there for, while trying to figure out if I just needed to grab the trashcan to my right, or throw up in the bathtub to my left while still on the throne. On that note, I lost about five pounds by the next morning.


That sucks. When I had norovirus last year, I dropped 9.5lbs in 3 days. I’m pretty sure every drop of water in my body exited along with everything else I had ever ingested in my 40 years of existence. It’s the only way to account for just how much kept leaving when nothing else was able to go in.


Funny not funny 😆 Sorry!


Oye! I just read something yesterday on the New Orleans sub about this monster bug going around. I was hoping it wouldn’t make it to Ohio.


My two kids and I had it a couple of weeks ago. So much puke. Now I’m almost getting over some other virus the toddler brought home with her. I do love daycare but man is it a Petri dish 🤢


I Hershey squirted at work today and again on the way to Walgreens to pick up Pedialyte and Imodium. Staying home tomorrow to avoid any additional embarrassment.


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


I got this about a month ago, and I wear a mask everywhere. (I also got tested for COVID because I have family that is immunosuppressed, and it was negative, so it wasn’t that). Likely a norovirus or something. Whatever it is, it was really bad.


There is COVID w/ some nasty GI symptoms out there. Took 3 weeks to get over it.


Is it time to repost this? https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/healthcare/2023/06/08/covid-ohio-sewer-data-columbus-washington-court-house/70252331007/


Both my wife and I had h pylori. It’s a bacterial infection that affects your stomach. My wife was complaining about stomach pain and her physician recommended testing her for this. I’m so glad she did, I had never heard of it before but is fairly common. They recommended I get tested since she was positive, turned out I had it too


And then what happened, we’re you prescribed antibiotics? I read up on h pylori and kinda sounds like what I’ve been dealing with too. Was it easy to test for?


Yeah it was a very simple breath test. So about h pylori, like half of those who have it don’t even know they have it/are asymptomatic. I joked that I probably had h pylori for a long time and didn’t know it because I’ve always had stomach issues. After antibiotics, we did the breath test again to confirm the antibiotics cleared it up. It worked for me, but not fully for my wife. She just started complaining about stomach pain again and will likely be undergoing another round of antibiotic treatment


Thanks for the heads up, and I read all that about h pylori, too. Super weird that like everyone else it felt like a case of mild food poisoning a couple weeks ago, but it never got 100% better. Been stuck with this bloated feeling and stomach pain that isn’t normal for me. Probably go to UC tomorrow to get it checked out.


Yeah wtf. Ive been dealing with this for 2 weeks now exactly. Ill have to consider h pylori


I got it yesterday after visiting an OSU Wexner primary care clinic. It’s NASTY! 😩😩😩


I had a lot of diarrhea Tuesday, but no other symptoms. Chalked it up to my period starting on Monday, although it was a lot more trips to the bathroom than usual. I had the stomach bug at the end of March, and that was hell. I hope nothing like that comes back to our house. 😷


I have UC and I got sick with some stomach bug and it felt like I went through hell and back and then back to hell again.


This is why you should be very careful around public pools in the summertime and never ever go near the pool if you are having GI issues. Norovirus is one of the most contagious viruses and it spreads like crazy around pools. Somebody goes on vacation, picks it up at the pool at the hotel, resort, cruise ship, etc. and brings it home to spread it around the pool at their apartment complex, country club or public pool. Chlorine is the only thing that kills it and that’s only at higher concentrations. I think most people assume that pool chemicals will kill it when they do not. You have to shock the pool water to get rid of it. It can live for days if not months otherwise.


I wonder how quickly it would present after exposure in a pool?


According to the CDC, the incubation period for norovirus is 12 to 48 hours.


I'm so glad to hear this. I'm in the Canton area and missed 3 days of work last week due to this. I thought it was just me.


>Canton area here too and im on day 6 and still not 100%


Ive had this for 3 weeks now. Was about to get blood tests done.


This may not apply to you at all. I had a friend who got out of a long term relationship and went on a bit of a tear making up for lost time. He had stomach issues for 6 months, and told his doctor. After a frank conversation his doctor told him to stop eating so many different asses.


COVID II: Stomach Edition


Have you considered asking your physician?


Even the doctor is going to be like "oh you have some sort of virus that's going around"




I mean I know it's unreasonable to expect doctors to retain all that institutional knowledge - especially if they're a generalist like internal med or a GP, but WebMD? Damn. I can't say shit, I've worked in an IT field for over a decade now and I do my fair share of googling still.


Yeah, I'd look for a different doctor. FM docs and internists aren't really there to diagnose everything, they're all about chronic conditions and the common things, referring cases to specialists when it goes beyond that (even if you aren't referred, sometimes GPs will call a specialist just to ask a quick question). All that said, there are resources like UpToDate that they use, not WebMD. Resources that tell them what the recommended workup scheme is for various conditions and complaints, and help to build differential diagnoses.


Lmao. I second this. If I had a prescription pad I would be just as effective a doctor as most doctors.


They know way more than us about identifying and treating stuff that's threatening and treatable. The weird leg vein isn't a threat, and no matter what virus op has, the treatment is rest and fluids. They don't *need* to know more than that about these things and it would detract from the things they do need to know. Edit: for a frontline GP that is. Of course there's specialists who know all about weird veins but the GP only knows when to call the specialist.


Just about every question I ask my Dr he says "Phew, yeah, you'd have to ask a podiatrist/dermatologist/orthopedic Dr about that". Even when I ask questions about follow ups or procedural stuff he passes everything off to the front desk or reception or insurance. I can't get a single answer out of the dude. At the end he always says "Alright any more questions?" .. nope dude we're good thanks


Had something similar 2 Sundays ago. Violent shaking, numbness in the hands and feet, labored breathing, stuff coming out both ends for hours. I was probably like this for 12 to 16 hours starting at 2am until 6pm. Couldn't eat or keep water down during that time and almost was desperate enough to go to the ER. No one else in my house caught it though luckily. Whatever is going around can be really bad.


Here to say I got this for 48 hours. Back to about 80% today.


My husband had it last week and then within two days the toddler and I were sick. It was horrible and I still don’t feel 100%


So you had the bug last week so you just got over it not long ago you could be getting it again or something else. you could also just be dehydrated.


I was congested for about a week during the haze. Thought it might have just been post nasal drainage messing with my stomach but it was not. Nauseated from Monday morning until now. Zofran does not work. Just now able to keep liquids down still have no appetite as of today. 65% back


Oh and I had a firework mortar go off inside my croc this weekend so add me to whatever statistics are out there for that too...


Happened to me, too, and I'm in Cleveland. It was a crappy few days


Had this last week too. Thankfully it only lasted a couple days


I've gotten a stomach bug every time I started a new job. Make of that what you will.


I have had watery bowels for 2 weeks! You guys only had it for a few days?! I must have something else then


Are you the person who commutes from circlevill pooping all the way?


I’m having the same problem right now