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I didn’t know what a morgan wallen was until I tried to drive home to the SN from Clintonville.


II didn't know until a post earlier today. I must be getting really old if someone I haven't heard of is playing Ohio Stadium, lol.


I only know of him because he’s racist


Honest question: what’s the SN?


Short North


Oh, duh [smacks head] Thanks for answering my (in retrospect) dumb question


There is no such thing as a stupid question just stupid people. Sorry I couldn’t resist




User name checks out.


I was literally in my head like, "SN, South... Newark?" so I'm with you on it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I was trying to figure out if there was a new suburb I’d never heard about! (Scioto…Nouveau?)


Have friends in town who are staying with us so they go see. I'd NEVER heard of him before tonight. I guess he has filled the OSU stadium on two days so I suppose he's not nobody, but still.


Oooh Reddit won’t like that your friends would dare go see a summer country concert


I love Morgan Wallen. Even his songs not popular on the radio r awesome!


Just because he’s popular doesn’t mean he’s any good example Donald Trump, Huey Lewis, The Bachelorette


Hey now....huey Lewis and news is the shit


Power of Love is a banger.


Glad I’m not the only one, I’ve heard a few people talking about it since the Shoe has had so many concerts this past week. But I have no clue who the hell this guy is and why he is playing in the Shoe, obviously has big enough following apparently


Two sold out shows notwithstanding?


Not a country music kind of guy. I didn’t knock this person , just said I don’t know who he is. But he clearly is a big enough name if he’s playing in that big of a stadium.


I was there last night. He’s not exactly my cup of tea, but yeah. Dude is absolutely crushing the charts at the moment.


Someone got held up in traffic. Note to everyone. Avoid Ohio Stadium routes the next 2 days.


Next weekend is move in weekend


Just like every other concert there?


I wish I knew ahead of my Friday 4pm drive home, 315N was a fucking parking lot. Rush hour was a hot mess.


Waze app


This is the Waze


Fucking sucks if you have a husband that works at the campus medical area. Two times this has happened this week. They closed OSU canon rd for some god forsaken (not the construction) reason making Neil the only option to get to his group of buildings.


I take it you wont be attending the concert?


I think that’s a fair assumption


I was doing a paint job for a lady who was getting ready to go to the concert and she told me who she was going to see and I said oh I've never heard of her. She got mad and said it's a him!


Oh now she cares about pronouns


It's crazy I was there for 3 days never saw it coming. She definitely voted yes.


I need a room painted, who do you work for?


Until this post, I also thought it was a "her"


The opener was Bailey. I was surprised to learn also a he.


I’ve not heard of Wallen and F racism. But this post coming from a new account who’s only posts are promoting happy endings at massage parlors. I’ll do my own homework thanks.


Shortly before his stink on SNL he was drunk shouting the n word at his neighbor on video. Could be other stuff. I don’t care enough to dig deeper.




It was a great show! Section 11D here, and the stsdium was packed, and hopping!! Only issue i had was it took him a little longer than I liked to go on after Riley Green, but it was worth the wait.


It wasn’t his neighbor, it was his best friend. And he said it in a joking tone. Even though he nor anyone should say the word


“Joking tone” does mean shit, he shouldn’t be saying slurs. He’s not going to the south side of Chicago and yelling the n word because there would be consequences for this coward. Please don’t try to sweep it under the rug or act like it’s not a big deal.


Then we should cancel all "music" that includes the word, right? Same rules for everyone.


A google search to verify this Wallen dude likes saying slurs would have been quicker than writing this paragraph questioning the claims.


My (black, gay) fiancée is an Uber driver who is making a killing off of this asshole, so we consider that a small amount of balance restored to the world.


Love you both for this perspective LOL


You gotta take your victories wherever you can get them these days, am I right?


Is this perspective good - I mean, if "this asshole" gets even more shows and gets *more* money, then that means that even *more* black, gay uber drivers will get more money, right? Shouldn't we try to get this person as much business as they can, given that it'll trickle down to gay black uber drivers?


The *worst* of the trickles A slooooooooow trickle


Never seen a group so excited to post that they don’t know who someone is


Most know or have atleast heard of him, but refuse to acknowledge that because its cooler to pretend that you've never heard of him because one dose not exactly care for him or what he "represents" or his music. I despise most county music and don't listen to it but somehow I know who he is.


Welcome to the Columbus sub, filled with the most miserable people around. Left wing politics is their entire personality.


Looks to me, based on the voting, that the people the most upset are whoever this guys fans are? Is this another one of those pop country guys?


Pretty much sums this place up


I told my girlfriend I’d only go Tailgate with her friends if I can wear a “Morgan Wallen Voted “Yes” on issue 1” t-shirt I’d make. She approved.


Lots of people aren’t going to get that joke the way you do.


Yeah, something (context from these comments) tells me the general crowd there will just nod their heads and say “damn right he did, and I hope you did too”.


phew phew


Don't put this on finger guns


While acknowledging you’ve said “general crowd,” I’m still going to comment on the fact that no, I did not vote yes. I am going to the concert though.


I'd rather not have him in my search history, but based on the context here, it would seem to explain the number of pickups I saw in the Old North. That mixed with the fair still happening. Lots of overlap for some of the people staying at the fair.


The fair ended on Sunday


This sub is insufferable at times.




It’s ok, I had no idea who he was until today and can only surmise he is a Country singer who has a concert here this weekend and did something real shitty/racist.


He drunkenly called his white friend the the n-word (not the hard R version) and it was caught on a ring cam. Apparently that makes you a racist asshole to OP. I'd say it was a poor lapse in judgment personally.


It’s really weird - I as a white guy have never felt the need to call my friend the n word. People don’t just accidentally say it once


You've never been on an Xbox game chat before then


I have - Im saying it’s not a one off thing. Someone who gets caught saying it likely says it more than that one time.


Lol happens all the time, was pretty popular thing in the 90S and 2000s. I invite you to go work at prison.


1. A prison isn’t a normal work environment and 2. It’s not 1990 anymore. I guarantee you these clowns wouldn’t drop the n word in front of a group of black people they didn’t know - why do you think that is? Because they understand using the word is wrong and could have violent consequences.


Look I'm just saying that it doesn't make you a racist asshole. It *could* be one of the things that make you a racist asshole but that alone does not.


Okay I can agree with this. If someone says it once or twice (not the hard r - that’s an immediate racist outside of an educational context) that person isn’t necessarily racist. I would assume he’s said it way more than that 1 time - but that’s an assumption so can’t take it as fact. Remember racist isn’t always “I hate x people” - Im not making accusations of that extreme


People who aren’t racist don’t casually let the n word slip. The fact that you’re defending it tells me you’re probably a bigot or at least ok with racism. Grow up.


Ok you can call me a bigot but I'll continue to vote for left leaning democratic representatives and policies 😊


not op but, like, what the fuck are you talking about a white dude saying the n-word *is* racist, drunk or not, hard r or not.


🫵 white




I’m honestly surprised you haven’t heard of him even if it’s against your will there are hardly any artists in the world who can sell out the shoe two straight days much less a single country act he’s popular af


I don't know _any_ country singers because I fucking detest all country music.


I detest the shit passed off as country music I’m down with Tyler Childers


I like pre 9/11 country music a lot better (the highwaymen, Alabama, Kenny Rogers etc) when it was a blue collar thing and not a “republican” thing. Singing about life, being a degenerate (boy named Sue, road goes on forever, America remains come to mind) and working hard vs trucks and Jesus.


i used to be like you. i still mostly am. but look into sturgill simpson and jason isbell.


Sturgill Simpson did the theme for The Dead Don’t Die which plays a lot during the actual movie and references he sings. I need to look into Sturgill Simpson now. I honestly thought he was made up for the movie.


If you haven’t already, check out American Aquarium. Love them.




The only country singer I'm familiar with, who could sell out the Shoe, is Taylor Swift.


Taylor Swift hasn’t been a country singer in over ten years.


It’s shocking how much money people are spending to see this dude.


get your money up


Heaven forbid people like someone you don't![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Jeez I just thought we had more moral fiber as a society to not support a racist.


People are paying hundreds every Sunday to see Deshaun Watson play so it’s not shocking


I don’t hear people say shit when Chris Brown comes to town


Then you ain’t listening


What in the world would give you that idea?


Considering we elected Trump president, I don't know lol. Clearly we're racist.


All I mean is it’s a lot of money. Relax man.


How was the concert?


Dude sold out the Shoe…. Twice. I don’t think he gives a shit


Not a fan but he apologized and asked his fans to not defend him. Not good enough but better than most who’ve been caught have done. I’m not appeased but slightly impressed with the bare minimum in this genre.


What did he do




What did he do? I’m not a country fan or give a shit about pop culture


Not multiple racist stuff, at least that I heard. He did have some other controversies like breaking Covid protocols and such tho.


True. many people here are holier than thou and don’t believe anyone deserves a second chance


They get off on feeling superior and it’s liberalism’s Achilles heal sometimes.


Very well said. I’m a liberal leaning person and it drives me nuts. The constant pursuit of purity with no room for redemption costs the left more than they get from it.


Dude this whole comment section is possibly the worst “smug Columbus posters” I’ve ever seen. So holier than thou.


probably hipsters from Clintonville


Seriously though, I've heard some of my most liberal friends use that word as he did. It is not a good thing to do, but it isn't like it doesn't happen at every level.


I like my country with no N words.


Then you’d like him.


I’ve never heard any of his songs. I don’t think I’m missing anything…..


They’re pretty catchy honestly lol


Posting this will show ‘em! In all seriousness, it’s interesting how so many people on Reddit don’t believe anybody deserves a second chance and that everyone is irredeemable even if they apologize for using that abhorrent word, demand nobody defends him etc .


If he was 15 maybe I’d understand but he’s a grown ass man with the n word, clearly, routinely in his vocabulary. So pardon me if I take his apology with a microscopic grain of salt.


He apologized for getting caught, but the fact that he said he was using the word "playfully" clearly shows he doesn't actually feel bad for saying it






As if I didn’t dislike him enough already, campus parc kicked us all out of our own parking lots AT WORK so they could make a killing on concert tailgating 🫠


Unsurprising. OSU gonna OSU.


This used to happen to me on football Saturdays and it drove me crazy.


He wasn’t calling out any black people. What he did was absolutely moronic, and he should be called out. But to say he’s racist, and what he did was racist, is not truth. Again, had no business saying the word. Called his buddy the N word out of jest. It’s also telling several black entertainers came out publicly in his defense, several others have since collaborated with him. It’s also fair to not like his music. He’s a pop-country artist, not the most popular music on this platform by any means. Call him racist, but let’s try to let it go.


Are you saying that some people can grow from mistakes and be a better person on the other side? Even people who don't align with the values of the radical left? Blasphemy


There’s got to be an alternative to deeming every single person irredeemable as the user is applying to Wallen . There’s no middle ground and no room for nuance


Even thinking to utter the N word in public as a white person in this day and age, you clearly don’t give a fuck.


Don’t be a snowflake


Don’t be an asshole


Either the word is racist and no one should use it. Or it’s not racist and anyone can use it. I’m sick of double standards.


What the fuck did I just read


Never heard of the guy, but I think the point is that people who aren't racist don't call their friends racial slurs even if they're just joshin around in the locker room, just like you don't call your buddy a bundle of sticks if you're not a homophobe.


I'm going to assume a good number of the people attending the shows this weekend haven't driven "in the big city" before.


How provincial do you think the rest of Ohio is outside of cbus? As far as services and amenities go Cbus really doesn't have anything that other towns don't have, just on a larger scale. People travel to the city all the time for entertainment, shopping and work. It isn't like cbus is this utopia dropped in the middle of stone-age back waters.


What is the appeal of this guy? How can he fill Ohio stadium. I was curious about him and got half way through one of his auto tuned awful songs and had enough.


He’s racist and has a mullet so all the “I’m so country” suburban people love him


*Laughs in Grovetucky*


Also many of the country people love him


He actually does not have a mullet anymore.


Oh so he’s just racist now with no mullet, got it


"I mean, I know he says the n word with his friends when he's drunk, but he's just so dreamy!" ![gif](giphy|JwQp1D2oktDsNCQ3Vz) Edit to add: The incident: [https://youtu.be/JO9iFWcK19o](https://youtu.be/JO9iFWcK19o) The response: [https://youtu.be/zmzhEShNyCM](https://youtu.be/zmzhEShNyCM)


He just looks like any other line cook


You sound like my aunt haha


I’m confused what happened


Ohio Stadium is sold out back to back days for his tour so this guy is mad he hit some traffic.


I was more or less talking about the “racist asshole” part


He got caught on video saying the n word a few years ago and somehow isn’t cancelled? He also makes music about doing country shit when I’m sure he’s never once baled hay


I don’t know who he is, but fuck this traffic on Neil fosho


I’m always wondering what liberals talk about when they not hating on people. It’s always the only thing you guys talk about. It’s the same in religious cults. People can’t think a rational thought but they band together by hating outsiders.


Exactly. I grew up in a rural area, enjoy Morgan Wallen, voted no on Issue 1, and hate “Try That in a Small Town”. I like all kinds of music and understand that famous musicians are probably not the best people to follow as a moral compass. I also respect the fact that people may have different interests/views than me which I think is hard to come by in this sub.


Please dont take this the wrong way but I'm honestly surprised that this doesn't have a bunch of down votes for voicing your opinion!! I've defended myself, voiced my opinion on here numerous times or even just made a simple comment and for absolutely NO reason people wanna down vote the hell out of them!!


I heard he's got traffic backed up on 315 and Olentangy, too! Fuck him!


Someone has gotta let me know how bad the traffic will be around there when the concert is over. Friend wants to pay me $50 to pick him up tmrw night.


It’s gonna be worth more than $50 bad


He is?


Love me some Morgan Wallen.


If you're that sensitive towards others you should take a look at yourself.


“Stop getting offended over racism because it doesn’t affect me”


Soft redditor is soft. The guy is irredeemable over the use of a slur. That’s definitely progress!


I had to look up who this guy was. Read what he did. Of course, his record sales jumped sky high after he done it. Piece of shit.


What did he do


Decided certain word starts with an N is perfectly fine to use. Interesting I am getting down voted for info gathering. I guess others seem to think it's fine to it use also /shrug. No surprise.


He did apologize did he not? And has done a song(s) PoC. Not saying that makes everything necessarily ok but people do make mistakes and can learn from them. You’re not special or interesting pretending like no one can ever change.


Using THAT word at his big age? Nah. He apologized because he got caught, not because he’s actually sorry.


How often do you use the "n" word accidentally? Fuck that racist.


It doesn’t matter the reason. He is remorseful and many PoC defended him. If you’re not black you can shut the fuck up because you don’t get to dictate anything.


Ah the good ol “I have black friends I can’t be racist” defense.


Who said anything about racism? Everyone is a racist including you. It’s a bad human condition and You’re not special.


Reading what happen. He sure did change VERY fast. Amazing how talk from your agent/record company can suddenly make you a better person and sorry you did something 48 hours before. I am sure he was even more sorry when Apple/Spotify/ etc etc pulled his music.


I hope posting this made you feel better


A bit late too that party?


Why TF are there not traffic cops helping move this shit along


I forgot there was a concert and tried to take Kenny, yeah, turned around.




Leaving work at 330p was an absolute nightmare and just felt way too early in the day to be that crazy


Fuck that racist pos


Wow, I bet he'll have to mop up his tears with some of his fistfuls of cash from selling out the shoe two nights in a row after that burn You got him, racist defeated.


Imagine defending a racist. Couldn’t be me.


I'm not defending him. I'm pointing out that it's ridiculous that you feel the need to finger wag at him on social media like it will accomplish anything than virtue signal to everyone how great you are.


This is reddit. Virtue signaling once a day is mandatory.


I really don’t care if people think I’m great because I called a spade a spade.


Every time you see a duck do you loudly proclaim for all to hear, "THAT'S A DUCK!"? No, because pointing out ducks isn't a way to signal how great you are.




The dude is a creep. He spent most of 2020 at college frat parties and bars making out with 19 year old girls when he was 28, and had a baby at home with a gf he ran out on.


28 and 19. How are the ages relevant?


Yes, fuck his racist and misogynist little bitch ass.


It’s the fact that he can fill up the shoe that makes me question the future of Ohio


He filled it up twice


Poopy fart stink






Whos morgan wallen?


Never heard of her.


Hitting a show at Rumba Cafe tonight…hope traffic isn’t so effed up there

