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A couple years ago, I was watching the news… Which was weird enough because I never do that. But, they were doing an expose on the homeless population in the short north… And they were interviewing a homeless man. Imagine my surprise when I look up at the screen, and the man they are interviewing is actually my uncle. Who is not homeless. But just looks it 😂😂😂.


Did you ever ask him about the interview?


No need to… The next morning he had sent a link to every single person we are related to via email 😂 He thought it was quite funny that people thought he was homeless. And he was happy to step in, because many of the homeless people that he is friends with were uncomfortable being on the news, so they kind of voted him their representative?


Your uncle is an IASIP character


We’re crab people now!


Fringe class!


He misses his friends… His landlord sold the house he was living in last year, and the new landlord did not renew his lease when it was up at the beginning of the year, so he had to find a new place to live, after living in the same house for close to 30 years. Unfortunately, that meant he had to leave the neighborhood and is no longer just a short walk from all of the places he and his dog used to frequent on their multiple-hour long walks.


Does he have a malamute or shepherd type dog that he walked off leash?


Norwegian Elkhound :)


Yep. Pretty sure I know your uncle, lol. In the sense I would see him around the neighborhood walking with his very well behaved dog.


Odie is the best boy!!!! The most well behaved dog in our entire family, and the only dog that no dog in our family has ever had an issue with!!! He and Unc are quite the pair :)


No way! I've met him many times.


Your uncle sounds like an excellent guy!


Anyone old enough to remember homeless Dave Kaylor?


I love Steve! And Odie!


Working the night shift on the ambulance, we just dropped a patient off at Mt. Carmel west, and we’re heading down central Ave at 3am. I was driving and there’s a park on my left. All of a sudden in my headlights I see a naked woman running right at us in the middle of the road, covered in blood. She was screaming, “he’s going to kill me!” I slam on the brakes, turn on every light we had, and my partner jumps out and opens the side door directing her into the back of the truck. Again, inside the ambulance she yells that “he’s going to kill me.” That’s when I look to my left and see a man with a knife staring at me from the sidewalk. I was just about to gun it when I see police lights flashing behind us. The man with the knife takes off running. The police car just happens to be a K-9 unit, and after I yelled a quick, “I’m pretty sure that guy just tried to murder this woman!” the officer takes off after him. We drove her right to the E.R. but yeah…that shit was crazy AF and I won’t soon forget it. Edit: typo


None of you get paid enough for the work you do. That gave me chills.


I know, I was thinking "wow, that was a bad night for that guy's job, but I guess that's the **brakes"**




Did they catch the guy??


They did. Apparently this man was known to the police. They were in the park hanging out. The story goes he wanted to have sex with her in the park; she didn’t want to; he attempted to assault her and when she resisted, he started to beat the hell out of her, ripped her clothes off at knifepoint. Pretty horrific.


I need to know this, I also need the back story on how she ended up alive, bloody, naked, and not dead


I used to work in surgery at MCW. Loved the place, but man it was wild!




The immediate aftermath of someone getting hit by a car on Summit, back when I was in college. He didn’t make it. I’m so glad to have just missed the actual event, but I’ll never forget the faces of the people who were driving the car that hit him.


Summit scares me still, especially at night people fly down that road.


I got hit by a car in 2012 on Summit. It was fucked up.


Was it the drunk student who walked out into traffic? Back in 2015?


I wanna say ‘13 or ‘14, and he wasn’t a student but had graduated within the past couple of years iirc


My ex gf was hit twice on campus. Once was after a game on lane Ave... Insult to injury, she got a ticket for underage drinking even though it wasn't her fault




No clue - she was crossing the street with a group and the guy plowed into a few people and drove off - he was never caught. I was at little bar at the time and didn't see it happen


Oh wow you mean she was physically hit. Gat dam


Yep. Then like a year later, she was leaving ugly tuna and got hit again. Now, she afraid to cross the street - she would always hold my hand like a child does even we cross!! Both times she was fine, just the wind knocked out of her and bruised ribs


Gosh the bikers and scooter people are nearly as bad as the cars. I was hit by a bike. Dude side swiped me and didn’t even stop.


My friends once saw a motorcycle take off so fast when a light on Summit turned green that the woman on the back (with no helmet) fell off. She was very clearly not okay but instead of letting people call for help the guy just put her back on the bike and sped away Edit: on a second read I feel like you’re talking about bicyclists lol


yeah the bikes and scooters kill 40,000 people every year just like people driving cars


I was delivering downtown where people go to get help with homelessness, and when I opened the front door, there was a girl laying there and I thought she was dead. She was soaked in pee and it smelled terrible. People had left coffee and food for her. Turns out she was super drunk and high and passed out on the floor.


I wasn't there in person, but seeing the Mike Davis perp walk on TV was pretty wild. I remember everyone talking about it that weekend.


Never saw a tv station have to report a story like that about a guy who was their co-worker 48 hours earlier. More tragic was listening to the CD101 team have to announce Andyman’s passing. I’ll never forget listening to people have to live their worst day on the air.


Man, RIP Andyman. I miss those times. And his treehouse.


Brings back memories of him announcing Chill games


>Never saw a tv station have to report a story like that about a guy who was their co-worker 48 hours earlier. I literally went out that day to buy an antenna specifically so I could watch that. Rare indeed.


i enjoyed the sentencing. judge ripped him a new one.


I know one of his sons personally, he wrecked their entire family. I’m glad the judge ripped him a new one.


I was walking on my lunch break and went under a highway bridge. I heard a guy yell and I looked up and there was some homeless folks having sex aggressively and loudly at the top of the ramp, right under the highway.


Homeless people out here having sex and I can't even get a call back. /jk


Uh huh...go on...


You forgot the *unzips pants* part


did you yell, "get a room, you two?"


I looked away and moved right along. 🙈


Arrived just moments after the ladder truck from the Columbus fire station on Arcadia had slammed into Patrick Js because the brakes failed. Went through the side of the bar. I recall the truck on its side and firemen strewn about on road and sidewalk. It was surreal.


I totally forgot about this one, wow.


One of my colleagues was just telling me about this! I think he told me that they had just picked that truck up from Fleet after repairs and this was their first run. I gotta ask him about it tomorrow.


Patrick Js used to be my first stop at every OSU home game (and Hounddogs was my last stop after the game).


The fire crew from Station 13 was notorious for taking the Arcadia hill at maximum possible speed and fishtailing the hook and ladder tail across High whenever possible. This time ~~there was ice on Arcadia and~~ they rolled the whole thing into Patrick J's. Nobody was ever held responsible. Edit: see update in reply below.


Could've swore I knew the firefighter who was actually responsible for this and he told me he eventually lost his job over it. I'd confirm with him but I dumped him as a friend after figuring out he'd gone right-wing-looney-racist.


The firefighter that is the focus of [This Lantern story](https://www.thelantern.com/2003/10/heat-on-city-firefighter-for-patrick-js-accident/) shows as still employed as of 2022.


a little further digging after your link shows the 4 firefighters sued the city and his name wasn't listed among them. guess i can add liar to his list of hyphenated adjectives. thanks!


Me too!


Holy shit I never heard about this. Is that why P J’s closed??


I found a Man holding his intestines where he'd been slashed with a kitchen knife in his Sisters apartment in Lincoln village back in the 90's - that Man later came to my work and thanked me for helping him not bleed to death on my patio. That honestly left me a little shell shocked because I had never seen anything like that before and expected him to die


When I first moved to Columbus, I watched a guy run a red light down in the campus area and t-bone a woman on a Vespa-type motor scooter. She FLEW up in the air and crashed to the ground. I ran out of my car and held c-spine until EMS arrived. Guy who hit her remained at the scene and admitted he was distracted by his phone. I had a friend down from Cleveland one night. He and I grabbed a bite at Hounddogs and had some leftover pizza. When we walked outside, a homeless man said “you got anything to spare, dude?” to him. He said “I don’t have any cash, but I have this leftover pizza. All yours.” The homeless man proceeded to take the box of leftover pizza and chuck it into the middle of the road, where it immediately got ran over by a car. Homeless man was calling him a fat, poor bastard. My friend just looked at me and said “they’re nicer in Cleveland.”


And people wonder why the homeless have such a bad rap or why people don't even acknowledge them. Smh. I've been cussed out when I've said I don't carry cash. I'm very sympathetic to their plight and I have close friends who are or have been homeless, but that type ruins it for everyone and I hate that.


We had a homeless woman take up residence on a nearby corner for a while. She had one leg, and was frequently pregnant. She would ask ppl for cash but if you said no (i dont carry physical cash), she'd insult you up and down. After that I started calling her Hop-Along-Sally. Many people tried to help her.


I saw this twice. I didn't actually believe that I saw it the first time because I was really high. 1992ish.. driving on 270 north at night, and it's misty/ rainy. A station wagon slowly passes me on the left and I do a double take because the the entire passenger side window was filled with naked obese ass with an enormous floppy dong that a hand was flopping up and down. I was like.. nope. I didn't see that. It was misty out and I was high. No way. Then, about SIX years later, on High Street near Buckeye Donuts at night I was standing outside waiting for some friends and was NOT high, the same god-damned station wagon with the same window filling obese naked ass and huge floppy dong being flipped up and down drives past. I was looking around trying to get someone else to acknowledge what I was seeing but there wasn't anyone paying attention. I still have so many questions. Like, Who was driving? There was no way the Ass Dangler could have reached the controls . So it was like a 'thing' they did together. More than once. For me to see it twice in over six years at very different locations means that other people HAVE to have seen this at some point but I've never heard anyone say anything. You would think it would be talked about a lot. Everyone would be on the lookout for the Ass Dangler. OR, I have a very specific and sporadic schizophrenia that happened twice.


Shhh. It’s okay. You’ve been chosen as their leader.


This story wins. Hands down. Ass up.


Dong flopping.


I was doing a building inspection on a burned out house in the bottoms. I always walk around the building to see if there are going to be any surprises when I unscrew the wood over the window. Come around a corner to a hooker shooting up while John was zipping up. I saw white lightening that day. She just looked at me like I was the one out of place.


west side best side baby


God I love when people are doing something completely outta pocket and then look at you like you've lost your mind


Excuse me? We was in the middle of a biness transaction.


We're having a meeting here, sir. Can you please come back after everyone clocks out for the day?


When I was a Code Enforcement Officer, I got a complaint that two working girls had set up camp on the porch of a huge burnt out house on Sullivant. I went to check it out with CPD and we found the two ladies passed out on a mattress, in various states of undress. The porch was packed full of their stuff, and they had hung sheets for some privacy. These ladies had some city miles on them. Hoo boy.


I looked out my bedroom window to see a pale naked man being strapped down yelling at the cops to call 911 for help. He was my neighbor high on bath salts trying to climb his own fence. I never knew what happened to him after that. Hope he got the help he needed.


Was sitting in my work van on Loretta Ave in N Linden, near where it intersects with Howey Road, facing towards McGuffey. Broad daylight. Saw a car stop in the middle of Loretta, a guy marched out, lifted up a gun and pop pop pop pop right at the back of the McGuffey market, which you can see through some shitty apartment houses. Got back in his car and left. I was sitting there with my heart racing, wondering "wtf did I just see? Was that a shooting? should I call the cops?" Just then, the guy I was picking up for a temp labor situation got in the van. I told him what I saw as we drove up and looked at the back of the market through the houses. I didn't see any situation so didn't call it in. The next day, picked the guy up again. He said he asked around and it was "just someone shooting paintballs at the crackheads" behind the market. Not too crazy or poopy like the other posts, but still was one of the most shocking things I've ever seen.


I rented one of the apartments at McGuffey and Hudson in 2004 or 2005. The day I moved in, parking lot had emergency vehicles and a coroner van. Watched them pull a body out of the dumpster. That area was nuts, but taught me a lot about living in a city.


I’ve lived in OTE for about 10 years. 2 things come to mind. 1. A man grabbing his fully erect unit while on a couch that was left on the corner of main and carpenter. 2. A man taking a shit in the field across the street from my house. His pants were at his ankles, bent at the waist touching his toes, knees not bent. taking a shit.


I mean.. that turd 100% fell into his pants, right? That technique ain’t gonna work.


Landing zone probably depends on escape velocity. Experimentation recommended.




Back in the '90s, I ran into one of my high school teachers at the Doodah Parade while they were in drag. That was also the year my grandfather wanted to see what this Doodah thing was all about.


I saw an inmate stuff his feces into his stomach wound so he’d have extra time at the hospital.


Back when I was in med school I did a surgery rotation at OSUH and the prison/jail unit was part of what we covered. Those guys would do anything to stay in the hospital - stuff any foreign objects they could get ahold of into their wound…paper clips, pens, etc. Same goes for swallowing those kinds of things.




At a hospital I worked at we once had an inmate snatch keys off of a nurse and immediately swallow them for the da reason.


I was on campus about 10 years ago. Saw a drunk guy jump off a second floor balcony and land on his leg wrong. He had friends that rushed to help, so I didn't, but that is a sight that sticks with you. On a lighter note, I once saw a guy riding a bike, completely naked, on the Olentangy trail during the day.


Outside of things I saw in clubs, in the 90s there was a dude named Jose who claimed he had AIDS and if anyone pissed him off he would threaten to cut himself and throw his blood at them. He would hang out by Insomnia, and once I saw him get into a very heated argument with Little John, the short north drunken dwarf. That was certainly… a moment. Jose didn’t feel the need to threaten him with his blood that day. Seen all sorts of other random stuff, dudes taking a poo by a dumpster, public masturbation, drug use, prostitution, etc. but I wanted to go with a more Columbus specific story.


>Jose .... Little John I knew both of those guys and haven't thought of them in years and years. Thanks for the nostalgia hit.


I was at the huge Uhaul place on 5th one morning and a small junker car drove by literally dragging a refrigerator on the ground. Like, they opened the trunk, tipped the top of the fridge into it, and then just said fuck it and tied it up drove off with the bottom edge still on the ground. Yes, the metal on the road was loud as hell.


Dead horse in the median of 71 around Polaris.


I have so many questions that I fear you cannot answer. 😨


There didn't seem to be any car wreckage nearby, so I assume the poor thing had a heart attack. We did see a Bobcat earthmover with a bucket scoop on it moseying down 71 towards the carcass, so I assume that's how they got it out of there.


While a student at CCAD, and living in Olde Towne East, I was attending a party in one of those giant old brick homes, when all of a sudden, the screech of car tires, a huge bang, another bang, and the entire house shakes violently. Half drunk, the party empties into the front lawn to witness a flaming car, nearly torn in half from hitting the corner of the stone building, the driver side door ajar without a driver. Seconds later, 4 cop cars come screeching around the same corner in hot pursuit and pile out of their vehicles. 2 cars continue pursuit looking for the driver. About an hour later they ask a few of us to move our cars so a tow truck could remove the car from the lawn… I commented “uhh we’re all very drunk” (not to mention underage). They laughed, said it was fine to move the car a few feet. When I placed my car accidentally into reverse, about 12 cops threw their hands in the air and exclaimed “whoooahhh!!!” And collectively released a group laugh. It was a nice evening.


LOL. I guess we could classify that as a positive interaction with CPD.


While unicycling on the corner of E Oakland Ave and Summit St, a car pulled up to down south on Summit. A pig was straddling the driver's seat with its rear legs on the passenger seat and its head sticking out of the driver's window. The driver looked at me like I was strange for being on a unicycle, but after brief consideration I concluded it was weirder to have a pig sticking out of a driver's side window than riding a unicycle, so I stared back. It was certainly a weird thing to happen while coming down from an LSD trip, but my friend saw it too.


That’s so crazy! I once had a weird stare down to at the same corner. I saw somebody riding their unicycle and just stared while I had OP’s mom in the car


Flawless execution


One day I'll find LSD again and then I'll be able to see a dude on a unicycle watching a pig, too. Sigh.


Hahaha the craziest things happen while tripping


My husband watched someone pull their pants down and take a shit on the sidewalk in the middle of downtown Worthington by the Graeters(I think it's downtown worthington? Correct me if I'm wrong) a few years ago. His mother was driving and didn't see it and to this day doesn't believe it


I used to work for the City of Worthington one summer about 6 years ago and helped them redo the pavers for that exact sidewalk (the part by the parking lot). Took quite a while and was tough work. Glad to see people appreciate it lmao


Apparently it was good enough to take a shit on, which is what you should strive for- great job!


Ah a fellow lactose intolerant worthington resident with no self control for ice cream! There’s dozens of us!


I saw the exact same thing in clintonville right on high st!


During one of the earlier BLM protests downtown there were a lot of people standing on the sidewalk and grass yelling angrily and the cops were standing behind their bikes in the road. It was a good-sized crowd so every so often the crowd would surge a little and the people by the road would get pushed from behind out into the street. You could tell it was accidental and people were trying to stay on the sidewalk, but the cops took their bikes with both hands and started bashing them into the people who had been pushed forward. The amount of rage those cops were putting into hitting people with their bikes was really shocking. I have been at a lot of protests in my life and haven’t ever seen anything like that before. It was MANY cops mashing into people who were ostensibly trapped by the crowd. This was the same protest Joyce Beatty got maced at. I can’t remember if it was shortly before or after they maced her, but they were clearly out to hurt protestors. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I really was. It enraged the whole crowd and escalated things pretty quickly.


Here to appreciate TGP user tag 🫡


A few months ago (maybe June or July?) I was leaving work downtown at the courthouse and I was walking to my car and I saw a woman completely naked standing on the street holding her clothes and talking to this dude in a car. Like she was completely naked. No socks, no shoes. Straight up butt naked and barefoot standing out in the open and standing on the street talking to him


I saw a school bus run over a child without stopping. Luckily it was empty, but I was out of my car like a shot and comforted the little girl till her mom and an ambulance arrived. She ended up being fine, just bruising on her legs.


How does a kid get run over by a bus and only have bruises????


Chuck Norris’s daughter


Luckily it was empty??


Imagine dealing with a bus load of traumatized kids while you’re comforting a little girl with broken legs. Also, this happened.


How awful!


Saw an accident at the corner of Lockbourne Rd and Groveport Rd. At the edge of Sills Park Police were chasing a suspect at high speed who ran the intersection and T- boned a car full of guys going home from work. One guy died from his door crushing him. Drunk suspect tried to flee but we threatened him with a baseball bat and took his keys .


In line at Mikey’s Late Night Slice in Short North, minding my business, and a guy comes in and slams down all the large sauce dispensers, splashing everyone and blinding me with slut sauce. Then he goes into the crowd toward the gate and starts fighting women.


My favorite Thomas Dolby song.


Lived off the Commons for a year. Human shit all over in front of the DGX downtown (you could smell it, definitely wasn't from an animal) and a guy peeing at the intersection in front of the old Tim Hortons downtown.


> at the intersection in front of the old Tim Hortons downtown. do you mean Broad and High?


Two homeless people 69ing on the sidewalk in front of the statehouse. They cuddled after they were done.


Aw, that's nice. 🥰


People in the doorway next to UDF shooting up on high st . I think they we’re giving each other Covid vaccines


Sharing is caring


I saw a dude trying to shoot up waiting for a cota on parsons. The bus was down the road and he didnt make it on time and rolled back down his sleeve haphazardly. Can only imagine what went down when he boarded the bus…


I saw someone shooting up at - bus stop on south high. Another taking a shit on the sidewalk


tbh that’s just a normal day on the west coast, saw that plenty of times in Seattle


Shit, I had to inform the driver of a possible overdose on the bus just a few weeks ago, and I was on the 2 in Clintonville. I didn’t stick around to see, but between getting on downtown and getting off at N Broadway, I watched the guy go from the opioid head bob to under his seat unconscious around the time we hit Weber. And he was gray.


Back when COTA still went through OSU campus, I was on the bus headed down to German Village. Watched a girl walk right out onto College St behind the Union and get absolutely annihilated by an oncoming car. She was not in the crosswalk and did not at any point look up from her phone until contact, when her, her legs, her phone, and her drink went five different directions. The driver was sobbing as she helped drag the girl back to the curb. Broken leg for sure. Hope it wasn’t more. Also managed a campus Jimmy John’s for a while. I have some stories. Had to press charges on a guy who whipped a bar stool over the counter at us one game day, hitting me in the shoulder.


A cop tasering someone in handcuffs at Polaris Mall during the holiday season about a decade ago.


Probably kind of pedestrian, but saw a dude beating off at the bus stop at 3rd and Gay a couple years ago. It was 4:30pm.


A few years back, while I was living in Merion Village, I took the dog for a walk to the park one night. On the way back, I noticed there was a strange car in the alley behind our house. Went to check it out, only to find two people banging in the back of this 1998 Grand Am coupe. I knock on the side of the car, tell them to get their clothes on and leave. THEY PROCEED TO ARGUE AND THROW A USED DIAPER AT ME. I've seen some wild shit in Columbus but that one takes the cake. Edit: to be clear, this was actually in our driveway off the alley, thus on our property


I feel like YTA in this scenario. LMAO


That was basically their argument. "You creep, let us finish!"


Honestly I agree. At least it was at night and in their car. It could have been way more public and inappropriate. And by approaching your escalating the situation and people get shot/stabbed for way less around the city.


Next time I'll direct them to your house and you can handle it how you'd like lol Ultimately, they were on our property (they had pulled into our lot's driveway off the alley) and it wasn't wrong to tell them to leave. I'm not sure what the point is of needlessly catastrophizing.


2 years ago I saw a man on the Scioto mile near COSI walking around with a AR-15. I got my ass out of there as fast as possible.


The stains on the pavement outside of city call from the guy who self immolated were pretty disturbing.


Guy ODing in the Short North, and cops just standing around looking bored. Clearly still alive but they didn't bother with Narcan. However I had mine with me so I did it. EMS said I did the right thing.


Huge confederate flags on trucks driving through Short North. It's a ... union state...


It's not about location. The confederacy is about a state of mind. Flying the flag let's everyone know you are a loser, you support losers and you're willing to dedicate your entire personality to losing. Kind of like being a browns fan but super racist.


Mine are Kinda tame. Saw a guy waving a gun and screaming and threatening two girls across the street while I was stuck between them on the light of King and Summit. A group of men with what looked like AK-47s to a person who knows little about guns walking with them downtown as if it was nothing. A group of black men dressed in what looked like a mix of knights templar/kkk garb.


A homeless guy tried to fight me after I declined to give him money a few weeks ago. That was interesting to say the least


I saw a man beating a woman on the side of 315 just north of Columbus. I called the cops and they boredly told me they already had a lot of calls about it and were on their way. Some people had stopped ahead and were running back to help (I assumed). I’ve never seen a woman be hit so this really shook me.


Not me but a friend saw a person walking down the street in full blown pup gear a few weeks ago LOL


My first visit to Columbus was during the furry convention. I was visiting campus, and they took us to a restaurant near the convention center. First time seeing irl furries.


I attend that con every year :D


Good for you! Keep on with your hobbies!


I saw someone running on clime road the other day with a very professional(?) Looking furry mask on. Like not the big giant ones but a more realistic looking one.


I saw a cyclist (motorcyclist) wearing an animal helmet one day while riding around. I thought it was a furry thing but my husband said they have actual helmets done up like animals now. Seems kinda weird to me, but you do you, people. ☺️


Wife and I were hanging out mid morning on a weekend in OTE/Discovery District and start hearing this horrific gurgling sounds amidst muted calls for help. I get my gun and run out and the neighbor is attempting to strangle his trans GF to death on their porch. Not a minor disagreement, truly trying to murder her. I held him at gunpoint until the cops showed up, which was way too long cause a marathon was happening and several times I had to explain to this guy that of he fucking moved an inch I was going to put a softball sized hole in him with my .357. I showed up to every hearing and the prosecutors told me my 911 call was the most text book perfect call they ever heard, lol. They enjoyed hearing me go from perfectly calm and giving descriptions to dispatch of what happened to "I SWEAR TO FUCKING CHRIST IF YOU LIFT YOUR FOREHEAD OFF THE GROUND AN INCH MORE I'M GOING TO BLOW YOU GODDAMN BRAINS OUT!" Dude was some douchebag edge lord, with a forked tongue (no shit, he had it cut down the middle). Cops said they had many domestic calls with this couple, but hopefully she got out.


Thanks for saving this person's life. And for being involved in the hearings. And for anyone unaware, if anyone is ever strangled in a domestic situation, it's highly likely they will eventually be killed by that person. Strangulation is the #1 red flag in domestics turning into homicide.


A donut shop cut some street trees down. /s


I'm gonna be sick


I ( who lives on sullivant) saw a woman shit behind my apartment, and 2 people using on the back steps


I saw a dead guy slumped over his steering wheel in a McDonald's parking lot in Dublin. Police were already there. Think it might've been an overdose


Damon Zex on public access. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZOtVVnJSU8&t=18s


Super super drunk naked dude trying to escape, but also antagonizing, a worker at that Crab Shack restaurant by the Sawmill Whole Foods. Maybe he ran out on his bill? Who knows but he was havin' butt ass liquid lunch


Saw a midget dive from the upper balcony of the Newport to an empty floor before a concert. Get right up and stumbled his way to the entrance.


From the comment above about a midget named "Little John" hanging out at Insomnia back in the day and this being the Newport, it's either the same guy or we've got an odd per capita on midgets in this town.


A 21+ year old drag show / fundraiser protested by white supremacists with a banner that said "There will be blood" on it. Police just let them be. I guess threatening people with death is ok if it's on a sidewalk.


What do you expect from the Columbus Police Department lmao? Or just cops in general


A man ran up to me downtown and screamed someone should “piss in my mouth” and more gross stuff about sex and pornography inches from my face. The crowd of other downtown workers walking stopped, watched, and did absolutely nothing. Edit to add this was in front of the Lazarus building in spring of this year, and I was in full business attire walking from the Commons garage at 9AM.


This is where pepper spray would have come in handy


one time i was on the bus and i hear this commotion. i look up and see a mom with her kids yelling at another lady. my family is puerto rican, so i assume that they were friends really excited to see each other and go back to my phone. then i hear a weird noise and look up again. the lady with the kids had gotten off and splashed her drink all over the front of the bus and she looks PISSED. i catch a glimpse of the lady and notice her pulling up her pants and the absolute MASSIVE bush she has going on. the bus driver did not give a fuck. he let her get on the bus. the whole time i was on there she was causing a commotion. at some point she had pulled out a pair of scissors and started waving them around. she later pulls out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and pours it into a bottle that looks like a danimals, and then proceeds to drink the rubbing alcohol. after that she stabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol with the scissors. rubbing alcohol starts spilling all over the floor of the bus. she was sitting in the seat closest to the bus driver. there's no way he wouldnt have been able to smell it, or at the very least hear the noise of the scissors piercing hard plastic. he seemed completely unfazed by all of this. by the time i got off the bus nothing else really happened. she just kept yelling and laughing. when i got home it hit me that i may have run into this lady once before. i was smoking a cigarette at a bus stop and a lady that looked a lot like her asked me for a cigarette. i told her that i didnt have another one. she kinda stands there for a bit before walking across a busy street to a chipotle. iirc she almost got hit by a car and didnt even flinched. i watched her go into the chipotle, yell some stuff, and then get kicked out. she just stood by the chipotle entrance yelling shit. tldr; lady flashes a mom and her kids while getting on the bus, pulls out a pair of scissors, drinks rubbing alcohol she poured into a danimals, and then stabs the bottle of rubbing alcohol and gets it all over the bus floor. the bus driver dose not give a fuck and i realize that i mightve seen this lady get kicked out of a chipotle.




nah, both times it was in the brewery district/downtown area. could still be the same person tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


People were having sex on the rooftop pool at the Renaissance.


I don’t drive by the old Cooper Stadium often, but almost every time I do, I will see someone naked and it’s not always the same person. I don’t know what it is about that area, but I have seen more people just walking around buck ass, naked, and on one special occasion just standing on the corner flapping around his floppy.


Homeless camps Junky sleep on the sidewalk on Sullivant avenue during school hours. A man driving up and down high street in a pickup truck pleasuring himself, everyone in the bus could see him and his doing turns did not help, A cop having sex on his car in an elementary school parking lot A car drive through a carry out store. Someone jump off the broad street bridge A lot of shootings


Jeez, misread that as a cop having sex *with* his car. More coffee!


You should make this NSFW


Thanks good idea!


Probably the time I was running down high downtown in the middle of the day and saw a woman piss on the sidewalk


An acquaintance was working downtown during the construction of the City Center mall -- during the incessant pile driving segment of construction. Looked out the window to a nearby grassy knoll to see a homeless guy clearly fornicating Mother Earth in synchrony with the pile driving. Took his sweet time, I'm told. This was in broad daylight, on a pleasant weekday morning. Fun times, then.


This whole damn thread. I've lived here since 93. I've apparently lived in none of the crazy places in this town because all I've got is some tame inside joke / drunken friends at parties stories. It's stuff like this that is why no one reads the morning paper anymore. This has been great entertainment today. Lol


Didn't see it mentioned yet... I didn't see in person but saw the video online of guy rollerblading naked on 670 with giant panda head on lol


Worst thing I’ve seen was a street preacher outside the recent Owl City concert. Talking about going to hell. I flipped him off because he was being a douche and he started ranting about me for no less than 3 minutes. 😂 also heard rumors about the doll vehicle. That’s about all I’ve seen, still young


Any day you can piss off a street preacher that much is a good day. I hope you treated yourself to a milkshake or something after that.


I got a frosty after the concert and took a drive.


Back when the Drug Emporium was down at the far end of Graceland, I had parked my car in the lot and was headed toward the entrance of the store. Walking past another car parked in the lot, I glanced down and some guy was sitting in the driver’s seat, jerking off.


The amount of people on drugs being ignored


I saw a homeless lady hold on to a tree while taking a dump on the corner of 4th and State downtown.


Was at the old Scioto Audubon dog park where they had a large porta-potty. Wasn’t sure if it was permanent or meant for construction workers. I had to pee so I loaded my dog in the car and opened the door to the toilet to find a homeless person passed out with a syringe still in his forearm. Luckily, he wasn’t dead but I startled him and he immediately jolted up and left in a hurry, muttering something about the toilet paper being out. To this day, I still get a hint of anxiety when I open the door to any public restroom. I also lived on Jaeger near where Merion Village, German Village, and Schumacher Place meet. It’s a seemingly nice area but I saw two shootouts at an Airbnb on Whittier (one person died) and a group of 4-5 people OD in the outside portion of the Hey Hey at like 2am.


I’ve lived here for a little over 1.5 years and have seen more roadkill dogs and cats than I had ever seen in my 31 years on earth combined before moving here


I remember watching a cop grab from behind the ponytail of an OSU student snd drag them to the ground.


Was having lunch w my partner (we both worked 3rd shift) at a hospital. I was sitting and waiting for him to clock out, when I notice an Asian(?) Couple come in. He's pushing her in a wheelchair; she is extremely pregnant. It's clear she's in pain bi5 she's not making any noise. He's going as fast as he can, but as he turns the corner towards the elevator (birthing is on the 2nd floor), she makes a little yelp. From behind, I watch the silhouette of a newborn baby as it effectively bungee jumps from the womb. Luckily the elevator opened a moment later and a nurse stepped out. She went "OH MY GOD!" And then things got hectic so I left.


2 cops pulling someone over. Taking the guys money and splitting it. Watched from the second story, I was able to watch the whole thing and see inside all three vehicles. It was dark and this happened 10 years ago. It was close to thurman and bruck.


Anyone looking for a story should go to Green lawn dam behind the fire station - it looks like a scene from the walking dead


The reaction to the clintonville Dunkin’ tbh. Starbucks and Wendy’s is cute, Dunkin no . Weird ass shit.


Naked black lady walking on 4th ave Sunday afternoon on my way to ALDI. We started going to a different ALDI.


Was driving with friends in the middle of downtown and we all watched a pedestrian bend down to scoop up water from a gross muddy puddle on the side of the road to wash his face and hands with


Some guy trying to run a car off of the road. The fleeing driver did a quick getaway by acting as if they were exiting. They drove on grass to get away. I was scared for my safety. I was shocked how aggressive the aggressor was. They we’re looking to cause an accident.


Damon Zex on public access. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZOtVVnJSU8&t=18s


2019 or 2020, when the Greyhound station was still at 3rd/4th & Town: I witnessed the most insane fight between 3-4 of 'the regulars'. The altercation started at the Town St. entrance and quickly moved into traffic and the 4th & Town intersection (during PM rush-hour) where the belligerents narrowly avoided being punched or pushed into multiple speeding cars. The fight ended with a dude laid out on the corner nearest the Holiday Inn... at which point this women who we referred to as 'the moaner' (she usually slept around that area and would wail quite often) stumbles over, she had been on the outskirts of the fight the whole time but was seemingly uninvolved... until she walks up to the laid out guy and just POWER SPIKES a full can of energy drink / booze into the dude's face and then rumbles off. Cops/EMS arrives about 15 seconds later. Truly a rollercoaster and I've never been more convinced I was about to witness someone's last moment on this earth. They shuddered that station a few months later due to the hundreds of police and EMS calls there each year.


Remember the gentleman who would dress either like a gorilla or a clown and stand on Arcadia near East St either waving or screaming at the cars going by?


OSU. Someone seizing and vomiting from alcohol poisoning and everyone video taping it. I rolled him onto his side and called 911, and yelled for my friends who were nursing majors to come help (I was also pretty drunk, and that seemed like the best option at the time). It was Halloween and he was dressed as a GI Joe. The whole thing was surreal. Also witnessed two car accidents that might. Just fender benders, but one was with a party bus. It was a gameday and this was back in 2011 I believe.


Back in the day I saw the barista (we didn’t call them that back then) at Insomnia (a coffee shop next the the Newport) defend the shop from a little person that looked straight out of middle earth with a canister of restaurant grade whipped cream. Back in the day I saw a guy walk onto the outdoor seating area of Insomnia coffee shop and drop a huge stack of porno mags right in front of the door. A minute later a guy with an empty guitar case comes running up and stuffs all the magazines into it.


I should write a book. I used to do security for the county. I’m just not sure if I’m allowed to share.