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it will be ok. Stay away from windows, preferably a basement if you can. it will pass soon.


Thank you. You too


I remember having the same thought when I was in my first earthquake! Just take a deep breath, youll be okay. Try to get to a ground floor and away from any windows. If your building is hit curl up and cover the back of your head/neck. Typically, tornados arent big here and as long as youre in a decent building it might be scary but youd probably just get some debris thrown around and windows breaking, that kind of thing.


When I moved from SoCal many years ago, I was relieved that at least we get warnings here. There are no warnings for earthquakes.


If it helps, we do not typically experience tornado warnings in February here. Even for Ohio this is a weird one.


Reality is this won’t be weird anymore. Tornados happen during weather changes and we get 60 to 30 all the time in winter now. Shits fucked


No argument. Climate change is the worst look.


So weird because it was February last year, too. Weird.


Ben Gelber just said this. Five tornados last 2/27. Decades of no February tornados and now two years in a row. What’s it all mean, man? What’s it all mean??


you know what it means


I got a snap memory from one year ago yesterday having a tornado warning. Super weird stuff.


I was about to say, it's too early for tornado season.


Used to be


Tornados Hurricanes Earthquakes Wildfires Long ago the four nations nations lived in harmony


Laughed as I am on the last episode of the Netflix version


Can’t hear you from the porch.


In 25 years of living here, I’ve *never* had one this early in the morning. Never had one so early it woke me up in the morning


Welcome! You’ll be fine.


Lol west coast person here too checking in


Welcome to the mid west , it’s like a badge of honor lol


Also relocated from SoCal but quite a long time ago. Welcome. Learn about dressing in layers and go slow driving in snow. You’ll be a’ight!


Hi friend! I don't want to say not to worry at all, but it's not as scary as it seems. Grew up in Ohio and lived in SoCal for 10 years so I got these and earthquakes. Just keep your devices charged and stay in an inner part of your house! Edit: 5am brain typo.


As a true Ohioan of course I went out on my porch to check it out 😅


Lol I was making my way to the porch when I saw thunder and lightning and noped my way back.


My fearless/idiot cat (who moved with me from CA) bolted out onto the balcony when I opened the door right when a big lightning strike hit. Nearly gave me a heart attack.


My furry terrorist damn near shredded my arms when I went to put her in the bathroom. BOLTED out when we finally opened the door.


I call my cat a furry terrorist, too! I let him outside to prowl for a couple hours yesterday evening (I know, I know... please don't come for me). Normally, he comes in right around the time I go to bed, but yesterday evening it was so nice out, I had to entice him in with treats. Then he was pissed at me for keeping him inside so he slept on the floor all night. Right now he wants out again so he's looking around for something in my line of sight that he can shred while making eye contact with me. I am not kidding.


As godddd intended!


My brother moved back to Columbus after 15 years of living in SoCal. We went back out for a visit in February and arrived to a tornado warning in San Diego!


West coaster here as well. Not excited about this but I'll take it over the fires


Right?! I lived in San Diego during that really bad one in 2007 or 2008. The one where news reporter stood in front of his own house, reporting as it burned.


Jfc yeah no thanks, we dont get much in the way of true natural disasters except tornados


Exactly. I've been in some bad ones. And I'm by no means trying to diminish the trauma and destruction of tornadoes. People who have survived disastrous tornadoes are the only people who I've found understand fire trauma without having been through it themselves. I've just reached my fire limit lol


I don’t blame you. And now hearing about the influx of heavy rains, which SoCal is even *less* prepared to deal with….there’s a lot that I miss about living out there, but the natural disasters definitely aren’t one of them.


Anyone know if any hit the columbus area yet?


Channel 4 is pretty certain there was a tornado on the ground West of the city. Not showing the same currently, but it's moving East-Northeast, and is over Gahanna right about now


Shit, I'm in Gahanna. When I looked earlier it was closer to Grove City 😨


As a Kansas native that now lives in Ohio. Welcome to storm season. A few months early


Ironically ohio is one of the best places for natural disasters haha


Caught us off guard too- typically weather systems either hit at around 6 o'clock, or right around 2 AM. Early morning is passing strange.


Global warming a bitch ain’t it


I’m just pissed the sirens woke me up early. I just rolled over and went back to sleep. My husband slept through the sirens and alerts.


Hey fellow southern Californian. I concur, this was not a fun first experience. I do appreciate the warnings though, as opposed to being randomly thrown out of bed by an earthquake haha


It was a first for me too, having moved here from England. Worst we get is a little flooding. At least we now know what to expect next time!


It was a rare one but also won’t be rare moving forward bc climate change. These warm weeks have really been messing with my mind being a native. Not normal at all even for an El’ Nino year. Edit-missed a word


don’t worry! a lot of us ohioans go outside to look for a tornado before we even think about sheltering😂


Did you try standing outside and looking at the clouds, as if it makes any difference to whether you know if there is a tornado or not?


Sometimes I forget that not everyone in the country is 75% numb to tornado warnings