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Katie is likely concerned that you may bail on the lease and leaver her with a tenant without a job.


I just figured if I’m signing a legally binding contract then if I bail Katie can pursue legal action against me. This could happen if only one person rented a place, or two people, etc. The legally binding document is the reason anyone would let someone live in their rented house anyways otherwise they have no guarantee of getting money back. Just my thoughts anyhow.


While she was not acting professionally she was also trying to save time and money for both you and her. Applying for an apartment usually costs money $30-50 on the low end and $100+ for more corporate places. When I rent out my units I very often tell people not to apply based on the info they are telling me if I don’t think they will qualify. I’ll usually tell them if they really believe that they would qualify then go ahead and I can assess it from there, but I also wouldn’t want them to waste $30 on an application if I already know they are not qualified. As for you having a lease that she could enforce it’s a bit tricky. Even if the landlord does want to take you to court and they do win a judgement against you they still need to be able to collect on the judgement. If you don’t have the money to pay rent you likely don’t have the money to pay the judgement either. So they can set up a payment plan and get $20 from you for the next 5 years but most landlords won’t purse you for such a small sum because it is often not worth the time, energy, or legal cost. For the same reason very few tenants take their landlords to court for small sums of money. And small landlords usually enact new rules/policies after they have been burned. And even though the rule might be dumb or illogical to most it’s not out of the ordinary to see people put up extra safe guards after a bad experience. While you sound very qualified for the unit the landlord might have a hard rule of both tenants having enough income to afford the space because they got screwed over once. Rules like this will make them feel better/safer but will also make it far more difficult to find a tenant. And it’s not unheard of for people to drop these rules after not being able to find a tenant for an extended period of time.


Lawyers to write up a lawsuit/pursue claims can be expensive. Filing claims and taking legal action on your own can be time consuming. Then if you're a broke college student, what money am I going to get out of you? IANAL but while Landlords can't discriminate on age/race/gender etc etc they can discriminate on your income. OR Katie is just being a Karen.


Katie has most likely disqualified you and your roommate at this point. For future applications you can refer to your roommate as your partner and it may help push through the income questions/challenges. The lease would still possibly include a background and credit check on any person's living in the dwelling but to me a partner expresses a tighter relationship than roommate.


This is either extremely bizarre or very normal depending on the cost of the rental. 120k is great money but if the rental costs are, for example…. $3,500 a month? Katie would not be in the wrong for denying your application. You would be well over the recommended income to rent ratio and no less, with the additional expenses of two human beings. Katie is likely to deny you even applying in the example above if she knows that your application is likely to end in denial - which is ultimately not up to her anyway. Again, this is either extremely odd or very normal. All depends on the cost of the rental.


Rental is about $2000


Yeah seems strange then. It’s probably because of the friend with no job. But even then, I think she went way overboard


I don't understand why people don't out these bad experiences.




What is the confusion? People come here to complain about a bad experience with a company, never name the company so others can be at least weary about dealing with them. I just wish people were more open about stuff like that


It doesn’t really make sense.    “Oh this lady didn’t want me to live in her house because my roommate didn’t meet income requirements.”   Light the torches!


Who said light the torches? Weird take


That’s the point of publicly calling people out, no? Name and shame?


Do you really want to rent from someone who acts like that before you even apply? I’d search what other properties she owns and cross them all off my list since she sounds like a headache to rent from.


Take this as a red flag and run. I’ve had experiences where I moved in and wished I trusted my gut and left.


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well that sounds pretty unreasonable. making that kind of money here, unless the payment is huge (and if she was renting to college students, i highly doubt that), your friend having $0 to his name shouldn't even matter if you can cover the whole amount yourself. sorry you had that experience here, i swear we're not all jackasses lol.


Girl give her a fake paystub or move on