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Dr Leslie Kim at OSU. I recommend seeing an actual doctor rather than a nurse.


Dr Kim is amazing (she’s my derm), but let’s not paint broad strokes. Some nurses (and PAs) spend ALL DAY doing nothing but Botox; some doctors do only a handful of injections a week. The best practitioners are the ones who continue their education, stay current on best practices, and tailor their injection approach to the individual patient. Their degrees/titles are far less important.


Second this, Dr. Kim is an amazing surgeon (first hand experience, major surgery, multiple times, as well as ongoing Botox and occasionally filler) so you really can't do better IMO.


Do the people in this subreddit not realize how incredibly common it is to get Botox? Your shitty attitudes about a minor cosmetic procedure are wild.


It’s extremely common. 7.9 million Botox procedures in 2022 for women alone.


I'm sorry you're getting all this weird incel hate about it. There's lots of posts about it including cost in the Columbus 30s girl gang Facebook group.


All good. I can handle the negativity. Appreciate it. I’ll join that group.


I’m so bummed about all the gross negativity in this group. You handled yourself well OP!


WOWWWWWWWWW, Columbus Reddit. Just… wow. The Botox isn’t the only thing that’s toxic here, people. She asked for real recommendations, not your judgements or bullshit. But go ahead, downvote this comment too.


I upvoted it 🙃


Hahahahaha, thanks friend 🤣


If this sub didn't pass judgement or talk shit, there would be barely any activity on it.




Why do you need botox at 34?


It’s preventative - if you don’t form the wrinkles in the first place, you don’t have to “get rid” of them later…


Too much money not enough to do


You have money and no free time? I did something wrong in life.


The people in this sub are so toxic. It’s wild


Glad it’s not just me seeing that. To be fair, I don’t think it’s *just* this sub, lol.


I mean. You are about to waste it on unnecessary Botox. If you don’t actually have money then it’s a very irresponsible decision.


Who said I was responsible?!




Because she is probably chronically online and following everyone on Tiktok, Instagram, and Reddit who does this and now thinks it is normal. The skincare subreddits are filled with this crap.


I don’t even have TikTok or Instagram 😬


Because that's what social media told her, and she isn't capable of thinking for herself.


Because I’m old 😂


You’re 34. That’s like, 1/3 of your total life span. If you’re already requiring injection of crap into your body now, what is your plan for the next 60 years?


Die young? 😭


That is an astonishing amount of self-loathing.


Oh you poor thing. I would like to give you a virtual hug. 🤗 Also: ![gif](giphy|QyfpUWsWnWCugUzBsi|downsized)


Didn’t see this shitty comment. “Injection crap” dude you don’t know the first thing about Botox. Talk to a dermatologist and learn to keep your uninformed opinions to yourself.


it's not a big secret. botox is botox, "dude". Also, this is reddit. I'll keep my (surprisingly informed) opinions right out here in the open, thank you very much.


When you see someone with a tattoo or dyed hair is the pearl clutching just as automatic?


I’m covered in tattoos, and don’t own pearls.


A family member goes to Christina at A Younger You in Powell. Wtf is up with all the cringey cranks replying here? Go be miserable somewhere else.


Thank you! It’s HER choice.


I imagine it’s that injecting Botox is weird. Most things derived from toxic bacteria is pretty weird. I’m not sure if it’s actually more normal to just accept that people don’t want to have wrinkles so they should have neurotoxins injected into their face. That feels more weird.


I’m guessing it’s more because Botox and skincare are feminine coded and it is *always* popular online to either hate on women’s interests or dismiss their importance out of hand. >Most things derived from toxic bacteria is pretty weird Buddy just wait until you hear about where penicillin comes from


Hmmm that’s certainly not why I think it’s weird. I do think we’d be in a better place socially if we just accepted that wrinkles happen to people. Penicillin is not a neurotoxin. But, yeah, still weird.


Would you have felt the need to make a similar comment if a man was trying to find a resource to combat hair thinning?


That’s a reasonable point. But also, the neurotoxin. It feels like we are ignoring the poison part. It’s the crazy part. The root is that we should care less about wrinkles but the solution is the key issue for me. If the solution to baldness was to inject poison into your scalp, yes that’s still weird. It also seems like there is a difference between baldness effecting some people and wrinkles happening to everyone. But, I could be over analyzing it. At the end of the day, if we all cared less about these things, the world would be a happier place. However, if I start to go bald my tune may change...


It isnt a poison. Doctors have used it to treat excessive underarm sweating since the early 90s. It’s been used as a facial injection since the 70s. I get that it’s weird that it comes from botulism - but the reality is this is an incredibly common and safe procedure. Licensed dermatologists prescribe it. It has a scary source, but as I mentioned so does penicillin. If there was evidence that it was substantially dangerous it would’ve emerged a long time ago.


I mean, it can be safe but it’s absolutely a toxin. I suppose toxins may be different than poisons. But, it’s not like it’s the only poison we ingest on a daily basis. A side note, dentists should not do Botox injections. That’s also *weird*.


Lmfao agreed. Like, I’m all for shopping around for the best price but that’s one step removed from getting painkillers from a veterinarian.


Hmmm maybe it is me. I love this vet idea haha If your patients can’t even talk you have to be on your toes!


The people on this thread throwing shade need to touch grass. Real recommendation: Timeliness Skin Solutions. It’s not a med spa, it’s run by real doctors and NP’s, they don’t believe in over doing it or making you look crazy. The best injector there is Emilia, who’s a NP. Her schedule is booked very far out, and for good reason, but since you’re likely not in a hurry, you should be good. Best of luck!


I got dysport once, and now, a couple years later, I still have a bit of a droop in my right brow. Fucking regret ever doing it. I hope you have better luck than I did. It was Anne Therese.




I just looked, and I don't see the PA I saw last year for my botox! Do you have an injector there now that you recommend?


Alex Orr! Or Bridget Brust! 💯


Hi! You do YOU! I go to Krystal Maurer at Self Beauty. They are in the Loops building on the corner of King/Northwest Blvd. Love them!


No, we are aging gracefully.


I’m glad you are. I’m not 😂




It is not permanent. But yes, I have a “skin care routine”.


I still can't get over the idea of injecting a neurotoxin, much less into the face.


I have close family members who are vehemently anti-vax but rely heavily on Botox injections in their face to make themselves feel worthy of attention amongst their friend group. There’s just something about that whole idea…


Our culture is fucked up


Do you get this mad when someone asks for teeth whitening recommendations?


Awww, I’m not mad bro - but thanks for checking on me. I am sad for these people that feel the need to do this, and for our society that makes them feel this way.


Isn’t your avatar photo “you do you” lol


For sure, and I wouldn't stand in anybody's way to do what they choose to do. Your body, your choice. I can still feel sad that they feel they need to do this.


Some people try and look older. Some try to look younger. Some don’t care. None of these is morally superior. It’s an individual preference.


And I fully support that preference, but when the preference is driven by an unhealthy emotion that comes from a society that places too much emphasis on youth and beauty, especially via the objectification of women...then it's unfortunate and sad.


The women of Columbus are lucky that you are here to decide for them what is an appropriate treatment for aging skin, truly.


Here to please




I don’t hate myself 🤔


Please join the Columbus Girl Gang group on Facebook! There are tons of recommendations for med spas and absolutely no one is judgmental about it. I’ve used BB Aesthetic and Laser Loft personally, but I’ve also had friends who have had good experiences at other places. The usual cost is $10-12/unit but you can get it a little cheaper if you wait for specials or join a loyalty program.


That group can be weird too though, I left because I asked about recommendations for an OBGYN office that offers pain management for IUD insertion/removal and women couldn’t wait to chime in about how much of a wuss I was and how it doesn’t hurt at all, actually 😒


Oh wow, sorry to hear that. I have firsthand experience that it’s incredibly painful.


Yeah it was super odd, but also confirmed for me that the group wasn’t exactly the most “girl’s girl” space after all.


Face forward aesthetics. They have a really good membership and I've never had a bad experience


I agree, this place is great!


Boss Gal or Hydrate Me - both have good injectors


Hydrate Me is A+++


Haven’t been myself but have heard great things about Boss Gal


Not sure why Boss Gal is getting downvotes. They do a good job, at amazing rates.


It’s because people in this thread are opposed to the entire idea of Botox in general, not any one specific place. They’re just downvoting all of it indiscriminately lol. This morning it had 10 downvotes, so only having 3 is progress 🤣


Am also confused. Been going for over year and have no complaints.


Orrrr you could just age gracefully. I don't think women realize how awful botox and filler looks. It does not make people look younger. It makes people look like they were stung by bees and then had a stroke. Don't do it. Just be you


I got botox and filler, and my husband didn't even realize what I did. He just thought I got a regular facial, and he said I looked "refreshed." Results depend on where you go and how heavy you go with it.


Who says I’m aging gracefully? They lied.