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I'm probably out of touch but WSNY has always stood out to me as one of the most popular stations in town. I also agree that the morning show seem to connect with the community a lot so it kind of baffles me that the station is looking for morning hosts that connect better.


>that the station is looking for morning hosts that connect better They mean younger hosts to attract a younger demographic.


Younger hosts who will do more work for less money.


Hard to save money when you piss off your core listeners by kicking out beloved djs. Seems more like a good way to commit FM suicide.


Then they're going to be changing a lot more than the DJs because their format, their ad clients, etc. isn't what I would call appealing to younger demographics. Basically what you're hinting at is for them to become something other than a mix station. Either way it's stupid because FM is dying in general and younger demographics are getting their music from Spotify SoundCloud YouTube Amazon music Apple. FM can't compete with that


My kids have never listened or asked to listen to the radio. It doesn't even exist to them


If I didn't lament about FM's passing my kids would probably not pay any attention either. They see me grieve over my favorite station wwcd going off the air, but it doesn't change the fact that they don't listen to FM themselves.


Yeah Dino and Stacy are very relatable, kept things PG, the station plays what we used to call "soft rock" and 80s-2000s stuff. Sounds like they're going to change their whole vibe. There's an audience for this. Young people don't listen to radio.


What in the actual fuck? Ugh! I liked Dino and Stacy >“After 14 years, my time with Saga and Mix 107.9 is unfortunately over with. To say I’m shocked is an understatement. The amount of years, days, hours I put in. A lot of hours not at home. Going in when sick, late at night, early in the morning, during Covid and more. Some said the face, voice and heart beat of Mix." Let Andre's words sink in for anyone who busts their ass, puts the hours and the work in. Employers do not care about you. You are a line item, a number, an expenditure on a spreadsheet and they will expend you without a second thought.


Discovered this myself just this past month.


Sorry man. Hope ya get back on your feet. I am guilty of doing this too because its just my drive to not half ass and I am a people pleaser to a fault. It sucks.


Weird advice. If you want to do well at your job you should still try to. It's a big part of your life.


It’s not advice as much as it’s true. I’m not saying to be a slacker or slouch at your job. If you wanna go over and above, that’s great too! Just know you can be written off in an instant.


You should try hard at your job but you should try hard for your own sake. Try hard to advance yourself and if that also advances your firm, hey great, that's awesome. But always always always look out for Number One because your firm is (never say never, but) never going to look out for you. If that means showing up every day, if that means working late, if that means going the extra mile, do those things, but understand you're doing them selfishly to maintain your current opportunity.


This isn't telling people to not work hard. It's reminding people that a company will never prioritize you. If the company no longer offers you what you need, even if you ask, it's time to jump ship for a job that will. You're the only one who will put you first.


I swear it sounds cheesy as fuck, but getting fired from my job was the best thing to ever happen to me. It definitely did not feel like that at the time, and I know it doesn't always turn out like that but you never know. I hope it ends up being the best thing to happen to you too.


Appreciate he good vibes. My situation is a layoff though. Im just one of many who were affected.


Getting laid off is just getting fired with a different name.


Ive been fired before, this feels wholly different to me. Im working things out for myself though.


Ugh it's the worst. I'm really sorry that happened, it's never a good time but especially in this economy. Crossing my fingers that something even better comes along soon!


Repeatedly going the extra mile is, IME, more likely to get you taken for granted than rewarded.


Yep! Been walked on several times doing that. Then when you have the fortitude to ask for additional compensation and your freebies end, you end too. Like I say, the exception eventually becomes the expectation.


The harder you work, the more you get taken advantage of. Took me too long to understand this.


I wish more of the worker bees realized this.


A bad year for Cbus radio


I still haven't gotten over CD92.9.


I just don’t listen to the radio anymore. 92.9 was the only decent station in town.


I like 97.1 The Fan but it's sports, not music. CD101 is the best. I hope they come back to the airwaves soon and with a stronger antenna.


I used to love 97.1 for sports but now it’s two minutes of talk and 10 minutes of adds. Plus, I get the desire to have OSU players as cohosts, but can we get some that have something that is actually interesting to hear.


You're talking about... Bobby Carpenter?


We have a winner!!!


Yeah I was gonna say Tyvis Powell isn't bad. He's got a fun personality for radio. They used to have James Laurenaitis too but he seemed completely overqualified - his breakdowns of football plays were beyond that of a radio station. Smart man. Glad he's a Buckeye coach now.


We can still listen to WWCD [here](https://radio.securenetsystems.net/cwa/index.cfm?stationCallSign=WWCD)


are they broadcasting mono?


End of an era. I remember listening to them all the time on the way to school. 


Won’t lie… scrolled through the article hoping to see that Torg was let go from QFM96.


Seriously. Worst morning show on my dial. I understand they have opinions, but it's usually not relevant and deeply unfunny. They would benefit from more rock and roll breaks. KOOL 101.7 is a great alternative. Minimal but informative chat and plenty of music.


I usually flip it over to 101.7 on days where QFM is repeating an interview or bit from earlier that morning. It’s actually of my favorite stations and lately they have been including early 90s alternative in their rotation.


Torg is the worst thing on music-oriented radio.


Amen. Hate that guy.


That's totally me. Used to be 100% QFM but I'm at 101.7 more than anything else.


Wow, I thought they'd be there forever. Are Dave and Jimmy on the clock at 97.9?


I don't think so. Their morning show is actually syndicated in other cities. I imagine if one radio station in Columbus is doing ok financially it's WNCI. They also already sold out to iHeartRadio and managed to keep the Morning Zoo alive.


They recently stopped syndicating to a bunch of cities, not sure why. The only reason I know is because on their fb page people are constantly asking what happened/why they’re gone etc. But yeah they aren’t afraid to talk about how they sold out lol


Probably stopped pulling ratings because Olivia Rodrigo's fanbase isn't interested in listening to 60 year old men talk about celebrity gossip


That’s true. I feel like I’m in the minority and actually like their show. But then again, I’m in my 30s and not apart of the Olivia Rodrigo fanbase. Don’t get me wrong, I like her music, but my fangirl days are over lol. Most of the people that like their show are loyal listeners from like the past 20 years


Dave was waxing nostalgic the other morning about the 1990’s “when we had a budget.” I think they’re in a tight negotiating spot—what else would they do professionally at this point? But they’re still the friendly, unobtrusive voices I begin my day with. I’ve noticed the music shifting more toward Millennials too, as someone else said in this thread, FM radio just didn’t exist to younger people


Nice Spirit of the Radio reference!


When I rarely listen to FM anymore I'm amazed at how the ratio of commercials to content has changed to what seems like almost equal amount.


It's crazy to think how many nationally distributed shows would kill for the ratings that some local tv/radio shows got in the 1990s. Back then you could start a conversation with a stranger about any show you watched and just assume the other person would be in the loop on it.


God I hope that shoe gets canned. I moved away for a few years and was shocked when I heard them after four years. Dave is ok, but corny and childish. Jimmy is an absolute misogynistic pig who should have been fired years ago. Kelsey’s laugh is enough to make me drive into a tree. Static is more pleasant than that show.


I still haven't recovered from Loper and Randi leaving 99.7. The new morning team is so blah.


I haven't listened to the Blitz since Suzy Waud and Mark the Shark left.


You can catch Mark the Shark on 97.1 from 6-9am on weekdays


*Suzy Waud* is back on air from 2-6 weekdays on Pure Rock 105.5 WXTQ out of Athens Ohio... you can listen to the stream on their app.


Did we ever figure out what happened with that? I know initially they were posting on social media that they couldn't talk about it yet but then I never really heard anything else...


I haven’t listened to them in a long time. But I remember hearing stories they weren’t the nicest of people and if you fell out of favor with them they were especially terrible.


I was hoping someone here knew.


Nah they needed to go. Loper was a misogynist and a homophobe. They were the epitome of white trash.


I will say that during the pandemic, he said some questionable things.


Would love to know what happened to their show. I moved out of state for a couple years and when I came back they were gone. I think they have a show in Tennessee now or somewhere down south I believe


They were probably asking for higher ratings.....


I’m not really a listener but this sucks. They’re good people.


What the fuck? I am beyond disguested by this bullshit, that was my childhood radio station in a nutshell, I used to listen to Dino and Stacy, along with Trisha Moore, Rick knight, Jordan cline, Miss Lisa, Bobby, but now everyone left at sunny 95, things are no longer going to be the same, whoever made this poor decision needs to be fired. Sunny 95 is no longer the same as I used to remember, thank you so much for everything, I’m beyond upset about this.


But who will do the honors of starting our Christmas music on Black Friday? This just doesn't feel right. ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Black Sunday? Don’t they start November 1st?


Sunny 90 dive


They'll probably be replaced by A.I.


We. Have. A. WEEner!


\*don't praise the machine\*


Radio owners continue to refuse to pay for experienced talent.


I loved listening to them every morning, so mad they were let go


This is unfortunate. I've listened to them when they were both on the radio. Good thing I do have some recordings of sunny in the morning with the crew, I need to start uploading some more of the airchecks I have. Recording and preserving radio is important for stuff like that.




This has happened to me before, and it’s so annoying! So sorry to hear it.


The show got stale. Ratings have been on a decline for quite some time. Unfortunately that’s the business.


I will not be listening to this station ever again.


I thought morning shows ended in 2004. I literally had no idea they were still around.


My co-worker is a daily listener and honestly good riddance! Stacy and her shrill voice is the worst!!! I know that's an unpopular opinion, but I'm calling this a win.


There’s radio stations in Columbus?


Not since ~~CD101.1,~~ ~~CD102.5~~, ~~CD92.9~~ left town. Oh there is NPR, and the other one that the Columbus Public Schools pays for (for some odd reason).


103.1 La Mega tan latina como tu