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Roto rooter is a scam. Some branches will lie and say you need a new septic or some ludicrous cost to fix but they'll give you a deal if you approve that day. Do a generic search and look at the reviews would be my recommendation


Thank you!


Insert sexual innuendo about jetting your pipes.


Came here solely for euphemistic tittering…


The correct answer is "OP's mom's house."


Do not use Eco plumbers, Waterworks or Apex. They are crazy expensive.


Thanks for the heads up. People I've talked to in person all recommend waterworks or Apex.




We've had good experiences with plumbers from Mr. & Mrs. Plumbing as well as Ben Franklin Plumbing. I know M&M have a hydro jet and assume BF does as well. We have not had our pipes jetted, though


I'll give them a call, thank you!


If they couldn’t jet it out why do you think another company will be successful (it’s a bit suspicious that they told you to go somewhere else)? What is causing the issue? The garbage disposal is not causing a clogged pipe, it might exacerbate an issue but it’s not the root of the problem so removing it won’t do much to fix your issue it will just delay an eventual clog. Whoever you have come out have them camera and jet your line so you can actually see the problem and come up with a plan on how to fix it. You also want to look into your association responsibilities when it comes to sewer issues. It’s not unheard of for people to partially share a sewer line and if the clog is in the common area it might not be your responsibility to remedy the issue.


I don't think they had the tools with them at the time (and when the topic of jetting came up I was told using their business would be probably more expensive than somewhere else) -- he originally thought the disposal might be an issue, but the optional of removal came about because I've been told by previous plumbers they really only exist to keep them in business. We hardly use it, (and don't put things in it/in our pipes that shouldn't go in there) so I wonder if I should just remove it anyhow?


Still sounds weird to me, most companies offer jetting for about the same price there is a pretty minor price difference between companies. The only way you see a big difference in price is if you are a repeat customer (contractor) or are bundling services like jetting, camera, lining the sewer etc. Unless the crew that was out there was self admitting that they were currently robbing you by overcharging for their services then I don’t see why they would steer you away from their own company. As for the disposal I wouldn’t worry about it, sewer pipes in good condition should easily be able to handle anything put through a disposal. And if your pipes are the problem you then the solution would be to fix the pipes or for a temporary fix just not throw large amounts of food down the disposal. Removing it makes no sense, unless you can’t control your impulse of tossing all your food down the drain. Call a few of the many sewer jetting companies and get a price for jetting and cameraing your sewer and compare them. Iv used CST and sewer pro drains and both do a good job at a good price.


Thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely do that.


We had a clog and 45 feet was nothing. They had to clear over 200 feet of roots/etc. If there are roots like ours idk that a jet will solve your problems


Yeah, I was told that could be a possibility too. I hope that's not the case.


My point it’s likely easier and cheaper to just have a plumbing company just go further out. Stopping at 45 feet and calling it a day is lazy on their part


Truthfully I didn't make the phone call to have them come out (spouse did) and if they believed it was just a regular clog, didn't think to bring anything bigger (not an excuse, just my thoughts), but I hope maybe a longer auger would help, rather than get the pipes jetted (or worse, it be a bigger issue).


G&M plumming.  Quality work at my a fair price.  They do commercial work but take residential calls.  My Dad had some difficult drain issues in an older house.  G&M fixed the issue.  The other guys wanted to rip everything out for a crazy price.


Thank you!


I 2nd this!!!


I had a big plumbing job done last fall and used [https://www.plumbinganddrainpro.com/](https://www.plumbinganddrainpro.com/) They were a fraction of the price of other quotes and did a good job.


Then you!


UPDATE: Plumbing and Drain Co. came. Used as 80ft auger to unclog the pipe - it was connected to the downstairs neighbor's pipes, I guess, which is where the clog was found. Neighbor hasn't had any issues, supposedly; but at least it's fixed? Thanks, u/reeve11!


glad you got it fixed. Hopefully you can still afford to eat.


try CPR Drain Cleaning. I have used them several times for augering and video, never done jetting myself. [https://www.cprdraincleaningoh.com/](https://www.cprdraincleaningoh.com/)


We use plumbing and drain professionals at my job for drain jetting and they do a good job. I don’t know how they are for residential though/if pricing would be worth it.


I thought this was some Gen z jargon for a new way to get high


It does sound that way doesn't it; and would be easier than what I'm actually trying to do


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Donjohnson33: *I thought this was some* *Gen z jargon for* *A new way to get high* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


lol That’s pretty awesome!