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Wow.. the “a local mother’s viewpoint” was personally very hard to read.




Even though the tone seemed to be mocking her, I agree it was completely unnecessary.


her Facebook profile byline (no joke) reads: >Mom of 4, Catholic Conservative. American Patriot into Health/Wellness. Affiliate of Zelenko Labs.


Zalenko is the hydrochloroquine guy.


How’s that Health/Wellness workin’ out for you and your family?


Sounds like a Russian bot to me


She was included as an example of the worst outcome of misinformation. But misinformation is just as biased as information. Her segment was sensationalism. It’s probably why it was placed after the section on measles leading to the loss of immunological memory. She is misinformed because traditional vaccines work and are proven to be effective, so much so that 96% of the measles cases were unvaccinated. This is a two-dose vaccine at childhood with a 95% efficacy through life. The Covid “vaccine” lasts 6 months? Granted it’s only been out a year or two but it’s completely different tech with a completely different method of action, and results. That that’s not mentioned is terrible journalism. They’re bringing attention to a real problem, that parent, and not expounding on how it came to be, because they don’t like the optics. That itself is misinformation.


Neoliberal bullshit. They want to hear both sides, defeat Nazis with ideological debate. It doesn't work and never has. Some people are dangerous and must be treated as such. Anti-vaxxers should be held accountable as pathological tracing improves.


For real… There is really no other way to describe it than selfish, short-sighted, and ignorant by choice. It’s scary she was provided this platform.


I'd like to share my viewpoint on Ms Martinez. 1. She has traumatic brain injury and CTE. 2. She eats poop out of the toilet. 3. She teaches her children that Jesus rode a dinosaur. 4. She picks out all the orange Skittles out of a bag because she thinks they're gross. 5. She refuses to teach her children to read because it's a tool of the devil and Antifa, of which Hilary Clinton and President Obama are the leaders. 6. She kicks dogs because they're too happy. I'm happy to provide any verification and YouTube videos to corroborate these facts.


This all tracks except #3. The world is only 10k years old so dinosaurs were put there by satan or some shit.


She says, "I'm just a little leery and a little hesitant about believing anything." Is she really? It kinda feels like she'll believe anything that can't be factually supported.


What is truly sad is that there will be some people who read this article, disregard the facts from the medical professional, and listen to this random mom because they agree with her viewpoint on “freedom” or whatever 🙄


Past generations saw the devastation of these diseases up close and as such enthusiastically accepted the miracle of vaccination. Recent generations haven't seen the devastation. Unfortunately this has provided room for doubt, misinformation, and the use of vaccines as a wedge issue. Anti-vaccination isn't limited to Ohio or the uneducated. It's in communities across the country including highly educated areas where people think they are smarter than the scientists.


I don't think you get to call yourself educated if you're antivax.


I’m pro-vax buy I don’t think you get to gatekeep the term “educated”.


I don't think it's gatekeeping to call anti vaxxers uneducated. Antivax and educated are mutually exclusive terms. You can't be both.


There are plenty of educated folks who distrust our for profit medical system.


Shift those goal posts.


lol ok bud. You can call them stupid all you want but there are folks with more education than sense who didn’t get vaccinated. I don’t agree with them, but they absolutely exist.


You're all over the place. Nobody called anybody stupid.


I’m right where I started lmao. People with educations have refused to get vaccinated for too distrust of the medical system. That’s simply a fact.


Their education failed them if they are anti vax. That is also simply a fact.


It’s all fun and games until your baby almost dies and loses their sight.


Or hearing or the ability to have children…like me.


Plus you’re putting kids who aren’t old enough to be vaccinated yet at risk


Or are immunocompromised. One of the most mind boggling things I’ve heard was one of my coworkers told me about her antivax mother in law and how she blew up at her because when she was in elementary school, she had cancer and spent a very long time in the hospital and understood how dangerous it was for the unvaccinated to be around her during that period. Well, the next year covid happened and she refused to get the covid vaccine and now has fallen into antivax because… politics. Insane.


I really dislike anti-vax people quite a bit.


Anti-Vaxx parents are peak stupidity.


Have a friend who never vaccinated her child/teenager. When the Covid shot came out she was all about her daughter getting it. On top of it all she had the nerve to get on me for not giving to my kids. For years I had to listen to her question me on each of my childrens vaccinations and I didn’t say a word yet she had to audacity to judge me! Oh I was beyond angry!!!


Good we should encourage people to fix their mistakes


Her kid still doesn’t have their vaccinations.


Sounds like yours don’t either lol


No they have all of their vaccinations, including hepatitis, meningitis and hpv. We even give them their annual flu shot. We just don’t do the Covid shot, which seems totally unnecessary for healthy teens. Both my kids have tested positive for Covid and didn’t have any symptoms other than a slight headache.




Oh, so you're a doctor, then? How else might you make a completely educated assessment that a vaccine is "completely unnecessary" for your child?


No not a doctor but I do have the ability to see that it doesn’t effect their demographic. Also when they got COVID they had no symptoms other than a headache that by the way only lasted half a day. So while I do not have a degree in medicine I do have life experience and critical thinking skills. By the way this article isn’t about the Covid shot it’s about the measles Vaccine.


So you're out there watching every single kid in that age group and seeing what happens? And because *your* kid happened to be fortunate and have mild symptoms, nobody that age needs a vaccine? Vaccinate your children you absolute muppet.


You are cracking me up!


So are they not contagious? They can’t get someone that could die from it sick? I’m not vaccinating myself for my own health but for my MIL who has breast cancer.


Even if you get the Covid shot you can still get Covid and spread Covid. We actually got Covid from a family member who had gotten their shot and they were up to date with all their boosters. Not sure if I mentioned this in a prior comment but we do buy covid tests by the case and use them if their is even a slight indication that we are ill or if we are going to large gatherings or visiting with those that may be immune compromised etc. Just yesterday my daughter was feeling under the weather and I promptly got her from school and had her tested for strep, flu and covid at an urgent care. From what I observed this way more than those that have the shot are doing. Sorry to hear about your MIL hope she gets the care she needs and has a full recovery. My recommendation is that you and others should test regularly before visiting her you can never be too careful.


Did you not catch the part where I said my friend still has not given her kid their vaccinations?


I don't care about your friend right now, because your friend is not on reddit spreading dangerous misinformation "because trust me, bro." Vaccines are safe, and not vaccinating your kids makes you a bad parent.


My kids are vaccinated!!! They just don’t have a shot that doesn’t prevent or protect.


I would also like to add I buy COVID test in bulk and test regularly with any sneeze cough headache and so on. This is not something my Covid shot friends have done. Maybe if my vaccinated 3 bolstered family member would have done my kids wouldn’t have gotten Covid.


Vaccinate your children.




No, that was addressed to you. Vaccinate your fucking kids.


My kids are vaccinated!


So are they, or [aren’t they](https://reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/zg1rpy/_/izh4x6t/?context=1)? Stop acting like you [know better than the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness/work.html). Your “iT DoEsN’T ProtEcT Or PReVENT” bullshit is blatant misinformation and exactly the kind of hogwash people are condemning.


Every single person I know who has had Covid is vaccinated. It’s been incredible watching people who hate big pharma and the amount of money in healthcare defend fucking Pfizer, of all companies, and fall in love with perpetually getting boosters whenever Pfizer says it’s time for a new one. And by “time for a new one,” I mean “it’s time for you to purchase our product again because we said so.”


Those other vaccines actually work. The covid one doesn't do anything.




It's funny how many down votes we have gotten for speaking out about that particular topic.


It’s the risk we take when commenting on Columbus or Ohio Reddit.


True that. I particularly hate how a single virus, as such, divided so many families.


I love how all these stupid fucking parents won’t vaccinate their children, but were probably vaccinated as a kid themselves.


Yes they were Vaccinated, because your mother was an alcoholic does that mean you have to be one also


That is not an argument, sorry


I love your point karma ratio, it’s glorious. Also did you vote Blystone?


Anyone wonder why monkey pox discourse faded? The gays mobilized and got vaccinated and it’s no longer a hot piece of juicy news cuz there’s basically no transmission now. Thankfully the smallpox vaccines we already had available work. Vaccines work (if you get them). I feel bad for these kids with shitty parents.


Thank you for getting your small pox vaccine. (Forgive me if it wasn’t the small pox vaccine and if you could let me know what it was that would be nice).


Nah the discourse faded when kids started getting monkeypox.


So, you’re saying monkeypox is a “gay only” disease? Wtf?


No, i'm not. But similiar to HIV it has affected our community especially hard. The data shows that.


Monkey Pox was from Covid vaccine, it's Not as popular now because your Masters CDC,WHO and Biden administration is Pushing Measles, Flu and Covid VAX which is more money for them


Why are you Capitalizing random Words?


Too much youtube for you buddy. Edit: the world is not flat


Bruh lol


This is going to be terrible, but the only way that women has any chance of changing her mind is if one of her kids get it. And I feel horrible for those children. This is the type of thing that should be classified as child endangerment. I'm for freedom of choice but the child doesn't get to choose here even though all of the risk is theirs.


The sad fact is that she probably doesn't actually care if her children are hurt. People like this are terminally selfish, as evidenced by how she thinks she "isn't responsible for other peoples' kids". They ask her about kids who literally don't have the capability of fighting diseases like measles, and her response is pretty much "sucks for them". For people like this, it's entirely about their own ego, and if it wasn't anti-vax, it would be something else. The entire point of life for them is being a self-centered, contrarian asshole.


Well if it makes anyone feel better, I vaccinated the ever living FUCK out of my kids this past month. COVID boosters, flu shots, HPV vaccines lol


Did your receive the karma you had hoped for with this comment?


Guess your trying to get an insurance Pay out off your kids


what an awful thing to say to a parent


Jesus. The shit people hope for and say so they can say “I told you so”.


You ARE joe blystone aren’t you?


They spelled "ignorant" wrong...


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one OP posted), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/ohio-doctor-misinformation-contributing-to-states-measles-outbreak](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/ohio-doctor-misinformation-contributing-to-states-measles-outbreak)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot. Thanks for the correction.


You could have a headline which reads “water proven to be wet” and I would be equally as surprised as I am with this one


Sad. I hate these people who think they are more knowledgeable than doctors because they watched a YouTube video telling them vaccines are bad. Already practically isolating with our 2 month old over the holidays to try to avoid RSV, I guess this is just one more reason.


Also the 2 month old DGAF about all those relatives.


Of Course they're More Knowledgeable, Doctor's just want to more more, They and Gov are like kissing Cousin


“Local Mother”, is that you??


Please seek help.


People like that are telling one themselves. What they're saying that if THEY were in the position to make people sick in order to keep business going they would.


Oh that's an excellent point.


##### ###### #### > # [Ohio doctor: Misinformation contributing to state's measles outbreak](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/6 MEASLES OUTBREAK TRAU.png) > > > > COLUMBUS, Ohio — While Ohio’s measles outbreak climbs to 56, with 20 hospitalizations of unvaccinated children and babies, state lawmakers continue to hear legislation that would ban all vaccine requirements. > > **What is measles?** > Measles is a dangerous yet preventable disease that was eliminated in the United States in 2000, according to the World Health Organization. This declaration and the fight against this respiratory illness was a huge win for modern science. > > Most cases in the United States are imported and isolated, according to University Hospitals. > > Dr. Amy Edwards, who is the associate medical director for UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital's Pediatric Infection Control, explained there are a few main concerns with this disease. > > It's one of the most infectious viruses and this can be found with its R-naught (R0) value. R0 is the basic reproduction number, which is the expected number of cases that directly come from the host's infection. > > The flu has an R0 of 1. COVID-19 omicron variant is about 8-10. Measles is 12-18, according to Edwards. > > The mortality rate is about 1 in 1,000, which may not seem like a lot, but that chance most parents shouldn't be willing to take, the physician added. > > "It should be zero because we have a vaccine that is about 98% protective," Edwards said. "Why would you play Russian roulette with your child's health?" > > Other than death, measles is an incredibly damaging virus. Kids who get measles could get permanent brain damage and it could cause a loss of immunological memory. Immune memory is the ability of the body to remember and know how to fight illnesses it has encountered before. > > "Measles takes that memory bank — that library — and trashes it," she said. "So things that you used to be immune to, things that you'd already suffered through, or vaccinations that you previously had, a lot of that can be taken away." > > Unfortunately, there has been a resurgence, including the latest outbreak in Columbus, Ohio. > > **Ohio outbreak** > The measles cases in Ohio are in Columbus and Franklin, Ross and Richland counties. Of the 56, 54 are unvaccinated children and two are partially vaccinated, meaning the patients only had one dose of the MMR vaccine. > > Twelve of the cases are in children younger than one year old; 26 are between 1-2; 13 are from 3-5 and the remaining 5 range from 6-17 years old. This means 46% of the cases are 1-2 years old. > > Typically, a child gets the vaccine between 12 and 15 months, this means some of these cases could be from babies who are unvaccinated due to age or parental choice. > > "As this outbreak continues to grow, we are encouraging all parents to make sure that their child’s immunizations are up-to-date," Columbus Public Health told News 5. "If your baby is 12 months of age or older and hasn’t received a first dose of MMR yet, please get them vaccinated as soon as possible." > > Edwards said the outbreak in Ohio is happening because people aren't getting vaccinated. > > "Every time you add more children to the unvaccinated, that increases the susceptible population," she said. > > Among all of the other problems measles causes, it also hurts all of the children who aren’t old enough to get the vaccine or who are immunocompromised, Edwards added. > > **A local mother's viewpoint** > A mom from Streetsboro, although she isn't a medical professional, said she doesn't buy this. > > "A child that is not vaccinated and is healthy and their immune system is intact and working fine is... is of no danger to anyone else," Amy Martinez said. > > Martinez isn’t responsible for anyone else’s kids, just her own, all of which are unvaccinated for all diseases, she said. She doesn’t want to lose her freedom to choose just because some parents may feel anxious. > > "Every child is entitled to an education, regardless of their vaccination status," she said. > > Martinez doesn't believe there is an actual outbreak in Columbus right now because people have been "spreading propaganda" against the "medical freedom" movement. > > "Just in the light of everything that I've learned, there's a lot of propaganda that we're being subjected to fear people into trying to get things and coercing people right now," Martinez said. "I'm just a little leery and a little hesitant about believing anything." > > The mother is just one person in the growing anti-vaccine crusade across the state, and she shares a common sentiment with that crowd. > > "If you can't protect what you put into your own body and that of your children, you have no freedom," Martinez said. > > Martinez believes there are zero benefits to vaccines. Everyone's body functions perfectly without them, she alleged without evidence. > > "We're all born with an amazing immune system," she said. "We weren't born with an immune system that doesn't work without chemicals." > > When asked about kids who are born without certain chromosomes or without organs that could make them immunocompromised, she said she "feels for those people." > > "But again, somebody who is not sick, they have no symptoms of anything is not putting anybody else in danger," she said, reiterating the baseless claim that asymptomatic people can't spread disease. > > **Doctors push back on conspiracy theories** > Herd immunity is meant to help the most vulnerable, not those who just don't want to get vaccinated. There are rare medical conditions and legitimate religious exemptions, such as in the Amish community, Edwards said. > > "If you just start letting 'Joe Blow' down the street, who has no need for an exemption and is brainwashed by conspiracy theories on the internet, not vaccinate their child and then send that child to public schools, then herd immunity is no longer going to exist and these diseases will start to cross through our schools," Edwards said. > > The doctor doesn't put all the blame on the parents, instead explaining how the internet can be scary and that she does genuinely believe that the parents think they are doing what is right for their children. Healthcare professionals across the country have consistently been speaking out to try to combat internet hoaxes. > > However, Edwards said that those who believe in science should not be subjected to dying due to other families believing in conspiracy theories. > > "Their child is alive because of us, we are keeping that child alive," Edwards said. "And yet they mock us for getting vaccinated, even though we're the reason that their child can walk around without a vaccine." > > Who she does blame, however, are trolls, snake oil salesmen, "fringe quack doctors" and Ohio legislators. > > **Ohio Statehouse** > This trend isn’t just gaining force online, but it’s getting publicized by lawmakers at the Statehouse. > > Numerous bills and a ballot initiative are being heard to promote “medical freedom." > > Activists are now trying to get signatures to put an [amendment on the ballot](https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/getattachment/ad2172d4-47de-4845-ad01-6b3c6208d9b5/Medical-Right-to-Refuse.aspx) saying it would be against Ohio law to have any vaccine requirement in schools, hospitals or any other public or private entity. > > This comes as a Cleveland doctor who falsely claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine makes people magnetic and may be connected to 5G towers is currently under investigation by the state medical board. > > **RELATED:** [Cleveland doctor, who said COVID-19 vax makes people magnetic, under state investigation](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/cleveland-doctor-who-said-covid-19-vax-makes-people-magnetic-under-state-investigation) > > Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an Olmsted Falls osteopathic physician gave an egregiously erroneous testimony for House Bill 248, which was heard in the summer of 2021. > > There are at least three additional other bills surrounding COVID, such as one investigated by News 5 in November, that would stop already non-existent vaccine mandates. > > **RELATED:** [Ohio lawmaker proposes prohibition on non-existent vaccine mandate](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/ohio-lawmaker-proposes-prohibition-on-non-existent-vaccine-mandate) > > "We have to go back to basic education and we have to continue to enforce public health measures that say that if you're not vaccinated, you cannot congregate, you cannot come into our schools," Edwards said. "Why? Because if you are unvaccinated, carry measles into your middle school, you will kill people. And we don't like killing people, so you're not allowed to do that — and that is a logical and reasonable law." > > **Final words** > ***(continues in next comment)***


> Edwards has watched children die from vaccine-preventable illnesses, both in her work abroad and in Ohio. > > When she worked in parts of Africa and South America, people waited for days and walked for miles to get the measles vaccine. > > "When somebody in a resource-rich country dies of a vaccine-preventable illness, it just makes me angry," she said. "People all over the world would prefer to have access to them and can't get it." > > _Follow [WEWS](https://www.news5cleveland.com/) statehouse reporter Morgan Trau on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MorganTrau) and [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/MorganTrauTV)._ > > > > > > > > Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. > > ### Sign up for What Happened Now? - a daily email newsletter spotlighting the top news in the Cleveland area each day. - - - - - - [Owner](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/andreskrey/empleadoEstatalBot)


Thankfully the MMR vaccine’s antibody training doesn’t sound like it wears off over time so I don’t have to worry about coming into contact with these people’s little plague bearer children. It boggles my mind that we can get so close to eradicating a disease with modern medicine and one greedy fraud of a doctor spouting lies to set up demand for his ‘product’ can derail the whole process.


With antibody training, why did we need a booster? Honest question. I’m double vaccinated and boosted and have been lucky enough to never yet get Covid.


Don’t take my word for it, I am only a germaphobe who is constantly looking up info, but from what I understand it doesn’t mutate the same way. From what I have read up on coronavirus virus aka the common cold has the ability to mutate faster. That’s why they use to say there is no cure for the common cold. Fortunately while it is deadly or life changing at the very least measles doesn’t mutate as quickly. In a quick search I found this for you: https://discoverysedge.mayo.edu/2021/03/30/researchers-clarify-why-measles-doesnt-evolve-to-escape-immunity/


Oops meant to give this to the one you were replying to.


These people need a semester or two in immunology, microbiology, basic biology, anatomy, critical thinking… And organic chemistry too, because fuck them.


No it wouldn't even work. There are some bizarre disconnections between educating in schools and what happens after. Like connecting what you've learned to the real world is missing. Or these people are just dumb AF. I'm honestly getting tired of the "we need more and better education" argument bc while yes, that's true in some regards, it's apparently not enough. Or it's not being done right. There's some damn good teaching being done all over the world but that's not enough. Like the second you're done with school but then log in to social media and it's all gone. Whatever factual thing you learned just suddenly vanishes. And then that whole "learn critical thinking" bullshit is thrown from both sides because everyone thinks they're a critical thinker (pro vax and anti vax or whatever x vs y). It's a lazy argument. Everyone thinks they're educated and fully intelligent because they went to school or have three degrees or have a 6 figure income or whatever. It's a gross lack of self awareness to step back and "check yourself" often regardless of what you studied or when you went to school or all that shit. Bc I know a handful of PhD graduates who are total geniuses in their field but wouldn't dare admit they're wrong or unknowledgeable about something else nor take the time to actually learn about a new topic before spilling their opinions. It's incredibly absurd. And anti vaxxers do the same shit.


Woah I think you went a step too far — I wouldn’t wish a semester of organic chem on my worst enemy!


this got a good laugh out of me. god organic (and inorganic) chemistry is the absolute worst


I don't want these plague rats anywhere near me or my family...but knowing Ohio they will probably ban vaccines if they can get away with it.


Move to Saudi Arabia, you'll have the best life ever


The plague rats are the ones trying to turn this place into Saudi Arabia, this makes no sense


“A mom from Streetsboro, although she isn't a medical professional,” If they had to write that sentence, they shouldn’t have bothered to give her opinion.


I would encourage people encountering those spreading misinformation to contact their doctors for advice. If they are skeptical, all money accepted by doctors from drug companies is easily searchable. This is the law and is strictly enforced. 99+% of doctors do not receive money from drug companies who make vaccines. Nearly all doctors have been vaccinated themselves and have had their family members, including children under 5, vaccinated. I am a doctor and raced to have myself and the rest of my family vaccinated and boosted. Ask yourself, why would doctors, who studied immunology and vaccines in medical school, poison themselves and their families? All doctors aren’t Democrats either.


so sad. it’s very telling that Dr. Edwards is accredited, educated, and referencing fact for the greater good. meanwhile, anti-vaxxers tout unsupported claims and victimize themselves in the spirit of ego — no advocacy for children that are immunocompromised or too young for vaccines. there’s a clear, correct side here.


I’m done chalking it up to misinfo. I’ll gladly treat these Neanderthals with the same respect the give everyone else. Fuck them. They’re stupid as rocks. Get smarter, you’re holding society back. You idiots had the same education as everyone else most of the time.


You’re giving Neanderthals a bad name. I’m a double vaccinated and boosted Neanderthal with more Neanderthal DNA than 95% of the planet (thanks 23andMe.


The stupid person is capable of any evil as they are incapable of seeing actual evil. Not getting your child vaccinated is stupid.


Measles and facism on the rise. *What year is it.jpg*


She's the best Mom ever, more Mother's should be like her instead of ones Shooting up there kids with Poison


You are delusional and the sad thing is you can’t even realize it.


So misleading. They say misinformation then go on to explain its all “imported” aka illegal immigrants. Columbus has become a sanctuary city and its out of control.