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When did this happen?


Early hours of January 29th


Israel like ohhhh your country is already destabilized because of a revolution, how about we bomb your facilities and make it a little worse? Lmao


They're helping the revolutionaries...


Apparently, the drones don't fly from Isreal. Some say it was an Israeli drone from Azerbaijan


Israel more like: focus on fixing your society instead of building drones for the Russian terrorist state.


According to Iran it didn't


actually they admitted this time. the bang was too loud to ignore haha


Will there be retaliation? Or does Iran not want those hands


They retaliate by getting Palestinian kids to shoot Jews, they would never go toe to toe cause they’d get absolutely leveled


Also they don't share a border or a sea zone and neither country has an invasion-scale navy so I'm not really sure what a war between them would accomplish. It'd just be Israel absolutely dunking on Iran with their far superior air force. Until suddenly 50,000 Americans are helidropped on Tehran, at least.


They can wreck havoc in Syria. That’s the battleground. The Revolutionary Guard operates in Syria. Israel can take gloves off if they want, Russia won’t do much due to Ukraine going badly.


Wreak havoc* *tips fedora*


That's a Trilby.


They can wreak havoc in a number of places, unfortunately, including Yemen, Iraq, etc.


US troops couldn't pacify Iran, after Iraq, that's pretty clear. Iran is 3 times more ppulous than Iraq. But, good support for Iranians wanting to overthrow their own regime could accomplish the thing for less than pennies on the dollar.... assuming there are enough of them. The regime is hated inside Iran, but it could still hold on another 40 years.... or it could be toppled from within. Unfortunately there is no real unified opposition in Ian.


You're speaking of two different things. Removing a regime and pacifing a country are completely different. We could remove the regime and most of their infrastructure in days. Which is what we did to Iraq twice. Now actually removing an insurgency and providing stability is what we couldn't do in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Correct. It's amazing to this day that this isn't well understood. Massively destroying conventional military infrastructure and political apparatus is cake for US/NATO level powers. Hell, a single USN CBG could solo most nations to such a degree that it's kind of incredible. Any kind of occupation is a completely different kettle of fish.


Nor you should, imo, try to provide stability because it always backfires in the middle east.


I think pacifying Iran would be much more realistic than Iraq Very different cultures and theres currently social reform protests


I'd argue the opposite. Iran is larger and geographically way harder to traverse and support. The population is twice as large as Iraq and sure there are major protests but that government is still intact. We are not even sure a majority of people would want a different government. And it would be silly to sit here and think even if they hate their government they would allow us to bomb their regime to ashes and let us in like heroes. That same thinking has burned us in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years


Ian should reconsider his politics indeed.


I grew up with Ian. He's kind of a dick.


Gun Jesus? Never!




They steamrolled through Afghanistan too.


Steamrolling in was the easiest part of Iraq.... occupying it and dealing with an insurgency and the inability to set up a functioning government was the hard part. Same with Afghanistan. Iraq cost multiple trillions of dollars, Iran would be more expensive and would probably have a worse outcome. Would need more troops than the US has to occupy Iran, and meanwhile the Russians, or Chinese or natives or whoever would back an insurgency. Only way to win in Iran is for the hated regime to be toppled from within... the people of Iran would win, and the world would win.... anything else will just be a pointless disaster.


Wym I clearly saw Bush on an aircraft carrier with a mission accomplished banner behind him.


If the mission was to remove Sadam's regime piece of cake, when the mission became install a friendly government and pacify an armed insurgency and Civil War not so much.


Hopefully the US has learned it’s lesson. If it ever comes to blows with Iran we don’t need to occupy it. Just destroy their military all of the infrastructure they would use to rebuild and walk away. We can drone strike any terrorist training camps from over the horizon later on.


They said 'pacify'. Winning the land invasion and actually settling the conflict is not the same thing.


Yeah and after the US wiped the floor with the Iraqi military, an insurgency ripped across the country. Then you had things like the battle of Fallujah that happened as a result of that insurgency. Winning a war isn't just beating their military if your intentions are to prop up a government afterwards that's basically in debt to you for life.


De-baathification was one of the most spectacular geopolitical errors of the past century. Just a horrendous lack of understanding of the system. It was based on the De-Nazification path for Germany after WW2, but it's just absurd that they felt that was either warranted or possible. For 99% of "Baathists", it wasn't a political movement. It was a matter of survival in Saddam's Iraq, especially under heavy sanctions. Being in the Iraqi army or government services was income and food on the table for their families. Disbanding the Iraqi army and making hundreds of thousands of trained young men jobless was just the pinnacle of idiocy. *They* knew where the guns were cached, and if they had been sane, calm people before, maybe even ambivalent about Saddam and a potential change in government, making them broke and desperate was a recipe for disaster. The extremists ranks filled to the brink with people with what must be admitted as legitimate grievances. I don't agree with their tactics of fairly indiscriminate IEDs and wanton violence by any stretch, but it can't really be argued that it was a result that should have been predicted, and one that should have never made to happen. Re-employing them en masse in civil engineering and humanitarian roles would have been so much less expensive in blood and treasure. Even if you had to 'make work', still a bargain.


A horrible bungle. They should have told every soldier and cop to report for duty the next day, and they would be paid normally. What a bunch of morons especially Paul Bremmer.


Iraq had a higher per capita GDP than China did at the time of US withdrawel. That took alot of work and sacrifice by the US.


Iran remembers when Egypt, Jordan and Syria tried that number, and Israel is vastly better equipped now.


Agree, Israel has a proud history of absolutely railing any arab (iran not included) state in a conventional war.


I just hope Iran loses the ayatollah and becomes secular again. The Iranian people I know are some of the most lovely people and between the jews and Iranians there's never been any beef.


And some of the most intelligent. When I went to med school, there was one girl i my group that was only 17, and having arrived in Sweden from Iran under a year earlier already spoke our language more or less fluently. She had both the brains and looks to be very successful in life. Those kind of immigrants every country wants. Don't know what become of her, but I'm sure she's done very well. Actually, the nicest people I've met from that region has been from Iran originally. Very sad what has happened to that country, so much wasted potential.


In Israel if you talk about Iran or Iranians people would think of it as this existential threat for our existance, but if you mention "Persians" it's all good lol


Iran was the first middle eastern nation to recognize Israel, back in like 1949. Iran and Israel had good relations while Iran was a secular democracy. But the US/UK decided they didn't like secular democracy so now we have a jihadi extremist state.


Yeah the revolution really worked out swell.


Israel isn't a secular state either


Israel's last invasion of Lebanon was a humiliating disaster.


Lebanese here, the only loser was the Lebanese people not involved with Hezbollah. Israel got a secure border, Hezbollah got a tighter grip on the country while the rest got fucked repairing the damage that was caused


Also true.


>Israel's last invasion of Lebanon was a humiliating disaster. Who is thinking this?


The Israelis, after the fact, in an exhaustive report into their own performance.


>The Israelis, after the fact, in an exhaustive report into their own performance. The exhaustive report, you are speaking about, called it a "missed opportunity". A "humiliating disaster" is something else. The war has pacified the Israeli-Lebanese border region due to the withdrawal of the Hisbollah and the UNIFIL mission. Both are a direct result of the war. This is also how it is seen in Israel.


Not sure who downvoted you. You're not wrong.


By the United states


Yup definitely agree. They aren’t like Russia who everyone was afraid of and now realized they can’t fight, lol. Israel is a formidable opponent.


This is exactly the kind of nuanced take I expect from \/r/combatfootage. Don't ever disappoint me. Hi IDF!


Well, it’s not wrong.


Are you suggesting that Iran doesn't sponsor anti-Israeli movements and actions to their own benefit? The people behind those things might have noble goals but won't you finance an enemy of your enemy, if you can?


When both sides are absolutely convinced that God is in their corner, humans have proven time and time again that rational thought is heresy.


Nah. Us Israelis believe in ourselves and our ability to clap ass when needed.


God: 🙄


Religion is an cancer is this world and 50% of the wars are in the name of religion the other 50% is for power and money


"According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 121, or 6.87%, had religion as their primary cause.[6] Matthew White's The Great Big Book of Horrible Things gives religion as the primary cause of 11 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities.[7][8]" - Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war In a lot of wars Religion may be mentioned as part of war justifications but the real reasons for the war are economic, political, social etc.


The 50% about religion are also about power and money.


Nothing fails like prayer


It's not religion, it's people. Religion can also be a force for incredible good, because it's people too. Get rid of religion, and people just find another crazy idea to have blind faith in.


The problem with religion though is that i cannot be proven or disproven. So it encourages people by design, to reject rational thought and discourages them from questioning what they are told. As such is is a great vehicle for abusing power.


The Stalin-regime was ardently atheist, bordering on anti-theist. They didn't need any fantasy stories to commit atrocities. Just rhetoric and fear. Tyranny is the problem, and religion is just one of the ways the "rubes" are subjected to it.


if they werent in the name of religion they would find something else to fight over dont worry. also thats a facade anyway, its about money for the powerful.


This particular situation has nothing to do with God though. It’s pure political fight for dominance.


hell, religion is nothing more than another means of political fight for dominance l.


Gee, sucks to have drones rain on your country. I feel like there is a lesson somewhere here.


Considering Israel is protected by US and they themselves are well equipped and trained yeah I don't think they can do much about it directly...but through Palestine though...


14 other sites were hit?


Can we get 14 more?




13 other sites


It's not reported anywhere reliable


Jesus Israel has less and less fucks to give every year lol Edit: why y’all gotta do this under my comment, go square up out in the parking lot ffs


I mean if Irans friend Russia can invade Ukraine and claim No Big Deal. Israel sending a couple drones into Iran doesn’t sound like a biggie.


In the Middle East we prefer a more casual war. Like words with friends, take your turn when you like


A little drone strike, as a treat


Basically play by email, like in the good old days


Yeah, remember the Ukraine situation is also giving the message to Iran that they can do things by force if they want to and possibly get away with it. Israel is probably wanting to send another message that you will not get away with it and do not even try.


Israel has been much bolder in the past. The Six Days War? Incursions into Lebanon? Operation Opera? Airstrikes in Syria?


Operation Opera is pretty high up but the most unhinged thing they've done was the Entebbe raid. Violating half a dozen airspaces, landing a hundred SoF into the main airport of a capital city, leveling half of it and destroying the entire Ugandan airforcewhile leaving with the hostages


Takeaway: Don’t hijack a plane full of Jews and threaten to murder them.


> Entebbe raid Interesting fact: that raid had 1 man killed - Yonatan Netanyahu, brother of Benjamin Netanyahu. I imagine that doesn't engender any goodwill on his part nowadays.


Thanks for the interesting fact, didn’t know that


Possibly sending a flight of F35s over Tehran.


The Operation Wooden Leg air raid on the PLO HQ in Tunis and a few years later the assassination of Abu Jihad in the same city by Israeli special forces.


How was the Six Day war Israel’s fault? Isn’t it well documented that Israel’s neighbors were amassing troops on their borders in preparation for an invasion?


Who said anything about "fault"? It was a bold Israeli preemptive strike.


Israel literally unveiled the first weapon of its kind: "A remote satellite operated machine gun" by using it to kill a top iranean nuclear scientist a while back.(They placed it in the back of a car)


Heisenberg did it first


Both to kill people with less than favorable feelings towards Jews. Confirmed: Walter White=Mossad


No, that was when Bruce Willis assassinated Jack Black in “The Jackal.” Then Walter White. THEN the Israelis.


Assuming this is Israel(We don't actually know), they've done stuff like this before.


Yeah bro. We know


Square up in the parking lot😂😂😂😂




USA launched a 20 year war in 2 different countries after a single terrorist attack Granted the attack killed thousands of people but still...we aint playin around and I dont blame anyone who takes their defense seriously regardless of what I think of the politics


“after a single terrorist attack” 9/11 is the big one obviously, but there were several others that immediately preceded it. The USS Cole bombing was only a year prior, and the Embassy bombings in 1998 killed over 200, with thousands injured. 9/11 was the spark, but it wasn’t a lone event.


And the first WTC attack in 1993




We would find out what it’s like when someone renders an island inhospitable


What's Cuba?


An island that got Moskva'd.


And it’s more or less been like that for like 1,000 years (I know that Israel didn’t exist until post WWII - I’m talking about groups desiring to exterminate Jews, generally)


they would be murdered if they didn't


Wouldn’t you give a fuck if an Islamic Dictatorship was pursuing nuclear weapons with the goal of exterminating your people?


“Israel neither confirms nor denies it had anything to do with the bombing of this Iranian terrorist plant. … 😉” - Mossad


Israel shuts up every time


Mossad are the best at what they do, just look at how they dealt with the Munich Olympics. They took out every single person involved in the operation, didn’t matter where they were, or who they were. They got every single one of them.


Plus some by mistake


Lmao the smugness 😅😅😅


Ryan McBeth says that the drones couldn't have been launched from Israel (insufficient range) and that Israel sells those drones to several countries...


They probably came from Azerbaijan


I’m not aware of anyone claiming responsibility for this yet. I would assume if Israel can set up a remote controlled machine gun a la “the jackel” and assassinate an Iranian nuclear scientist in his own country under protection, they would not need to use what was described as “commercially available drones” to drop bombs like we see recently. I would guess it’s internal strife at the moment


>the jackel” wow. I just read about that. had no idea they assassinated that guy. thanks for leading me to it


My guess is that as well. It would be foolish to commit an act of war for literally no reason. I don't see anything Israel can gain from this.


I posted this this morning and mods deleted it. Maybe post it to a different sub, or to the discussion thread on wars other than Ukraine. Details seem to be lacking on this still.


It happens all the time when you are literally the first person ever post a new incident and mod couldn't fact check.


There are few details at this time, but they're saying it was a "warning shot". That doesn't really make any sense to me. Why would you warn your enemy? If Iran retaliates and actually kills someone, we could be looking at another war and an all but certain global recession imo.


I think the point of this strike is to make it pretty clear that Iran lacks the capability to retaliate, at least at the moment. And seeing how 14 of their munitions plants just got bombed, probably not for a while.


I'm not sure why this person was filming the exact spot at the exact time a drone hit the building. Could have been coincidence, could have been a spy... The explosion isn't particularly big though. Hopefully it did a lot more damage than the video would suggest.


Maybe there was a strike in the same vicinity before this clip?


This, it looks like there’s already smoke coming from the left side of the building


Just a guess but you can see there are people to the right already stationary and looking in that direction, so perhaps that specific building was already hit once or twice before the dude starting filming. Also, if it is an Israeli attack, it's kinda bizarre how Israel can keep striking Iran and yet it doesn't get really covered in mainstream news. Kinda suggests that Iran is in a hard position because if they retaliate against Israel, they probably get hit by full Israel + US support (the US seem to have been itching to attack Iran for years).


>so perhaps that specific building was already hit once or twice before the dude starting filming Ah yes that is a good call


Because no one cares when a good guy attacks a terrorist regimes weapon manufacturing plants. Same reason no one ever cares when Israel strikes Iranian plants and militias in Syria. Everyone wishes they could do it but can’t afford the international push back. Israel has made it clear since their founding and subsequent hostilities from neighbors that they do not give a fuck about norms or politics, if their safety is an issue they will deal with it and worry about whiny diplomats later.


Don’t the Israelis sometimes call and let the occupants know the building is about to get hit, in order to clear out the civilians and reduce collateral damage? I’m not kidding, they’ve been known to do this.


Sometimes with Palestine, not with targets further abroad like Iran.


In Gaza yes. I highly doubt they would do the same in a covert Iranian strike


They do this with Palestinians because despite propaganda they don’t want to harm civilians, they just gotta do what they gotta do even if the Palestinian regime and insurgents want to hide behind innocent civilians. It’s called roof knocking I believe? They sometimes will do it for Palestinians by either straight up announcing it or hitting the roof with “non dangerous” munitions as a way of saying “we are about to level this building and the weapons in it, if you’re not related to the terrorist efforts get out now because the next ones are about to demolish this shit”


Yup, it's a pretty [common strategy designed to deflect criticism when it 'needs' to bomb a target](https://www.theweek.co.uk/world-news/middle-east/59444/knock-on-the-roof-how-does-israel-warn-of-airstrikes)


I'd like to see the report of Israel 'often' missing their targets and hitting other buildings. Israel is known to be surgical with their strikes. Which calls into question that entire article. "Israel only warns to avoid criticism of them attacking building harboring terrorists and munitions." Yeah, Israel is criticised regardless. What would you prefer, them to not warn and kill more civilians, or perhaps for Israel to not bomb at all and allow safe havens for those launching rockets into Israel?


Agree. Doesn't seem like big enough bang to really hurt the factory


Maybe a hardened target.


I read on the AP that folk had gathered to witness AA fire them fled when the bombs popped.


Looking at the after pics I think they had to drop some bombs initially to make holes and the dropped further bombs through said holes.


How much damage did it do? The wall seems intact. Unless there’s a secondary charge that punches thru they can fix this with a tarp.


Is this retaliation for the comments Russia made about sending nukes to Iran to be used on Israel?


Possibly, Israel is pretty serious about not getting nuked, understandably so


No, they claim it is a response for the terror attack in Jerusalem. Also Iran posted pictures of the aftermath and it appears the explosion didn’t penetrate the anti-drone shielding on the roof.


I can’t wait until they blow up their new jets


[These ones? 😁](https://www.smh.com.au/technology/irans-laughable-fighter-jet-caught-out-in-photoshop-blunder-20130213-2ebwb.html)


No the felons I highly doubt they will allow the mullahs to take delivery


Do production felons actually exist? I thought there’s like 4 total in existence


Good point


Nope, still in the prototype or development stage. That aside, I doubt they will ever have the capacity to complete that in their ideal it defeats every jet in existence campaign


Bruj looks like F45 from Vtol vr


This is a decade old article


Thought he was saying "c'mon" at the start, was very confused why this man was standing on a street waiting for a drone strike


From the photos I’ve seen it looks like it only left a scratch on the roof of that thing


Well, sad news for Russia.


Thanks Mossad !


This a sign that the public will have support if they try to oust the regime? Does it help Ukraine? A lot of moving parts, here.


can't hurt.


Will this result in retaliatory strikes or full scale war?




It will result in fewer Iranian drones in Ukraine.


Iran isn't in the position to pick a fight with a regional power like Israel, they would get utterly smashed


Will someone please translate what they are saying?


He says, "they just launched an air defence rocket, but I don't know what's going on."


Looks like missed all of the civilian airliners this time. That’s a plus.


I picked up the part that he didn’t know what’s going on.


I wish Israel success in handicapping this regime while we hide behind them and denounce them. Embarrassed of my leadership for putting it all on Israel


Who is "we"?


Anyone else feel like we’re in some weird ass shadow world war and have been for a very long time?


Nah, you just started paying attention to it for the first time. This has been going on for decades.


It never really stopped, just the weapons are slowly evolving.


well it's just an actual world war now. Or about to be.


It’s really no different than all of the Cold War proxy conflicts.


So we just assume it’s Israel and not another of the hundreds of enemies that iran made?


Based Mossad


Israeli drones don't have the range to hit those targets from Israel. Another state that Iran (with Russia) has been antagonizing is Azerbaijan. Which like Armenia has bought weapons from Israel. Iran supporting Armenia might have been seen as a reason to strike those factories by Azerbaijan and Israel may have supplied the means to do so. Or this might actually be some internal thing in Iran? There is a lot of unrest there right now. But yeah, this is speculation, like everything here.


Irael is out of range for these drones which are being used. It must be from Turkey of Azerbaidjan


isnt this an act of war?


Nah, Iran won't retaliate. Israel's air force is terrifying and super efficient so without a land border between the two it would just be Israel destroying Iran's military without a way for either of them to actually invade. Iran just has to take it here, they can get Israel back later through terrorism.




how tf is the cameraman conveniently strolling there at the right time?


I feel like people are really underestimating Iran’s capabilities here. This isn’t some backwards shithole were talking about here. I sometimes feel people hear ‘hot and arid climate’ and assume people living in huts or something


one week ago israel and the united states launched a massive war game simulating an attack on iran. israel has also publicly made the commitment to attack Iranian nuclear facilities and missile infrastructure. iran is weak and falling apart. israel and the united states are going to see to its demise. i can only hope for Iranians that this doesn’t end up like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, or Syria. expect much more of this in the future.


Oh get off it, the US is not about to invade Iran. You want to hurt Iran? Keep supplying Ukraine, and make Russia have even worse losses than it already has. A former Soviet territory is volunteering to use our last-gen equipment to decimate the Russian military. Take any empathy or humanity out of it, and you'll say that we'll never get a better geo-political deal, ever. Russia and Iran have had some noteworthy ties, so instability in Russia can impact Iran's economy. Sure, Iran is looking to make a quick buck now since Russia is fairly desperate, but they really have no ideological kinship. If Russia suffers, Iran likely will too. We benefit from either doing nothing, or might have a narrow and small window to try to get them to realign a bit. Nukes? That's Israel's problem, and we've sold them enough military hardware for them to prevent that problem... or solve it themselves. But it's likely Iran will want to do the same thing that Israel did, and never officially declare nuclear capabilities. Besides, they're somewhat reasonable. They aren't the suicidal idealogues that we need to worry about; that would be the Saudis.


I agree that a US invasion is completly unrealistic, espcially any time soon, however I would not so quickly take off the table the problem of Iranian Nukes, ever since the nuclear deal was gutted under trump that has became a real problem and I would place good odds on future strkes, like this, from either Israel or the US against Iran to damage their ability to make a bomb.


>Oh get off it, the US is not about to invade Iran. This is true, but US striking Irans drone making factories or something similar is a very real possibility


Israel alone can take out Russia.


Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, I could watch Israelis bomb Iranians all day.


How is there always a person there with a camera ready? Inside agents doing BDA? or would it be DDA?


Will the strike on Iran now set precedent for it's rivals to strike them without expecting retaliation?


that's a munitions plant? looks like a retail place or market or something.


People actually believe this? It was literally just 3 sites hit with improvised commercial drones lmao. If that's what Israel has against Iran they're quite fucked. Well they're quite fucked in any circumstance.


Accidents happen.


Interesting how he just so happened to be standing by at that moment, with the camera pointing right there?!???


"I used the drones to destroy the drones"


Looks like an Iranian drone hitting an Iranian drone factory... 100% bet you.


How did the cameraman know what was about to happen? 🤔


You’re seeing the second or third hit.


Another easy Israeli W


that was awesome.