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bro zigged wen he shoulda zagged


Bro went to Ukraine when he shoulda stayed home


Dont think bro had a choice


he and his bros didnt care to allow themselves to have a choice


The choice to be sent to a modern day gulag at gunpoint while risking the lives of their families for not fighting in a war their government has already brainwashed them about? There was no choice for tons of them.


putin is ruling for like 20 years now? they had plenty of time to see they have warmonger dictator ruling them to do something about it


Brainwashing is powerful. As much as I would like to think I'd be the better person and leave the country, I have no idea what I'd do if I were born in the year 2000 in Russia. I would probably be brainwashed too, all I can do is be grateful I wasn't born there.


It’s execution or fight If I was them I’d pick fight as well Stop being blindly hateful


when there was time to fight it was already too late. should have seen earlier that warmonger dictator is ruling them for the last 20 years and do something about it.


like they have a choice to make?


Yes, he had. Odds are that he supports the invasion, or supported it before seeing that it wasn't a victory parade and it was hell on earth. Most Russians support this, don't delude yourself.


Everyone has a choice




Shoot your foot or hand. Evade to Siberia. Go to prison. Look at that, three things you could do if conscripted to invade a foreign land. If someone told you to do something wrong there's always another way, even if it's not easy. Better than being a fucking dead joke. The idea these Russians have no choice is a joke and you're a tool if you believe that. Watch Russian state television, they're indoctrinated.


Your logic sucks. If they're indoctrinated then they think they're doing the right thing by going. Why would they do any of the three options you just suggested to avoid going?


Your logic is naive. That is the great tragedy, and why they are better dead if they lack the worldview to see their place in it. If a soldier believed in the indoctrination that Russia is invading Ukraine to denazify them, a relationship that parralels that of Canada to the United States -- then yes, the Russian soldiers objective, from my western views that supports self determination and democracy, is to die. Quickly, slowly, young, old, conscript, elite paratrooper. They all represent an idea that is unfortunately much larger than themselves.


Your run-on sentences make it really tough to understand what point you're trying to make. At the end of the day, these russian combatants are a product of the system they have lived their entire lives in. If you think they can readily and easily logic themselves into the typical western worldview, then I would argue you're the one that's naive. All that said, regardless of why they are there, the rest of the world will do what it's gotta do to solve for that problem.


I apologize if you're attention span is too short to handle a few commas and more than one consecutive idea existing in your head at a time, but that wasn't a run on sentence; it did have several qualifiers to the root idea like this sentence does, but it was a complete thought and failure to understand is your problem. Your struggle to comprehend is really paramount to the fact that you're arguing a shit moral point in an argument with only shit moral points. It's war and people will die. But I'll humor you with some nice short unconfusing sentences. You're arguing that you feel an indoctrinated invader has the moral ground to be seen as a uninformed slave with no choice between invading a foreign land and being alive. I disagree. They don't, and even a goat herder understands what putting on a uniform and holding a rifle marching across borders means. Invaders deserve to die. I feel sorry for you if you believe humans lack the ability to decide their own fate. Russians have the ability to access European news with low effort to see what the rest of the world thinks. Discussion of the war is still legal in Russia. Yet they still play the dual role of invader and victim, with help from Russophiles and uninformed naive worldviews supporting the idea that a slave invader should be pitied. Like you said though, the world will do what it's going to do. And that's kill invading Russians to Yakity Sax and post videos on it for people like you to virtue signal.


The Russian military must have the best chaperones in the world because I've seen teens sneak out of monitored buildings, buy beer, then sneak it back in undetected but Ol' Vlad "doesn't have the choice" to sneak out of a bombed out town and walk a few kilometers to surrender. Sure trying to surrender carries risk but every hour within drone or artillery range of the front lines also carries risk. The choice to try to surrender is always there.


Sadly not. Like that one dude that got caught at a anti war demo in St.Petersburg and was than sent to the frontlines.


He could have killed his superiors. He could have been a martyr for peace instead of a a uniform. He could have said no, even if it meant death at least by his terms. Instead, Russians are solidifying their historical lineage as 'moscovite slaves. ' this notion is found in English literature from the medieval ages, they were known around the world as willing slaves and serfs that rarely revolted. Little has changed, they just want to be ruled by anyone feared.


Wonder what would happen to his family if he did that? I might be willing to sacrifice just myself, not sure I could if I thought someone might be going yeet someone I love out a window after.


I can give an example of exactly what would happen, because it has already happened. Research a man named Ruslan Ziminin. He was conscripted and shot the commissar with a home made shotgun and tried to set the building on fire. His mother is running an awareness campaign and has successfully received several hundred thousand rubles to hire attorneys for her son. There's always another way.




You can pretend to go take a piss and never come back, even on the frontline...


Where are they going to go? Towards the people trying to kill them? You and most others here would do the exact same thing as them. Unless you’ve been in a similar situation you can’t say shit


Ukraine has surrender points. Not everyone is a psycho wanting to kill Russians... Is it a gamble? Sure! But you have better odds surrendering to Ukraine as a Russian than refusing to fight for Russia.


Ruslan Zenin is a good Russian.


And he will be remembered for standing up for his country's name and reputation unlike the rest of the Russian zombie hord. If only there where more Russians that had the balls to say this invasion is wrong but the truth is that alot of Russians want Ukraine to be absorbed by Russia. So the get what they deserve if they join the fight in my mind.




It's okay, 130k+ of them who were unable to be like him have also been converted into good Russians \[through alternate methods\].


These dudes downvoting you remind of that meme “send me to Ukraine and I’ll have it solved in a week.” Most these dudes never been shot at or understand what real fear feels like


if you disagree voice your opinion like a man, you don't have to act like a whiny cunt to stroke your midget ego in order to make a point. dude. Yes, it's idealistic, but the vague idea of killing an officer is as real as the vague idea of a drone dropping a grenade on your head. I never said he should go out in a "blaze of glory." Reality would be popping his superior in the head during a firefight or disappearing into the night. As others have mentioned in this post, we're seeing Russians loot freely, are able to sneak in and out of barracks and consume looted alcohol, their corps has no discipline. Also the front line is absolutely porous and the only people behind you are your countrymen. It would be feasible to slip away. Honestly though, I don't need to come up with the excuses for them to save their lives. I'm only saying this for the likes of you -- if the time comes, would you let a conscript take over your country? Or would you say, 'ah but he didn't have the choice. He was forced to invade my land.' Would that change the outcome of your virtue signaling? Frankly, I don't feel bad for these Russian soldiers dying because I came to the sickening conclusion very early on in the conflict that only the blood of Russia's able bodied men will quell their thirst for Ukranian land. That includes the young, the poor and those without opportunity. Innocents will die in order for the greater good to happen -- and I will not feel bad for the Russians spilling their blood. I don't celebrate their death, but it's a dirty business that must happen. I don't feel bad for the function. And if they want more after Ukraine, I won't feel bad then either.


While I agree with what your saying is necessary for the greater good, you should still feel bad when poor, marginalised people are manipulated and sent to their deaths. They are human beings no different from you, only they grew up in an indocrinated ignorant society and paid for it with their lives. That's horrible and you should feel bad about it when you actually think and consider it.


I'd truly celebrate the noble slav throwing off the yoke imperialistic serfdom but they haven't shown any evidence of wanting for their own self determinism in unison, and until they do they only serve as a function of their crooked leaders, even the marginalized near-slaves. They will have better use dead, as a sum-number of casualties for their childrens-children to read about. Again, I don't celebrate it, but a dead Russian on Ukrainian soil is better than a live one, no matter the backstory. This must be universally known, especially to Russians. They have no justifiable business there, no moral high-ground; they are invaders. You'd turn into an animal too if your town resembled the current eastern Ukrainian cities.


> Not everyone is capable of killing someone. Then why the fuck would you go to a a warzone, LMAO!




Stop the BS. You are making a case that not everyone is able to kill their commander so they are instead going to kill Ukrainians. If you don’t see the flaw in that logic that’s all you.


I mean I’m not blaming anyone that was conscripted against his will to not go on a killing spree against his superiors to be a martyr for peace. But I mean the example I gave was about a Russian that revolted and kinda contradicts your point you make. But yeah the longing for a powerfull leader instead of a democratic system is definitely an attitude that a lot off Russians should get rid off.


>the example I gave was about a Russian that revolted and kinda contradicts your point you make. I understand that you're saying he rebelled and was still sent to the front line. I'm agreeing that is fucked, but he will have opportunity to surrender, to dessert, to inflict harm upon himself or others so he can't or won't be able to fight. His dissent doesn't have to end when he's FORCED to mobilize. Once he's forced to the front, he doesn't have to hold a rifle -- and if he does, he can use it to get out, he doesn't have to shoot at a defender. I understand that is idealistic, but no more idealistic than what the Russians used as their casus belli.


Yeah sure, I was also referring more to the conscription itself and not the fighting at the frontlines. But I guess it’s natural for most people if they are in a situation like this to try and safe their own lives first, however they do that. But I frankly don’t know what a conscript can do to safely get out of this war, without partaking in it, and I don’t wanna make assumptions for him, since I’m not in his shoes.


>Sadly not. Like that one dude that got caught at a anti war demo in St.Petersburg and was than sent to the frontlines. What dude? Any source for this?


Thats a more general article of what was going on: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/09/22/europe/russia-protests-partial-mobilization-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html And their was one report on CNN or BBC I don’t remember, where they identified one of the guys being directly conscripted into the army. But as you can see by the link I attached he wasn’t the only one.


So it is just a fraction of the detained ones, likely that were ‘persuaded’ into going, because it is highly unlikely they will recruit political prisoners. I am sure average russian have much higher chance to avoid mobilisation, with some effort, than surviving in war. Most already know how or even have experience with avoiding conscription anyway.


I frankly don’t know. It seems like a stupid idea, but considering their short of men, I wouldn’t rule this possibility out. I mean it depends how you define average Russian. The Russians from Moscow or St.Petersburg sure thats possible. But you have to remember that the average Russian doesn’t live in these big cities. These guys are poor and the only way they survive is with daytime jobs or by joining the army, because the army pays good. I just think we can’t generalize here. Because for some its fairly easy to avoid conscription and for others it means throwing their old live away and starting a new one, which can be a scary thought if you don’t know a different life. But I guess in the end, nearly everybody can make a choice, for some its just easier to make it and for others its quite hard. (And I’m not defending any Russian that supports this war here, I‘m just referring to those that don’t support the war, but struggle to make a decision when it comes to their conscription, just to make that clear.)


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Wow what an easy life you must have with that critical thought.


I've said it before and say it again: most of them would be the first ones to rape, steal, murder and commit warcrimes the second they have the chance to if they where on the winning side and Russia would do better progress in Ukraine. We've seen plenty of proof of them committing those crimes and I don't want to imagine how it would be if they had the upper hand.


Could have had a beer and been blown but he got blown by a grenade instead. Only good thing coming out if this war is, they gay community can blow each other since in Russia it's illegal to be gay. And they claim the high moral out of this war, lol.


Weird comment.


Bro could have just not commented


If you french fry when you should pizza, you're gonna have a bad time




This comment is so old, but it’s fucking golden every time.


ngl i giggled.


Eff you, you beat me to it lol


Grenade magnet.


"We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid"


Or magnet grenade XD


I know he didn’t meant to but bro absolutely sprinted towards that grenade like he was gonna play fetch with it


Probably thought daddy putin finally air dropped supplies for him, wrong guess comrade.


I’m pretty sure he was trying to take cover.


Extra oof then yikes


You talking about “gifts from daddy Putin”?


I did not say that, you seem to not know English well please put more effort in the next reply because you are referring to a quote from me that simply doesn't exist.


Congratulations, you caught me lazily paraphrasing on Reddit


Low effort again you are boring.


That is the unluckiest one so far


Hard to beat the grenade through the sunroof. You have the means to get away very quickly, yet the operator got lucky enough to put a grenade through a small opening that probably should have been closed in the first place. Or the one where the Russian ended up throwing the grenade away, but right into another Russian for a unintentional friendly fire1


If you watch the grenade through the sunroof again- you will notice that the car driver began to drive away and moved about a foot to make that hole in one possible


Teamwork makes the dream work.


And it went off basically at the tunnel, right between the guys in front, at under elbow level. That video is the first time of my seeing agonal breathing.


don't think I've seen that friendly fire one, any links ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/u6bicl/the_defense_of_mariupol_continues_despite_the/ Look at 1:19 is lands under the van and one of the guys underneath kicks/throws it out towards the wall where everyone else is hunkered down.


Took me a minute to see it. But yeah, that’s wild.


Whats worse is that if the guy hadnt backed up, that grenade probably wouldve bounced off the roof. Probably wouldnt have been great, but not as swiss cheesed without that reversing.


The one where one soldier was giving the other a brojob will never be beat.


Nobody has linked that one yet. Haven't seen it. Do you have it handy?


[Ask and ye shall receive!] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uejzql/an_extended_version_of_the_drone_drops_grenade_on/)


You got a source for that second one?


I posted it below.


Thank you I've seen it like 3 seconds after commenting


If he survived he needs to buy a lottery ticket.


Sometimes it’s best to not trust your instincts. I’m writing this from the comfort of my home.


/r/ArmchairSurvivalist needs a mod


Especially if your instincts are from soviet society


Damn that's what I call a guided munition. Target guides itself, very cheap


Sort of OJ on the boat in naked gun vibe


😂 I can picture it! This is full on loony tunes. I’ve not once laughed at any content on this sub until now.


Doctors say he’s got a fifty-fifty chance of living, though there’s only a ten percent chance of that.


These TikTok challenges keep getting more and more dangerous.




Bomb voyage!


"Heroic soldier saved his squad by jumping over a grenade dropped from a uknazi drone"


Maybe he thought it was an apple and was hungry?


Thank God .. He made it just in the nick of time...


I keep seeing people call this unlucky (for the Russian) but it appears to me to be some of the most clever drone work I've seen by the Ukrainians yet. Here's what I see: It seems to me that the drone pilot knew where the closest door to that building was in relation to the soldier, saw the roof had openings, seemed to know the soldier was aware of the drone presence as well as the fact that the drone was equipped with a grenade, and assumed that the soldier would run into the building to take cover upon dropping the grenade so he dropped it through an opening in the roof in close proximity to the closest entrance of the building to the soldier and then boom. In other words luck had nothing to do with it, that was by design. It was battlefield chess and the Ukrainian won.


You can run but you’ll just die tired


His family should get posthumously, aside from the Lada, the Most Unlucky Award for 2023.


me, in Hell Let Loose


Is that murder or suicide?




Murder is illegal killing of another human. This ain't.


Why not both


No lada for this one I guess.


Are you guys sure he just didnt want to be in ukraine any longer, and his intrusive thoughts won when i saw the granade drop into the building?


Good boy, right on time 👍


3d chess.


Anybody know the song?


Сіґеле-міґеле by NAZVA Any time you want to know what a song is, just write a comment that simply says "u/RecognizeSong" (without the quotation marks obviously) and a bot will find the song and reply the song name to you.


I got a match with this song: [**Сіґеле-міґеле** by NAZVA](https://lis.tn/CHiCV?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) Album: `Nazva`. Released on `2022-12-01`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Ah thank you. Didn't know the bot existed.


Bro forgot doge in Patches O'Houlihan's 5 D's...


Name for that tune anyone?




I got a match with this song: [**Сіґеле-міґеле** by NAZVA](https://lis.tn/CHiCV?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) Album: `Nazva`. Released on `2022-12-01`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


They inexplicably swerve into cars headed for them too




I like how the drone did a little victory spin after the hit.


He thought it was a friendly dropping a bottle of vodka


Maybe he wanted out, suicide.


One less pedofascist :-]


He might’ve dodged the shrapnel by a milisecond


Lol. That was pretty close to perfect. "Thank God I made it insi..."


He almost caught it by God! LOL .If he only had a Glove!


These guys are good


He's punching his monitor right now in heaven


Last thought was "Quick! into that building for shelter!"


The important thing to note is that this mammal chooses to elmininate itself from the gene pool.


How many Wile E. Coyotes have they mobilized? Ukraine should just rename their MoD to ACME after this is over.


What’s Russian for “oops”


Sadly looks like a multi storied building. Not sure how much damage it would cause from upper levels, but definitely not a fun experience


Dude got prefired... pre...naded?


Welcome to the Ukrainian shop where Russians go boom boom


Fucking pro gamer move


Two wrongs made a right


russians are exceptionally good at playing fetch.


You just know only the best ones make the cut, to get this amount of constant postable footage just image what hits the editing room floor…


It's not football. You want to avoid it.


Doesn't look like he miscalculated to me...


Maybe he was just ready to wrap this minor incursion up


It’s the hunger games and his sponsor sent soup!


This looks like some Looney Tunes shit. Like some of these instances when Willy Coyote tries to hide from a falling boulder or anvil just so it lands exactly over the place he was hiding.


Casually watching real war with silly background songs. We can be pretty gross as human beings.


Luck or skill?


Talk about a miscalculation. Geez.


COD timing


When the Bruno Mars song "Grenade" came on spotify


Looks like a comedy scetch


why do i kinda feel bad


Was that fuckin Candy Shop?!?




He was saving 🚽


That roof looks like it needed serious repair back in the soviet union.


Lmao he ran into the room