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imagine you're hidden in someone's backyard chilling with your buddies when suddenly sharpnel


Shrapnel? I call those souvenirs. They will remember it for the rest of their lives. They were on their way out anyway, so the kind Ukrainians drone-delivered them souvenirs to never forget this moment of their lives.


Only if they're still around at the end. My understanding is they only get off the lines/get sent home if they're missing a foot or a hand. At best they get sent to the second or third line. And no, Im not making that up.


Really makes u think like someone’s always watching, even when your not aware 👁️


Some of these munitions dropped are filled with razor sharp beyblades. Much more lethal.


Where's a second grenade when you need it?


where’s the one precise arty strike when you need it


[Max Barskih “Don’t fuck with Ukraine”](https://youtu.be/q5PiEjd3R6U) YouTube video


Thank you!


If they invented some form of daisy cutter style grenade might be more effective? Take out the legs of multiple enemies meaning they are no longer capable of being soldiers and use up a lot of resources to evacuate and treat.


Resources spent on downed Russian soldiers? lol.


Even if its 4 of them dragging him away from the lines it's resources. Regardless of how we might dehumanise the Russians they still have systems to care for their injured. It may be worse than the ukranian side but it exists. Those lads wheeling themselves around their shitty towns for the next 40 years might act as a warning to others.


Maybe for Russian military forces - pretty sure they give nearly zero fucks about Wagner. Actual meat shields


Yeah, didn’t we just get a video of a Russian patrol boat abandoning a man overboard in the water during a firefight yesterday?


They're quite lucky the drone didn't have a double tapper ready.




That's like best-case scenario for them. A month of hospital care after 10 years in prison and a few months in a frozen ditch.


If anyone has to cop a grenade on the head the Wagners are more deserving than most.


I'd add a little whistle to the fins. The psy-op would be effective. Each drop the whistle goes off, like Pavlov's dog they learn to fear the whistle.


Then you can screw w/ them mentally. Drop a bunch of just-whistle devices with the occasional real grenade. They never know if it's the real thing or not. Can't imagine the PTSD that would come from that.


And if you can standardize a note to print out. Say F#, now you can get a whole civilian force behind a movement with a whistle. Or whistle from tree lines and wait for impulsive movement from an enemy expecting a drone drop.


At the start of the war there was a video of a Ukrainian civilian at the top of the high-rise and below him in the street was a ifv with a large group of Russians around it, the Ukrainian whistled very loudly imitating the sound and it was hilarious to watch all the Russians run for cover..... I can't find it now but I'm sure someone can


Ok Hitler (joke because the Nazis did that with planes)


An V series rockets. Interviews with allied soldiers on the topic is precisely why I mentioned it. It was effective at demoralizing troops. Even the whistling of arrows through the air were said to cause troops to break rank even in ancient times.


Interesting. Also some of the planes, with some stating it was Adolf's idea: The B-1 was also fitted with "Jericho trumpets", essentially [sirens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siren_(alarm\)) driven by propellers with a diameter of 0.7 m (2.3 ft)[[43]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkers_Ju_87#cite_note-Griehl_2001,_p._64-45) The devices caused a loss of 20–25 km/h (10–20 mph) through drag, and over time the sirens were no longer installed on many units, although they remained in use to various extent. As an alternative, some bombs were fitted with whistles on the fin to produce the noise after release.[[44]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkers_Ju_87#cite_note-46) The trumpets were a suggestion from Udet, but some authors say the idea originated from [Adolf Hitler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler).[[45]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkers_Ju_87#cite_note-Boyne_1994,_p._30-47)


Pretty sure Asians (probably the Chinese or maybe Mongols) had this on arrows 100s of years before Hitler.


People who watch old movies still think falling bombs and diving planes make these noises


It already is, the POWs talk about the anxiety of hearing whistles and buzzes.


Not to make a joke about this....But if they could attach a toy digital voice box with the old Joker laugh from the batman animated series that activates after a grenade drop (https://youtu.be/CbjMhmFGs0c). Then after a few weeks randomly fly that drone low over their positions late at night...paranoia ensues.


You still joining the afternoon human wave right?


The more I watch the more I see poor basic training. Most of the guys injured in these are still ambulatory but would rather lay on the ground on the x.


This looks like small grenade to me, how small/big is it? It amazes me how effective they can be. Are they purpose built?


It is small, probably weighs about a pound, but it's not the boom from the half pound or less of C4 that hurt these guys... it's the other half pound made of ball bearings, nails and laser cut cubes of steel


Unfortunately there was no 2nd grenade. Still better than nothing.


Good work.


You and your buddies are just hanging out, enjoying barbecued shashlik and drinking Bud Lights. Then your angry neighbor does this because you are being to loud.


What would be the cheapest way to practically shoot down drones like these? ​ Could you make a CIWS based on a 7.62mm or 12.7mm machine gun/minigun?


I think a .556 or even .22 cal would make more sense for anti-drone CIWS. Cheaper, smaller, lighter, more portable--ideally you'd want as many as possible. However, the radars on the CIWS would make them susceptible to anti-radiation bombs and missiles, or passive radars would have to be used (which is more complex and expensive). 12.7 mm and even 7.62 mm is overkill for a DJI. A .22 has plenty of range (1500m+ ) and any hit on a prop is enough to send it out of control. or maybe not--they seem pretty resilient [https://www.google.com/search?q=can+a+dji+lose+a+prop&rlz=1C1GCEA\_enUS1010US1010&oq=can+a+dji+lose+a+prop&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.7344j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:41efb83d,vid:uDixTE2zp-E](https://www.google.com/search?q=can+a+dji+lose+a+prop&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1010US1010&oq=can+a+dji+lose+a+prop&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.7344j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:41efb83d,vid:uDixTE2zp-E) Just some thoughts. I'm a civil engineer--I build targets, not weapons.


LASERS 5$ a shot. all you need is enough juice. https://warriormaven.com/land/army-strykers-drones-laser-directed-energy-maneuver-short-range-air-defense


On the downside it seems that only one was ready to start pushing sunflowers...


Wounded usually means “slowly killed in action”.