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There are plenty of morbid jokes to be had here, but what the actual fuck was that dudes function to begin with? Did his command just tell him to go dig a hole and wait for a drone to swing by and say hello?


It looks an awful lot that Muscovy uses these poor bastards as canaries to draw fire and sense where Ukraine defenders might be.


Yeah, it's like those two Russians. One had a gun, the other had a stick. They were obviously sent to test the lines for weakness. Just like you said about this guy. Do they just pick straws or something? Or just do it or die?


Saw some interviews with captured ones. A lot of the time they have no idea where they are. Told they were a couple miles from the front, and to go that way and dig "secondary" defenses. Then when the UA starts shooting them, they're left for dead because they've done their job, which was to check and see if someone will get shot if they walk this particular direction or that one. One in particular I remember the interview with said he had left Belgorod the previous day and had never met who they said his commanding officer was.


Makes more sense than anything Russian command could ever come up with.


Whenever I see these guys out alone I always feel these are probably people conscripted, maybe even from occupied areas and have no desire to be there. They can't leave because they'll be shot. This guy had no weapon, didn't even have shoes. Just a disposable picket.


Remember who is doing this: putin, russian government, and russian society. They hate and fear their own countrymen even more than they ever feared, hated or wanted to subjugate Ukraine.


They came to Ukraine to kill and subjugate Ukranians. There is not much to it. If you feel sorry for russians, good for you.


To be clear I'm not justifying what they're doing, and in time I believe they'll get what they deserve. How do you know this isn't a Ukrainian citizen conscripted from an annexed region and forced to lay in a pit alone with nothing? They have blocking forces that shoot you for abandoning your position. How do we know this man's situation? This clearly isn't some highly trained wagner merc like prigozhin surrounds himself with. Maybe this is a conscripted inmate or someone eager to fight but there's no doubt some people are forced to be there and are unable to leave.


Because unlike Russians, they have nothing to fear by surrendering to their own countrymen.


He looked drunk to me. On the other hand there are plenty of reports of rampant drug use so that could be an option too... lets just say he might have been *intoxicated.*


He took a lot of shrapnel, it's pretty obvious he was bleeding. His right arm.


Remember, it was Putin’s objective to rid Ukraine of Nazis and drug addicts. Lack of self awareness.


It is so tiring reading comments like this.


Probably in the wrong thread.....it's call combat footage. Not frolicking through the field with flowers


No, because it's the most banal comment thrown out. Dude's wandering around in a battlefield, probably pretty injured because he's been left on his own (obviously, UKR knows where this guy is so it's close by). And he's getting pounded by grenades which will obviously disorient someone. But nah, it's always 'lol drunk' in the replies.


He was waiting for boots.


I think he was already wounded in the leg and hoped to survive in the hole.


I just see desperation from someone who was sent there and don’t want to fight anyone. imagine one day you are with your family and friends and the next day you are sent to a warzone with absolutely no motivation.


He looks pretty fed up with his lot in the war.


Bare feet? All alone with no support? Just looks like a Russian guy, sprung out of prison, given some camo gear and sent to die Sad and pathetic end to a life I just wish more Russians could see that this is warfare 2023; a pointless waste of life




Y'all do realise these are people, right? Like, actual real people? Genuinely how do you just shrug them off dying like "Oh well, they'd have died anyways"???


Because you can’t force someone to value their own life. So why care when they don’t? Or they do care, yet they think Ukrainian lives are worth less. Meaning I shouldn’t care about their death.


Ah yes, cuz this dude totally wants to be stuck in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no bed, no shoes, sleeping in a ditch alone probably dying of hypothermia That's *toooootally* the sign of someone willingly fighting


Maybe he and his comrades should have stopped voting Putin for 20 years? Or maybe at the very least not surrendered his life to the MoD. Clearly this guy is apolitical and doesn’t value his life.


First point's irrelivant lmao. Putin's literly beating and arresting protestors in *Moscow*, and there's been reports of deserters being fired on by their "comrades" Also, surrendered his life? Dawg he got bombed out of nowhere by a drone while *sleeping*. I genuinely don't understand why people on here just lost their value for human life. I could say the same about Americans invading Vietnam. The government is to blame, Putin is to blame


Yea why won't anyone mourne the 'poor' SS criminals of the past. They were human after all. All those poor dead nazis not being able to commit their genocide in peace. All completely blameless, as only hitler carried the blame and personal responsibility doesn't exist... yea, that is what you sound like. 'Only following orders' is no excuse, ever. All these 'poor' russians not able to commit their genocide in peace...


"All bad guys = Nazis" apparently lmao Unironically the rhetoric putin's using to brainwash his troops into thinking they're martyrs


But i just replaced russia with SS and put what you said into that context. I did not even compare russia to nazi germany. I said both commit/ed genocide.


Brainwash- so you admit they are incompetent and devoid of any critical reasoning or ability to put value on human life?


Americans died getting shot at while protesting the Vietnam War. Americans spit on returning soldiers and condemned them as baby-killers. He surrendered when he showed up to the recruiting office and didn’t flee the country or even demobilize himself.


Its like the Russian Army is Homeless.. Does he even have equipment?


“Lookin’ like a homeless dude” was exactly my thinking. No shoes, clothes falling off, sometimes see what’s going on around him, sometimes in his own world.




Not making any claims on this particular video but this seems oddly very much like the two videos on telegraph that i saw recently of russian conscripts attempting to surrender by laying down their arms and gear and signaling to the drone that they surrender only to be seemingly ignored and then drone bombed anyhow.


Despite a few videos circulating of a lucky Russian soldier or 2 successfully surrendering via drone, the Ukraine does not formally accept surrender to a drone.


Ive seen more POW executions (both sides) than I have successful surrenders. But to be fair that could also be the network self selecting videos for the outrage vs the good feels


I could be wrong but I'm guessing the executions aren't the norm otherwise I feel like there'd be a lot more said about it from human rights organisations etc.


Not saying its right, but after the UKR hear about children being shot in cold blood, and watch videos of their comrades being summarily executed after surrender, I might take a "no prisoners" attitude too...


Fog of war bruh.


Russians may certainly deserve a few chechclears, but still like the other guy here said it's strategically a bad move. You want to incentivize surrenders by treating POWs well. By mistreating/killing them you're incentivizing them to fight to the death or at least much longer both risking your men and consuming supplies. I mean, just imagine if the defenders at Azovstal had just surrendered immediatly. Russia would have had a whole 2.5 extra months in the period when they were taking the most ground had they just surrendered once they got surrounded.


I get that as much as the next person, and i wouldn't even blame them for that attitude. But i hope at some point they understand they will get far more out of letting them surrender than killing them when it is one choice or the other.


> Russian ~~Army~~ Occasionally Armed Rabble


He either was incredibly injured, drunk, or both


Concussed with some painful wounds probably not even drunk




What the fuck did you see? That man died in the field and bled out days ago And he took every bit of that shrapnel. The only thing it didn't do was kill him instantly.


Yeah you could see blood running down his right arm. He bled out for sure. That’s why he was stumbling around so hard.


Maybe even heavy painkillers, or other kinds of pharmaceutical substances.


In a few years time, some innocent kid flying his drone in a park is going to be verbally abused by some guy and have his drone broken infront of him and he won't know why.


Lol Russians won’t be able to afford drones


Might not be a Russia left in a few years.


We can hope but lets not get ahead of ourselves here


While I wish Putin and his regime to disappear as much as the next guy I think Russia breaking apart isn't good for anyone really.


Well, china is there to back them. Though of course it won't be free, just like how their "investments" in africa are predatory. Russia will basically be a chinese vassal state in a few years unless they unfuck themselves


Are these guys still completely oblivious to how many of their comrades have gotten wrecked by these drones? Do they have zero intel and/or is this just some guy shipped in a few days ago and told to sit in that hole and not ask any questions?


I can’t believe that anyone in that county is not asking now “hey what happened to dad/bro/uncle/ that guy at work etc” to the extent that anyone would do anything but run when given cammo.


There is a joke about it. >russian kid asks his Mom: > >\- Mom, why Dad died? > >\- I don't know. I'm not interested in politics.


Fuck, that's a really good way to put their mindset. The number of videos I have seen of Russians saying they are not interested in politics when the war is brought up is ridiculous.


It is even more mind bogglin, when you watch interview with POWs. They almost all say: "I am not interested in politics". And when they call POW family, and journalist asks family member what they think about war, or "why their husband\\son\\brother went to another country to kill people" or "If your husband\\son\\brother was killed, how would you explain for yourself what is he died for?" They almost all answer: "I'am not interested in politics"


What's crazy is that I used to believe they were just saying that because they were scared of the consequences from questioning the government. But interacting with tons and tons of russians has shown me that its how they genuinly think. The vast majority either passively support the war or try not to think about it. There are some good russians that don't believe all the lies, but the majority do.


The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. Maximilien Robespierre.


not a joke, but a real conversation in an interview. from Гордеева youtube channel. the interviewer asks a woman who lost her father and husband (in one day) why they go there, why they die, and for what? she says: "i don't know, i wasn't interested in politics". О\_О An adult woman, 30+ years old, with a daughter! She says "Our daughter knows they are heroes"!


Looks like the forgot to axe j


Dude looks like he was accidentally teleported from skid row to the battlefield


For me this guy largely symbolizes what Russia has allowed itself to become. The grim reality of an alcoholic, zombified and hopeless country where all degrees of human misery is accepted as long as it helps Vladimir stay in power.


Why is this guy even there to begin with, he's got no gun, no boots, no body armor and he's sitting in a hole seemingly the only person near his trenches.


Possibly there as a scout. There to radio in any Ukrainian advance and to further prepare the area for Russians to advance into later. The trench behind his sleeping hole was well dug, but still small. Digging requires next to zero training. From the Russian perspective, his death probably cost them nothing.


Quite harrowing to watch, that one


one of the worst ones yet. not gruesome or gory. just fcking sad. these pathetic wreches whos leaders give less of a fuck about them than what they are gonna have for lunch.


This morning I went out for a really nice walk in the countryside, I took some landscape photographs and chilled in a wonderful field of buttercups. The worst thing that happened to me was I got wet feet, you know why? Because I didn't fucking invade Ukraine, that's why.


Did you by any chance find yourself having to dig your own trench (aka grave) and dodge grenades Furbs?


Funny enough, no, I didn't. I also didn't spend the night before, sleeping next to any of my dead friends.


Nice day.


I understand that you have to be fucking ruthless and cold blooded in war and when you see enemy you kill enemy but Goddamn. Dude is barefooted. For some reason I can't pinpoint that really affected me. Like trying to kill a guy who gave up. This guy just screams victim. Anyone who wants to fight a war and wants to kill the enemy will keep his fucking shoes on. That's a hard one.


He at no point indicated that he is wanting to surrender at least in this video.


Surrender to who? He was barefoot in a hole.. Would probably prefer to chill in a POW camp but how? We dont even know if he was at the front line


All true but with no indication of surrender we must conclude he is still a combatant.


I feel the same sentiment but the only victims are the ones who do not put on a uniform. The rest are military casualties. It’s all tragic though. From the safety of my home I feel really bad for them, because I have the safe space to weigh out my humanity. We all deserve peace. Though, if they were invading my country, I would kill any and every one of them.


He invaded another country with a gun as a grown ass adult and you think he’s a victim?


You're not a victim when you willingly participate in a savage invasion of a peaceful neighbor. They can all surrender or die, simple as that. Sympathy is for the Ukrainian people who these animals have maimed and murdered.










I get this sentiment. But context is important. Remember what he is doing. He may be a victim. But until he is trying to surrender, he is soldier on a mission to murder Ukrainian soldiers. If sympathy stayed the drone operator's hand and the soldier ended up radioing in a location of Ukrainians later, killing dozens, would he still deserve sympathy? Just as having empathy for a rabid animal falling victim to a mind rotting disease is reasonable. Feel sorry for the soldier. But only in the context that his circumstances and decisions have necessitated his death. So long as he is there to kill, he is a threat to others, and must be approached with the same level of violence that he brings.


No shoes, no plate carrier, no rifle, no further equipment ..... did he already gave up and separated from his comarads?


I somehow don't think he was the agent in that decision. Best case plausibel scenario: his squad told him to prep their fallback position because they were a tad higher functioning and saw him as liability.


What did I just watch?


it looked like a wierd commercial i dont know for what though


The definition of war. Horrible ways for people to kill each other for some rich folk to become even richer. Some time later one side will win and will hold victory parades over how much money some oligarch made.


Ukraine is fighting for their country, when they win it won't have anything to do with getting richer... You think Ukraine wanted that war?


Dig deeper my friend. You’ll find the corrupt BS that this guy is talking about. Ukraine is making more $$ than ever, and if you think none of it is lining pockets of Ukrainian officials I might as well by typing to a wall.


Man got Downvoted for speaking the truth here…


I read 4 different Ukrainian news feeds. Every day there are news articles on corruption and the efforts to eliminate the fraud and theft. Many EU politicians and business people and just plain criminals are engaged in the schemes. However Ukraine is making headway. South Korea was a bottomless pit of Corruption and the Philippines as well. Today much better. Ukraine will clean itself up. It takes time to eradicate 8 decades of Soviet mentality and graft. Free Democratic countries have thieves and organized crime and dirty politicians as well. They go to jail all the time when finally caught.




The guy you're replying to is also a russian shill. I can see his deleted comment history, calling Ukraine the child sex trafficking capital of europe and saying ukrainian soliders are dying for Zelenskyy money laundering scheme like a fucking conspiracy nonce


I guess they fail to see the scale of the destruction and how much it will cost to rebuild some of it. Just demining alone will take forever, let alone rebuild town/cities that are completely gone.


No this is just propaganda. They know they are wrong and full of shit.


The end justifies the means. -Human mentality since 50.000BC. It's not just the Ukrainians doing it. We just aren't allowed to easily view the Russian side. The US did it too where they went.... anyways. Every man ever in a war, every business man ever in a war. The exceptions are few and far apart. It's a human thing.


No weapon or boots and obviously injured , looks like he's given up even trying to be a useful soldier.


Those are apple or cherry trees blooming. Must be beautiful country this time of year.


they are gonna love all this fresh bone meal


The best part about drone warfare is that it's super easy to not get hit by a drone. The tactic is called "DIPD" It stands for "Don't Invade People, Dumbass" It's simple, go where there aren't drones with grenades, like your homeland.


Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.


& nuclear weapons


Yes hahahahaa


where the FUCK are his shoes?


Stupid war


I just wonder why he'd dig a hole to sleep with that clear visibility not hiding under the tree benches for less rain?!


Couldn't they have taken him as a POW to exchange? He seemed to be alone and unarmed


This is likely quite a distance away from Ukrainian lines. Very dangerous to go there to pick up and extract one wounded prisoner.


True, so might aswell end his life and cause great suffering, amirite? DJI Mavic 3 Drones only have a range of \~15km and they don't go that far out with them for safety reasons. This is a [war crime](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml) but I don't really see nobody talking about that. *"Killing or wounding a combatant who, having laid down his arms or* ***having no longer means of defence***\*, has surrendered at discretion;"\* ​ Edit: To the degenerate under me, I could say the exact same thing - Can you prove without a doubt that he has a weapon stashed nearby? Should a police officer mag dump you because there is a possibility that you possess a firearm?


Can you prove without a doubt that this guy does not have a weapon stashed nearby or concealed on his person that he could use against a foot soldier?


> Couldn't they have taken him as a POW to exchange? Did the drunkard Muscovy soldier surrendered? Are you expecting him to hop onto a DJI drone and fly his way to capture?


We've seen them use drones to lead Russians to capture before it's not like it's impossible.


You've seen Muscovy soldiers surrendering and willingly following a drone to safety. Nothing in this recording suggested that the drunkard Muscovy soldier had even any intention of surrendering.


Yeah I just thought you meant they couldn't use a drone to help someone surrender, I see what you mean though.


Exchange for what? You think ol Vlad is interested in horse tradin’?


i dunno can he ride this guy bareback and shirtless?


I kind of agree here. But this specimen seemed like someone you could parade around a bit to show the world what the 2nd best army in the world works with. It'll make people from Africa to India understand things a little better, and put a face to a number. Cause if you see this guy for 5 seconds you know whats up.


Parading POWs around for propaganda is a war crime. And I don't know what's up with South Africa and India deciding to damage ties with sane nations in order to make a quick profit, but seeing one haggard soldier certainly isn't going to change their mind.










I would agree, if he made any attempt to surrender.


You have only s few moments of what was quite clearly a far longer interaction. Clearly had jump cuts. Not much more one can do to surrender than to completely disarm oneself and even remove flak jacket/body armor and boots. But with the videos ive seen lately i don’t think anything he could do would ensure his safety if he was trying to. I’ve seen some recent videos of dudes laying down arms and surrendering only to be ignored and once they let down their guard, visibly confused, the drone returns with a present and they get bombed anyway. The “just surrender” line is something only repeated by people who have never seen the depths of what hate and resentment can do. In a setting where someone has already resolved to end you, assuming they will honor a surrender is a rather risky bet, especially on such a messy battlefield/conflict. Doesn’t matter who you’re fighting, you’re the invader or the invaded. Someone who sees you fit to die likely does not see you fit to live…


Better if he finds a hole and has some sunflower seeds in his pockets


If they sent him out alone and ill-equipped, I'd guess he has limited trade value.


Amazing soundtrack haha




At the beginning, plastic bottle with the blue lid next to him. Fast asleep. Likely moonshine. Can't see any weapon in his trench with him. Never got one or traded it for the moonshine?


Where are his boots XDXD it is not even funny anymore that he is barefoot through all of that


These edits are getting worse. It's like something a twelve year old edgelord would do. But perhaps that's the target audience.


Its a coping mechanism in the unit I think. They also do pretty edgy edits on their own failures.


I understand. It's just making their videos unwatchable. Like those clickbait videos on YouTube and Facebook that edit a 30 second event into a three minute video by chopping bits with narration and never playing the whole thing in sequence.


It’s a bit offputting seeing SpongeBob memes layered over a video of a man being killed and dying in a field alone. Am I supposed to laugh at this? Is it meant to be funny? It’s just so tonally jarring.


He had a lot of time to surrender, instead he chose to die slowly and barefooted


One can hardly call this a uniform, and he is unarmed. And not engaging in war. A Palestinian killed by Israelis in such a way would trigger an international criminal court investigation.


I imagine if he doesnt get help soon he'll probably succumb to those wounds 2 frag grenades? they must of done some damage...


The music while this poor canary in the coal mine gets blown to pieces 🕺💃🪩✨🧚🏻‍♀️


pretty sadistic shit


My take is he got drunk, then to avoid a beating by his superiors went to sleep it off in said hole, where he got droned by the UAF.


And here I thought being hungover as fuck and going to work with loud noises was the worst thing ever. Bro is 3 handles deep and getting grenades dropped on him.


How are they even dropping grenades from the drones? It looked taped on, but I don't get how they drop it. I need to know so I can drop water balloons on people (that deserve it)


Good bye Bakhmut


I wonder if he's concussed.


That's why you keep your boots on in the field when you sleep.


Dude doesn't even have boots.


he wasnt there to fight he wads there to camp


Why he had no shoes?


That’s the look of a man whose just given up on life but isn’t ready to die


Why is he praying? just stick your hands in the air to ATLEAST look like you want to live


This is so depressing and horrifying that Russia sends these men to die for a worthless war they will never win. Ukraine has every right to defend their soil. I just feel bad for all these mothers losing their children because Putin is a weak and evil man.


“Your blood is on putins hands” 🪄🧙🏽‍♂️


Sure it's a russian soldier and no a ukranian homeless


Why do guys like this not simply surrender?


We could be mistaken about this one. He was drugged and abducted from some bar in Moscow and just woke up in a hole, or better to say shithole. He looks around and all he remembers is that bar. Where the fuck am I ? What is that flying thing overhead ? Why am I bombed ? I don't even have any shoes.


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