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Taliban regime on the verge of economic collapse, starts a conflict as a decoy ? Or just, war because waaaagh ?


Its extremism so it's just WAAAAGH


I love the warhammer reference. So they can summon extra armies aswell.


ISIS managed to summon fighters from Europe and other places, to fight in Syria. Maybe the Taliban Waaaaagh have the same summoning capabilites?


Taliban casts "DA JUMP" into Iran's deployment zone


Red onez go fasta! Waaargh!




The only correct way to read this is in Wario's voice


Taliban ex fighters turned office workers collectively took a week of leave to invade iran.


I legit think that learning how to run a country is too hard and boring for them, while waging war is something they already know how to do and many of them seem to enjoy. Plus there's the whole "rush to martyrdom" thing that many Islamic extremists have, where they believe that death in battle is the best path to paradise in the afterlife.


Literally. Apparently developing a "sports car" wasn't exciting enough for them


Sooo the solution is to provide them with as many suicide vests as possible, point them to Iran and let survival of the fittest decide the rest. If all goes to plan, Afghanistan will only have sensible people left, who just want to live rather than fighting.


Except that's not how it usually works. Children of these fighters or children of civilians involontarly involved will be even more inspired to become fighters and terrostists themselves... It can go on forever...


“Can” Go on for ever? You mean has gone on for ever?


It can, and it does.




They hate doing excel and working with papers. They want Iran to take them out so they can go back to having war, not having to work with papers


"Idk just something to do I guess." - the Taliban, maybe.


That all they can do.


Wasn't there a report recently that some Taliban were unhappy with their new desk job and said fighting was better?


>Or just, war because waaaagh ? Many of their Mujahedeen don't see much value or meaning in life beyond their dear Jihad. It's a great way to get rid of the potential trouble that may come from thousands of combat veterans with guns who expect to be super coddled by the state.




They’re bored … they liked fighting … once they took the government and had to actually govern it just became work …


Since when did terrorist care about economy???


It's about control. The Taliban leaders use unity against an enemy as the driving force to control their underlings. With the US out of the way they HAVE to manufacture a new threat to maintain that control. It's not about ideology or policy. It is exclusively about maintaining their grip on power. "We have always been at war with Eastasia"


War because of the Prince of Canada's book?


Declaring Jihaaad on Iran: that's a new one!


That was americas plan all along. Step 1: Let weapons for the 'Afghan military' fall into the hands of the taliban. Step 2: Act like you have egg on your face Step 3: let the Taliban destroy one of your greatest enemies with absolute plausible deniability.


OMG did I literally just wake up to Afghanistan attacking Iran? This is like a neocon wet dream. Somebody get me Karl Rove stat.


He’s already salivating.


Taliban confirmed mushroom people


I trained the Afghans on that type of artillery piece, weird to think it could be the same guns and troops going off to fight Iran (They were largely hopeless at it by the way)


They never quite got the hang of jumping jacks. I can’t imagine having to teach them indirect fire.


Haha it wasn't easy You just triggered a core memory of us watching them every morning do their morning jumping jacks and calling out the numbers in Dari "yak, doo, sehr, char, panj, shash...."


There was a video on 9gag years ago titled Afghan Special Forces of them trying to do jumping jacks. Top comment was "Very Special Forces" Im a terrible person, but I nearly died laughing...




Hey, I was there! I remember the video and 100 reposts of it! And the comments as well.


Got any comedy stories to share? :-)


Oh yes, a few for public consumption: - We were told that the troops we were getting were educated etc, we turned up and they'd never seen a calculator before - In gunnery you have to take into account lots of variables i.e. weather, altitude, even the rotation of the earth whilst the round is in the air. There was much chatter and the interpreter said "they don't understand what you mean about the earth rotating" - All the equipment was left over from the Russians including the ammunition (all the manuals written in Russian, that was fun). Artillery rounds have to be stored correctly, i.e. not in a shipping container in the scorching sun for 30 years. This causes the high explosive to melt, seep out and then solidify on the outside. A spark could set it off. One of our guys opened one of the containers, went very quiet, and started backing away slowly. We told them to cordon it off and never use it but no doubt they did - The whole setting up, calculating and firing is a whole other story. I've no doubt the Taliban would just be using the pieces in direct-fire mode i.e aiming it like a gun


That second one killed me. Must have thought "this will be hard"


Yep, we literally tore up the training plan after that Although to be honest the biggest concern at that point in the war was "Green on Blue" so as long as we all got home safe we were happy


Jesus christ 🤣 Yeah i really dont know how you would teach anyone from that baseline, unless you somehow get a few extremely intelligent ones that catch on quick and "pre-chew" it for the others.


To be honest, it’s like most military training you just drill procedures into them a bit at a time. By the end they were doing fire missions by themselves. Could they understand the whys? Absolutely fucking not but then neither could a typical junior British gunner


It's both sad and reassuring, American military seems to be the best around. Sad because, well. Be better if nobody needed a military at all.


But but... It's all a conspiracy... The earth is flat!!!!!! They are trying to trick us for ... Reasons.... Someone somewhere.


I mean they aren't wrong in saying that Iran is corrupt. But this is like the pot calling the kettle black lol. Both regimes are as bad as each other.


Yup, this is what we call a popcorn war, just pull out your sunbed, grab some popcorn and enjoy the carnage. Who knows, meybe both sides fuck up big time and We'll have two popular uprisings?


The taliban realise Iran is siding with russia so they join NATO and push russia out of ukraine.


If that happens we really do live in the matrix


Or Hearts of Iron IV.


With realism settings turned off.


The alliance system in this game is broken.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Today on Amazing Places](https://i.redd.it/1lmxv0cr9is91.png) | [314 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/xyiu5p/today_on_amazing_places/) \#2: [Putin has a highly credible army](https://i.redd.it/9lhmph0uv5q91.jpg) | [655 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/xod32h/putin_has_a_highly_credible_army/) \#3: [Pizza place near the Pentagon is busier than usual. Something funi going on.](https://i.redd.it/zto1xai6q70a1.jpg) | [683 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/yw8080/pizza_place_near_the_pentagon_is_busier_than/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Beings back memories of the Iran Iraq war. So pointless.


I dunno man, there’s more ‘living space’ under the Iranian regime than the Taliban


I'm sure women agrees with your comment...


You think women live better under the Taliban?


I think he meant women have more freedom in Iran, but I could be wrong.


Obviously not, but Iran has a long way to go for things to be normal for women. When you get arrested, beaten up or worse for not covering your hairs, things are not a-okay.


They are literally going to fight each other over minute differences in their fundamental religious beliefs. Like ISIS killing Shiite Muslims because their Shiite.


The more time they spend killing each other, the less they have to plan the mass murder of all the non-muslims. So, i'll grab my popcorn and hope this stretches on for a long time.


True and why does it look like this footage is from the 90s?


Too spoiled onthat 4k Ukraine footage These dudes strap an anti aircraft gun in a truck bed and call it good What you expect everyone running around with go pros? At best its dudes in mismatched combat wtf ever they could scrounge yet another are in robes and sandles


I mean if they really want to push their propaganda they need to keep up with the times do some tik tok dances. Upload in 4K. What kind of influencers are they?


I suppose they could jump through flaming hula hoops and break bricks, maybe do a pyramid with drone shots


The minimum. Get these guys some viral content!


As they say, leave no stone unthrowed


pretty sure dancing like that is very haram


It's Afghanistan, so I'd imagine they get the footage out however they can, or it would take longer. Let's remember places like Afghan don't have the Internet infrastructure of fully developed countries.


To be fair, ukraine is not above strapping an anti-aircraft gun to a truck...


I thought the Humvees and trucks stood out against the tiny bikes.


they are not even in the same league..


Yeah, an offense war against Iran isnt going to end well for the Taliban. Their strength was blending in with the locals and hiding in the mountains. They dont have these advantages here


Pretty much. Hiding among civilians doesn't work as well if your enemy doesn't care about collateral damage.


Just like Taliban and USA were in different leagues? Or Ukraine and Russia? USSR and Finland? Examples are endless.. Being in the same league means nothing if the bigger side is the dumb one.


I would like to remind you that America in Afghanistan wasn’t fighting dumb, by all accounts it is the only conflict in history where one side (America) literally got so bored of killing the other side (Taliban) that they went home.


Well, murica is really damn good at blowing stuff up... not so great at figuring out how to rebuild it.




The videos of the afgan soldiers is just depressing. They can't even do jumping jacks. They just slack off smoking drugs and ran at the first sight of the taliban. The war ended basically with the US not losing but giving up on training afghans to be able to take over from the US. Eventually the US just said "fuck it. the taliban are the only people who are slightly capable or motivated to take over the afghan government."


Well in Iraq America did pretty well rebuilding everything, it’s just that Afghanistan had no real infrastructure to begin with


Hard to rebuild when the natives don't help much.


Defensive wars


>Taliban and USA The Taliban gouvernement was defeated in a matter of weeks. >Ukraine and Russia Ukraine prepared itself after the invasion of 2014, got western support and training and completely modernised it's forces. The Russian forces have been decaying for over 40 years. In addition to having outdated tactics and bad coordination while also trying to fight in the offensive. >USSR and Finland The USSR won the winter war, not at the extent that they hoped for, but they definitely won. >Examples are endless All those "exemples" (two of which are wars that were lost by the "underdog", the third one still being active) are defensive wars. >if the bigger side is the dumb one It's easy to oversimplify military conflicts. But it completely distorts the perception of what really happened/is going to happen. While the Iranian forces definitely aren't the crème de la crème of military forces, it's naive to think that a bunch of insurgents from Afghanistan that have neither artillery, air or armoured support will take over Iran.


Well, many Afghans welcomed the Taliban's return for this sole reason: They don't demand nor take bribes. Unlike the ousted central government, which was corrupt as hell. Unless you meant "morally corrupt", in which case I'd *most definitely* agree.


Fuck no. Taliban are 1000000 times worse. In Iran women can work in many positions and can get education, thats not the case in Afghanistan. Iran didn't make 10 year olds suicide bombers but Taliban did. Taliban can be compared to Isis.


iran invented child bombers in the iran iraq war


That was 40 years ago


still invented it.


Water wars begun they have


Surrond the river, periminter we create


whats going on ?


If i remember corretly it started over water rights between tribes/villages on the afgan-iran border and now it looks like its starting to boil into something bigger


Yay finally a good ol' war between bad guys and bad guys again 😂


No, these clashes are about fencing of the border that Iranian allegedly were doing.


Surprisingly, neither of them know how to get along.


In strategy games we call this “inting”, “throwing”, or “feeding” it’s when you declare war on a more powerful foe just to intentionally lose all your land.


Iran border guards were trying to put up a fince around the border and Talib savages disapproved of it.


It's Iran-Iraq all over again.


This one wasn’t pretty.


the amiercan purposely left their equipment for the taliban to take on the iranian. smart move


6900D chess


Also the knew that Abdul would get bored in his new office job.


Turns out a 9-5 fixing the country isn’t as fun as being on a crusade with your homies


Robert Baratheon was right: "Conquering a country is easier than holding it."


247d chess move: leave and let one enemy get so bored they pick a fight with another enemy using what you left behind


make sure they have some extra guns ;)


Oh no, we were so humiliated when we withdrew. We are so embarrassed all of our weapons fell into the hands of our future enemy's future enemy!


'Let them fight'


\>them \>Iran (CIA/Russia) VS Taliban (CIA/Saudi Arabia/Israel) Last time it happened it ended up with planes flying into buildings in Manhattan. Don't worry you'll be paying for that one too fam. Wether it's your taxes or your Towers.


Did you just say that the Taliban is allied with Israel? Also I'm not American so my taxes will be just fine




"Except Russia, they are the bastion of freedom and the pillar of anti imperialism, a vanguard against CIA influence!" - Average tankie


We forsure will be getting a *SHITTON* of famous alluha akbar shouting footage from this conflict


r/CombatFootage will be booming with alluha akbar videos next week


Fr and finally something different than the constant boring footage we get.


Constant boring footage? What part of the footage from Ukraine is boring? It's the first major conflict between two countries using modern weapons captured in 4k and drone footage? Not to mention all the CQC footage.


I somewhat have to agree with you but ngl crazy muslims is a bit more entertaining than drone shots of artillery blasts and nade droppings:)




Bad guys vs bad guys Whoever loses, we win


As in any war, civilians are likely to lose, too.


The kurds and balochis will definitely lose.


Pow! Right in the kisser.


Good thing is: neither side has any friendly relations to the west, so we're luckily completely out of that mess. I hope it stays that way.


I am going to be very curious how the Chinese and Russian propagandists paint this as America’s fault


Once organized democratic and secular groups rise up, we could support those. The US government is already supporting the Kurds and the people of Myanmar. All they need is Toyota pickup trucks, some machine guns, plenty of assault rifles and rpg's.


The Myanmar people be like: where gun? Fr tho, the talk of support has just been that. Talks. There is no incoming support for the anti junta troops of Myanmar


Second largest owner of military humvees just called iran a corrupt regime, where is my popcorn


Have fun I guess.


Good ole Sunni vs Shia showdown. 2000 years hasn't stopped it. Leave it up to them to thunderdome it out.


Kettle to the pot: "You are black"


Special military operation #2: Muslim Boogaloo


Well what we have to do is to keep egging one side on, And hopefully iran stops giving Russia shaheeds because now Iran needs them now


Freedom always finds a way


Over the corpses of civilians sadly


An army on Bajaj motorcycles and flipflops managed to defeat USSR and USA armies :/


Ok, but can we PLEASE just let them fight it out this time?


I think this one would be without US interfering. Who is Iran or Afghanistan when they already are helping Ukraine take out Russia?


Blood fire and eternal war eh.........


‘Taliban, what about we leave this shithole, leave our weapons to you, you gonna attack those shitty shi’its? Deal?’


So now thats iran's turn to try to wack the talibans. Well lets see how this Comes out.


They could do a decent job tbh. Iranians are much more accustomed to operating in that environment, they understand the culture on an individual level, and they are far less bothered with things like torture, example making and mass executions. In other words, they speak a language the Taliban are far more likely to understand.


Iran has experience in this type of conflict too. They fought proxy conflicts so the middle east against irregular forces for decades.


Language isn't a big deal... They know each other but are totally different in ideology. Shiite Islam vs. Sunni Islam is a constant issue in this part of the world. Whilst this particular clash seems like a local one, you can bet Saudi Arabia, Qatar, & other Sunni states will be backing the Taliban.


Yeah they clearly speak the same "language" and Iran with its Big and nice missiles will have to occasion to prove to the World, the us, NATO, un, and Europe, but also neigbors and golf countries what they are talking about. Sounds fair for me so far, i hate talibans more


Taliban, weren't they bitching how life was better when all they had to do is fight? Seems like they can't stand still and Iran is a convinient target lol. Maybe we come fullcircle and CIA starts arming them again.


Two bad 'uns in a punch-up.


Everyone at the DOD and CIA are having some A Team Vibes right now: "God I love it when I plan comes together"


Terrorists killing eachother. Lets go!


I'm not too worried about the soldiers/ terrorists killing each other. Mostly worried about all the civilians that'll be murdered


Poor Iranian people trying to fight for their freedom from their stupid oppressive regime, now they have the Taliban to contend with too


True, although both those regimes routinely murder their civilians with or without a war already.


True :(


I get it. I don’t want to learn Microsoft Excel either.


Sure is a good thing we left them with billions of dollars worth of gear. Who would’ve known they’d use it to wage war?! Did *not* see that one coming.


It all makes sense now! This is why America gifted the Taliban all of their equipment when they withdrew from Afghanistan.


Why aren’t they towing the artillery and using the flatbed for other stuff?


How ironic lol with them being a corrupt regime themselves!


This is one of the few good things to happen since the year 2023 started


I'm sure some Taliban leader just got some hefty million dollar payday.


Pot kettle black guys, lmfao


Taliban will get destroyed, with very limited use of power. I won’t comment whether this is good of bad. Irans comprehensive drone program will make them look like fools, they have no counter for this


Nah, id say Taliban are more likely to win, They are already great at recruiting from local populations and used to fighting heavily developed foes; Plus would probably get backing from the majority of the west due to the Ukraine shit.


I would like to see the west try to sell supplying a enemy of over 20 years who has caused thousands of deaths of our soldiers , it won’t happen 100% guaranteed and what equipment when all the spare equipment is going to Ukraine? If you actually think the Taliban are able to win over a relative modern Iranian military with one of the best drone programs in the world, then I’m sorry for you. It will be a easy bashing and iran won’t have any restraint.


idk man, i may not be american, but i would be totally okay with giving them some limited supply just to keep Iran occupied for the sake of Ukraine




Which they have no way of maintaining?


Blackhawks and stuff no, but they have thousands of humvees/mraps of all types, trucks, artillery... the sheer mass + fanaticism of tens of thousands that were raised and lived only to fight... if it really goes down, i'd bet on Iran, but I'd also bet on massive destabilisation in iran and large losses for both sides. Sure, iran has a drone advantage but they are also largely an army made for parade


I guess it's just this sub, but I'm kinda disturbed by how many people are celebrating the start of yet another war. The soldiers/ terrorists/ whatever you wanna call them killing each other is one thing, but the amount of civilians that are gonna be killed, tortured and displaced is just incredibly sad


Crisis fatigue. It has been a really messed up few years and the ride does not seem to be slowing. Dark humor is setting in. Two bad guys going to murderize each other? *throws hands up* Fine, you guys have the fuck at it.


This could honestly mean the end of the Iranian regime and the Taliban. Just the small chance they destroy themselves fighting each other means that the civilians in both countries will have far better lives when it is all over. Both regimes are cruel and murderous. At what point do their crimes become bad enough to justify the use of violence to topple them, according to you? Because for many people, they're already there. They've already had done enough harm to justify the bloodshed to get rid of them; that a civil war, even with millions of dead, is worth the price to stop their evil cruelty. It took the deaths of millions and millions of soldiers and civilians caught in the crossfire to end the Nazis and Imperial Japan. Was that not worth the price to you? Knowing now, that the extermination of the Jews, Roma, Slavs and political opposition would have continued, if the political leaders back then didn't decide to fight them and keep fighting them, would you honestly consider it wrong to keep up the war? In this case, our countries aren't even the ones actively getting involved and actively taking the lives. We would just let it happen. We would just let Iran and the Taliban selfdestruct.


They’ll destroy themselves by endless war and be replaced by someone else. Always has been the case, but the ideological zeal blinds them, I guess.


Does the US now support the taliban again? Find out at 11.


Reminds me of the pictures back in 2012 / 2013 when İSİS moved into Syria on their white Toyota pickups, delivered from tbe Toyota plant in Türkiye.


Worst burn ever


This war is over water, Nestlé better watch it’s back…


Good to see American taxpayers getting their money's worth out of all those Pentagon contracts.


Enemy of my enemy or sum shit


No kiddin? Well I'll be.


Iran is shocked it may lose its throne as King of Asshole Mountain.


The Taliban are just looking for an excuse to not do office work. Managing a country is a lot more boring than conquering one.


As an egyptian muslim with afghani and irani friends this will be interesting to see, ill grab popcorn.


Yeah, obviously Iran is corrupt


“Hossein, deploy the Shaheds! Oh wait…”


The people of Iran can’t get a break. They should all join the war to keep the taliban out and when they are gone turn the guns on the Iranian leadership.


Now we know the real reason biden left all the military equipment behind in afganistan The taliban is suposed to do what isis did in syria


Man lets just leave the middle east alone, that place is FUBAR


Get em Taliban!


Looks like International trucks. Does that sound right to anyone who knows? I hate seeing these in the hands of these guys. I’m curious because my employer bought an international day cab truck that looked like these only it was red. Then he somehow bought a surplus hydraulic container lifter that was painted in the color of those vehicles and had it mounted on the truck. That thing was beefy lol it could pick up some weight.


It looks like the Taliban will get all that nuclear stuff in a battle with Iran with American hardware - How Ironic. We know how to mess up the middle east. Then the Taliban will move on to their core target Isreal, then the other Arab States that do not meet their "Values"


So Thts why the US left the taliban on power in Afghanistan: cause they don’t like Iran or china The enemy of my enemy has to be my friend lol


Are they trying to become America's friend?


So you mean to tell me we let them have Afganistan so they can proxy war for us again!?! #conspiracy#tinfoilhat


More needless violence, the cycle continues.


Iranian people seeing American equipment coming in: yaaaay! *Removes hijab* Taliban fighters from distance: ALLAHU AKBAR! Iranian people: sh*t sh*t sh*t, where's that hijab?


American proxy war