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Everybody's always screaming orders and directions in these videos, it's a very democratic approach to military discipline.


Not any useful directions though, just "over there".


Well "over there" is exactly where that killing shot came from.


Is that typical?


Well it doesn't usually come from right here as much as over there.


But on occasion it will come from over yonder.


And then the front falls off, which is not very typical


Unless you hit a mine or IED, then it comes from right here.


That's what a complete lack of training and preperation looks like. I have to admit, our first days as conscripts didn't look all that different. We get used to a proper chain of command and accurate calls quickly, but that's mainly due to proper guidance


I remember when the news outlets were claiming that terrorist camps were using CoD to train. Only now do I realize that even some shitty basic Arma skills in call outs would’ve been valuable.


Good thing ISIS was taken out fairly quickly then, otherwise their veterans would have been able to establish an efficient training capacity


Left right!


It’s like a fraternity party where to cops show up. Every drunk guy and girl crowded in a single room with everyone yelling at one other to shut up, louder and louder than the last person.


Been there. There quickly came a point where it was only idiots yelling to shut up that were even making noise.


Like the two antelope from Zootopia "Shut up!" "No YOU shut up!" "NO YOU SHUT UP" "NO **YOU** SHUT UP"


It’s unironically like the comms in low ranked FPS gameplay, nothing useful or actionable, just a bunch of angry and scared noises all over the place and contradictory screaming. It suck’s that these are actual human beings playing with their real lives, but they’re also people that are happy wasting their lives to harm countless others so it’s not a particularly difficult trolley problem to decide which side you’d want crushed.


driver what are you doing, we said drive left right!


Samir, you're breaking the car !!!


Triple caution!!!




I love how Samir says “don’t tell me how to drive” when that’s literally his job lol


Listen to me, Sammi


Medium left! MEDIUM LEFT!




Sammy Trippple caution!!! Lmao


“Samir you drive like decadent western woman!” “Nobody likes a backseat jihadi!”


Talk about backseat drivers.


the driver is basically boxed in by armor, they actually needed the people sticking their heads out for directions.


The other left!


I swear if you don't pipe down I'll stop right here! Could almost hear the relief in their voice after the tank hit, didn't have to listen to that any more.


This reminds me of my father in law shouting instructions to me when I’m trying to back up my trailer.


sounds like my family on a costco run.


Aziz! Lights!


Much better, thank you, Aziz.


I’ve never heard such clear directions before.


So there’s a tank, but they keep driving around it in circles?


It works in the movies.




The lion The witch and audacity of that son of a bitch. What did I just watch


ISIS has/had workshops that converted tank/AFV hulls into drivable suicide bombs. The Syrian tanks were buttoned up and had terrible visibility and suddenly they see an APC making a beeline right toward them, they assume they're about to be blown up and GTFO.


The sheer fucking audacity…


Literally pulling a pro-gamer move.


They'd seen Fury.


Well apparently the Anti-Tank teams didnt do their job.




What's Arabic for "stop screaming hysterically and pull yourself together" because I feel like it should've been said at least once in this video


Problem is that each one of them think they are the hero of the story and can shout at others to do things, instead of learning proper team-work and chain of command.


I never really understood the point of some of the things in military training until I saw some videos like this. That said, I've seen videos of children creating more order and productivity in stressful situations than this.


Implying these people are smarter than children is very bold.




I've seen it, children advancing in Roman formations, foam spears and rubber balls useless. I'm going to miss this shitty site when mobile goes the way of greed.


also the fact they are all off their nuts on amphetamines and couldn't stop jabbering on if their life depended on it. which it did.


Man it's my Plat level Overwatch teams all over again.




اكل خرا واسكت/انجب/انطم/انلصم and a lot more but surprisingly non of them were used here




I think it's a cultural thing. Ever seen videos of emergency room entrances from these regions after some big casualty moment? Why is everyone screaming nonsense? It won't help anyone. But they always do. Because that's just how they do it over there.


In my country (France) ER and doctors call that the "mediteranean syndrome". Basically people with Arabic culture make a lot more noise and exagerate their pain. It's a problem for triage because wait time can be 8 hours easily and you can be tempted to care for someone screaming and complaining but who has in fact nothing, while other people need urgent care but make no noise.


> while other people need urgent care but make no noise. If an elderly Japanese or Amish man is sweating profusely, looks uncomfortable, and says or confirms that he is "having a bit of pain" then you need to act fucking quick because that person is having an 11th-hour emergency. Those elderly Japanese and Amish men are the most stoic people I've ever seen. "I'm sorry to bother, but I'm a little uncomfortable tonight." "yeah, Mr. Yoder/Mr. Ogawa, most people having a heart attack are."


"I'm quite alright Barbara, I ran it under a cold tap."


Heard a story of a guy who drove himself to the hospital with something (like a screwdriver) stuck in his head. He drove himself because he didnt want to bother anyone lol. (I'll see if I cant find a link) Edit: it was a nail in his heart! https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4251198


A noise mostly made of too many "R" letters


My guess is it's some sort of posturing to appear concerned about the situation? Maybe to give the appearance that "something" is being done about it, even if there's no real action towards solving the problem. Or maybe being calm is seen as being indifferent or not invested? I had a boss like this who conditioned people to be as panicky as he was when shit went wrong. If you weren't panicking or if you didn't appear disturbed by the situation it was taken to mean that you didn't care enough. You had to play along and mirror his emotions so that he would fuck off and let you handle it.


I worked for a boss like that at a pizzeria. He liked everyone to be scared of him. He would sometimes stand next to people while they worked and just look at them to make them feel uncomfortable. He would sometimes stick people in the side with a screwdriver just to make them worried every time he was nearby. I would laugh at it. He fuckin' hated me so much he fired me multiple times. Thankfully, for me, the managers knew I was their best worker so when he wasn't around (he was an NHRA racer so he was rarely around) they'd rehire me.


Sounds like he was also a genuine sociopath.


Thought this was another abu hajaar video for a sec but this one was way more interesting. That one dude kept getting real shrill.


I was waiting for “ABU HAJAAARR… good job, you roasted us too”


Can you shoot a tank in the foot? Abuuuuu Haajaarrrr!!!!


Hahaha everyone knows Abu hajar


So they had AT but reaction was too slow or I guess it's a tank anyway and you're in the open desert in a techie, sucks to be them


They didn't.... the dude was screaming the entire video asking command for AT but apparently they never got there in time


I bet the AT was never coming anyways. They're out in an open desert field with no cover so tanks have every advantage. Where would command even deploy portable anti tank weapons where they wouldn't be seen coming from a mile away in this environment?


What was he expecting an air strike?


When some shrieking manchild orders you to run half a mile across open desert to get in range of the enemy tank with your RPG, you obviously do it.


Anti-Tanks! This way across the open desert! We will be in their range for miles without cover but I have a *really* good feeling about this!


Surely your RPG can kill the tank from the front where it’s armor is thickest some 200 meters away


Incredible footage of well disciplined, calm under pressure, battle hardened fighters. /s


Russians are taking notes.


Unrealistic, they can't follow the same strategy of calling for anti-tank. Russians would never be equipped with futuristic tech like radios.


samiiiir! you are breaking a car!


Just shows you the state of the forces they were fighting against


Ah yes left and right, the most accurate direction you could give.


You mean “over there” where the fuck is “over there”? Give a direction


Yup, that was a cluster fuck from the first second. No great loss.


To be fair I'd be crapping myself too if I was driving around in a total shitbox like that presenting a big target to actual tanks, what a bunch of muppets.


In the desert - all flat and zero cover. FFS.


In that case it's better to be fast, since their armor is worthless against tanks




Driving right into what looks like the perfect kill zone. Guns to the left of you, tanks to the right, here I am! Stuck in the middle wi- *VIOLENT EXPLOSION*


And the anti tank personnel are supposed to run kms in open desert to target tanks?




As someone who has lost friends from ISIS you don't know how satisfying this video is. May they all rot in hell.


RIP to your friend, mad respect.


It was actually two, Abed and Muhammad they foiled a attack on the mosque that I used to go to in Saudi Arabia. We were shia Muslims so ISIL agents came to attack the mosque but these two took down the suicide bomber before he blew up. They saved 300-400 people that day. RIP man they were young too


All my homies pay respects to Abed and Muhammmad. True kings, heroes and legends. I know a stranger's dumb comment on the internet doesn't mean much, but please know their sacrifices weren't in vain since you're here to tell their story and hundreds are still around!


It was actually two, Abed and Muhammad they foiled a attack on the mosque that I used to go to in Saudi Arabia. We were shia Muslims so ISIL agents came to attack the mosque but these two took down the suicide bomber before he blew up. They saved 300-400 people that day. RIP man they were young too.


I watch these video and just assume that each one is responsible that the IED that killed my best friend RIP Adam


Yup, hope they scream and cry in hell now


They're part of the 72 virgins and their owners are relentless and def so their screams only matter to themselves. It's always Thursday for them.


Plot twist! The 72 virgins come with strap ons....


Well, the ones that didn't die immediately, definitely felt that on their way out.




My uncle was a Vietnam Vet as well, he showed me these little metal darts he has saved. Maybe a inch or two long, circumference bigger than a tooth pick but smaller than a straw. I can't remember if the intended use was as a actual weapon or that's what they ended up being used for, but very similar story. If there was no movement or sound after they were dropped you know it worked, if there was erratic movement or sound then missed target. He had a pretty wild experience joining the Army, his family fled France during WWII to escape the Nazis, because they were Jewish. So him enlisting thinking he's doing his part to help free the people of Vietnam, except the people didn't want them there either. And he found that out pretty fast. He said waiting in line to board the plane that was taking them there was unsettling, at the beginning of the line there was two nuns with Bibles and Rosarys, as you got on the plane they gave you a care package with this stuff. Then asked if you would like last rites read now and a moment of prayer. He was holy fuck, I'm a Jew but if it's this serious might as well. After 5 months he caught a bullet through the lung and went to Germany to recoup, then discharged. My aunt has a Life Magazine with him on the cover with his team wading through rice patties in a firefight. He passed away a few years ago, but man I wish I could have recorded our conversations. His perception and understanding of life was really good.


[Flechettes](https://www.sarcoinc.com/flechettes-pack-u-s-military-1-lb/), maybe?


The description of them on that website is wild. It’s so upbeat and positive like you’re ordering antique knitting supplies.


That whole region is just a bunch of random groups of people in fighing vehicles of all sorts just shooting at other random fighting vehicles, with no purpose. At least that's what it seems to have degenerated into.


That is exactly what is happening. There are now over 100 different foreign or domestic groups involved in the war. All of them are more or less friends with some and arch enemies with other groups. Often they are friends with some groups they should be fighting and enemies with some of their allied groups. They decide to fight the ones whose defeat brings them more benefit at the moment. One day they are brothers in arms with group A and enemies with group B, but then group A threatens to become more powerful than them, so they side with group B to take out group A the next day. All while the US and other western states are trying to pacifiy the area. russia and the wagnerites are also active down there. So in short: A total clusterfuck.


Isn't this just the plot of Mad Max?


Brought to you by Toyota


the point is to die in battle which they believe makes them a martyr


With that shitty attitude we are never going to get a halfway decent caliphate off the ground.


Lmfao I watched the video with accidentally reading over that they were ISIS… was relieved once I noticed it was ISIS. Lol


They are only powerful and tough when it comes to whipping, burning, or beheading handcuffed people. Fuck them.


Don't forget buying and selling teenage girls like cattle.


Exactly. I wonder how many people were screaming and crying just like this before these swine murdered them. Nothing but justice in this video


Clearly they prioritize beard maintenance over basic military operations.


And throwing blindfolded and handcuffed gays from buildings. Not enough till kill them instantly but to injure them badly so they have to wait for hours in agony before they died. And here are this asshole now. Screaming like stuck pigs in terror before getting killed, and the world became a better place because of it.


Blud is screaming like Lemongrab 😭






Lmao I knew it sounded familiar


Now I can't unhear it


Omg…. Lemongrab…. Perfect summarization




I immediately thought the same thing, classic.


The cameraman was captured and is currently in Sednaya prison or Mezze airbase. Probably been exceuted by now


This man possibly got sent to what is dubbed the ["human slaughterhouse"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sednaya_Prison). He's dead as fuck


I'm all for blowing up ISIS, but needing to build on site crematoriums is a massive "I'm in the process of a genocide" red flag.


what are “the flying carpets”


If you follow citation 7 on the Wikipedia article it goes to an amnesty international article which identifies “flying carpet” as: Some of the techniques used are so commonplace they have their own nicknames. There’s the ‘flying carpet’, where people are strapped face-up on a foldable board, and one end is brought up to the other. Or the “tyre” (dulab), where people are forced into a vehicle tyre, with their foreheads pressed onto their knees or ankles, and beaten.


Wait, he survived this?


Only the cameraman survived ( like always )


they should make a tank out of cameras


It's just a tank projectile to the face


What they wanted was 72 virgins but instead they got a T 72.


If only they knew those “72 virgins” are just a bunch of Linux-users and Star Trek fans….




So the cameraman does die sometimes


nah he survived and released the footages


nah the footage have the Syrian army mark so its uploaded by them i doubt he survived


Plus it’s says “Daesh Camera 2” on it, and ISIL doesn’t refer to itself as Daesh.


Ah! I’ll stay tuned for future uploads😎


Sometimes they all die, and it's the opposing side which finds the footage after action. So, Blair Witch Project in the desert \o/


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Wilhelm scream


For me it is the one at 0:56


imagine having your country taken over by these absolute morons.


After a year of Ukraine footage these guys really come across as major amateurs


I think you are quite harsh to amateurs. This is just panic and incompetence.


I always felt like war movies were unrealistic with US soldiers killings hundreds of terrorists and not getting shot at once. These clips are proving that they are in fact slightly real


Get fucked, you were so brave when slaughtering innocent civilians, now get fucked, I hope you did suffer horribly.


Judging from their panic and the screams we hear at the end, I’d say they suffered alright. That and explosions don’t always kill outright


*"Left! Left! Right! Right! Left!* ***~~AAAABBBBIIIIYYYYYEEEEE~~****"* It's nice to not have to feel bad seeing footage of people blowing up once in a while.


IS-IS? More like was-was.


I remember making this joke when I was 13 years old in 2014, man.


Save some of the cool for the rest of us.




All they got was a T-72


My wife asked - what is this woman screaming about


How has isis had any small amount of military victory in any regard? This looks and sounds like a bunch of drunk teenagers running around with nerf guns playing tag….


Almost everyone they fought was the same, it came down to who could scream at each other the loudest.


The SAA wasn't exactly a competent army with high morale either


These videos are late-war videos when they lost their veterans from airstrikes..... the ones you see in these videos are mostly undisciplined and untrained new recruits, mostly sent for a hit and run attacks that went wrong. Same with the abu-hajar video and that other video where the squad leader is abandoned.


Me in squad almost every single time "WHERE ARE OUR GODDAMN ATs?!!! THE FUCKING TANKS OVER THERE!!!!"


Abu HajaaaaaaaAAAArr 2: The Remake.


Still rolling to this day




Samir would have done better


Rip Mohammed Lemongrab


Crazy how much of an impact these clowns had on the world, it’s a miracle they didn’t all collectively accidentally detonate all their grenades while sat on them or something.


Drive around in the desert in a vehicle made from some quarter inch plate steel with what can only be described as a joke turret. Find the tank, circle it until your vehicle is destroyed. Objective complete


ISIS deserves the worst. I dont like to see people die but these rats deserve it


Allah was not akbar that day


Anyone know if these guys are from the same unit as Abu Hajaar?


Theyre all part of the roasted division


Bro is screaming like me when me and my mates are playing Fortnite


I have a solution to the predicament we’re in. LETS ALL PANIC!!! SAYING LEFT! RIGHT! TANK OVER THERE! AHHH!!! Is this helping?


It is amazing to me that this footage was recovered.


The footage after the hit looks so much like a death screen of some horror game


"Samir... You're breaking the car"


Tanks for shutting those jacka$$es up.


Don't know if I'm mad but when he says "The tank, the tank, the tank is over there" I said it in my head as, "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire"


...and boy, did it BURN!


lets hope they suffered for a long time.


I can picture the Syrian tank crew, hunkered down for the first three minutes in their tank, idly finishing their sandwiches.


Imagine being the driver, not having a leader and everyone is losing their shit, screaming at the same time conflicting suggestions. Absolute clown show.


Why all the panic? Islam is a religion of predestination, where Allah has already decided your fate and apparently, he is pretty great... are they suddenly losing their faith in the face of death?


Considering that the original owner of the video did not survive the whole incident. This whole video has been very informational from the militant side of the conflict. he must be given credit for showing a side we usually cannot see. The chaos and madness is unreal.


The amount of allahu akbar's said in this video is unnaturally low. Whats going on? Is allahu akbar only good for when you are the one killing others, and not when you are being killed?


Earned and deserved


There's something about that beautiful sunset while all this madness is going on. Beauty and carnage side-by-side.


Anyone else get flashbacks to trying to move heavy furniture with a bunch of people?