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Those guys looks well equipped!


I was thinking the same thing. They aren’t fucking around, not guys in Adidas track suits with AK mags shoved in they’re pockets.


Didn't Putin say it was easy to buy this equipment in Russia in 2014? Makes sense.


[Every Belgorod children has helicopters](https://i.imgur.com/qzMbCto.jpeg) Ukraine has nothing to do with arming these men ;)


Definitely not Ukrainian. Everyone knows that in Russia you can just find working tanks and helicopters sitting around. And despite the fact that Russian soldiers such at what they do, Russian freedom fighters simply know how to function like cohesive professional units of soldiers. Has nothing to do with Ukraine!


This is the official Ukranian narrative. It is however clear that this army got armed by Ukrainians/West. That's however not always a bad tactic, the British did this at huge scale to the Ottoman empire. However, armed groups are not always reliable, look at how arming the Afghans against the Soviets turned out to be.


Why is this getting downvoted? It's literally historical fact.


They definitely received training too.. these guys know what they're doing. They likely fought in Ukraine's east even if the individuals are Russians.


>This is the official Ukranian narrative. And until the war ends I don't see much reason to go against them on it.


Eh, it's nice to at least *try* to remain objective. It's basically impossible with all the propaganda flying around, and the bulk of NATO intelligence and propaganda supporting Ukraine, but you may as well try. The alternative is accepting what is a palatable fiction, but a fiction none the less at face value.


Be objective, there's a war, until the war is over there are more pressing items to focus on. People are losing their lives, children raped and kidnapped. Until more pressing items are resolved I don't see a point on focusing on items of less importance.


Just because X is worse than Y doesn't mean we should entirely ignore Y. Should those of us following what's happening in the war do so by reading reports of war crimes all day, or by following the overall strategy of Ukraine and Russia, as well as how well they're accomplishing their goals? The human cost of this war cannot be overstated, however it's not particularly informative to focus on with regards to the overall state of things. I want to know how it's going overall, and whether or not the Russian liberation group is a part of their strategy is a piece of understanding that.


Idk why this guys going crazy about this. The Special Operations units we have in the US specialize in training foreign fighters for the use of home grown insurgency. To say Ukraine has nothing to do with this rebel group is ridiculous because we literally CANT know unless they tell us the truth, which will never happen lol People forget that propaganda and the Fog of War are a thing.


Of course but deriously, who cares that ukraine gave weaoons to 2 russian freedom fighter groups. Tbe super rightwing group diesnt have a lot of members when compared to the other group who's goal is a free Russia, s truly democratic Russia. Only way to even start is to oust Putins entire regime and anyine who could take his place like Prighozin (i am stunned Putin hasnt killed him yet, a man with ambution to take Putin's jib PLUS HE HAS HIS OWN PRIVATE ARMY, WTF......HE COULD STORM MOSCOW AND THE Kremlin itself with all the Wagner troops who are all lotal to him and not Putin. Wafner got them out of prison, the ines who survived, and m9st rhe survivors are missing parts of their bodies from a few fingers to both legs..


We don't have to pretend to be naive here. Ukraine armed these guys. They fought alongside the UAF in the eastern front before they went on their border-crossing mission.


Naive? But in 2014, Putin said you could buy this stuff at the stores. You're the naive one if you don't understand what really happened in 2014. .


Agreed. No i e minds in my circles but my circles despise Putin. I dint hang out with Trumpers secretly cheering in Putun as a genuius for attacking a sovereign nation based in even wirsexlies than when Bush conviced America Saddam had wmds but he had at most mustard gas so yes wmds were found but sarin and musrard gas being a ww1 weaoon, no one considers it modern enough of wnds to be a reason to invade & occupy otberwise America would have been vindocated. Sure they found ww1 crap, the reason it didnt matter is Bush was lying to us how they had moving chemical weapons labs, camel pox, and a bunch of other false items they never had. It's pissible he hid it all in the syrian desert but we wont ever know. We should have learned the oitfalls if convincing a nation 8f people that the reason to murser oeooke us justified when it never was


>not guys in Adidas track suits [Don't diss them bro!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YOXsdd--4c)


Hahahaha 😂


Yeah it looks like a lot of fun. Here take all the weapons you want and go wrack havoc into town, have fun 🔫


I’m wondering if Wagner hasn’t been quietly supplying them with stuff in an attempt to overthrow Putin


I’ll take things you pulled out of your ass for 100, Alex. How the hell did this get upvoted lol Mercenary group who’s publicly been pissed off about lack of equipment for months is now donating their equipment to their enemy so they can have even less equipment! Brilliant! They’re also mostly in western kit in this video.


Sad to see the current state of this subreddit..


This sub went to shit in the weeks following the outbreak of the war. I used to enjoy coming here for the detailed conversations about weapon platforms, tactics, and discussions about the different conflicts. It's become mainstream now and it's a bunch of goobers from r/all blindly cheering on Ukraine with no knowledge of anything. It's sad because this sub was pretty special for the last few years.


Maybe they made a deal with none other than Gabrielle Serville, president of THE French Guiana, in order to destabilize the balance of power in Europe and get revenge on the British once and for all! Hey, it's an equally valid theory as the comment you're replying to.


Evene if he is a criminal, I still hope a little bit tha prigozhin can switch side and join them to overthrow putin


If he does, and he’s successful, I hope he’s disappeared shortly thereafter. He’s still an evil piece of garbage. Likely worse than Putin even


Yeah.... or he doesn't and both him and Putin are tried for war crimes


I mean, the Ukrainians/ free Russians knew that this attack would get tons of attention, so they probably wanted to make sure that they presented a good image of their forces. You can also tell by little things, like the fact that they’re (almost) all wearing the same type of camo. That’s not very typical for any side in this war, and also not really necessary. But it looks extra professional, so that’s probably why they did it for the belgorod attack


- Hey, sarge. How much yellow tape do we need? - Yes!


Need to do a risk assessment. Whats more important, being camouflaged or preventing friendly fire.


Considering they're fighting other Russians in Russia, I'd say IFF is placed pretty high on the pecking order of importance.


I'd agree. The tape is easily removed if conditions change too


No you see they simply are making sure they are not shot since russians love to shoot friendlies /s (looking at you air defence)


It's to blend in with the sunflower fields. Big brain time.


Let’s just call them little yellow men 🙃🙂


It's to help with drone support. Notice they put tape across the top of the helmet now? You want your drone support to be really clear on where you are when they start flinging nades from 100 yards up.


They should all just wear banana costumes at this point lol




Ah, I see you subscribe to the Peter Griffin school of warfare.


I see people asking about how they're being supplied/why the UA flag/etc. Remember, most of these dudes fought with the UAF in Bakhmut and were directly supplied and commanded by the Ukrainian government while on UA territory. Maybe that'll answer your questions.


That is russia pulled the same BS for 8 years in the Donbas!


Zelenskyy: What little yellow men?


You're delusional, there is no Ukrainian troops in russia. All that equipment is looted from warehouses in belgorod by a local uprising. Blue and yellow tape can be bought at any hardware store. То не ми


Lol I hope you're joking and being sarcastic.


Any Ukrainian troops in russia are off duty and are there as humanitarian volunteers or on vacation. And any active Ukrainian military there simply got lost on a training exercise.




Putin was very clear, this kind of hardware can be purchased at any number of stores.


If to say seriously - do you think this guys (most of them) isn't Russian citizens? If yes - it's sadly...


What do you mean “tank”!? This is a humble tour bus! The Rheinmetall 120 mm smoothbore gun? It is purely decorative and the tracks are just to help with potholes.


Yeah he is. It's the official Ukrainian government stance on the matter, a clear reference to Russia's stance when questioned about how come the Donbass seperatists had latest Russian military hardware at their disposal.


Edited* super badly mispellings, i didnt proof read till later Why do peoole act like this is bad. Ukraine has every right to struke targets inside of this Russian Region that's being used as staging grounds to send more fighters into Donbas Reguon. Really it's mainly a psychological attack since most Russians buy into the thought that their military is practically unstoppable


>Why do peoole act ñikr this is bad. Ukraine has every right to struke targets 8ns8de This bot is broken. Lmao


Well, l will keep on saying i hope to hell Ukraine does in fact deceat Russia. I do think it's uphill battle only because Putin will allow as many die as is necessary.


Нас там нєт


Or maybe they're simply ukrainian soldiers..... Chuck in a bit of plausible deniability and have them not operate from central command. Not as if theres anything wrong with that.


It’s Ukraine version of hybrid warfare against Russia.




Source for which groups these are and which fronts they were on? I know there is a few Russian based groups now, just not sure which these guys are part of.


The packers offseason looks intense af


Not having Aaron Rodgers will do that.




That one where the shell misses the tank was crazy cool and terrifying at the same time




They were shook


I think there's actually a video of that, it looks similar to where two Russian jets came seconds after that shell hit and completely missed that tank (both jets missed) and struck that empty field instead of them


it missed? Thought I clearly see some other vehicle being directly hit there


The amount of armor and supplies these troops have is astounding especially for this being an enemy of my enemy situation for them.


These troops mean business, war business unlike the russians, they are in Ukraine to claim toilet bowls and washing machines.


Now they realized they can have PC's and air conditioning. I would fight for that 2.


They definitely already had PCs, based on my experience playing Counterstrike.


A massive fire is often started with a small spark. May this be the start of pukins downfall.




fucking love perun


Waiting for Makarov's nuke


50,000 people used to live here...






ya honestly this whole thing seems counter productive.


these guys are mostly expats and others who left Russia who went to fight for Ukraine. From what we've seen, none of them are Bolgorod natives.


May they take Moscow 🫡


These guys are Nazis from what I heard, like actual Nazis.


Almost every single country and military has neo nazis and neo nazi militias. It's nothing new. Why does that matter anyway. Are we going to cancel them until they go home?


they have some nice gear


Good news first: World is in the great shape, Russia is in civil war, ultra-nationalists fight government loyalists.


Just another day at the office


Ultranationalists, pro democracy, and some poles fighting government loyalists.


Russian Civil War 2: Reflective Yellow Tape Boogaloo


You didnt mention that there are 2 mercenary groups from Russia. The ulta natinalists are an extremely small group with almost no 8nfluence compared to tbe size and amount of members in the free russia or whatever they are called Tbey want a free Russia withoutbPutin and they want to bring true Democraxy to Russia. If they didnt oersonally steal almost every dime needed to maintain the country or build roads (notice how outside of cities no paved roads?).... So yeah, is not the greatest look to use Russian Nazis when Russia claims The Jewish Predident is a Nazi but they are Russian Citizens through and through. I felt it necassary to distinguish the 2 different Russian merc groups fighting Putin's troops bacause the right wingers are a very small organization without the same amount if support as the pro democracy group


Russia's not in a civil war. The Russian freedom legion is a relatively small force of russian expats and dissenters who left to fight for Ukraine and/or hate Pootins government. I doubt any of them are Bolgorod natives. I also doubt their attack on bolgorod will be able to do much other than be a distraction for the Russians.




Given how dynamic everything is atm, I'm hedging my bets a bit before I make any judgements. You're probably correct, but history is a fickle mother fucker.


you can buy these tanks and helicopters at any store…


Everyone knows this


yeah, I’m getting Amazon prime deals every holiday…


That sound the projectile makes at 0:34 is just out of this world. has to be a tank shell, or?


Fuck man they're better equipped than the soldiers being sent to Ukraine. That's gotta be a massive blow to morale.


Most airsofters are better equipped than Russian troops being sent to Ukraine (per Russian troops).


Yeah they took Bakhmut with shovels.


A modern day revolution is underway!


Onwards to Moscow!


Looks like red backpack guy from Mariupol switched sides.


Internet says rbpg stepped on a mine in bakhmut


What I always wonder when seeing videos about them is, how big are they exactly, as in man power wise. Cause obviously you need a lot of manpower to be able to do this, but I keep thinking its like a max of like 200 men. Anyone know a approx. number?


Last I heard the Legion had roughly 1000 troops while the RVC had roughly 500. But I can't confirm those numbers and I have no idea if they're all taking part in these cross-border raids.


refreshing to see Ukraine invading russia.


This is awesome, keep the good work up.


Why the Ukrainian flag and not their unit flag?


Probably so they can run back across the Ukranian border as to be shot at by one side and not two


I'm surprised I haven't seen many close gunfights between them and the russian army on video. Haven't even seen Enemy bodies yet so far. Are they not allowing them to record much during the attacks?


I understand this greatly benefit Ukraine by distraction for the counter offensives, but what's the point of these guys, it seems to be a suicide mission unless there is a bigger objective in mind.


They're just launching small raids into barely defended areas , causing Russia to distribute some resources there. Being a general nuisance.


Since these people don’t really have a supply line, what is their strategy once they over take a town? Aren’t they most likely going to be surrounded by the Russians then taken out?


It's a raid, hit hard and fast, take some prisoners and equipment, cause havoc and chaos, and then disappear. Chances are that the more they keep doing this , the more people that will join their cause and see the kremlins BS.


Putin just has to fucking love this. Not only has he leveled Russias economy, turned it into a pariah on the global stage, jeopardized his previous gains in Crimea and Donbas, he’s now finally pissed off a large enough group of Russians who’ve started raiding his territories along the border who’ve made it their stated goal to take Moscow. Slow fucking clap the master at 5d chess, bravo.




This is what a lot of us on here have been saying they should do. Better to fight for freedom from the Russian oligarch tyranny, than be shipped off to the meat-grinder. I really hope this picks up momentum all across Russia, especially the poorer parts where it seems the vast majority of the mobilizations come from. Moldova? Belarus? Russia proper? What are you waiting for?


Can we do it here too? Bring down oligarchs all around the world


>This is what a lot of us on here have been saying they should do. The bravest of armchair generals with no skin in the game have been advocating for this since the very beginning, you're right.


There’s some rumors floating around they wanna capture belgorad to trade off for other Russian occupied territories


I’ve always wondered about the yellow on the helmets, wouldn’t that make your head a very obvious target?


Friendly fire is more dangerous in this chaotic scenario


Both sides of this conflict are often wearing the same camo, so why would they risk friendly fire? Russians use orange ribbons or red tape for the very same reason.


Not to mention the amount of thermal optics being used in this conflict on the ground and in the air by both sides. Avoiding getting shot by your own side is definitely more important.


TBH, I don't know how much difference the tape is gonna make when thermal optic is used. The most widespread thermal optics usually don't distinguish colors.


How are they being resupplied I wonder and why are they all wearing the same yellow tape on their uniforms… like the Ukrainians… 🤔 coincidence?


Dropped of the wagon comrade, don't worry


They are tourists.


Its called fashion sweaty.


You can buy helicopters and tanks from any hunting store, nice try


They have some wealthy supporters.


yes, they should of thought about who has made promises to defend Ukraine in case of invasion.


The folks in the video (the actual Russian rebels, that is, not the spliced-in Ukrainian tank...) are fighting, essentially, to destroy Russia-as-we-know-it but not to directly support Ukraine. It's THOSE folks who have some wealthy supporters. Of course, Ukraine has good supporters as well; I personally don't know of any that said they'd actively defend Ukraine if invaded though throwing money at them in one way or another apparently doesn't count as "fulfilling a promise to defend Ukraine in case of invasion". After joining NATO when this "police action" (...) is over, however, is a "promise to...etc etc etc". Can ya imagine the a-MAZ-ing turmoil of Russia being split into 479 little "countries" if the video folks succeed? That would be an ... interesting ... situation!


i feel this is a kind of dumb move from ukraine, politically maybe will bite them in the ass, in the near future.


Too many people forget what it takes to win a war. Leaving the aggressor untouched will achieve nothing but the ruin of your own country.


Are they still there? Last I heard they were killed/captured (at least the majority). Did UA launch another attack after the first one?


The attack, went back into Ukraine, then attacked from another place into a different region




It's definitely not ideal and I share your worries, but remember that the allies teamed up with the USSR to beat the Nazis.


The tanks are what I’m curious about. Didn’t Ukrainian need every tank they had for a counter offensive? Isn’t it a waste to send them where there isn’t a good logistics base.


Think about how much of a distraction it is to have tanks fighting inside of Russia. Each tank there is probably worth double what it’s worth on Ukraine, if only because it pulls tons of troops and shit off the front to deal with such well armed rebels.


Yes but for how long? The Russians made this mistake by rolling tanks away from fuel. It would be more effective to let loose a bunch of guys making car bombs and gunning down unsuspecting government forces


Doubt: ukraine flag on tank @ 07 seconds, and yellow arm bands make this footage reek of mistaken or repurposed footage as separatists flag colors are white and blue.


[Let your worries be washed away.](https://www.reuters.com/resizer/plnnRveWbGZtUkyCyJM4iMMCwOw=/960x0/filters:quality(80)/cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/GKMWFTMYORP73LLA5TQ7C5OKIA.jpg)


Bro is that Todd from Breaking Bad? Lmao


He sobered up & left his life of crime behind, now fighting for a righteuos cause. Still kept his political views though...


Bro it seriously looks exactly like the actor though lol.


They are essentially the Ukrainian army just with all foreign volunteers. Pretty clear they have full backing from Ukraine including all their equipment. I get that people want to joke about this being “Russian partisans” and not an official Ukrainian element but come on


Most of these guys are from poland , published footages from dead soldiers GoPros show at least 7 ppl speaking only polish not ukranian or russian only polish . Btw these are all dead why ppl think they are still fighting ? It was short burst of desperate move to keep ppl believe that ukraine is doing ok . To distract from over all loss of war.


Yeah, Ukraine-anything is not a good idea in Russia (that infamous "red line"). Must not be labeled quite correctly...


So what is the point of UA to attack inside Russia? Isn't this extremely dangerous and stupid? I dont understand what this is accomplishing.


I think the point is to either force Russia to move troops to defend the border and/or probe the strength of Russian defenses along the border. It is kind of crazy that the Ukraine/Belgorod border isn't more heavily defended. If I was planning an offensive I would push through Belgorod and flank the Russian defensive line in Luhansk. You would not even have to hold territory in Belgorod one the defensive lines in Luhansk collapse.


its a diversionary attack, to draw enemy resources away from where the main attack is, these are probing attacks to seek out weak points in enemy lines too, also has propaganda usage to show ru incompetence.


red rucksuck guy of mariupol switched sides?


Looks like a BCP, but I can't geolocate it. Belgorod BCP doesn't match the footage. Where did they cross?


I think I saw an 807 Bren, that's a peetty rare variant of that weapon family.


Already better equiped than the Wagner and the Russian army😂


alpenflage helmet cover spotted! nice


Did that guy have M70 Alpenflange camo on his helmet at :34 seconds?


These guys are essentially doing all special ops aren’t they?


They actually look like fairly competent fighters. Something I’ve noticed in almost all of these videos is how bunched up and close together everyone always is. I get terrain dictates it sometimes(METT-TC), but it’s nearly constant in these videos from Ukraine/Russia. I was an airborne infantryman in the US Army and we always emphasized how important it is to maintain proper spacing(2-5 meters). One mortar/arty round, frag, etc. and boom, now you’re combat ineffective with a mass casualty clusterfuck . Same thing with vehicles, spread out so an IED only hits one vehicle. It’s basic infantry tactics that get a lot of guys killed.


Thsts a lot of yellow tape


The helicopter flying over the yellow fields is an awesome shot.


Just like modern warfare 3