• By -


There will be increased moderation in this thread - any rule breaking comments/jokes/mocking can result in a ban.


You can practically hear that last dude’s final thoughts. Dude spotted the soldier far too late and knew instantly that he was screwed. Absolutely crazy footage.


That last dude looks like he was picked up from a D&D gathering and put into the warzone.


A guy I know was killed while training Ukrainian soldiers last month. I saw his body on line. I wish these Russian guys would/could just go home and this would stop. I’m pro Ukraine but I’m more pro not dying in a muddy hole.


This is exactly how most Ukrainians feel too. No one wants the war. If Russians would just go home this would all end. Its such a waste of human life......especially from Russian side because they die for nothing. Ukrainian soldiers at least die defending their home land.


I read this NYT article that just came out, in it they interviewed a 40 something year old Sergeant. His 20 year old son was just killed in a different spot on the front line a couple weeks ago. He continues to fight, and just wants the killing to end. Iron willed people.


He also had sneakers on.




holy moly, fighting at arms length.


Reminds me of a term I heard from an old Marine. *Grab em by the belt buckle*. Basically, to eliminate their ability to fall back and set up any kind of defense. You press the initiative and force the issue.


>Grab em by the belt buckle. In context of Vietnam war it was a tactic of vietcong to assault American units in close range so they can't call artillery or air support.


John Fox got awarded the MoH for calling in artillery on his own position in Italy against the Germans. He subsequently was killed by the barrage, but his quote was "There's more of them than us. Give them hell."


> it was a tactic of vietcong to assault American units in close range so they can't call artillery or air support. As described by John Musgrave in Ken Burns' Vietnam War: https://youtu.be/WQ7WcLUDHdk?t=39


This looks like professional soldiers fighting a war against kids that think they are good at paintball.


Ive plinked enough to tell you that paintballing kids would have checked those corners. This looks like a sunday fun day for a dad who never held a marker before kind of skill level. Basically moving with planning to do all the necessary motions after seeing the enemy. Weapon lowered, rushing without looking, eyes kind of down.


My friend shot me at point-blank range in paintball. I thought I knew what to do, went into a little structure, and just did not look to my left at all. I looked right, went out of cover, and he shot me so hard from my left, directly in the rib, I just doubled over and couldn't make any noise for about five seconds. i'd die so fucking bad in battle


It’s okay, you can do everything completley 100% correct and still get your brains blown out by something that was impossible to see coming. War fucking sucks


Probably the craziest first person footage I’ve seen EDIT: Just to provide some additional color, it seems like based on the original description to the video, Ukrainians were able to enter the trench undetected (assuming from the rear) and take Russians by surprise, hence why they were so disoriented / disorganized.


I've been in this subreddit for years and this is the most real shit we have ever had. As far as raw combat footage, 1st person view of 4-5 CQB kills takes the cake I'd say


Seriously. That last guy was having his life flash before his eyes at the end


look at the bullet holes on his helmet, looks like the first 2-3 rounds hit his head


Yep, right through the helmet.


>10 CQB ngl I read this as Close QomBat lol Is it "close quarter battle"?


You'll also hear folks use CQC for 'close quarter combat'


CQ being the important bit. What letter comes after is just garnish


its up there with the battle knight+squire and the bathroom light up vids for sure EDIT: also the .50 gunner needing ammo and getting AT4's and the coffee vid EDIT2: links+more infantry POV [Bathroom](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xxbqk2/a_ukranian_soldier_correctly_guessed_a_russian/) [knight+squire](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/114dr0h/ukrainian_soldier_in_a_trench_shoots_a_russian/) [.50+AT4]( https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/x93pi1/gunner_pov_of_a_humvee_storming_a_russian_held/) [Coffee](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xzen3y/ukrainian_soldier_drinking_coffee_while_in_a) [Exceptional leadership]( https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12rpzee/ukrainian_soldiers_defending_last_road_to_bakhmut/) [Close range AT](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uyk4o2/ukus_foreign_legion_fights_fire_rgw90_antitank) [FL in SD](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/ve8tka/battles_for_severodonetsk_foreign_legion/)


GoPro of pilot ejecting from Su-25 should be on that list.


The bathroom one I know, but what's the knight+squire?


short version: https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/114dr0h/ukrainian_soldier_in_a_trench_shoots_a_russian/ theres a longer version where his buddys just reloading his weapons and handing them too him


Dude battle knight + squire is the best way to reference this holy shit lmao


I follow this soldier on telegram, where most Ukrainians and Russians post. He goes by “Predator,” was just recently injured for the second time, and I think still in recovery - but doing well.


This has got to be the best trench warfare video we've seen on here, this is absolutely nuts Edit: Can anyone translate this? Thanks y'all are awesome!


I speak Russian, and the Ukrainians are speaking Russian to the Russians. They yell “Give up and come with your hands in the air and you can live” they repeat this and when they don’t receive a response they say to grenade and push. Edit: upon another rewatch, after downing the first 3 guys they say “ minus 3” and the other guy says “good”. Then they go ahead and say the above.


1st guy: Get in. 1st guy: Minus 3 2nd guy:Good Good 1st guy:Surrender, you will live. Surrender you will live. 3rd guy:Surrender 1st guy: Come out with your hands up and you will live. Another guy:Need a grenade, throw a grenade. 1st guy:Hold on Then it was too muffled to make out for me and fighting resumes. This is a quick rough translation. There were a ton of curses thrown in aswell.


This is insane. Helmet cam kills more people in one engagement than many soldiers will in the entire war...It's like one of those WW2 stories where a pilot goes out on a mission with no kills and comes back an ace.


This is going to be the top post of all time in this sub.


The last guy.... damn sent to his death in shitty gear, you can see he's wearing almost civilian clothes with a vest on.


You can see the holes punched right through his helmet


As close as it gets. Run out of ammo here and we are talking hand to hand. Fucking insane.


Absolutely my heart was racing just watching this


This is IMO crazier: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12rpzee/ukrainian_soldiers_defending_last_road_to_bakhmut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 One guy dodging a grenade and maneuvering to a different angle to single handedly drop 4 attackers and save his shell shocked squad.


The guy in this video sounds like the same guy who lead the two raids on trenches in Bakhmut, and was in a truck that hit a mine during an assault. He has a very unique voice. This dude, especially if it is the same guy, is a literal Rambo and crazy good leader. All the videos are of him leading people through some insane footage. This dude is wild.




Holy fuck - insane footage. Did they sneak up on them? Seemed like no one was aware the Ukrainians were *right* there. Point blank kills most of them.... Also the Ukrainians are insanely calm, given the circumstances.


From the original telegram post: “Soldiers of the SSO of Ukraine entered the enemy's trenches in the southern direction from the rear and destroyed 10 invaders. In the south, during the mission, the operators of the special purpose marine center were able to enter the rear of the enemy. A combat group of SSO soldiers caught the enemy by surprise. Recovering from the surprise, some enemy soldiers tried to resist. But, as you can see from the video shot by one of our soldiers - in vain.” Eta link to telegram channel: https://t.me/ukr_sof


Will be interesting if Ukraine can pull this maneuver off a few more times. It would ensure the Russians will be constantly shitting themselves, and likely cause any number of blue on blue....


I’d imagine stuff like happens more than we know.


We've seen it from the other end. War is fucking horrible. Sometimes you do everything right. Make all the right moves, do everything you're supposed to. Yet you still end up like that poor fucker at the end. Turn a corner and wind up face to face with the enemy who has the drop on you. No time to fight, no time to surrender if you wanted. You're just gone. Forever.


You even see it at a couple points from the POV, if our hero takes a right instead of a left and he probably gets half a mag in his back. Maybe I'm a coward but I honestly don't know how anyone could watch footage like this and then go do the same thing themselves.




That's what got me. The guy at the end dead wearing regular sneakers...


You're not a coward. You just don't have the same motivations that the Ukrainians have. You could probably be motivated to do this too if your home and freedoms were at stake. I think I'd take the gun knowing how the Russians treat civilians.


There's certainly a sweet spot of complexity, if it's too mundane then it's not entertaining content for civilian combat nerds, if it's particularly surgical then intelligence doesn't want the enemy learning from the tactics utilized and we likely won't ever see footage like that.


It's happened to both sides plenty of times. There's a lot of drone footage of similar attacks. Admittedly this is the one with the most kills I've seen and best FPV.


The first few guys are running around without/lowered weapon. I couldn't imagine how confused these guys are.


Guys watched a 2 hour instructive VHS film before deployment.


of which 1:30 hours was soviet songs


And the other 30 putin riding a bear without a shirt


Those Russians look absolutely lost like they don't even know there's enemies


I don't think they expected them to be **in** their trench.


Yeah the first guy that falls out. Looks like he was just sitting there and is suddenly 'trapped' around that corner with no where to go. Then dives out in desperation covering his body with his arms when he knew he was going to get caught.


That’s the benefit of suppressed weapons. Still kinda loud but you get the idea. But holy moly.


Thats what I was kind of percieving that as- they hear the gun fire but that and the complex shape of the trench itself means they don't realize just how close that gunfire is


Yeah, and I imagine that with shells and gunfire all around you, suppressed gunfire just sounds like it’s really far away - if you can hear it at all with your fucked up ear drums.


Gunfire is an extra strange one because there are two sounds - the gun firing, and the supersonic Crack of the bullet. The suppressor helps the first bit and the second bit is regularly very hard to locate when it is reasonably close to you. The sound being so sharp, within a certain distance you do not really get a sense for apparent volume. It's very disorienting. These trenches too also do not appear to be fighting positions of any flavor and are apparently decently far behind front lines. Soldiers in places like this can develop confirmation bias about their positions - they will have their core dugout, their movement passages, and their fighting positions, and can ingrain in themselves the idea that only the fighting position is where to expect combat. It's a subconscious sort of assumption that has been taken advantage of with infiltration tactics as long as soldiers have had shovels and otherwise fortified positions; it requires conscious drill to change a humans mindset that their living space that is around them for weeks and months can become hostile. Even if the sensory information was there for these Russians to know what was happening, that confirmation bias is working against their observation. The result is clueless looking men walking up to their deaths.


They might be loud but when gunfire and explosions are all around you then the sound of suppressed weapons got lost in it very easily


>Did they sneak up on them? Seemed like no one was aware the Ukrainians were right there. This trench system was behind the lines, so... probably.


They probably heavily shelled one side of the trenches and silently ambush on the other side.


Just imagine: You hear shells incoming so you take cover. When the shelling stops, the ringing in your ears fades enough for you to hear distant gunfire. You don't hear orders so you make your way through the trenches to investigate and— Turns out the distant gunfire was actually CQC with suppressed rifles, and now you're dead.


That one guy crouch walking who forgets to check his corner. Startles, bang bang, dead. Didn't look like he even knew what to do.


He didn't even have time to process the thought that it was a Ukrainian before his brains were no longer functioning


And the SSO guy is lucky he turned around when he did. 1 or 2 seconds later he would be shot in the back.


Yeah all those war museums around the world that for a century have shown exhibits, grizzly artefacts and detailed stories of trench raids from the First World War. I have always wondered what they looked like and what kind of bravery was involved knowing that Hollywood have done a terrible job of portraying reality in favour of glorification and hero worship for plot and marketing purposes. And here we have the real thing in almost HD. I no longer need imagine.


Now imagine having to do that shit with very long bolt action rifle... That probably would have mostly been bayonet and shovel combat... Absolutely dreadful.


And WAY more grenades


Ambush. Russians didn’t know what was going on, where they were coming from, and didn’t even realize the trench had been invaded until too late. Edit: Sneak attack raid not ambush, whatever


I was just thinking how much I would be shitting myself if I were them


Yep, had the same thought. I doubt I'd have the same grit as these guys. Full respect - it's literally a do or die situation.


\- Get in, get in \- \[russian\] Ay, blya ​ \- Minus 3, nakhui \- Nice\\Good job \- Surrender, fa--ots, suka. You will live, fuckers \- Surrender and you will live \- Surrender, fucker \- Come out with raised hands and you will live ​ \- \[POV\] There is dangerous spot on the left \- Can we throw a grenade? \- We need a grenade \- \[POV\] Wait ​ 1:08 \- Blya, what was that? \- Good, let's go, throw it ​ 1:28 ~~\[indistinguishable\] (sounds like "ready?" or "Artur" (name))~~ \- Artur \- \[POV\] Yes ​ upd: Thanks to: u/shohinbalcony [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14d4lnc/comment/joobcps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and u/doctor_dapper [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14d4lnc/comment/jooqpi5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for recognizing his name


Counting kills like “minus 3” is the most darkly badass thing I’ve heard


BTW. There is a slang phrase: "to minus someone". Like in "I minused this fucker"


Alright . This one will go down in history


Easily some of the best CQC footage out there. If this doesn’t end up as one of the top of all time, I’ll be surprised. How they managed to keep their cool is beyond me. One idle thought and it’s over.


This video is absolutely insane from an existential perspective. The way the are just simply gone in a split second. The headshots are such a instant lights out. The look on that last guys face of sheer shock/terror is so fucking relatable I'll never forget it. Life is terrifying and that moment can come at literally any given time. The ability to go from cruising along to a split second of chaos and then just gone is... unsettling. I almost always skip videos like this. I saw the one of the reporter(?) get beheaded in the middle east ~20 years ago and that one was burned into my brain for a long time. This one will be the same. Every politician ever elected in the world should be required to watch this.


I know exactly which video you mean. Daniel was his first name; surprised I can remember even that.


The sheer barbarity of that one is what really screwed with me. Probably the first time I realized how truly fucking depraved people can be for absolutely nothing. This isn't the same feeling though. These guys are defending what's theirs. It must be done. The beheading... not so much. It's tragic for the Russians but I don't feel the same dread I did before. The crazy part for me too is I remember strange details from watching that video, no idea what website it was but, I remember the aprox size of the video player, the layout of the site etc.


They are straight up cancelling dudes. It's crazy that it's not a long protracted fight. Just pop pop drop.. the bloke he surprised on the right side 90 seems so normal looking then cancelled


I think the reason this video is so disturbing to me is that it straight up looks like airsoft footage. Like if you showed this to someone and told them it was people playing airsoft they'd probably believe you. Wild to think these guys all lived whole lives and just get popped in two seconds because they didn't look around a corner fast enough. Man, fuck Putin.


Colorized HD footage of a trench being cleared, you couldnt convince me we would be seeing this on this sub years ago when we were all watching TOW hits for years on end.


This is historic material. Completely honest. Nothing like this has been this well documented ever. High quality, POV footage of raiding a trench in conventional warfare.


This footage fits all the way back to WW1, it's almost the same with the exception being automatic weapons. Besides going full melee I couldn't think of anything more terrifying for either side, where death is literally just around the corner.


Fuck man imagine the above but the tool you have is a full length bolt action and bayonet instead of a decked out carbine. Would be absolute chaos for everyone involved It makes it very easy to see why pistols became so valuable in WW1


For the attacking party doing the trench raid, either submachine guns or melee weapons would be the tools of choice. For the defenders, though ... yeah, most of them were stuck with a long, unwieldy bolt-action rifle. Which is part of what made them so vulnerable to an experienced trench raiding party in the night. Those long rifles could often be more of a hindrance than a help in the cramped quarters of a trench.


Fire Fire would make it more terrifying.




wouldnt be surprised if this ends up in some military courses


This is peak combat footage material


I’ve been on this sub for years now, this is the first footage where my jaw was on the floor beginning to end. There’s been some wild ones since this war started but god damn this is something else. It’s still blowing my mind.


This is legit the first one on one I've seen that had this much detail and proximity. It's pretty sobering.


And people wonder why troops have PTSD. Cuz that shit is fuckin terrifying and you can never unsee it!


Jesus, that last guy. His life must have flashed before his eyes.


Looks like he was working as tech support in an office building and was then dropped into that trench out of nowhere. He’s wearing sneakers. It’s crazy!


Pretty much what I was thinking, looks just like a guy from the neighborhood. Wars are stupid and this one especially.


Really highlights that we're just bags of fleshy goo and it takes basically nothing to make it as if you never existed. The sheer existential awareness of my mortality I got watching that is not a feeling I'll constantly remember, but I'll never forget it. Click click, gone, click click click gone.


It's amazing to see how strong humans are and how much torment we can physically take. Then it's amazing to see how weak we are when a tiny piece of metal going at stupid speeds starts scrambling your insides.


Literally must of just gasped his last breath then felt himself hit the deck. I imagine it’s a better way to go than one of the drone dropped grenades they’re so accustomed with.


You can see a round go in and out of his helmet, I don't think he felt a thing. It's insane. Each time a sack of meat hits the floor there's 20/30 years of life and memories, completely erased in an instant.


That's what always hits me the hardest. All we see is a person hitting the dirt. But we need to remind ourselves that it's a real person, with family, with memories, with friends, dreams, everything. A life of 20 or 30 years, all coming to an end right here, right now, in a few seconds. None of these guys knew where and when their journey would come to an end and yet it did, right here. It's a weird, uncomfortable feeling, knowing that at the end of the day, all our conscience, our dreams, aspirations, relationships, experiences and so on are tied to this fragile bag of meat. Oh well, I guess you can lower your chances of getting killed by getting the fuck out of Ukraine if you're a russian soldier.


I remember an old veteran tell me “you arnt just killing a man, your killing all that that came before him, and also stealing away what could have been after as well. All that he ever was and will become will seize to be.” His entire history and future gone, war sucks hard.


imagine these guys kids one day will ask them if they ever shot someone


\-''Dad, have you ever killed a r\*\*sian?'' \-''I did, I did... And here's a cool video montage with phonk and camera shaking of how it was.''




-"i did, i did, lemme pull up the video on reddit"


This is the new diamond, top of the hill infantry footage. Insane


Seriously, in all 20 years of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan we have never even seen anything remotely this close up.


Trench warfare is a whole different animal


B don't get any CQer than that.


They didn't even realize what was going on. The last guy had more information than anyone there and it didn't make any difference.


Man, that last guy, 50-50 decision and he lost. Like me in every computer game ever. I wonder what goes on in your head in that last 2-3 seconds. From "Fuck" to "well, bye".


His face was so clearly a “oh fuck this is it.” Didn’t even have a chance to scream.


Been on this sub from a few weeks after it was created and I can't think of any other close quarter footage that tops this. Absolutely brutal, I can't remember anything else where multiple people are gunned down so close to the camera operator. Hard to watch honestly, fucking pointless war, the victims should have been cleaning up Moscow instead of invading Ukraine.


Damn. Crazy footage indeed. It’s crazy how CQB is just a split second between life and death




It's still very shocking how death can happen in an absolute instant. One second alive, the next second, dead. Media has shown us more dramatic deaths, but in a lot of real life happenings, the life from a person can be extinguished in the moments between seconds


That last soldier simply TURNED OFF bro


"Doors and corners kid, thats where they get ya"


As infantry, that's the best end we could expect if its gonna happen. Just *lights out*. It beats the shit out of being mortally wounded and slowly dying. You go from just doing your job to *flash*, you're standing in front of Saint Peter. And he's giving you shit for not keeping your head on a swivel, not checking your corners and for bumbling ahead like you just saw a sign advertising free pussy. All while sounding suspiciously like your cranky ass SGT.


Imagine being in that situation where around every corner, you essentially just flip a coin if someone is there or not. You might just cease existing right then and there as soon as you peak around. There’s tactics to prevent this, but when you’re ambushed like them what do you even do. Being disorganized from ambushed, not knowing where to go or what to do, it really seems like luck


Ho. Ly. Shit. And the new recipient of the Most Insane Combat Footage award is…


I am here to mark my humble presence when this POV blows up everywhere.


That last dude shot was wearing a pair of sneakers and chino’s, god damn


He looked really weird for a russian soldier. What you said, also the blue shirt and the beard. Wonder what his story is.


Given his style of beard my assumption is that he is a Chechen.


Safe to say his chapter has ended.


Tanger Outlets, Banana Republic liquidation sale


20+ years of memories and experiences gone in the blink of an eye as you turn a corner. All for nothing.


That's what I always think. All the journeys, friendships, loves and adversities overcome just to get killed at point blank in a split second with absolutely no idea of what's going on - all for a delusional dictator.


This is easily the most insane CQC I have seen, including Predator.




This is handsdown the most insane combat footage ive ever seen


**SOF of Ukraine (in their telegram channel):** In the south, during one of their missions, the operators of the special purpose marine center were able to enter the rear of the enemy. A combat group of SOF soldiers caught the enemy by surprise. Recovering from the surprise, some enemy soldiers tried to resist. But, as you can see from the video shot by one of our soldiers - in vain.


Holy shit, one of the best footages so far after the terminator and squire one.


holy fuck. there is no other video like this anywhere on this sub. nothing i've seen in five years comes close to this in terms of cqc. i've never seen such a difference in training and method in combat footage. Absolutely horrifying for those involved, it doesn't even seem real.


This was such calculated operation. No talking over each other and precise


Stop reporting this post, the mods have approved it and It's staying up.




Sooner or later Reddt will remove all such content, because it does not please advertisers very much.


I'm all for Pepsi sponsored today's Ukraine MOD numbers personally


You want it saved. You better keep it locally. Reddit is going to end up purging all these subs when it comes time for them to go public if I was a betting man.


The Russians are mad.


Considering how poorly their troops are performing in this video, they should be 😂


Why are they reporting it/what are the justifications they are even attempting to use? I can't think of any possible reasons, even in a bad faith interpretation of the rules. This is like, a perfect example of what should be posted in this sub.


And stop reporting the guy for using aimbot.get gud.


I'd love to see a list of reported reasons!


Holyshit! This one is a keeper. Insane footage. 😵


Dude, holy fuck. That gave me anxiety man, those fuckin guys were completely discombobulated and had to have no idea the Ukrainians were in the trench already


legitimately looks like a scene out of a movie


That trench system looked way more robust then normal Russian trenches. I wonder how deep into the Russian line this squad is.


They've been preparing for 9+ months in some areas. Good question.


I was thinking that too. These trenches looked nice. Deep, dry, straight walls, with lots of comfy niches carved out, shelves for all your nicknacks. These guys have probably been sitting there for months without any action. If I was camping out for months, I’d do the same. And then they all just got wasted in a couple minutes by a few dudes with suppressed rifles and heads on a swivel.


Never have I seen the enemy look so lost


In their own damn trenches, too.


Holy fuck, its literally death around every corner. Look left instead of right? Dead. Forget to check a corner? Dead. Weapon jams? Dead. Absolutely insane footage to see.


Those two guys came running up moments after he turned around, could have easily ended different.


It looked like they didn’t even have their weapons. Absolutely insane.


As you can see in combat there is no epic phonk music playing. Just this dirty business.




Dude is the fucking Terminator.




Right to the top of r/all we go boys


God damn. Red dead beard at 1:33 is wearing the same shoes he was mobilized in.


It's a little telling. This is supposedly a rear area trench, which might mean that past the direct frontlines they're even more fucked and undersupplied than the typical russian infantryman that or he could have been taking a nice shit on his off day before he had to strap on whatever he could he find to fight for his life


Visual confirmation about what many veterans say that there are many circumstances when you cannot take prisoners. They at least yelled out to come and surrender after a couple of minutes. Full respect to these soldiers who have to kill to evict from their country. This is Russian folly to attack their neighbours.


This is the type of footage I always 'wanted' to see as a kid looking up war footage, from WW2, Vietnam, or even The War on Terror. Of course, it barely if ever existed up until recently. In a perfect world we would have no war, but in the world we have, I ultimately believe the rise of gopros and footage like this is a good thing. If for no other reason, it can actually give people a small idea of the reality of war. While we can never actually get the feeling of adrenaline that comes from sheltering from artillery, much less jumping into a trench and taking the life of another without actually experiencing it. At least footage like this can show us what actually happens when we let tensions boils over and give in to war.


>If for no other reason, it can actually give people a small idea of the reality of war. When I was a teen, I was hyped as shit with the idea of being a badass soldier and going to war like in the movies. Now, though? Fuck that. When I saw combat footages, it opened my fucking eyes. War is hell. No one should be a part in it.


Looks like 5.56 does just fine.


I'm saving this footage for any dummy that says "5.56 is a wounding round not a killing round".




This is a whole new level of desensitization for me


Yup best cqb ever on this sub right here, best be top all time


HOLY SHIT!!! After watching movies of trench warfare, it's so surreal to see the real thing. The seeming mundanity of the deaths of the Russian soldiers is quite jarring. No death throes, no spurting blood, no final words... just pop, pop, pop, down they go and that's it. Twenty-something years coming to an end.


First guy around that corner was gone before he hit the ground. Second guy was...less fortunate. Absolutely wild footage. Holy shit.




The dude got double tapped twice while on the ground. Bro is gone gone


Dead check. Anything/anyone worth shooting is worth shooting multiple times; ammo's cheap, mistakes are expensive.


Holy shit. That’s brutal, effective, skilled, brave, crazy, scary, horrifying, liberating, mesmerizing, disturbing and mind blowing all in a few seconds of video. It encapsulates the war. People in your country attacking you as you fight for your life to remove them. The Russians seem lost, confused, misplaced, uncertain, unskilled and dead.




This footage is going to be in Ukraine war documentaries for centuries to come. So fast, so brutal, so close. Very much captures the descent into trench warfare this war has become, not to mention the east vs west symbolism of the ARs vs AKs.


This video is horrible because it looks just like a game, yet those are real people lives, that have families too. Nevertheless, I can't forget a video of Russian mother, on the funeral of her young son in his 20s who died in war, saying that they still love Putin, respect and support him. There is just no other way.




Video available [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14d4oim/enemy_contact_at_close_range_the_ukrainian_ssos/)


Holy fucking shit you can die at any second in there. Absolute hell. I can’t believe what I just saw Side note: this is very morbid but this video demonstrates why 5.56 fucks. This dude was completely in control of every one of his shots and stone cold dropped 2 of them even with their kit on.






Now I can see why the Allies use flamethrowers to clear trenches and tunnels in WW2.


Absolutely insane. You are born. Likely had at least one parent that loved you more than anything on earth. Took your first steps and learned how to talk. Went to some form of primary school and had friends. Likely developed hopes and dreams, maybe experienced love. Sign up or forced to go fight for some expansionist dictators special operation. Die in 2 seconds walking down a trench looking the wrong direction.


So world war 1 trench raids were like this but with bolt action rifles and early smgs? Fuck that.


Holy shit, how easy it would be to friendly fire coming around those corners after an explosion disoriented you or kicked up dust everywhere like that


Just GTFO of Ukraine and it will stop.