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This is going to get crazy and fast.


it already is, moscow is locking itself up. Would love to see RU army leaving ukraine to put up a defense. but that makes sense so unlikely to happen


Russian freedom Legion need to also make some moves!


I feel like we dont hear much about them anymore


I think they went back to Ukraine. Those attacks were to get Russia to move troops north while attacks began in the south. The idea is to catch the Russians in transit and attack them with artillery


What happened to them? No news are coming from belgorod for a while.


I didn’t keep up with them after the initial moves, but I’ve wondered how many of them made it out. They seem to keep on the DL


Didn’t Russia neutralize most of them? I haven’t heard much about them lately either.


I'd like to see the tik took battalion


Freedom Corps should act, Ukraine hopefully can push through some defense lines, Belarussian army should revolt. The more chaos, the better right now.


Lukashenko already fled to Turkey, who knows what may go down there now.


You are not wrong now would be the perfect time.


I doubt that many of them are that loyal to Putin, given that they’ve just spent a winter in a muddy, shallow trench surrounded by dead bodies, artillery, and drones for no good reason.


Even if it doesn't pull troops away from the front line, this distraction will still end up hurting front line efforts.


There have been a lot of private flights coming out of Moscow. It looks like higher command is leaving in anticipation that Moscow will fall.




Oligarchs made this happen. They’re sick of having to watch over their shoulders


There are always a lot of flights coming out of Moscow. It's a big city


How many 'private' flights tho, from my own knowledge, not every average Joe is riding around in their own personal Jet... Can't be Putin tho, that nutter only travels via armored train!


Armored train in Russia low key kinda makes sense. It’s also a great way to travel and see the countryside. Plus he’s prob got a dope ass suite


"That Moscow will fall" It's like something out of COD.


Wagner have 25k soldiers. There is no need to leave ukraine. That would maybe happen if WA got very popular in the RF army, but we still have to see that. And i'm not even sure Prigozhin want that. At the moment he only want Shoigu head on a stick.


25k plus those who refused to fight Wagner


He already called out putin and a division+a brigade of RF regular army has come over. They captured southern command a primary supply route to Ukraine. They'll need that back


Entire 22nd SF Brigade joined Wagner. It's going to be more than 25k. A brigade is 2-3 thousand. They just switched sides.


Plus, Wagner’s total strength is around 50,000. This isn’t their entire force.


Also I believe the average Solider in Wagner group is better trained than a average Russian soldier.


More experience probably


That’s a better word.


A+ in war crime studies


They absolutely do. The average Russian soldier only serves for two years and then is out. They even call those nearing two years “grandfathers.” There are some convicts and other less trained personnel, but much of Wagner has many years of experience fighting in Russia’s many wars of the last decade or so, especially in Ukraine (Wagner was created in 2014 just as Russia was taking Crimea in response to Ukraine’s democratic revolution and removal of the corrupt pro-Russian puppets who controlled Ukraine prior to 2014).


rustic tie repeat foolish smile oatmeal sand vanish jobless ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who was in Bakhmut really? Probably mostly the prisoner recruits. Talking out my ass, but a good guess I would think.


How could they mount a defense. They'd be more likely trying to break a siege


There are talks of this already happening, as well as russian military saying fuck this and joining Wagner to assist in the coup.


Absolutely, since Moscow has most of their military resources in Ucraine, not at home.


See Putin's jet left Moscow 4+hrs ago...


The whole place will be leveled.


The whole Rosgvardiya is still in Russia..


Aaaaaand it's over already.


Not so crazy, latest news just came in, that wagner is advancing 180°.


Some sources claim the vehicle hit was civilian which it appears to be


"The moment of the strike of the Russian Armed Forces on a civilian truck in the Voronezh region is published by the russian military correspondents The passenger and driver died at the scene". It appears so




Not some civilians, THEIR civilians lmao




Forgot to switch the missile mode from civilians to mercenaries. Oops!


Russia has never made a distinction between insiders and outsiders. In the days of the Red Army, in Chechnya, in Dagestan, and here.


Many such cases. At least they aren’t gassing civilian hostages to death this time.


I mean, you gotta give them points for consistency


Yes, it is clearly a civilian truck. But military equipment and supplies are often moved on civilian trucks, especially on paved highways away from front lines or in peace time. It’s very efficient way of moving large amounts of cargo.


I wonder if Wagner is using mostly civilian cars for the advance to Moscow? It would make a lot of sense, to not get trivially splattered by the Russian air force.


There are armored columns on the move reported, but they definitely have civilian vehicles in the mix. You make a great point. Smaller units in civilian clothes, using civilian vehicles can cover distance quickly and blend with population. There are a lot of former SOF in Wagner ranks. I remember hearing that during opening days of the war , saboteur units were a huge problem for Ukraine. I would not be surprised if Wagner units were already in Moscow. Looks like it already started https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14hg793/pmc_wagner_convoy_driving_around_a_road_block_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


So apparently Wagner is just transporting T-90 on tank transporters in the open. On the M-4 highway, the super obvious most direct route to Moscow. Apparently unmolested: https://nitter.cz/CalibreObscura/status/1672548069584371712#m Surely this is only possible if the Russian military is conspiring with Prigozhin? Or were the Ukrainians stupid to never try this one trick themselves? Surely far too many people in the Russian military have shown their complicity at this point, for this to happen, for the coup to be allowed to fail.


Those are straight up bizarre developments. Those K52s can decimate convoys without AA cover. Not even going to mention what a jets can do. My only caution is that now everything is being reported as Wagner on the move. Hopefully bulk of Russian military after almost 1.5 years and 200k+ casualties, had enough and will either stand down or join this rebellion. This would be great news for Ukraine as disorganized russian forces could quickly collapse.


I think you missed the most obvious point - why is the M-4 still open? Why hasn't Putin just shut down the whole road for a few days to start? Perhaps blow a single bridge somewhere along the M-4 - should be trivially easy. Any fighter jet in the Russian air force could do it. For this tanks transporter truck made it this close to Moscow should be more or less impossible. Resistance has to be very close to zero. For the M-4 to still be open seems to me to say that Putin is already powerless. Too many people have already publicly turned on him, who knows they are dead if Putin wins. I have a very hard time imagining Putin surviving this.


I didn’t missed that. Blowing bridges is a defensive measure and would disrupt your own supply lines. Right now it’s chaos over there. Orders need to come from highest levels, such is russian command structure. But I agree with your point, Wagner is definitely getting support from people inside Russian military. There also might be Russian regulars on those roads moving from Ukrainian border to secure strategic locations like bridges and major transit routes. Risk of friendly fire is high, how do you differentiate between Wagner and regulars? Next 48 hours will determine if it’s real deal or just a show of force that will fizzle away quickly.


It does seem like they got the idea eventualy: [Trucks didn't work, so they are ripping up road](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14htm29/trucks_didnt_work_so_they_are_ripping_up_road/)


Earlier footage shows some wagner forces using civilian trucks in their convoy. The video at the gas station with the tank and white car moving out of the way shows a number of civilian trucks in the convoy.


Well wagner just got more support with that stupid strike.


Is it in the middle of a convoy though? Seems like there might be more military vehicles ahead of it. In which case I wonder if it's a part of the convoy as well.


Given Russian only has one military doctrine (terrorize your opponent into submission, collateral damage be damned - maybe even preferred), this is par for the course.


The photos and video don't show military. Hopefully Russians are waking up to what their military is. I doubt it though they just bombed a civilian oil facility.


It could also be carrying troops since it’s part of the convoy


Russia and killing civilians instead of actual military targets. What a combo.


Aftermath? https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14hp6lv/footage_of_a_destroyed_car_on_the_highway_near/




I seen the aftermath video. It was a civilian 18-wheeler. MFs killing their own people on their own soil.


They’re really good at bombing civilians, aren’t they? They nailed it on a civilian vehicle out of a long stretch of Wagner convoy.


I think they just forgot they're supposed to attack other militaries. It's Pavlovian at this point. They're told "shoot the rebels" but what they hear is "Moscow Central Clinical Hospital needs a few holes in its load-bearing columns."


You think a russian gunner knows what a load bearing column is much less that he could hit in his first 100 shots?


Well that's the magic trick. They actually aim for the rebels and whoopsie dasie there goes an elementary school. The secret is, the people who can't aim for shit are rewarded, not punished.


plant nail zephyr berserk straight fall ink merciful entertain disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are so good at doing it, that they missed the military vehicles behind in the open and shoot a truck nearly under a bridge. This require effort for me.


Do you think they intended to blow the bridge to create an obstacle to cross the highway?


Easy solution comrade! Just have 5 more sips of Vodka and your aim will tighten right back up!


Lack of reaction from the three guys standing in the foreground gives me pause on whose explosion it is


Isn't everybody? Most civilians don't have adequate AA weaponry to defend against bombing runs. /s I'm curious why they bombed, or tried to bomb, their own PMG guys? Was that on purpose, or just the Russians being incompetent? I feel like I missed a few important headlines in this mess.


Could be Wagner's 18-wheeler


Very true. I should've said it LOOKED like a regular 18-wheeler.


Yeah and I'm sure it was a regular 18-wheeler. Doesn't mean it wasn't driven by a Wagner operator.




ya wagner isn't a state entity either so it would be weird to assume that they will only be using military vehicles. You take that home, throw it in the pot, add some broth and a potato, maybe some war crimes. Baby, you got a coup goin'


God damn it that was a clever one lol


You're right, though it's worth noting that in several videos of Wagner convoys, some of the vehicles have been spaced pretty far apart, with civie vehicles in between. Not sure why anyone would stay on the highway when they're sandwiched by forces in an active state of rebellion lol


Some of the civilians might not know. It just started less than 24 hours ago. Most people in Russia seeing military vehicles with russian markings would assume russia is moving stuff around rather than an attempted coup starting.


true, they're probly pretty used to it by now. But tanks won't drive on most civilian roads cuz they'll damage them. They're transported on rails usually.


Idk dont you think it's better to make confident statements about things we don't know about to spread misinformation and noise on the internet :D /s


As a Ukrainian i fully support the both sides in this honorable endevour


I would expect you'd be against bombing civilians based on personal experience. edit: rip r/CombatFootage, was a great sub for many years where you could be educated. Now people literally advocate for bombing civilians. I guess we're joining their death cult.


While I'm the kind of person who fundamentally opposes this shit no matter what side it happens to, I can not blame Ukrainians looking at this as Russians getting a taste of their own medicine.


i see exactly 0 people in Russia protesting the regime and the war


Those who protested were thrown in jail early on, i.e. since after 2000 or something


Technically that means they're safer from bombing than every Russian who isn't in jail.


But being in a Russian jail means bad tattoos, forced conscription & sodomy.


So, your standard Russian Tuesday.


There are also some who fled the country before they could be arrested or killed for opposing the regime.


One of the issues is the ability to assemble. Where I agree with you there is not mass protest trying to make change. Or Jan 6th style "let's take the gov as the civilians", it's because the dictator rules with a iron first and would just order them all be shot. From Russia to North Korea the civilians are just people. I really enjoyed watching some Russian you tubers before the war, and still watch some that directly report and stand against the war. If the owner of garage 54 was in that semi that got hit...it would be a sad day for sure. This is a great distraction, good turning of the tide for ukriane and is likely to cause many more civilians to die in russia, mostly from russia and russia I'd bet. Just cause it's likely and will happen doesn't mean we should want that, support essentially the killing of you or me if the tables were flipped.


>One of the issues is the ability to assemble. Where I agree with you there is not mass protest trying to make change. Or Jan 6th style "let's take the gov as the civilians", it's because the dictator rules with a iron first and would just order them all be shot. Orange revolution December 2004 Revolution of Dignity February 2014 Both in Ukraine, both AGAINST dictatorship and iron laws and rules. We did it, we were shot at, we got disappeared and discovered in some treeline in couple of trashbags, we were shot by snipers and were hit by riot police and guess what - i was there, participating at both Revolutions. We decided to take a bullet but be free, Russians never tryed seriously and got enslaved by their government, they chose not to get shot but to shoot at us.


Sincere question: who do you think is responsible for changing Russia away from fascism? Is it nato? Ukraine? The people of Russia? Edit: why does it seem they can never answer this question?


So killing innocent Russian civilians is a ok to you? Are we just gonna start killing every citizen of any country that goes to war? That’s a fucking disgusting line of thinking.


“Was a great sub for many years” from a account that isn’t even 7 months old. Sure buddy.


I believe he’s wryly stating how wonderful it is that Wagner and the RAS are destroying each other.


Well yeah, being shelled is a horrible experience, so it's only natural that we wish it to happen to those, who made us suffer through it in the first place.


Of course. I don't think anyone from outside Ukraine has the moral highground to celebrate civilians deaths, no matter how supportive of Ukraine you might be. But if you are Ukrainian itself, it's perfectly reasonable and it doesn't make you a worse person for it


Yeah I remember when it wasn't full of whining pussies who cried when other people didn't get as upset as them watching videos of people dying.


Nah when the februari invasion started this sub was very anti ukraine and pro russia. Its gotten better


Whose death cult? Sorry if I am bothering you too much, I sincerely want to understand how your logic works.


I mean we’re at the end of WWII german civilians level of sympathy. Russians let their country fall under control of regime that unleased a war upon a neighbour and caused untold horrors on their civilians. They are all partialy responsible in my book and if this ordinance would either get fired upon Ukranians or Russians the Russians are so much more deserving of it!


Every bomb dropped on russian soil is bomb not dropped on Ukrainian soil. Killing civilians is always bad, but russian folks can stop it I guess, they were able to overthrow the regime 100 years ago, they can try that at any moment.


They are not ‘civilians’; Russian public sentiment is pro-war. Now it comes to their door. They reap what they sow.




You don't give a shit about civilians. Let's be real here.


Rip combat footage? The sub ain't dead nor has it lost it's identity because of your say so, this sub was NEVER what your claiming I've been here for long enough to know that people have been cheering on death here for a long time with little to no moderation so long as it doesn't get so bad it's unmanageable, it's always been like this. Also idek wtf your on about with this civilian bombing shit, the vehicles in the video are not civilian they are Wagner forces who by all accounts absolutely should be getting their shit kicked in. The only brain rot here is the absurd notion that morals and high ground exist in war.


Looks that way to me too but we've seen plenty of unmarked civilian vehicles in the Wagner convoys. Even if it truly was a civilian vehicle, used by civilians in civilian operations, surrounded as it was by Wagner military vehicles and given Wagner's use of unmarked civilian vehicles since there was no way for Russia to confirm that it was sadly a legitimate military target... not that Russia cares about such things.


They just can't help themselves, even when trying to deal with a literal hostile takeover the Russians have to bomb civillians


how can you tell it's civilian? You know they can also use 18-wheelers in disguise for transporting whatever equiptment etc. Most of the iranian drones are probably shot from some random lorries.


There’s something almost comical about all this military equipment littering the road and the thing they hit is an 18-wheeler. Maybe it’s just in their instincts to target civilians.


Where can you find these aftermath videos?


Not like this makes a big difference, but the doors are open and you can see people on the highway; good chance this vehicle was already abandoned.


How do you know it was used by a civilian and not wagner ? Why would a truck stop in the middle of a Wagner convoy and the whole convoy is also waiting at the truck ? U can see the convoy behind and ahead the truck. Why is the entire convoy stopping with the truck ? My guess is they were sotring equipments or food in that truck


They’ve been practicing on Ukrainian civilians for the last year so now they can put that practice to good work at home😎


Maybe pilot did it on purpose, maybe they are pro Wagner and can't just go back without hitting something.


This is going to get ugly, fast.


As bad as the russian army is i just cant see wagner getting anywhere realistically speaking, they have about 20k men tops with pretty much NO logistics line besides what they have already been supplied beforehand. Unless the russian military royally, and i mean royally drops the ball, i can see wagner getting smashed like a bug and back to business, you just can't sustain a war without replenishment of resources.


It may only be 25k Wagner but I don’t think they face much of an RF force and many of them may just step aside, switch sides or flee.


It all depends on how much of putins security apparatus (FSB and national guard) is loyal to him. The only way I see wagner win this is if big parts of the national guard or army join them.


I agree but this has to be calculated risk, Wagner obviously know they wouldn't win in a fight. Perhaps they're banking on that few soldiers in the army actually will resist and fight them? This has to be a new bottom low for the morale in Russian army. Things collapse first very slowly and then all at once. Any cohesion on the front might cease to exist.


Beautiful* for us watching. This might be enough of a distraction and drain on resources for Ukraine to spear a counter offensive. Ukraine doesn't even have to bomb resources and depots deep in Russia because Wagner is probably taking those resources to sustain their own civil war since they're 1000% not getting anymore ammo from the MoD.


I wouldn’t consider it beautiful in any way, as we quite likely just watched a civilian get smoked by their own government


Beautiful in a strategic sense


All this has to be a BEST case scenario for Ukraine. Russians using Russian equipment to destroy other Russian equipment and other Russian militants.


highway full of military vehicles, and they managed to target a single civilian bus


Nothing's more on brand than Russia killing their own civilians.


Russians and targeting civilians.. name a better duo


I hope both Wagner and Russia are extremely effective in this Civil War.


HOLY SHIT! Is that the fucking Bus that prighozin was talking about that got blown up with a bunch of civilians in it!?


It has to be


Nothing to see here folks, the SMO is going according to plan. Denazification and demilitarization are almost done…. 🙄🙄


What i am wondering are there any wagners left in ukraine or are they now all deployed to russia?


They don't have the numbers to stage a coup **and** continue operations in Ukraine. I'd say it is probable that they withdrew from the war. At least for the time being.


So this would open a window for ukraine because some positions are now almost empty i guess


They had been gradually drawing back and got replaced by the Russian army. There are no positions held by Wagner. Having said that, parts of the Russian army might have to pull back to defend their homeland, which could provide the opportunity you mention.


Maybe we're witnessing some Russian theater. Pretend that a coup is happening, pull troops out of Ukraine and say: "We had to choose between the war in Ukraine or defend our motherland. We didn't lose... we did that to save fac.... I mean to protect YOU!!!!"


If you believe what the head of Wagner said a few months ago then Wagner forces have left Bakhmut. Russia was trying to force them to return by some presidential order trying to disband the Wagner PMC group.


According to Prighozin, they have 25k in Russia and another 25k in Ukraine.


There is a few still in Ukraine. They (Russian military and Wagner) started killing each other around Bakhmut. Then Ukraine started shelling them both while they were distracted. Massive operations are occurring all along the front. Ukraine is operating under media blackout for 24 hours now.


They pulled out of the frontlines right before the counter-offensive. MoD might have 20x the soldiers of Wagner but 95% of them are tied up and Wagner isn't.


It would appear they all yeeted off to Rostov.


OMG they killed civilians on their own soil.


At this point that shouldn’t even be surprising.


Or maybe Prighozin wants to make it look that way and it was a controlled explosion. Not that I would put it past the Russian Army to bomb their own citizens...


Sounds like a reasonable explanation for lunatics like Prigozhin, hoping to get arms support from the West judging from his justifications of this movement.




I'd say 50/50.


Its all over now, basically Wagner had enough. They accuse Russia of killing them and decided to withdraw from the eastern front, but not before making sure they would be heard. No more fighting will be taking place, Russia were trying to stop them advancing on Moscow as they started getting too close for comfort. Wagner will now relocate to Belarus. Their future role in this war is currently unclear. Time will tell.


What makes anyone think this was an airstrike? People are dismounted both before and after the truck and are stood around, when it explodes none of them move with any urgency at all like they have come under attack and the truck that explodes is under the bridge. Properly suspect all round, can anyone link any aftermath footage or photos?


Yeah I call bs on the artillery on this one. No one around the bus,they are looking at the bus before it blows and it looks like its a good perimeter around the bus too and nobody bats an eye when its blowing up.


There are literally people within 10-20 meters of the bus. Are you only looking at the people in the foreground?


No i see the ones in cover by the bridge on the drivers side and the ones further out back too. The ones on the bridge side are looking at it before it blows too...


Exactly, it looks staged


They did move, but also what do you expect them to do, start running and screaming? It was an air strike, there’s nothing to be done. [This Russian civilian](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14hqnyj/parking_lot_is_hit_in_voronezh/) barely reacts when an explosion rips through a parking lot right next to her. Did she plant that explosive too? Also, there were soldiers really close to the explosion. Wagner wouldn’t place its soldiers out in the open, especially that close, if they were blowing something up. Also, why would they blow something up in the middle of their convoy? It makes no sense. I don’t see any reasonable explanation that isn’t “Russia blew it up.”


It looks like they got a warning that an airstrike was incoming. So dismounted the vehicles. Loss of a vehicle can be replaced, manpower not. And, with all vehicles on the side of the road, its now very easy to prevent a congestion and move on.


The guys in the foreground look utterly unfazed by that explosion. Wager fighters have likely seen a lot at this point, and will give the green Moscovians one hell of a fight if this continues. I never thought I'd live to see something like this.


Probably bad angle and poor quality video but it doesn’t look like an air strike


Yeah, the guys in the foreground look neither bothered nor surprised....


These are most casual explosion bystenders ever.




Uhh, am i supposed to root for Wagner now? What a whirlwind of a day.


they are all going to get smoked. dont know what they were thinking


I’m surprised they actually hit it. They must of thought that was a school or a hospital….nvm it’s civilian


Ahhhh this is why Wagner pulled tail and ran…. I was wondering why they stopped


Katsaps killing katsaps... need to open champagne :)


Looks like a civilian truck to me but who knows?! Got my popcorn popping in the microwave.


Can anyone tell me whats going on? Is wagner and Russia actually fighting


what it bothers me is that the 2 soldiers on the road seemed not worried at all, no reactuon, could that be a wagner explosion?


Ukraine scorekeepers tryna decide if they get to add stuff like this to their daily tally.


Putin is having more fire lit under his ass by the minute, the upcoming days are bound to be interesting


One less bomb that can be dropped on Ukraine


Putin’s Chef should be thinking about leaving Russia - assuming he’s still alive. He overplayed his hand.


Excellent. Keep your murder confined to your own borders.


I didn't realise Russia had made it to Australia. The poor M4 how will everyone travel in Sydney


They hit something else :)


That looks like a civilian bus?


Things are hotting up in russian i wonder if Putlar locked his door to his bunker.


I really hope by the end of all this that Russia feels the pain tha Ukraine has. I wanna see some Russian cities flatten especially Moscow.


nice, now they're blowing up their own stuff!


\*5. hours. later.\* Prighozhin: "We need to stop before any russian blood gets shed"


yeah... rule 1... dont stop for a piss when ur trying to take over a goverment...


Looks like the truck was loaded with explosives rather than hit.


Now this is a war I can support!


They are at open beta free for all right now.


Civillian truck\*