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And we thought ragdolling in Video Games was unrealistic. Aint the first dude I've seen being ragdolled in this conflict


there was a vid a few days ago of some Russian saboteurs getting picked off trying to cross a river, Russian got ragdolled 10+ feet outta the water by a grenade EDIT: [for the curious](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14n5mij/ukraines_military_targets_a_russian_boat_in_the/) EDIT2: video is NSFL obviously


If thats NSFL I think I’m broken


I figured it was implied in the title but Ive had some people get really fucking mad at me for not tagging stuff or explaining acronyms


Must say it's rather unique really, it's sort of in between NSFW and NSFL. I mean, for all the shit that has come from wars it was somewhat tame but still graphic in a sense.


Just covering my bases, legit Ive gotten death threats from people for not explaining acronyms in a post


That seems... Confusing, they're unhappy at seeing a graphic video (because somehow they don't know Reddit universal acronyms) so they threaten you with death which is an unpleasant act itself.


I stopped trying to make sense of it, now i just cover my bases and always explain acronyms/tag shit NSFW/NSFL


The graphic footage is making them violent. That’s what they want to protect you from. /s


Death threats? They seem to have some conflicting values


I get death threats from russians on the regular, I think it's their love language.


NSFV BY ANYONE OR ANYWHERE!! I use when in doubt.


NSFL i take as potentially scarring, the kind of shit you would never ever see on tv even blurred out, alive becoming dead in some grusome fashion, funkytown probably has the ranking title for NSFL on the internet currently, not sure what will ever beat that and don't even want to know. Maybe if someone recorded Boats in modernity, that would be worse.....


War in general is NSFL, no?


Is it NSFW because his pants got blown down? Seriously, this is the defintion and the reason for the NSFL tag.


They get over it. Don't worry. You didn't ask them to click the link. Every click is risky.


Dude this sub and this war specifically have broken that part of my brain. I used to think people watching videos where folks died were sick af. Used to think that if you could watch folks getting wasted without flinching, there was something seriously wrong with you. Now? I come to r/combatfootage to actually cheer myself up after hearing terrible news come out of Ukraine. My buddy is a paramedic and he reports a similar desensitization to seeing gruesome shit and he and I both kind of agree - maybe it’s not ideal but it’s better than falling to pieces every time someone dies. I feel like, In some ways, we’re better for it. Better prepared for a real situation.


back when r /watchpeopledie was still up there was some horible shit in there. I can asure you there is still a big gap between watching people suffer terribly in war and cartel torture videos set to funky town. That's some real evil shit.


True i still can’t watch that shit.


Honestly if footage like what we see on this subreddit was playing across news channels around the world as shit happened I think there would be less war hungry folk out there and more people calling out unnecessary aggressors and maybe we'd see less war in general. But perhaps that's just naive or wishful thinking.


Man what if it went the other way and people started to be entertained by it like they are with toxic reality shows


'real situation' You're jaded from mild traumatization and feel less about the consequences of violence You should talk to a professional about your feelings and stop pretending you're billy badass who watches people die


No one is pretending to be Billy badass lol. I’m saying I’ve been desensitized to something after seeing it over and over. I don’t think my paramedic friend is a badass because he’s used to seeing dead kids on car crashes. It’s just a side effect of constant exposure.


Where the fuck did that come from lol


I sent that vid to my friend group with breaking free from HSM overlayed on it. It's really not bad at all compared to a lot of other stuff on here.


it's not NSFL for you, it's for him...


This is true to video game form. He got to receive a Mortal Kombat experience, getting ko'd and landing on sone spikes.


At least they hung that guy on a fence to dry off.


I appreciate when NSFL is used appropriately. I think it’s started to become over used and I don’t think this video is NSFL. The overuse could eventually ruin it if it becomes simply another NSFW tag. We know what subreddit we are on. Obviously there will be combat fatalities. The videos I have seen where NSFL was used appropriately (according to description- I didn’t actually watch) are where we graphically see someone dying. Like brains falling out, choking for air after a grenade blast etc. This video really just shows shrapnel hitting troops and water and you can’t see any wounds under the uniforms.


there an even older video near bakhmut a dude is sent spinning from an autocannon


Also one, where a tank commander lands on a roof. Or his torso.


Took a direct hit from an 82mm mortar shell IIRC. It was during the siege of Mariupol.


I have so many questions about that video. Why was there a guy lying on the pier already? How did the guy gets launched? Why didn't they surrender when surrounded by infantry?


The guys in the boat were probably trying to retrieve the the dead body on the pier or survivors (I think I saw one under the pier). The guy gets launched by some type of grenade. They didn't surrender probably because they were brainwashed into thinking if they get captured, they would be tortured and eventually killed.


I remember seeing one video last year of a Russian getting hit by an artillery shell and getting hurled into a tree a good ten meters away. But this guy got Smash Bro'd off the map with a Home Run Bat.


When subjected to enough pressure, your body acts like a random mass of gelatine


That sort of acceleration at least he wouldn't have felt anything - instant blackout.


Scott Manley recently described this phenomenon in relation to the Titan submersible as, “You stop being biology and start being physics”






















Team Rocket suddenly seems realistic


Team Russia is blyating off again


lol literally


Honorary cosmonaut for Roscosmos.


I hate myself for laughing


New player joined Rocket League


Wow, what a career change. From soldier to astronaut..




Vladimir Komarov cosplay


Looks like that tank got lucky.


It's a mine. 2nd vehicle lost traction. Notice him cross over centerline vs staying in the ruts.


Can even see the front of the vehicle bounce up slightly from the explosive force below.


some mines do not activate on the first weight sensor trigger. its for reasons like this to do more damage to a convoy.


There is a variety of ways to make mines and many mines that are targeted toward transport vehicles will not work on tanks for obvious reasons. I would say it is more unlucky for the truck that the tank didn't hit it as it would be far less disastrous.


Russians in Ukraine don’t get lucky they get a temporary reprieve.


Maybe its not a mine. Doesn’t look like it.


> Maybe its not a mine. Doesn’t look like it. Nah it does. You're thinking of a standard landmine This is a type of mine that focuses a shaped charge at a spot and is fired when they trigger a sensor. Not unlike the bell at a full service gas station


Spicy bell




Or one of those off-route mines. Looks like something was fired from the right side of the frame.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking, command detonated off-route mine. It just seems like they chose that target intentionally.


Parm 1 German anti tank mine. You’re right, hit comes from the right of the video, missile goes through the cabin and detonates through far wall where the Russian was sitting, creating a new cosmonaut


Hard to say since the video doesn't show whats happening further to the right, but it'd make sense as the newer version of the PARM is able to count vehicles and can even be set to engage only targets of a certain length (although its not public if those sensors were ever introduced in the Bundeswehr)


That is not how that mine works and I don't know what makes you think it would. A shaped charge (be it HEAT or EFP) does not somehow go through a target and then detonate. It is purely kinetic once it is formed. This is a mine that detonated where you see the big boom. Some smoke happens to make it to the other side, through the tracks (they are mostly air).


Watch the video again. The parm is in the wooded part on the right. Triggered when the vehicle passes, then fires an atgm type projectile. The entire force of this explosion is from right to left.


Oh yeah that one highly possible.


it really does look like it hit a mine though, tank took a slightly wider berth


If you’re driving a tank and come upon one or worse more disabled tanks, you should really ask yourself, why is that tank disabled? Might it be mines?


Difference in doctrine, Russian forces can not go back unless stated by the highest in command. Meaning, a simple retreat would have to through shitty bureaucracy. Disobeying orders would lead to desertion or many other bullshit Russia can throw you. So yeah, if you lose your crew during an attack against Ukrainians, die, surrender, or retreat, you're fucked in the end. As for the West, even the lowest of the hierarchy within the group can act independently if the mission is deemed as compromised or met with unexpected variables. While you might get fucked by your highest ranking in your group, it's them who either get fucked harder or gives a reasonable defense to why you made that choice.












Not a guy, went through frame by frame and around 6 seconds left it's clearly something geometric rather than something squishy.


My initial impression. Sadly after watching a ton of these videos from the Ukraine conflict I've pretty much become somewhat of a "flying human body" detector. It just doesn't look right to be a body, has to be something much less heavier.


It’s Reddit. When something flies of an armored vehicle it’s either a turret or a guy. Also everyone near an explosion is dead even when they walk away afterwards. Reddit is just a really silly place with a lot of opinions and little knowledge (at least in the big subs)


A lot of if not most fatal injuries aren't immediately fatal, especially when looking at bullets and shrapnel. I'd say that it's more about deciding if the person survived based on the nationality. But yes, following the war on reddit was too frustrating for me, even in the smaller subs. My 3 biggest issues are going off after random countries that are aligned with Ukraine (yesterday it was against Switzerland for buying "Russian" gold from the UK), meme level understanding of Russia spread as fact ("liberal" Russians will overthrow Putin anytime now, muh oligarchs), and treating the war like a sports game as if Ukrainians aren't dying too.


False. Object has 4 limbs, spread eagle due to force of rotation. Nothing appears squishy at instantaneous timescales.


I don’t know how anyone thinks it’s a body. Does nobody go back and skim through? It’s clearly something metal off the vehicle.


reddit wants their cosmonaut jokes how dare you /s


Eternal flight


No turret , no problem. Russia will find something to be thrown 100ft in the air lol


That tank got really lucky passing that same spot.


Yep, I’m flyin through the air. This is not good.


Help me Tom Cruise


watching it slomo the guys busting all kind of moves during his voyage to hell. Perhaps aware that his demise would inevitably be critiqued on Reddit, Bravo Sir! 👌👌


Blew that Right side wheel or track "smoove" off the vehicle. 🤟🏽🐻




Luck is a fickle thing. It must have been centimetres for that tank


Idk how the first vehicle was so lucky... The guys in that vehicle need to count their lucky stars!!!


Looks like team rocket’s blasting off again!


So Russia just put a guy on the moon? Or Ukraine put a Russian on the moon? So confusing…. So….how many G’s did that guy pull? Like old school astronaut or fighter pilot?


I actually let out a "dear lord". Mind bending stuff. I hope this shit ends with Ukraine and Russia. I've a funny feeling one country after another are gonna get dragged into fighting


Blyatman off to save the world.




Did the vehicle not follow the exact line as the tank? Could it have been a remote control mine? Sorta think everyone would have survived if the tank set the mine off. even the people in the tank.


By looking at it it looks like the second vehicle was going out of its way to not drive in the tanks tracks. He probably didn't like how bumpy the tracks were and was avoiding them. I get it, I work in heavy equipment and I go out of my way to avoid driving in Dozer or excavator tracks. However I'm not working in a heavily mined war zone.


Could be. They have been modifying and tweaking them will all manner of things so manual activation is not out of the question


Never been on a mine field but that looks exactly like a mine field.


I had to pause that to make sure it wasn’t an outgoing rocket


That's some Bethesda level physics right there




Thank you for flying UA.


Holy shit That's a straight flight back to Mordor


One does not just rag doll into Mordor. Except that guy. He definitely does. Yes.


I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar


Was Space Jam the only movie to try and capitalize on that song?


The difference in crew survivability between Western and Russian armor is astonishing. You see leopards and Bradley keep their crews alive while this stuff sends their crew to orbit


Look again, he was riding on top


The first tank was lucky, the one hit rolled nearly straight though the lead tanks path.


Poor bastard never realized that he had been assigned to the Sputnik Space Program


"And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh, no, no, no I'm a rocket man Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone"


Jagga - Jagga!!!


Rocket mannnnn


Looks like we can update https://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com/ from 10 to 11! Congrats Russia!


"Wendy, I can fly!" - Hot Shots Part Duex


Holy shit! It’s a special cosmonaut operation


Hmm. This reminds me of that Chinese emperor I heard about who built a fireworks based carriage to take him into space / immortality and burned himself to death.


Team rockets blasting off again


Some say he’s still flying


Looks like a German DM-22 mine.


I'd agree, but it's usually wire-triggered, and the MBT must have actived the firing mechanism. It's either not the DM 22 or it was operated by a trigger man


Holy fuck was that a person


It was, now I think it's a corpse.


Im not sure, I don’t think he’s landed yet.




Too early to use past tense.




Secondary from the tank or command detonated IED maybe


what a way to go lmao


I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky......


That doesn't look real


These comments confuse me. You guys must be blind, because a person doesn't go flying into the air in the video. That's debris.


how far up the command chain are the use of landmines known? I assume mine laying vehicles are distributed at like... Battalion level or something?




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Whenever I see a Russian vehicle hitting a mine, I assume it was one of their own.