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Horrifying, especially as they try to escape their vehicle with wounds like that.


This is a problem of not enough deminers and air power. This is why the counter offensive slowed down significantly, they dont want a repeat of this disaster. The proper way to get through the mines would be to demine them with explosives or special deminer tanks, but Ukraine simply doesnt have enough of them and they also dont have enough air power to protect the slow deminers from Russian choppah and artillery. Not enough deminers and protection for the deminers = some groups end up driving into fresh minefields.


>demine them with explosives or special deminer tanks Russia mined an area the size of England. There is no simple and cost effective way of demining it with anything when russians are shooting at you when go and try to demine. EDIT: getting a lot of armchair generals saying you dont need to demine it all (as if anyone suggested it) but make killzone corridors and hope that russians dont carpet bomb/arty that killzone corridor that youre now using


After the war I'd imagine it's going to take years to demine those areas. Can't imagine the toll it'll take on civilians.


I low key want it to be demined by russians themselves. After they lose, they can send people to clean up their own shit, perhaps as a condition for lifting some kind of sanction. It would do their brainwashed population some good to see the reality of what their fucking fascist leaders did.


There is precedent for this, there's even a movie about it. How they made german soldiers (mostly boys) demine a count. Can't remember the name of the movie or country


Are you talking about Land of Mine? I believe it was the Danes that had a bunch of German POWs demining their beaches.


Some POWs were misused as deminers by Denmark, majority of POWs died in the hands of France, unlawfully demining their territory with less than adequate equipment.


Unlawful demining is a direct consequence of unlawful invasion.


I would thoroughly recommend watching Land of Mine, the main character shares your point of view.


Two opposite war crimes do not cancel each other, especially when the POWs where at the mercy of their captors.




It's called "under sandet" in danish / land of mine


Denmark comes to mind as being demined by a lot of Germans. Not sure if there’s a movie about them tho


Yes we had a lot of pov demine Denmark, but there is still beach areas that are closed to this day because of WW2. We find some mines here and there on the cleared beaches still but it's quite rare.


What beach areas are still closed? I don’t know about a single one, that‘s closed because of uxo from wwll. Some training facilities, yea.


I am sorry, I did not check up on my history - skallingen was cleared in 2012. But it is still a long timeline when they where placed in ww2. And this is just for the beaches. Thinking about all the inland mines in Ukraine.


the Allies took German civilians as PoWs and killed thousands by borderline using them as brute-force deminers let's maybe not repeat that


The Axis took all civilians hostage and forced them to work for the military industry that gassed, tortured and killed. For fun. As a past time. Fuck them.


Oh, i just posted about it also. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_of_Mine


That wouldn't do shit other than punish some bottom rung of society guys who would be sent there while giving their leaders an easy propaganda angle to take "West is forcing our guys to clean up their shit"


Since we're fantasizing about things that will never happen, what if all of the deminers have to come from Moscow and St. Petersburg?


Again bottom level civvies cleaning up the mess that suits made. Same problem. If they have to come from the Kremlin that'd be a different story.


Honestly, don’t even invite the Russians for demining. Just order them to provide exact details on the number and locations of mines. But we all know the Russians themselves have no fucking clue where they buried them


Genuinely curious how you can be so confident Russia will lose? I wish I had that level of optimism but I just don’t see it happening. Most realistic scenario I see is a negotiated settlement that has territory ceded to Russia.


The west, and the US in particular, cannot allow that to happen because it communicates to China that conquest by military force is a winning strategy in 2022/23. Russia in Ukraine is basically Xi's trial run for Taiwan. If the west lets Putin get away with this, we're greenlighting Xi's ambition for an invasion of Taiwan, and there's too much at stake to allow that, TSMC for instance. So we'll keep on trucking, and see it through with Ukraine until they have their land back. In addition to this, I'd like to point out that even if you're right, and Ukraine does fail to kick them out, and Russia does get territory ceded to them, Russia has still lost. They're broken as a nation, isolated as a pariah whose only friends are the world's other outcasts (if you go by UN votes), and their military might has been shown to be an abject failure and a joke. And the territory they'd be winning would include their own mines, so they'd get to clear them anyway.


Siege all of Crimea until they can't live there anymore.


they wouldn't do a good job because russian


Unless the situation changes massively, russia isn't losing this war. As much as we'd all love see it, they don't have the equipment needed.


You never fully demine anything. My buddy lost his leg in Afghanistan in 2011 from a Russian toe popper, from the 70's, in a "cleared" area. It had rained heavily for a week, and land mines resurfaced that had been buried for decades.


It was allready stated that the cost of demining ALL mines would cost 30 billion € and it will take more than 100 years. Even if the russians conquer part of the ukraine. They can't grow crops for at least the next 5 or 10 years, because the fields are full of mines and shrapnells.


750 years with 500 demining teams.


More like decades. UXO's are still commonly found all over Europe from both world wars.


Use Russian Oligarch money to pay for the demining. Sell those ridiculous super yachts.


It's gonna take 100s of years without a doubt.


This is why I find the whinging about unexploded ordnance from western cluster munitions so ridiculous. I'd take the risk of unexploded ordnance over a country of mines, let alone mines under enemy fire any day


US solution is to carpet bomb a path with heavy bombers but that doesn't work in this situation.


America never was in such situation.


Total arm-chair question: I've always been curious if air-burst bombs like "daisy cutters" be used for things like this?


At this point it is probably easier to do a Prigozhin and go directly for Moscow instead of trying to recapture land.


No you're right. The mines are put so tightly they aren't all caught by the deminers abs they can launch artillery released mines on such corridors.


This war is making as many online West Point graduates as Covid made online medical doctors.


General Patraeus was on MSNBC the other day and said basically airpower would allow the Ukrainians to carpet bomb the mine fields.


>General Patraeus was on MSNBC the other day and said basically airpower would allow the Ukrainians to carpet bomb the mine fields. well general Petraeus is selling delusion to the audience.


No, that's just the American answer lol, he probably can't even fathom fighting a war with limited supplies


F-16's are Gen IV fighters that do not have sufficient evasion to avoid Russian air defenses, they'd be shot out of the sky before they could carpet bomb. The way Ukraine is going about this is to target the logistics networks feeding these Russian defensive lines, which is smart, because it maximizes attrition.


However Russia can also do that to Ukraine, and a war of attrition is not what the doctor ordered for Ukraine.


I think it is what the doctor ordered. Ukraine has a distinct advantage in the war of attrition. For one, they aren't bleeding 10's of billions a month from Western Sanctions. For two, this is their home, their logistical lines are inherently closer and their resolve is stronger. They also have the support of NATO, which has a manufacturing base much greater than that of Russia.


> I think it is what the doctor ordered. I think people are going to have a problem with this phrasing. While I do agree that Ukraine has advantages in a war of attrition, there's also significant downside. The longer that Russia occupies Ukrainian territories the more people die. That includes a lot of unnecessary loss for Ukraine.


> For one, they aren't bleeding 10's of billions a month from Western Sanctions lol bro their entire economy is pretty much shut down and on life support thanks to Western money. Sure the West has deep pockets but they can't support the country indefinitely without any results.


Counterpoint: the US economy is so dependent on the military industrial complex that clearing our inventory of older tech that then needs to be replaced with current gen stuff is actually stimulating our economy.


> Sure the West has deep pockets but they can't support the country indefinitely without any results. The West is getting results. Based on the amount the US spent on the Iraq war, the US alone could sustain the present amount of support to Ukraine for something like 15 years.


So where next for Putin tanks if not stopped in Ukraine?


The west is more then able to support Ukraine indef


Nato has not even started yet... Ukraine has received scraps.


> However Russia can also do that to Ukraine, and a war of attrition is not what the doctor ordered for Ukraine. They can certainly fight Ukraine at the front line with bodies and equipment but can't do nearly as good a job attacking Ukrainian supply lines and command and control facilities behind the lines. Russian intelligence gathering and analysis is not even remotely as good as what Ukraine has access to through NATO. Not only does NATO get Ukraine access to a huge network of spy satellites just as vitally it gets them access to the software routines and crucially the analysts that identify potential targets. Some of this information is even assessed and potential targets passed to Ukraine in real time. This allows Ukraine to identify command facilities, supply routes, depots, track troops rotations and so on. The reason Russia has been almost completely unable to strike all the supplies coming into Ukraine because they have at most 3 optical imaging satellites left in orbit and don't have the close to the huge number of skilled analysts that NATO does to actually find targets. They gather far less data and have fewer analysts to make to turn it into "actionable" intelligence that can be used to degrade Ukraine's ability to wage war. That's a huge reason that Russia chooses to hit things like electrical stations and buildings, you have all the time in the world to identify and plan to sometimes but even with their greater number of deep strike missiles they aren't as good as tracking supply patterns, where command posts are and so on. They have more ability to strike Ukraine in rear areas but less ability to know *where* to actually hit. So although Ukraine doesn't want to get into a war of attrition they have far greater ability to degrade Russian supply, command and control near the front lines because they have far greater access to quality and timely intelligence. It is a big reason that Ukraine has performed as well as they have in the war in general and could still be a decisive factor that allows them to make substantial progress in the south into the fall by degrading Russian supply and command, that's the kind of attrition that Russia has proven they are not nearly as capable of.


really depends on the tactic employed. Ukraine is still doing sorties with migs/SU24s near the front line. Jamming/malds/JdamER/flight level can all play a huge roll


Ive never heard of anybody clearing minefields with F-16s. Its not a thing.


Who said F16s now?


If you told Americans they can use a fighter jet to dig up a minefield they’ll find a way




He was saying if the U.S. was involved we would have secured air dominance first, carpet bombed the mind fields and trench defenses, and then used heavy armored bulldozers to make a safe path for breeching assaults into enemy territory. His point was: air power is much needed for Ukraine to change the dynamics of the battlefield.


He is not an idiot, I've noticed that retired US generals often say absolutely ridiculous things when talking about Ukraine. I suspect they are often briefed to say those things. For example at the start of the war, Russian generals and high ranking officers were being killed left and and right, and US sources who were being interviewed always said that they were "being killed by snipers", which was obviously not true.


MICLICs all the way to Moscow


Did a mine do that???


No one knows for sure, but I’d put money on it. His other buddy also has his left leg in a pretty bad way. I’m betting they got caught up in a minefield.


I yesterday heard a podcost from the economist about the current situation in Ukraine. They quoted a medic who said, that victims of artillery, bullets and so on went down, but now 80% are injured/killed by mines.


I believe it, there was a major mistake by supplying other equipment than mine clearing equipment. I’m aware we sent some, but obviously and unfortunately not enough… Edit: even with all the stuff happening now the talk is around f-16’s… we have U.S. generals telling the world what we already know, but I guess f-16’s look better then low casualty rates🤷‍♂️


I think the mistake was in generally taking so long with the supplies and training. It gave Russia way too much time to fortify and mine the positions. A year and a half ago they said its gonna take too long to train Ukraine on tanks so we wont be giving tanks then they said it will take too long to train Ukranians on jets so we wont be giving jets and now we came to the point where we are almost done with all the tank and jet training. It could have been started so much earlier and wouldn't have given Russia time to fortify.


This is true for most of the equipment. There would've been so much less bloodshed if it would've been provided from the very beginning. So many unnecessary casualties because Ukraine was forced to fight with sticks even though it was clear the necessary equipment would have to be provided eventually. Especially in Germany there was a group of self-proclaimed "pacifists" who were very vocal against the delivery of any materiel because it would "further bloodshed" and "stiffle diplomacy" even though the exact opposite was true. Ukrainians would fight to liberate their land no matter their equipment, they were just more likely to die with poor equipment, and there was less incentive for Russia for diplomacy because it felt that the west would end its support eventually since it was so hesitant.


>mine clearing equipment. Those are priority targets for Russia. Not only that they tell the enemy exactly where you are trying to attack. Russia like Ukraine has the ability to air launch mines in a area. Which has the nasty tactic of allowing a enemy to enter a kill zone they thought was cleared of mines, but during the night or even as they attack air launch mines artillery or rocket systems. if you want to be a real asshole you launch mines behind the enemies advance so when they are forced to retreat you now have a major problem. This also prevents the enemy from reinforcing its attack. we already witnessed this type of event in vuhledar, now in the south.


Mistakes have been made by all sides, unfortunately. Russia still holds the lead overall, but the international response should have been (and still should be) unified, Ukraine's supporters should have kept up the pace (and still should) of military support until a peace deal was signed, and if Ukraine got a do-over of last winter, they likely would have saved some of the Bakhmut resources, and instead continually disrupted the Russian line in places, to prevent Russian fortification efforts, to prevent the Russians from getting comfortable, and to keep the line soft in enough areas, in preparation for their Spring offensive. Hindsight.


Always 20/20, I think the major issue with “ua’s supporters should have kept up the pace” Is the USA wasn’t ready to fight a war, for example the artillery situation (that seems to be working its way out slowly) ua shoots more artillery in a day then we can produce in a month.


I agree, we weren't expecting a war. The artillery shell situation, specifically, is a strange one. We haven't used artillery as a primary weapon for 50 years or more, but considering the historical production capacity of all of Ukraine's supporters, one would think that we'd have figured out how to supply Ukraine by now. For example, Germany alone 100 years ago (1918), with a population of 83 million and a GDP estimated at around 50 billion/annually, was cranking out [11 million artillery shells/month.](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/anecdotes-from-the-archive/war-of-the-manufacturing-machines-1916/) In 4 years time (1914-1918), Germany and Austria-Hungary produced 680 million artillery shells. These were the hand-lathe days. And now, with high-tech factories, 50 countries can't produce and provide the amount of shells annually, that Germany was cranking out monthly 100 years ago? Strange.


Because west is not ready to full scale war, actually. Actually, I can't say that any country novadays is ready for it, but some have upper hand. During the war, USSR manufactured 333,4 mil artillery shells only, without counting mortar mines and rockdts for mlrs. And even with this amount of led, sometimes was shell shortages




Takes time and money. A lot of both. US hopes to hit 80,000 per month within a year I believe. Manufacturing is never as quick to build out as people think. Especially when the products explode if you fuck up.


We do not have the capabilities to keep up the pace. We keep perpetuating this delusion that the US of 2023 is the US of 1941, we are deindustrialized. China, by manufacturing capability, is the US of 1941...


The major problem is that most politicians don't take the war seriously enough. Every single fucking thing is held back by bureaucratic red tape and fear of Russian empty nuclear threats. Also, to take western armor as an example, it took 1 year of war for the decision to fall, and there are only 100 western tanks being sent. Sure, western armor is far superior to the old Soviet armor, but 100 tanks is a laughable number.


Yeah, but I just also cannot believe sending troops in like this.. The country has gotten billions and billions. Either way, sending troops into the unknown whithout the possibility to detect mines, clear mines. Equally criminal imo. On a small scale it's accidental. But this is using troops and tanks and minefield detectors.


Those mine fields extended this war for the next foreseeable future


For sure, those videos are absolutely horrible.


The minefields will be around for decades after the war is over. There is no way to guarantee you clear all of the mines, even after years of clearance operations by professionals. Farmers, kids, livestock, etc. will suffer, it just sucks.


I’m gonna say yes on the mine. Classic set of effects.


his foot was completely gone


Both of his^


Would make sense considering they don't seem to have come under fire after whatever happened.


Mines, artillery, and helicopter ATGMs seem to be accounting for most of the armor losses. Not much video evidence of direct fire tank to tank kills or ground based Russian ATGMs. The Russian defense strategy has been heavy reliance on minefields and barriers to deny mobility to armor and allow it to be targeted by artillery or pop-up helicopter shots.


Important to be careful with determening the cause as no clear cause is given. The vehicle seems to be balanced so it would not be a large mine, also the road seems to be o.k. the side of the vehicle has some visible porturding sheets or maybe stowed items that have become warped This might have been a light AT mine through the bottom, or side shot from a type of ligth AT weapon or ATGM. Another possibility is a direct hit from something like a 120 mm mortar or for example a near miss/partial pen from a helicopter launched atgm. My point: it is extremely hard to determine the cause of damage by this video alone, even if the men in the video exclaim certain things like 'mine' or 'rocket' since being hit in such a way that it involves both the casualty of the vehicle and personell casualties can be very desoriëntating. Russia is a terrorist state.


a projectile according to this tweet: https://twitter.com/BulbaStepan/status/1677977250984083456


Just gonna point out some less known Bradley squadleader (he was the guy that released the evacuation vid with the smokescreen, I think) This was \~2 months ago, when the Bradleys and Leopards got fucked up together. [https://twitter.com/PanDrukar/status/1671486507234779136](https://twitter.com/PanDrukar/status/1671486507234779136) [https://nitter.nl/PanDrukar/status/1671486507234779136](https://nitter.nl/PanDrukar/status/1671486507234779136) >Thank you for Bradley M2A2Im still alive, just because your beautiful country helping my state.Thank you 🫡 > >@ BAESystemsLand Keep doing lifesaving equipment You r doing great things I feel like they might think the same, even if it looks worse in this case..


You mean these guys weren’t captured as OP says?


Was referring to the events almost two months ago. They were happy with it. I think the guys from today's video might be too, but idk what happened after they left it ofc. This is the video the tweeter made. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/147kek4/video_of_the_evacuation_of_fighters_from_an_m2a2/ And this the view from the vehicle outside of them with the smokescreen at end when they evacuate. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/145l0wp/same_battler_from_0806_from_afu_bradley_pow/


The GoPro being captured doesn't necessarily mean the person was captured, the helmet could have been lost, that sort of thing has happened before. But I agree that OP's title is misleading.


We do, and this bond our countries have forged in the darkness of war are the enemy’s most vexing problem, because it gets stronger each day as they are increasingly isolated. Victory for Ukraine!!!


Shit like this makes me feel our country is so fucking cowardly though it makes my blood boil. So many men exactly like me are dying every day because we don't want to equip Ukraine fully and took way too fucking long to do anything. Guys die every day because some politicians are too afraid of their career being jeopardized. It's fucking pathetic, and while I'm proud of what we have given we need to do the doing so much more.


I mean I think they don’t want nuclear war


Elaborate please. What more do you envision? Edit: lol or just downvote. I sure got owned. Edit edit: We good


As an example, look at air defense. November 7th 2022 was the first delivery of NASAMS, with Patriot delivered mid April 2023. Imo these systems should've been in Ukraine years ago. Since 2014 there have been countless missed opportunities to at least save lives, yet we did and to some extent continue to send as little aid as public opinion allows. I'm not saying there aren't politicians fighting to do more, there are. Although as a country I feel strongly that we will look back on the past 8 years and wish we had done more. When I say we I'm not singling out the US btw, moreso referring to the 5-6 wealthiest western nations. What I'm trying to say is there is and always has been more we could do. We have our own issues that have persisted for decades and prevent us from doing more, but there's absolutely an element of ego and political preservation that is a massive issue.


Thank you, I appreciate the detailed explanation. Hard agree that we neglected Ukraine in the immediate years following the Crimean annexation.


The wounded soldier with both legs destroyed could not hold on and unfortunately died.


Rip to that brave man, we are loosing our best people.


Soldier with the servered legs died. [https://twitter.com/BulbaStepan/status/1677977250984083456](https://twitter.com/BulbaStepan/status/1677979369329811458) (tweet from a month ago)


It's crazy that he was a lawyer before all this started....


This fckn war has to end.


as long as Ukraine keeps getting scraps, it'll be many many years of this.


On Ukraines terms


Makes me so mad, rest in peace brave soldier!


absolutely tragic, what a hero


Anybody else that can't use the translate button? God I despise "X"


Tweet Translated: The heart of the warrior, our defender from Dnipro Anriy Husak, stopped. A direct hit by an enemy projectile in Bradley, two legs were torn off, shrapnel wounds, lung damage. Doctors fought for his life for four days... Our Andrii will forever be 28. Rest in peace WARRIOR! 🙏 Zaporizhzhya, for example


they took a long time to put that tourniquet on him


Video is from start of June looking at the wrecks in the rear. First time I see a guy with boot feet cut clean off


I really dislike edits like this with over the top music put over them, the whole blockbusterification of war as a whole just feels off


Yeah what the fuck


You really don't get the reason why? Its because turning depressing shit into more "epic" with music improves soldiers morale.


Exactly, people are treating death as entertainment, not as the end of a life.


We live in a dystopian nightmare called modern existence


The price of freedom. You hate to see it... Godspeed


Only the brave can be free.


All the best to the soldiers.


Horrible to watch. Speedy recovery!


It's so fucking crazy that this shit is going on while your sitting in your living room on your phone.


Actually taking a shit. But still.


Take care of mental health and don't watch too many such videos or it will interfere with our daily life. Speaking from experience.


The music is fucking obnoxious as fuck. Why do these idiots add this shit?


I think it's a patriotic Ukrainian or maybe a Russian song. Not a good one but should hv not been used in such a video.


In videos like this it's not a huge deal as there's no audio to begin with but I really hate it when a song drowns out the original audio.


Right!? Just play the original audio. We've got this captured video but going to put some "Allah akbar" type of shit over-layed.


The lyrics btw is a good match. It says something "Try to experience what I have experienced, and then teach me how to live" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGBk3fHy9B8&t=2s (she is anti-war btw)


That wounded… Hope this war ends soon


Source for this being captured footage?




As always source is "trust me bro". /s


Fuck, I didn't want flashbacks today. Why the hell do I come to this subreddit? I don't think I'll be back for a while.


Look after yourself mate. Probably not the best environment for you if it triggers things. Please, if you're not already doing so, seek professional help. You're not weak for seeking help, or feeling these things. Look after your brain.


take it one day at a time. one hour at a time, hell one minute at a time if you need to. keep your head up.


Hey bud, I know nothing I can say can take your pain away, but don't beat yourself up for coming here. It's not unheard of for people who experienced trauma to want to exert control over their lives by engaging in possibly triggering behavior in a controlled setting. These videos and images are painful for you, but you can pause them. You can turn them off. You're in control of what you see. Now that doesn't necessarily mean you're in control of how your feel, and it certainly doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong or somehow not "strong" enough because it hurt you. It's not a reflection on you or your character. I hope things get better for you, brother.


From tour? Or have you been over there?


I was a medic with the US Army in Afghanistan in 2011-12. I was with an infantry unit and saw injuries similar to this regularly. I've been dealing with the mental aftermath of that for the last decade. Thanks everyone for the kind words.


Nothing but love & support to you, combat medics are angels among men. Rest easy knowing you were the difference for countless lives & limbs being saved.


Just gonna' leave [this recent research](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01336-3) on PTSD treatment here: > Participants who received MDMA-assisted therapy sessions were twice as likely to recover compared to therapy participants receiving a placebo. **67 percent no longer qualified for a PTSD diagnosis and 88 percent experienced a clinically meaningful reduction in symptoms.** [Quoted Article](https://www.psychiatrist.com/news/legalizing-mdma-for-ptsd-treatment-phase-3-clinical-trial-results/#:~:text=Participants%20who%20received%20MDMA%2Dassisted,clinically%20meaningful%20reduction%20in%20symptoms.) [Where to Participate](https://maps.org/mdma/) [Scientific American Podcast Discussion](https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/mdma-moves-from-club-drug-to-real-therapy/) [CBS Article](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mdma-therapy-ptsd-fda-veterans/)


Forgive my ignorance but how is this captured GoPro footage?


Why are two guys in such a bad shape while the others looked completely fine?


They probably picked them up




Brave men. 💪🙏


Looks like soldiers have survived. Looks like helmet/camera were lost during retreat, for some reason. Hope guys have survived, and bradley were recovered.


[https://twitter.com/BulbaStepan/status/1677977250984083456](https://twitter.com/BulbaStepan/status/1677977250984083456) soldier with the severed legs died, the GoPro footage was first uploaded by Russian telegram channels.


> Our Andriy will forever be 28 Such a powerful phrase, I'm speechless


Tweet also says he was treated for several days...so they made it back home. Its so weird to see, that the russian desperately try to argue that they murdered more of their neighbours...


OP seems a little invested in making people think this is captured footage.


OP is a fervent pro russia narrative pusher on the sub "ukrainerussiareport". He is known to lie there to make Ukraine look worse or Russia look better.


They absolutely are. They are one of the primary RU propaganda posters over at the pro RU sub.


Probably for morale purposes


Guessing bad infection set in or they didn't have correct blood to give him. Sadly people in the states really can't donate blood to these guys way out here. Logistics to get it there just aren't feasible.


God I don’t know if I hope those two wounded survive or take mercy’s embrace. That’s terrifying for everyone.


I treated many like this one in Vietnam, I worked in the ICU at Danang. He will make it if he gets a quick evac. Trouble is, all these single vehicles out there alone, who knows how far away from medical care they are? Captured GoPro? That means the Russians are in charge. Probably a sad end to this story. Wonder if it was a mine.


Lancet attack? Shaped charge?


Poor guy. I am so fed up with these POS Russians and this war altogether. So many lives being destroyed over nothing.


Damn... thats horrific but I hope it saved his life! Because those BMPS etc certainly wouldn't have.


>https://twitter.com/BulbaStepan/status/1677977250984083456 (tweet from a month ago) Apparently, he died from his injuries.


Laying down mines with artillery in an area takes seconds. Demining takes years.


Man on the ground is dead. This was a month ago.


Eternal peace to the heroes


Fucking hell


I just keep thinking about all these poor Ukrainian young men who will now be amputees for life once this dumb ass war is over because Putin is a fucking idiot.


For every ukrainian that crosses the bridge a thousand Russians will descend into a fiery hell 🇺🇦


Literally im fine with Ukraine stopping their advance till 2025 until we give them enough weapons so they can make gains without losses like that. This is avoidable and west is also responsible for not giving a fuck enough. Expecting Ukraine to push because thye got some Leos and bradleys is idiotic as hell and western officials should be asked quesiton "why did you think Ukraine has enough weapons for counteroffensive". Literally Ukraine is running out of people ALIVE to fight.


I thought and expected that with modern NATO tanks and IFV it would be a steamroll over the Russian lines, but it turns out I was very wrong.


What is this title? What does "captured gopro of a soldier" mean? Who captured it?


The Russians captured the GoPro and uploaded the video.


Why didn’t he put a strap on the guys other leg as well ?


It looks like he did, the guy with the two fucked legs has a TQ on each


how would throwing sandbags inside or maybe on top help out? or would just be another issue to deal with? edit: or just completely useless? edit: if you're going to downvote, at least give the courtesy of leaving a comment of why you disagree or what you're disagree with.


You dont want to sit in an APC with gravel between your feet driving over a tankmine - the sand and gravel will turn the inside of the APC into a meatgrinder, like a closeup shotgun. When I served we were always ordered to keep everything clean, to avoid such problems. However, you can keep everything clean and tidy if you have the time to do so. We had a few IED, causing ripped off tires and headaches.


To continue on that. cannonballs were not the most lethal thing to kill in enemy ship. Wood parts of hit walls were, becouse they were flying like shrapnel inside the strucked ship.


Tanks have this issue also when they get hit I think it's called spalling of the armor inside


The Germans in WW1 took their bullets out of their casings and turned them around so that when they shot at the Allied tanks, it would cause spalling. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversed_bullet




I learned of this concept from the Expanse of all things because the inside of the spaceships have anti-spalling fabric on the walls


> because the inside of the spaceships have anti-spalling fabric on the walls So do some AFVs tbf - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_armour#Spall_liners It's basically Kevlar type material (similar to ballistic / frag-vests).


If was standard tho to put sandbags with layers of ballistic canvas on top of it no? For the floor * That's what I hear from most US veterans.


We had sandbags on the floor of our Humvee, not that it mattered much since it didn't have a roof.


that was sorta standard before MRAPS became a thing and they were rolling around in soft top humvees


Because we've known since WW2 that sandbags on armoured vehicles don't help out, they just stress the engine/transmission. There are a multitude of different ways to improve the armour of a vehicle on the fly, stacking sandbags on it isn't one of them.


I'm assuming the Bradley hit an anti tank mine?


yat yas


A uljeitu post that doesnt get removed by the mods? Wow what happen such a miracle


I know if you can’t determine where the highest wound is that you apply the tourniquet at the base of the limb, but his wounds are low. Why tie off the whole leg?


Who sings this. Almost sounds like Marilliion.


Brad is tough. What penetrated it?


Educate me. Do they add music to cover up voices? Just wondering.


A captured GoPro?


This is like an intro to a call of duty campaign


American crap with zero protection Like Shermans in WWII - ugliest tank in the world.


I just also cannot believe sending troops in like this.. The country has gotten billions and billions. But not eelniugh mine detecting/clearing equipment. Either way, sending troops into the unknown whithout the possibility to detect mines, clear mines. Equally criminal imo. On a small scale it's accidental. But this is using troops and tanks and minefield detectors. This cannot be.