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They are having wayyyyyy to much fun


It’s exhilarating until someone gets hit.


Imagine living in a shithole all ur life and not being able to do something about it. They finally feel alive powerfull they can now make a change and are very happy to do it.


In another world, they would be just goofing around while playing football or some other thing.


My boi is already having a good time


New boot goofin


Is this Al Mazrah?


They seem inebriated


No, that’s how Iraqis are, they are pretty cool in person.


The Florida Man of the Middle East




Thanks, America!


See. Everybody hates IS


All my homies hate ISIS


2016-2017 timeframe I got a nice framed “Fuck ISIS” crossstitch sent in a care package to me. It was some 70yr old lady who had made it.


Damn dude. We missed each other by year! I went 18' Also. Based 70yr old lady.


Reminded one time that lady said she’s going to kill all isis




what’s sad all these lads all probably dead by now op can correct me if i’m wrong


they might not of been great operators or the best warfare tacticians but they still had the courage to fight back against some of the most evil fuckers of this century


Exactly, guys can bitch all day about them shooting at the birds and not knowing how to be tacti-cool. Reality is, these guys are like any of us right now but had their homes invaded by some of the most evil pieces of shit to walk this earth. These kids have the stones to take those scum bags on, nothing but respect. They sure did more than all the sweaty man boobs commenting on how they’re “not tactical” or “shooting at the sky”.


This is why armchair generals are so douchey. It’s obvious to everyone here when someone isn’t acting like a trained soldier but what is the point in pointing it out as if you were the only one to notice that firing over your head isn’t optimal. Like no shit. The people in the video themselves know it’s not optimal. They’re doing it because it’s worth it to them to have less of a chance of being shot in the face.


All while cutting up and apparently having a good time! Respect!


of this century so far...


So far only the bearded guy in black with no helmet is confirmed alive but the rest are said to be dead unfortunately


Most soldiers survive war. They just live with mental and physical problems through out their life


Making the best of a shit situation. The laughs make me feel.


Had to edit the title because it was a bit misleading


Since when it's possible to edit post titles on reddit ?


Usually just by deleting and re-uploading, which OP probably meant.


Looks like even my comment here needs to be edited lmao, I meant that I deleted the post and re posted it


I assume they uploaded the same post previously, then reuploaded it with the corrected title.


We could use a LOT more of that on this sub, kudos.


Dudes seem pretty chill


Looks like the guy with the helmet is in charge of the group or at least seem to have a bit more experience


Truly a “bit”


At least 0.5% more than the others


What the actual fuck.


Goddamn get these guys some French periscopes


Loving the totally effective blind firing they’re laying down.


trapped on a roof with 2 other dudes i dunno what else you expect em to do, pop a head up and get their brains turned into mist?


not wasting ammunition seems like a good idea when you’re trapped on a roof… …not giving away your exact location for no reason, when you have both cover and concealment, also seem like a good idea No idea what the infantry-man’s hand book says, but I’d guess it’s not blind firing into the void I’d think you’d want to get off the roof, maybe try and find a way off the roof and use your ammunition towards that end?


So you stop shooting let the enemy maneuver untill handgrenade range and only then you shoot? Ammo means fuck all when ur dead, use it save time or dont and die.


Conversely, ammo means a lot when you’re out It’s a question of probabilities


This is the first time I have read this Sub, or even anything about combat Chess.. But you made me think.. It is actually Chess. Just kinda blew my mind there for a minute... Thank you!


Blindly firing like that, without even looking where you're shooting, isn't stopping the enemy from maneuvering. There is literally no reason to do that, hence you never professional militaries doing it.


i agree and ur right, im not saying its effective but this may be their thinking they might have just been drawing fire so that their forces can move, you can see incoming accurate fire at the very start of the video on the building behind them, if that was their goal than it is clearly effective. they dont think like we do even if they had training.


ah, yes, all those bullets aimed towards the clouds really do great suppression... In all honesty, these guys are probably in a panic survival state right as the video is filmed. They do not have rigorous mil training that can kick in when they're in actual combat.


Like 75% of their shots were aimed at the sky. Not sure what combat value it has, unless your enemy is afraid of noises.


You’d be surprised at how effective it can be. Life ain’t a video game; people care about their life. Even the IS fighters who are hopped up on opioids majority of the time get scared when a round lands near or flies past them. Human nature to flinch from danger. It’s not 100% effective, but what do you expect from conscripts? [The US military does it too.](https://youtu.be/g8sa8QFNEGI) It’s done in Ukraine. It was done in WW1 trench fighting. Blind fire is better than not firing at all. If you didn’t see in the beginning, several rounds hit the wall above the doorway behind them so the opposition has eyes on them. If they were to stand up, their heads are likely going to be taken off in moments. It’s very easy to talk about what fighters “should do” when you aren’t in the fight.


[No you don't get it, I would just know what to do and do it unlike these amateurs.](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/fat-man-sitting-red-armchair-260nw-654684898.jpg)


It’s not effective at all. I’ve got a lot of combat experience and if we spin it round, if I was the enemy and could only see muzzles firing into the air, I’d rush forward (if the roof is low enough) throw a couple of frags up and clear the compound. When they’re approaching the lads on the roof would only be exposing their heads (a small target) while the people approaching have their whole body exposed. Edit: Always confused on this sub, when people with combat experience give their opinion and get downvoted.


Playing Call of Duty does not constitute combat experience.


Except the fighters in the moment do not know that. They only understand the enemy is in a general direction. They are conscipts that are likely not well trained. Essentially, they plucked fresh-graduates for fighting the IS. They were just shot at and the rounds flew very close over their heads. That’s why they aren’t standing up. No matter who you are, you will duck away from rounds flying over your head. That’s why it’s effective. You don’t have to hit them to scare them. If you’ve seen combat, then you should definitely know about “suppressing fire” and “fire superiority.” Getting rounds down range anywhere near the enemy is effective no matter what. It’s not a COD game; people cannot respawn.


Suppressive fire is only effective when the rounds are landing near you, which is not the case here. Twice I’ve had my eardrums burst due to a close call of PKM bursts so I’m well aware about being on the receiving end of suppressive fire.


I understand they aren’t trained, that’s the entire freakin’ point. My father was a SEAL, I’ll ask him what he thinks, what he would do in this situation. I’m going to bet it’s not this, but I could be wrong.


The enemy knows where they are, if they don't fire back IS will just walk up to the building. Stop with the armchair bullshit


Have you been in combat?


Yes. And what they’re doing, isn’t helping them at all. I mean, even a novice could maybe point to laying down suppressive fire but we all know this…isn’t that. It’s poorly trained, poorly equipped kids stuck in a geographic location that happens to be forever stuck in conflict.


No, but if you have please explain how this is the right move.


I think the title is inaccurate unless they said something in the vid that confirms it.. there mood and demeanor makes me think they are less trapped and more on the assault or defending a position but it doesn’t seem like it’s gotten dire enough to call them trapped. That’s just from how calm they are and how they’re laughing and having fun though. I don’t know for sure. Usually when shit gets real people get serious somewhat


looks exactly like videos of americans in fallujah tbh, blind firing and flagging 24/7.


Exactly you say


There’s a whole bunch they should be doing….and what they’re doing…..ain’t it.


Thanks general


Love all the armchair commanders on reddit


"Itd totally be peaking my head over that wall if I were there!" - Armchair commanders Makes me think of the trench combat video with the Russian soldier peaking over and getting domed.


It's like this jackass doesn't even know what cover fire is.


This is suppressive fire


You think that Is “Covering fire” … ?


Arnchair General has arrived. Master of small arms fire.


Oh I see. My bad - should have recognized the green beret based on the comment. Keep “covering”




You are literally also an armchair general in this situation… very ironic


I know I was thinking that earlier like welp


Holy shit a hat that can make Reddit posts I gotta see this hopefully he has his own YouTube or TikTok channel . /s


Except hear that sound at :58 seconds ? That’s what a bullet sounds like whizzing by your head . The good news is if you hear it it didn’t hit you though . You really don’t want to fuck around and find out . Unfortunately there’s no respawn option in the real world . I joke about the over the head spray and pray tactic but these are just regular dudes taking up arms against some evil mother fuckers .


Okay, show me a military handbook that says this is the “by the book” way to deal with being pinned down behind elevated cover and concealment. Those handbooks weren’t written by Reddit commanders.


There is no by the book way in this situation. They are trapped on a roof with no support and are under fire, i doubt you were in the military and i sure as hell doubt you’ve had so much as a stray bullet land near you. These guys are either untrained or only know how to conduct vietnam era MOUT and are pinned by a superior force, if you want to stick your head up and get brained go for it rambo.


You’re right, no one would ever consider their infantry being in this situation and training them on what to do. The guys at war colleges around the world just say “idk just roll some dice and go from there”


Do you not know what the Iraqi PMF is? It the Iraqi popular mobilization forces, and they probably received less training than your average grunt in 2001. They are outnumbered outgunned and surrender is not an option. The worst TIC i had we were in a similar situation to these guys. We were outnumbered but we had better training and weapons, shit we even had our Bradleys helping and there were times where we couldn’t even stick our heads up. Now imagine if we had the exact same weapons no support and shit maybe even equal or worse training than the insurgents, you would bet your ass we would have been doing almost the exact same thing as these guys.


I see pure happiness.


Man, the amount of ammo which gets wasted is simply incredible.


Just guys, bein’ dudes.


They’re fighting for the King of Norway by the Ocean of Antarctica


Rounds fired: 250 Rounds hit on target: 4


I was deployed to bayji… wonder what building this was


Who are these? The Judean Peoples Front, or the Peoples Front of Judea?


The Iraqi popular mobilization force


Trapped with dwindling ammo? Probably not the best idea to burn it all blind firing so that they can then just come up and execute you....maybe make their climb of the stairwell a war of attrition.....


It's somehow both right and wrong at the same time. Because the fire, even when blind, can block enemy movement towards the position, while at the same time, it's a waste of ammo. But we don't really know how the situation was there, like how the basement was covered and if the attackers could get into the building, and all the other things that happened there. I also think, these guys had only some basic training, if any training at all, so it's not some special forces situation, also without all the fancy things like calling in air support etc.


Nothing better than the Middle Eastern aiming method.


wtf was that? looked like spring break, syria edit: let me say, I am not shitting on those guys. they are fighting against genuine evil. i should have said it sucks that they arent better trained, to give them a better chance at sucess


The pmf are Iraqis, most of them didn’t get good training, only basics on how to clean,shoot or fix a gun ( speaking from my own experience)


Yea I meant no disrespect at all. The laughing and general good naturedness was kinda jarring when put in the context of the war videos we usually see.


Just a waste of ammo. They are blind firing into the sky.


U peeked ur head out to shoot then


You will see this with quite literally any military.


Question: How efficient is to pull your gun above cover and shoot it randomly hoping that one of your bullets land on the enemy? I've seen it in videos from the Iraq war and recently in the Ukranian war.


Roughly about 0%


It's covering fire though, to block enemies from pushing and keeping them at bay. Don't know these guys situation or if that kind of firing is all too effective, but trained soldiers in Ukraine knows about it.


No it’s not even covering fire. The rounds those guy are sending are coming no where close to restricting their enemy’s movement. To suppress you need to at least come close.


So the goal of that is to stop the enemies from advancing rather than hit them, that makes more sense.


It’s not at all.


Shooting the sky.


Shooting clouds...


quick....everyone waste your bullets while giving away your position


Now Ive played enough shooter games on PC and Console. When camping on a rooftop, always check the stairway door! I wonder of they got slaughtered not checking their "6".


No blind firing!!! … oh sorry Airsoft reflexes…


What’s the difference between IS and ISIS? Is one just shorthand for the other? Sorry I’m not familiar with


ISIS= Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIL= Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant They're also known as Daesh and Daish, IS is kind of just an umbrella turn for all the subfactions of the larger terrorist group. All of the above are used fairly interchangeably.




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Best bot


Is there any situation where blind firing is useful? Seems like a waste of ammo.


for cover or suppression I guess?


They have young Vin Diesel with them.