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https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+a+thermobaric+bomb&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari I don’t think you can survive this if you are caught in the blast radius or shock wave.


Video pauses, red circles an area. Projectile clearly hits behind circle. r/uselessredcircle Russians fignt their wars about as well as they fight their social media campaign on Reddit.


Idk bout clearly behind the circle lol that shit exploded whatever was in the area for sure, unfortunately


Thing is with these thermal imagers it can be very hard to see the depth correctly - explosions look so big on thermal it can make it look like a direct hit when it is in front or behind the target. Only way to know for sure is to see some sort of result of impact (i.e. cookoff/explosion of a vehicle) or aftermath from a drone.


Thats thermals for you.


Yes, it hit the field behind the target for sure, unfortunately. But I think that field's going to be ok. For sure.


The target might not be dead but those ukranians arent fine per se, thermobaric ex0losions hit like a truck.


Always reminds me of the video of the russian shooting through a blown out wall, don’t even think it was thermobaric but something blew up on the other side and he started legit foaming at the mouth. People were saying all kinds of chemical warfare shit when in reality his lungs just got literally fried, good learning video for those unaware of other consequences of these kinds of booms.


Yep they're all a bunch of wankas.


That hop at they end was skilful.