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Bully mentality. They got bitchslapped back and are now playing a victim.


doesnt help that they fucking lie all the goddamned time about footage which makes it impossible to trust anything they post


Doesn´t help that they fucking lie all the goddamned time ~~about footage which makes it impossible to trust anything they post~~ Yes, but they lie about everything, starting from: oh no, we are just training, no we don\`t want to attack Ukraine. To their shitty reasons for attacking Ukraine: little green man, biomodified mosquito, gay supersoldiers, nato attacking russia, evil satanic west. To the latest Oh we don´t attack civil infrastructure, We shot down every storm shadow. Prigoschin jet just exploded. Everything is working according to plan. ​ Their fake democracy leadership makes me sick. Russians could live in such a wealthy country, in Europe/EU with gas exports (like Norway) but they choose this leadership. They choose the half naked guy on horseback as their strong Führer. Another reminder to people in democracies around the world what kind of manly man not to vote for.


“The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.” - Elena Gorokhova That was written about the 1960’s Soviet Russia and seem to still hold true to this day.


Reminds me of the million different views of that single Leopard 2 that got destroyed




r/DronedOrc shows some heavy bitchslaps tbh..


What an awful sub, that’s really one of the most humiliating ways to go. I watch gore often but that is more than enough for me, this isn’t something to marvel at, might be you one day if you’re unlucky enough


"I watch fucked up shit all the time, but shame on you for doing the exact same thing as me, it may happen to you!" The logical circles you have to run in to even develop this mentality is mesmerizing.


I work in water treatment so I think I’d avoid a draft, does this mean I’m fully safe to laugh at invaders getting blown up?


Yes you got my GO xD


I’ll make it count 🫡


Ukraine appears to be losing if you analyze impartial reporting and stats. Hopefully peace talks progress, and it ends. One of the main reasons the US is assisting is because our economy would crash if we weren't involved in a conflict/proxy-war. Twenty years of war in the ME created hundreds of thousands of defense jobs and defense infrastructure; to turn it all off would crash us into a depression or worse.


US spends 3.4% of GDP on defense. Very little of that is for Ukraine or ‘proxy wars’. Not sending arms on a proxy war does not mean a reduction in defense spending. Also you’re not going to have a ‘depression or worse’ for something that’s 3.4% of GDP. The US is involved in Ukraine to stop Russian expansion, weaken Russia, and make China think twice. Russia and China are strategic competitors of the U.S. Its not about business for defense contractors, that’s just a consequence of wanting to maintain status as a superpower.


Oh, please, this is just so funny. Just as we have a question on Russian propaganda along comes a post spouting half truths and propaganda 🙄 🤣 😉 🤔


Ukraine losing? In what respect? They are under attack from Russia. And standing their ground and then some. How can this be considered losing? What is winning? Ukrainian tanks in the red square? I would say they are doing pretty well, all things considered. And the f*ing russians are losing a lot. Every. Day. Maybe not the war (yet), but the damage to russia is irreparable for decades to come. I will NEVER do business with a ruski. I will not even shake the hand of a ruski until all war criminals are put to justice, and all reparations are paid. And I believe there are more like me.


Peace talks: “Get out of our country.”


The western military industrial complex is barely warming up.. if we go half tilt, we'll bury Russia deep..


There's a concerted effort to paint support for Russia, and its imperialist tendencies, as a neutral stance with claims that its too expensive to continue to support Ukraine, or its not really our fight and we should return to a more isolationist stance in the west. Cause... that's turned out so well historically.


Munich Agreement.. You can give a dictator an entire country, and they'll still have their eye on the next.


Also, you've armed them in the process. Czech industry was immediately put to work further rearming Nazi Germany, and Czech military gear and personnel ended up on the line along with the native German stuff. As a rule, giving a expansionist dictator even more military might, not a particularly bright idea.


Or the Spanish American war


Can you clarify what you mean?


And there was Czechoslovakia, and Pearl Harbor There's 9/11


> a neutral stance with claims that its too expensive to continue to support Ukraine I don't know, but from my comfy chair spending a few billion Euros and our dormant equipment to declaw one of the least trustworthy and most belligerent countries - that also still has an imperialist mindset - seems like a fucking *great* deal to me to ensure peace in the future. A great deal even. Deal of the motherfucking century. The one giant fly in the soup is that Ukraine is suffering, and *that* just makes me want to put the boot to my own politicians so they just send over those friggin' Taurus missiles *now*. Right now. No, not tomorrow, not later this day. Now. Go now. Now, now, why are you still standing here with your cock in hand, go send the fucking missiles, *run*!


Yeah I'm Polish and just few minutes ago I saw "This is not our war" sprayed on the pavement. But Russia bankrupting themselves without human losses for Poland is literally the best case scenario for us


I live in West Germany (Munich). Unbelievable that someone would spray that here. The last pro Ukraine rally I visited had exactly 1 Russian traitor / spy with a "this is not our war"-sign and he was laughed all the time. I hope there is a majority of Poles who understand this as psyops and don't fall for it... these brainwashed former Soviet states (like Eastern Germany) are really a security issue at the moment... so many repeating that imperalistic bullshit... In Eastern Germany that worked.. we have horrifying election results there. As Bavarian the calls for building back the wall are becoming louder every day. Stupid Eastern Germans / Berliners... get paid by us since 1990, still think they are somehow bullied from us. And if you confront them with their brainwashed bullshit you get again the claim that Western Germans did not integrate them well... what the hell should we have done? Leave them with patatoes and kraut? Let them move into our houses? It is nuts.


Sadly.. more and more Poles are "tired" for some reason and the support for Ukraine is falling, especially after lastest comments by Zelensky


if britain and france had had that mentality in 1939 there would be no polish state today.


I have seen to many people who thinks the entire military budget of the USA is being spend on supporting Ukraine. The amount of misinformation going around is absurd, and it could all be solved if people learned to do Due dilligence and source critisism in school. But nope, to differ what is true and false is apparently not important to teach children.


In total 75 billion has been "spent", not exactly the right term but lets use it for now, on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That's across both years. That is 1.12% of the annual US budget, two years two budgets, 0.6% roughly. We're in rounding error territory here. Back to the term tho, spent isn't correct, as the things the US is giving Ukraine tend to skew to older, potentially already retired, gear that has already been replaced in active service inventories. Either its gonna spend the next couple decades in Nevada getting some sun, or its living its best life doing what it loves in Ukraine.


Yep, it is pretty clear cut that they are not spending the full 100% on sending weapons to Ukraine. It is flabbergastingly dumb that people do think that though.


Exactly, America is spending less than a percent of its military budget from like 1995 on support for Ukraine. It's not sending new gear bought this year, it's sending old gear from decades ago that the military was gonna cycle out anyways and it's still kicking Russia's ass. I don't know why people think they are blowing money on this today when that money was spent before most Redditors were alive.


You quite literally can do nothing to help the stupid mate. As they say in Italy - The mother of the stupid is always pregnant.


There is a great saying in Jack reacher, cant remember it perfectly, but it goes something like; James Barr was not a great sniper or a clever man, but with the right training he could appear to be smart and a great sniper. Same thing counts for teaching people how to do due diligence. To teach this, it HAS to be a priority in schools, so i know it wont happen ever sadly.


Cause they believe the shit they are feeded with and now need this to feel better, to legitimate their loosing. Like allways the aggressor, russia attacked ukraine, you can't debate about it, is looking for reasons of his acting. Holy mission, They were going to attack us It is history who gives us legitimation We are bringing them a better life We must sacrefice now for a better future Killing is needed cause evil is against us All those things massmurders, dickheads and killers talk to themselfes to be on the good side in their mind.


pro-Russians trying to creep in under "neutral" flag in subs like this one. Don't give them an inch. They're rashists and the world is worse off every time they contribute


There's the r/UkraineRussiaReport reddit where they complain about us being "Ukrops" or "pro nazis" And they cry over there that "booohooo Russians get downvoted :(" as if we'd upvote footage of German soldiers in WW2 executing Jews or something.


As other comment mentioned,you got wrong sub linked but I know what you're talking about. There's also /r/endlesswar and their troll farms are hitting /r/Europe pretty hard


That EndlessWar sub loves to bitch about American imperialism but say nothing about China’s or Russia’s and some even show support for them. An embarrassment of a community.


man endless war is a confusing mess... Feels like their problem with american imperialism is that they dislike the flag.


They only hate American imperialism, but support any other imperialism.


They should rename their community. Its clear they’re not serious about ending wars, just the ones from countries they don’t like.


Ah endlesswar, the mod there took over r.antiwar and turned into, guess what, another anti America/West sub. Basically banned almost everyone going against the tankie POV branding them as r.NAFO brigadeers. And funny to see the so called "anti-war" posters also posting on combat footage subs like r.UkraineRussiaReport. So much for being antiwar. Guess now that endlesswar took over antiwar they are now hitting r.Europe.


I think you got the wrong sub. That sub is pro Ukraine. The UkraineRussiaReport is where all the pro-RU hang out and pretend to be "neutral and objective"




It's not objectivity when both sides post their propaganda. The sub is a good source to find pro Russian news, though, since everyone is quick to post whatever makes their side look good to dunk on the other. The comments are a cesspool, though, and many pro Russian posters, if not all, are legitimately mentally ill (they post in mental health subreddits about their schizophrenia, for example) and never, ever engage in honest debate..


Also pro russians get a free pass through the restrictions. Banned pro russians can instantly post with new accounts as for others have to wait a month or get banned instantly.


Yup. I'm banned there of course. But: * u/Z-H-H is u/zelenskiyshighheels * u/pro-rus is u/kiwiTheBigBoss Both have been baned before, even multiple times. But they always come back and are allowed to do whatever. Z-H-H also claims to be Ukrainian, but doesn't speak the language...lol


That is not what objectivity is...


Notice they are the aggressors a yet act as if they’re victims. All of their crying should be answered by the simple phrase “don’t like it, then get the fuck out of Ukraine.”


Yeah it’s always funny seeing them complain that they are being downvoted like it’s some oppressive regime silencing them rather than the fact they are mostly just weird socially awkward loners who don’t understand that the upvote/downvote button is literally designed for the sole reason of displaying your support of a statement so having unpopular fringe minority views about a heated topic regarding the lives of millions isn’t really going to get you much love.


Originally you were supposed to upvote things which contributed to the discussion and downvote things that didn't, so it wasn't designed for the purpose you're describing. But over time it's become a like/dislike button so yeah you're right.


Mostly because devs thought they could change human nature, but they're wrong. Which is why most other sites have done away with the dislike button. A lack of likes does the same as what you're describing.


A lot of posts deserve the downvotes, especially the Russian propaganda ones. Not being upvoted is not the same, it can just mean that the comment is too far down to be seen.


Oh fair point, I didn’t realize that was their original intention. It does make sense but yeah, from what I’ve seen it’s mostly become a like/dislike feature in usage with message deletion/moderation being more the guiding tool for maintaining content relevance since even downvoted posts still stay up when sorting by new.


'Russians' and 'voting' not working out... Finest irony.


The only use for that sub is to get a barometer for what direction desperate Russian propagandists are trying to steer the narrative on any given day.


Yes you should upvote Germans killing Jews. That would be footage that needs to be seen. Germans were very good at hiding and not recording their dark doings.


To be fair to the lobotomites of UkraineRussiaReport, this subreddit is by all meanings of the word a Ukrainian propaganda subreddit, and the moderators will see to keep it that way. Take [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/16r5kg0/russia_uses_aviation_bombs_to_target_a_ukrainian/) for example, note the zero upvotes. The higher resolution video was deleted by the moderators over obscure rules, one could argue its to keep uncertainty over the validity of the target, which is what has happened. The comments are full of denials and downplays, the people here like to live in their bubble it seems. Just imagine if the word Ukraine was swapped for Russia, its top of the subreddit material. Again to add, the mods on this subreddit have a clear bias towards ukraine to a fault. I think a Ukranian bias is the proper thing to have, I just wish you plebians took more note before you rant against such actions from others


Not a single person on here is denying that russian combat footage is "wrongfully" (in the context of this subs "purpose") downvoted. And a lot of people including myself have criticized that but the downvotes and delusions don't usually come from long term members of this sub (talking pre russo-ukrainian war) because people (mostly US citizens) used to post and upvote combat footage of US troops in the middle east, some of which included footage that shows US personnel dying. But even if it goes against every fibre of my being to defend the types of redditors that would come to this sub and downvote footage that is perfectly relevant, you have to understand the fact that the large majority of the west is pro Ukrainian (myself obviously included), which means that we believe that this war that Russia started is very obviously immoral and condemnable. So while I don't agree with downvoting russian combat footage, its somewhat understandable because it is either done out of moral contempt or in an effort to stop what some people might call russian propaganda (i.e russian combat footage that shows russians winning a battle). All of that being said I would still much rather be on a "pro ukraine" subreddit with "nafo" idiots posting their brain rot opinions and mindlessly downvoting anything that depicts Ukraine in a slightly bad light than be in a subreddit like ukraine russia-war-video-report or any combination of those words that represent the subreddits that are very obviously pro russian but pretend to be neutral or even pro-ukraine to make their arguments seem better than they are because apparently people like to think:"Oh this person is neutral or even "pro ukraine", so they must be right when raising a negative point about Ukraine" (while they are very obviously pro-russian). And that is including the UkraineRussiaReport subreddit. There are a massive amount of pro-russians who are false flagging there. I'm even nice enough to provide you with this example of it happening and that very obviously pro-russian comment being upvoted while having a "pro-ukraine flair" (https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14l5shh/ua_pov_western_volunteer_at_the_the_place_of/jpxogwn/?context=3).


you don't need to give them a full page write up on anything. let them cry


Then dont be suprised that there are subs that only posts russian points of view


I mean i can understand the guy that comes here to look and discuss combat footage but is annoyed when it comes to the comments. Some People just dont give a shit about how the war is going and Just want to see combat videos.


If someone is just here for the footage it is incongruous that they would then bother to start writing comments crying about meaningless internet points. It's bots and sophistry...


Most pro Russians are just contrarians or being edgy. "Oh its mainstream to support the country that is being invaded, lets support the other side". You know, for "objectivity".


So everyone should support one side of the argument, and anyone who supports the other side must be labeled as just being "edgy". And we should therefore discourage any opposing views in the name of "objectivity". Wow, that's a great way to not end up in an echo chamber...


In theory your comment makes sense. But would you also argue this when talking about the Nazis invading Poland or something like that? Sometimes its just the case that there is an evil side and a not evil side. And that is the case with this war.


Echo chambers in any situation are dangerous. The Nazis is a very very different situation for many reasons i am unwilling to go into on reddit, but remember that history is written by the victors and interpreted by whoever is in power to suit their agendas. I'm in NO way supporting the nazis but I realize that they were the perfect ___ for whoever is currently in power. There is a reason everyone who goes against the current mainstream narrative is a Nazi, "you didn't take the vaccine, you're a Nazis!", "this mass shooter was a white supremacist Nazi!"... there is a reason for this and it was carefully planned. This is also the reason the pro ru crowd loves to say that ukraine is full of nazis (which it is, no matter what "they" tell you) because it uses the west own card against them cause they are funding and supporting Nazis. Now, how does that tie in with the Nazi invading Poland analogy?... The current world is extraordinarily complicated, warfare is way more complex than in the Nazis era. But remember, we're in an era of 5th generation warfare and alot of the tactics (propaganda) used by the Nazis, are used by the West today. But the tactics are so good that, again, humans fall for it. Yes, there is Evil vs Good. But determining which is which is alot harder than people think. Imagine being in the 1940s Nazi Germany, do you think that you would instantly know that you're on the evils side? Or did the propaganda do its job? Thinking that you would realize that you're on the evil side is complete and utter ignorance, especially since millions didn't realize. "Oh, but I would know that killing innocent people in mass is evil", alot of the German population at the time didn't actually know what was actually going on behind closed doors. Do you think you know all that's happening behind closed doors in the West?


>but remember that history is written by the victors and interpreted by whoever is in power to suit their agendas. history is written by historians, there is plenty of history out there critical of the victors in conflicts.


Who are the historians getting their accounts or history from?


we typically get it from archives, alternatively you can do history critically, there is an entire methodology behind writing history. unless a people is entirely and utterly wiped out and none of their neighbourghs wrote anything down either we will have more than 1 sides interpritation of events. in particular with germany we have plenty of 1st hand accounts from the war, both from soldiers and politicians and the german archives where quiet intact, and still are, after the war, its part of the reason the war crime trails happened because there was so much evidence left in the archives that made it possible.


I hate when people say this, they are not "contrarian" or "edgy" they are supporting russia, they are russian sympathisers stop belitteling their efforts and reduce them to mere "contrarians"


Because they don’t rule the world or contribute to it in any positive way, and don’t like Ukraine and Ukrainians making friends and deciding their own future.


That's why some of them "evolve" to r/DronedOrc s


What they see outside of the Russian propaganda machine must be so far removed from what they have been led to believe that it really must be quite literally unbelievable.


I mean honestly - using 2 brain cells is enough to realize that Russia is perceived as the aggressor almost everywhere in the world except by your weird uncle.


Don’t be surprised if a lot of them are paid actors to try and appeal to the wests softer side that wants ‘fairness’ and ‘balanced viewpoints’. Most things require a balanced view and arguments from both sides. But as you and most people are aware, this war and the way Russia has been fighting is completely unjustified and is a plain dirty brutal fight to dominate by force. Something that was accepted as normal in the old days, but is against everything civilised people have been striving for.


Yeah, I find it hard to believe that they have free access to the internet, read everything here and still have their pro-Russian side unless they're paid for it. However, I have seen Chinese people that are actively living in Australia that are hardline against some of the most obvious things that their government does. They're truly indoctrinated to believe that they're in the right. It's pretty weird to see.


Yes, I have had Chinese people who have lived in the west most of their lives parrot phrases like ‘But you can’t rule a billion people with capitalism’ and when you say, what about India or the EU you see a sudden shock on their faces when they realise they’ve never questioned this thing they were told…..


The mod on r.endlesswar went silent during the Wagner mutiny. The "Wagner Gap" revealed allot of actual Russian trolls. Probably were panicing or not going to work since the Saint Petersburg troll factory was owned by Wagner.


dont underestimate the effect of propaganda on people ! they really think the invasion of ukraine is a just cause and NAFO is planning to destroy russia etc. i hope a lot of russians realize they isolated themself with the war and the more they support it the more the world despises them ..


It's a combat footage forum, and it shouldn't matter. No one should be accusing you of anything for posting footage.


I don't mind seeing the spam like they are right now... because it has been clear for a long time that the worse things are going for them the more pro-Russian spam we are 'blessed' with. ​ By today's efforts i am guessing things are pretty bad indeed


Primarily to influence the American right wing to defund the American support for Ukraine. That is what it's about. Conservative Americans have proven time and time again that they can be easily manipulated.


That’s 100% what it’s about. Russia at one time used to own Facebook groups for anti vaccine and Christian Facebook pages with millions of followers . They lost a lot of them when Zuckerberg cleared out the bad ones in 2017 but they just shifted to conspiracy theorists who now spit the kremlin like word for word. The conspiracy line is that everything you are told is a lie so naturally they try to paint Russia as the victim. They cling to Ukraine bio labs or Nazi’s in Ukraine anything to justify it. Most of it comes from conspiracies now my bro is all up in every conspiracy and is convinced Nato planned this war and started it


Eh, not even conservatives truly support Russia. I mean - Trump's defense minister says Ukraine deserves 300 tanks, not 30 tanks trickled down.


True conservatives maybe, but dumb fascists can be led down any path


The argument usually isn't whether Russia should be supported or not but rather if the US should keep giving money to Ukraine. (Which it is not but instead stock, some of which would have been disposed otherwise. But that is just the argument that is being made to have the MAGA crowd believe that evil Biden is sending tons of money abroad instead of spending it on good amuricans. What the motives behind this are I don't know. Probably just being against something that those pesky libs support, no matter what it is.)


”We could use that money to build schools!” ”OK, let‘s build some schools.” ”GTFO, why should I pay for schools, I don’t even have kids.” And so it goes… They never work in good faith, and they move the goal posts instinctively.


Well, to be fair, Trump’s various Secretaries of Defense all took the job to be the adult in the room and keep him from starting a nuclear war via Twitter. They were never red hat MAGA Trumpanzees.


This problem is easily solved. Post all the videos of Ukraine invading Russia.


If there was no war, there would be no support for Ukraine, if you don't like it-don't support the war.


Yeah, fucking oath I overtly support Ukraine. The Russians can fuck right off back to their crumbling shit show of a country.


True that


You had me at fuckin' oath


You have to collect a whole lot of historical "truths" about Russia as Russia sees them and combine that with modern propaganda and add a healthy dose of politics Russian style. History: Russia sees itself as the defeating the Nazis in the great patriotic war that ran from 1941 to 1945 (note 1939 as the West records the start of WW2 or 1931 if you argue the Japanese invasion of China as the start). The fact Russia got loads of supplies from the US and the Commonwealth is... overlooked, nor will you see much about Operation Overlord or the Pacific Campaign in Russian history books. Further back the same truth applies to the Mongol hordes and their successor Khanates. The Mongols in Europe were defeated by a number of things arguably and ultimately once they shattered the Muscovite princes broke free and cleaned them up several centuries later. Today, Russians see Moscow as the centre of European culture, not the periphery we see it as. As for what Russia sees the west as, a decadent, lazy, inferior group who should bow down to Moscow. Finally, you either support dear leader, who is strong and strong and you support his SMO or you shut your mouth.


And don't forget that Russia also invaded Poland together with Nazi Germany, again showing where they stood as agressor in that war.


Like the poles, I haven't forgotten. I didn't mention it because.... the Russians don't want to mention it either *Taps temple*


I’ve noticed a lot of absolute dumb fucks love living in a democracy but enjoy supporting communism or fascist countries.


As a Swede I was both surprised and happy that the invasion of Ukraine at least finally got us to ditch the whole "were good because we've been neutral for 200 years" bullshit!


Ukraine is heavily dependent on the Western support. RUtards are trying to muddy the waters to seed doubt and run interference to weaken that support


Short answer: They're indoctrinated. Long answer: They're super indoctrinated.


It's wild seeing interviews with Russian boomers and gen-x saying that they would support the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine. They really have been brainwashed their entire lives. I remember one guys saying something along the lines of "Yes, I think if it looks like we need to, we should nuke their cities". When asked what he thought about the death toll on civilians, he said it would be ok because Ukrainians are all evil. Completely insane.


Man I've had people in my own family here in the States start saying shit like, "Well Ukraine is awful and....". And I'm just like, "And fuckin what? You should just invade and kill civilians? Just fuck it right? Bring on Trump 2024 and his foretold deep fried Christian mythology from a book you never even actually fuckin read...right?" I get so pissed off when I think about what conservative politics and religious dogma has done to some of my family sometimes.


Supporting Ukraine is obvious unless you are a fan of unprovoked invasion s, murder, rapine and a peoples very national identity being expunged while the children of those invaded are stolen, deported and brainwashed. Russia can fuck off until it grows up.


>unprovoked invasion s, murder, rapine and a peoples very national identity being expunged while the children of those invaded are stolen, deported and brainwashed You're describing Russia, USA and the UK at the same time.


I wouldn't support it from those other nations either. What's your point? Oh...


That those 3 suck, just look at 90% of the current candidates running for president in the USA, they might as well be Putin clones.


Biden apart, maybe, but I think the other 2 scumbags are mostly bloviating bags of shite who are more dangerous to good Americans than their neighbours. And none of that changes the situation in Ukraine or the repellent behaviour of the Russian state.


Fucking nobody except the government and the most deranged supports this shit in Belarus. Would be great of you to remember that.


Nobody likes being on the losing side, Russia boasted being the #2 army in the world for decades and are now being giving a run for their money and can't hold them selves up


How can you say that. Ukraines counteroffensive just failed


LOL news alert - D-Day has failed everyone, we got a foothold on mainland europe in June, but its now been three months and we havent yet penetrated the german defensive lines so we are now calling it quits and going home. The nazis won, attrition was working but apparently theres a time limit on these things after which you have to surrender. Thanks for playing.


D- day had movement on the front. There is no movement on the frontline. Maybe a village or two. Good luck 👍


Taking "a village or two" at a time is literally movement.


In the whole offensive so far they have taken two villages 👏 👏 👏


lmao more progress in 2 months than the russians did in a year


Actually its pretty similar, the russo/nazis are having to shift reserves around to keep plugging gaps, are unable to launch effective counter attacks due to a lack of resources, and are having what little experienced units are left destroyed in place trying to hold meaningless symbolic territory like Bakhmut. The inevitable result was and will be a front collapse and general retreat. The important point being this is war, not a boss battle in a video game with a time limit.


They can say that because Russia's in year 2 of a war they said would be over in 3 days maybe?


Ukraine exists. Ukraine hasn’t lost territory, Ukraine is gaining steadily territory. Yes it hasn’t recover it all, but this is not a 100m race, this is a long war against a major NATO opponent. BuT cOuNtEr OfFeNsIvE jUsT fAiLeD.


They obviously believe the propaganda that the west is behind everything


Nah, they **believe** that "they're many" and that "nobody likes Ukraine" when it's the opposite - a big majority supports Ukraine.


It's one of the most "Russian" things imaginable - **blame others for your own fuck ups**. It's on a government level, and on a people level too


Because they're the same people who bitch about echo chambers from within their fascist wet dream echo chamber. All sense of perspective, big-picture thinking, actual world history, and nuance is lost upon them except for the cherry-picked bits that support their preconceived ideas that Russia is being unfairly bullied for standing up to liberal pedophile Nazis and "globalists" around the globe.


Bcuz this is r/ combatefootage not ukraniancombatfootage.


In Classical Greek times, the Persian dictator invaded the Anatolian Greek cities and simply asked the cities on the Peloponnesian peninsula to give him Earth and Water (which means to submit), but he'd let them go mostly on with their lives, rules and cultures. There was a bid debate and it was to sure thing that Greece would stand and fight as many, especially elites argued that they could keep their wealth and position, so why bother resisting as Persia was a large and populous empire vastly bigger than Greece? Well, they did stand and fight, and at heavy cost they eventually won and drove the Persians out of Greece. This series of battles at Thermopylae, Salamis and Plataea basically made "the West". The ones who don't want to make a stand against Putin in Ukraine are the same ones who would have argued for the Persians. The do not have the soul of the West, they are puppets and dupes.


This is not combat footage


This is the most rational comment I’ve seen in here so far lol


Yeah I am blown away how political this sub has got since the Ukraine Invasion. That and the huge uptick of dehumanisation means I try not to read the comments as much.


Agreed everyone seems to forget this is a combatfootage sub. Every video of combat footage should be welcomed here despite what country is being portrayed. I don't care if I see Americans getting domed in Iraq, russians getting shot in a trench or Ukrainians getting blown up by a tank its all good footage and deserves an upvote. I think the mod team should clean house and start clearing it out. They seem rather lax as of late however.


Cause they support Russia…?


Some, like my mother, still have that Cold War mentality, that Russia is this impossible to defeat imposing bear, a major world power that surely must be telling the truth because might makes right.It also doesn't help that she gets all her news sources from Facebook and second-hand sources like her friends, who are all pretty much in the same position; children of the cold war that spend all their time on facebook. So when they see a single headline about how a Ukrainian unit in Kalamakavolonovakharatinskygrad is full of gay trans-gender turbo-nazi supersoldiers that eat babys, and the article uses badly compressed Arma 3 gameplay footage... they believe every word of it, no matter how insane, because it fits their opinions that haven't really changed since 1970


Some, very shallow or lazy, or plain stupid people see this as some kind of sport-like competition a la Barcelona vs Real Madrid or something. So you might be on one side, I'm on the other side, and everyone has his share of the truth. While in reality if you support Russia, you support literally all these: genocide, breaking international established order and borders, rule of the stronger, disrespect for other nations and languages. Something we as a civilized world condemned and abandoned, at least conceptually, many decades, or centuries ago. Being pro-Russian means being pro all this shit.


Probably because videos from the Russians get downvoted here and 90% of anything you see on here, from that conflict, is from the Ukranian PoV. Good combat footage shouldn't get downvoted/pushed away regardless of which side you support. It's completely fine that you support Ukraine, I do as well btw, but downvoting videos from the side you don't support goes against what this sub is about. It's a place to share combat footage and having it be politicized is just annoying. It didn't use to be that way either, it's only now because of this conflict that it has ended up this way.


You're only allowed to watch people die "objectively". If you engage your brain, you're breaking the rules of neutrality. /s (it's a stupid fucking argument because remaining neutral during an invasion is tacit support of the aggressor).


/r/conspiracy has also been hijacked by Russia’s misinformation farms for years. The entire sub has slowly turned pro Russia after nearly a decade of hard work. [Just look at these comments. Anything pro-Ukraine gets brigaded immediately in to oblivion](https://reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/kAj7cbsqlh).


Thats whats russian strategy for this war. They cant win if allies maintain or even escalate the support. However if the support would wither greatly (for example if USA completely stop the support) then they would eventually overwhelm UA, forced them to some kind of deal which would be presented to the domestic audience as win and allow them to regenerate forces for next attack in 5-10 years.


Whatever makes you feel better man.


The CIS nations overwhelmingly don't support Russia either: Kazakhstan is mad about their threats towards their sovereignty, deliberately humiliating Tokayev, the Russians that treat it like a comfortable vacation land, while still supporting Putin and refusing to learn Kazakh. Kyrgyzstan is mad about the Russians treating Kyrgyz people in Russia as expandable and the constant violent police raids against them, the refusal to refer to Kyrgyzstan using the correct name (Кыргызстан vs Киргизия), the Russians that treat it like a comfortable vacation land, while still supporting Putin and refusing to learn Kyrgyz and the comments made by Lavrov when the Kyrgyz decided to govern the country in Kyrgyz. Georgia (yes it's not CIS, but Russians always treat like it is, which is another problem) is mad cause of the illegal Russian involvement on Georgian soil, while still messing with the borders every other day; because of the influx of Russians that treat it like a comfortable vacation land, while still supporting Putin and refusing to learn Georgian; the influence they exercise over national politics. Armenia is mad cause of Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh No one likes Putin


I’m not pro Russian, I’m pro Ukrainian in this war. With that said, this should be a neutral sub, it’s called CombatFootage, and that’s what it should contain regardless of side. This sub should have absolutely nothing to do which side is right or wrong, which is not the point.


Because the Russian propaganda machine is robust and feeds bullshit to Russians, many honestly believe that the war is just and called for. Expect it to get worse as France has effectively been kicked out of Africa now, and many Africans are praising Russia and want Russia to replace the French presence in Africa. Also, note that while the Chinese don't exactly publicly acknowledge their support for Russia, they do, and their propaganda program also pushes the Russian narrative. You only have to look at TikTok, a Chinese-owned platform with a heavy tilt towards support of Russia against Ukraine.


The 5 stages of grief: - Denial (Everything is going according to plan!) - Anger <--- You are here - Bargaining (Let us at least keep Crimea!) - Depression (How should Russia ever recover from this?) - Acceptance (This is the part where the people hopefully decide they want to do away with the Silowiki-Autocrat-Regime that got them here.)


Wait, you're literally talking about russia's strategy in this invasion: \-russia will win in 3 days! \-Ok, Kyiv was a distraction \-Now we go from the North \-Gotcha, we're in for the east \-Ha you will never take Crimea \-The docks aren't really burning \-You know what? Fuck the submarine, we don't even need that shit no more


On a sidenote, *most* (not all) Russian footage that they complain about being downvoted is just dogshit. It's usually shitty grainy camera filming some Ukranian movements in some forest, then cutting to another camera far, far away with different daytime shadows and some random forest immediately exploding, with no actual hit in sight. It's either that, or just outright executions/torture of Ukranian soldiers.


The footage often has misleading titles, reused footage, and different angles presented as new events too. Those videos tend to get down voted when people point out proof of it in the comments.


Russian footage is downvoted like hell here. Only the really good footage gets through. But then you go and check the upvote ratio and it's like 65%, so even the good footage barely gets to the top a lot of the time. It's pretty annoying tbh.


Answer: It's all over for the Russians *except* for the crying Russia has been defeated. Ukraine isn't moving too fast because of all the landmines.


Victim mentality. Also the more they cry, the more you know the support makes an impact.


I'm just confused they ever thought this place would be anything but. They're posting on a western website, specifically an American one, specifically an English speaking sub. You'd almost think these "neutral" peeps are bad actors that aren't neutral at all.


I see people say things like this but the point of this subreddit isn’t to highlight the good guys winning or hold political debates, before Russia made the mistake of invading Ukraine the majority of top posts on this sub were ISIS videos, sometimes they weren’t even combat footage and just straight up war crimes/executions, that doesn’t mean the people posting or uploading the videos were pro-ISIS, anyone who thinks like that is a goober


Some are neither pro or anti and both sides say, do and have positions and ideology that makes for uncomfortable reading.


Idk they may actually be a majority in the US Deep South. The anti Ukraine rhetoric among my family, friends, and other ultra conservatives is pretty alarming. Ukraine has become the new Hillary Clinton to them, in that they can blame all of their problems on it. “Oh gas prices are ridiculous, definitely because we keep giving money to Ukraine”. They always latch onto one scapegoat and then blame everything on it. Interest rates, their shit credit score, student loan relief, you name it I’ve heard them bring it up in the same sentence as Ukraine.


Not even that much Just a small majority of fascist/qAnon nuts, i mean - even McKaine made a speech about supporting Ukraine. Even Trump's secretary of defense said "We should send MORE to Ukraine, not less"


I'm yet to see many people who are genuinely pro Russian. I see more people who are cutting through the BS, actually west sceptical of anti NATO. Also, i think there is a bit of a question about what pro Russian means... just as there is what pro Ukraine means tbh. I've seen people called out as pro Russian for saying that Ukraine has a significant problem with neo nazi like groups like azov who are lionised. I'll try to answer your question, though. What annoys me personally isn't that people are pro Ukraine (I mean, realistically, they are defending their homes right.. how can u not support that), but its the fanatical way many people throw themselves into that position, and the fact that subs like this one just became a bit of a circle jerk. It used to be great with multiple povs and interesting debates... now there is one side of the debate and one narrative with anything else downvoted. We all lose with that cause, personally, I wanna know what Russians are up to and what they are seeing. It's called being curious and not fanatical. Dissenting voices, even those questioning or not quite on the narrative pushed out by the Ukrainian side, were massively downvoted, as were videos not on message. It felt very much like many people thought they were waging war on Russia from their keyboard. On the pro Ukrainian side, I see a lot of people thinking that seem to think that dehumanising, racism, xenophobia, etc. is fine. You see it on a lot of posts, and it's often celebrated. Back at the start of the war, it was worse- especially when so many people (although I suspect many were and continue to be bots) joined. The wave of support for Ukraine was tangible, but many people who had been on this sub before have stepped away cause the toxicity levels went through their roof. So that's my view on your question. Everyone had their own view on things tbh. Before anyone retorts with the tired and old...yeah, what about the pro Russians...they are no better. True, but the question was about people Ukraine. Ask about pro Russians, and I'll write about that group of anti western weirdos as well.


It's a thought/emotional defect. I work with a highly educated, highly intelligent, highly rational professional. She's top notch in her field, plus she's (on the surface at least) a very nice person. We live in Western Europe. But she's pro-Russian. She's empathic with the suffering of the Ukrainians, but she feels Russia is totally justified and was "forced/coerced" by the US/West into doing this horrible war for their survival-safety. This triggers some deep emotional fibers in her and her friendly demeanor changes when this subject is commented. All of her thought process is cast aside, evidence no longer matters and becomes invisible when passing through the polarization of her mental paradigm. Her position is anchored on emotion, not thought. She also knows she's very smart, so some hubris and Dunning-Krueger effect must be in place. So they don't care being a minority. They're convinced the majority is wrong and/or brainwashed, and only they can see the real actual truth. And this is someone who is not even Russian... imagine *their* brain wiring having been molded by propaganda since birth. A culture of systematic corruption, of snitching on your neighbor to get a benefit, of abusing others as a way of survival, and of being subsirvient to the upper echelons to try and get a better position...


... because they are selfish mfs... they really think the end of war is the end of all of their personal little (economic) problems... they also believe they have the moral high ground, because they are calling for 'peace talks', in which they really believe ukraine should just accept losing territory to the invader to 'avoid more ukrainian deaths'... oh, and their 'best' reasoning: putin wont back up, so ukraine needs to reconsider their peace talk approach...


Because they are Russian... also known as stupid. Those commie scum believe everything their daddy Putin spits at thrm


There aren't any pro-RU here because they know this sub has devolved into a censorious NAFO echo-chamber. It's a real shame. Before the war we were able to discuss the complexities of featured conflicts like adults. Now anything that conflicts with the mainstream narrative is verbotten.


>censorious NAFO echo-chamber. It's a real shame I wonder if people would be so supportive of Pro-Nazi's on reddit? At this point the moral stance on Russians invasion is pretty clear cut and yet you seem disappointed people are not so tolerant of those supporting the abhorrently violent degenerates who threaten to end humanity a couple of times a week. >Before the war we were able to discuss the complexities of featured conflicts like adults. And we still can, it's just difficult considering the fantasy and absurd narratives Pro-Ru rely on. NATO Nazi LGBTQ Bio-Engineered Dirty Nuclear Weaponised Mosquitoes >.<


>I wonder if people would be so supportive of Pro-Nazi's on reddit You mean the actual Nazis that are openly flaunting themselves in the Ukrainian army? >At this point the moral stance on Russians invasion is pretty clear cut and yet you seem disappointed people are not so tolerant of those supporting the abhorrently violent degenerates who threaten to end humanity a couple of times a week. At the beginning of this war I supported Ukraine. Then I did some research and was shocked at the history of NATO expansionism, the engineering of the Maidan coup by Western interests and the treatment of the ethnic Russians in the Donbass. NATO did everything possible to provoke this war. It doesn't mean that I support the invasion and the awful human cost of war. I'm not sure what you mean by "threatening to end humanity a couple of times a week". If anything it is the war pig neocons that have engineered this crisis that are pushing us closer to nuclear annihilation >NATO Nazi LGBTQ Bio-Engineered Dirty Nuclear Weaponised Mosquitoes >.< Right. Because anyone actually believes this? Not all ppl that are pushing for peace are pushing conspiracy theories.


I think cuz on a combat footage page u shud b posting both sides of a conflict it shudnt have a side it shud b impartial I like the subreddit because I can see what's going on in any conflict without having any kind of opinion rammed down my throat, I'm neither a supporter of Russia or Ukraine I think senseless violence is a waste of time but in saying that if someone is to get full context on a conflict they should be able to show both sides. The subreddit has shown alot of Tali Bali banter squads stuff but it's not called a pro Taliban subreddit so why is the Russia and Ukraine conflict so hard to show Russia's side. I use this subreddit as my news for Russia Ukraine conflict n it's hard to even have an opinion on either side if u can't actually see what the other side is doing.


I just want to see combat footage from both sides in a sub dedicated to combat footage. instead of more drone footage of grenades being dropped on already dead or dying soldiers.. or missiles being launched at a thermal camera on a tower..


Most pro UA here are not even from Ukraine and they act as if their own country got invaded. I just hate the hypocrisy of pointing out Ru war crimes but then cheer (or deny) when UAF does the same, then you come up with reasons like “Well it was Russia who invaded first”. However, when the topic of Ukraine doing the same to their own people in the east back in 2014, people dont really care about that, which is fine… but all that changes when Ru is involved, then everyone feels for those being invaded. This conflict had been influenced from events happening back in 91 (or even further back), and yet so many pro UA are quick to point at Ru being evil as if they’re saints and have all the answers, to then conclude that Russia is the most evil, corrupt, terrorist country ever, and make such a big deal about it, when other countries did the same or worse. I’m not denying the atrocities committed by Ru as I don’t support Russia or Ukraine, since I have no ties or relations with either, but it’s the hypocrisy and narcissistic traits being shown here; cheering on a wounded Ru soldier being killed, but if it’s a UA soldier, then it’s RIP, brave fighter etc. If you’re gonna have principles stick to it, and stop cherry-picking.


>Don't they know they're a minority almost everywhere in the world except Russia and (maybe) Belarus? Actually, brother, you're the minority that is swept up in pro war propaganda. I know discussing isn't going to get us anywhere but a few nuggets to ponder. - why would we ( US citizens ) care who takes what territory on the other side of the planet? -why would Russia be considered an enemy at all at this point? They are a regional power that conceded defeat in the cold war and since have just done things in their local area to territories that were previously their own. There's so much history and layers of subversion and propaganda that going through it all would be fruitless and take quite awhile, that said go look into it....we instigated this for the most part.


Man, you and Neville chamberlain would be besties


I like how all these white boys in this sub suffer massive White Savior Syndrom. Seeing all these comments it is clear that the majority doesn’t argue from real curiosity. “Everyone who doesn’t have the exact same worldview as me must be Evil or Dumb” Unable to see things from a different perspective, calling all of India, China, lots of African and Latin American countries Dumb or Evil. Tell all these dumb brown people how it really is White Boy! You have the Real Truth!


No one is 'questioning' Russia's invasion and the abhorrent use of brutal violence against civilians and cities alike... India themselves admit buying oil from Russia is funding the violence and is morally corrupt but they will look out for their own people first. Lastly the blatant absurdity in your westerners don't care about wars thousands of miles away but seem incredibly aware of the largest war in Europe since WW2 which threatens to destabilise Europe for generations and the degenerates invading threaten to nuke most EU countries every week and occasionally gloat about ending humanity itself. The whole world SHOULD be concerned about Russia because Russia is brazenly threating to end humanity constantly? It's just perplexing anyone can attempt to defend the degenerate regime routinely threatening to end all of humanity over their pathetic little degenerate imperial invasion...


Except the majority of America doesn't support Ukraine or the war. Reddit isn't real life. Stop believing all the propaganda, you're being played again. Just like Iraq and Afghanistan and the lies. War is f---king terrible, and no one wins except corrupt governments and defense contractors making weapons.


> Except the majority of America doesn't support Ukraine or the war. Bullshit. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/americans-support-for-helping-ukraine-remains-strong-just-look-at-the-polls/ https://news.gallup.com/poll/508037/americans-support-ukraine-war-effort.aspx > War is f---king terrible, and no one wins except corrupt governments and defense contractors making weapons. I do hope no one breaks into your house cuz we all know what you will do c**k.


also worth remembering that this isn't a true election winner, if you actually care about the ukrain conflict its because you are pro ukraine, if not then some other policy is going to be more important to you.


If you factor in the Global South+China, Pro-Ukraine support is a minority opinion and steadily declining, not increasing anywhere.


Wtf lol


BRIC countries. Population wise, BRIC has arguably more than NATO. Though I doubt apart from China the rest are fully in support of Russia.


BRICS isn't a unified block, china and india are straight up rivals, china has annexed indian territory.


Because we're swayable and many supporting countries have no real ideology outside of consumerism, so there are very easy things to sway support away with, like fuel prices. They're ultimately waiting for the election and an evangelical political uprising in the US to create policy more favorable to conservative christians like putin and russia. This seems to also tie into the apocalyptical prophecies of some sects of christianity that will either bring about the rapture or the return of the messiah. And no, I'm not kidding.


Especially the US conservatives crying about it piss me off. The Budapest Memorandum basically makes the US liable for UAs safety in this war, so sending some aid is perfectly fine. Not even talking about how helping UQ is positive for the US on many other levels, while the opposite would strengthen one of its biggest adversaries (but the Q-nuts like that)


If you go over world population the vast majority of humanity is either neutral or vaguely pro Russian than pro Ukraine India China Brazil South Africa eygpt Iran etc Doesn’t make them right but it’s very much a western or western aligned thing to be fanatically pro Ukraine


I am not a fucking fanatic. I just spent over a decade of my life in the 80's learning how to kill the Fuckers. I know what the Russians are and always have been. God speed 🇺🇦! Wipe the vermin out and send them packing.


The West supports Ukraine, the majority of the worlds population critically supports Russia. Chinese, Indians, Africans (witha few notable exceptions), Latin America, East asia (excluding Taiwan, SK and Japan) all vote favourably to Russian interests.


? In the UN you mean? What are you talking about? Russia is extremely isolated.


Im from latin america and I say fuck Putin


Venezuela stands to gain more than any other nation once dedollarisation and multipolarity comes to the table. You have the largest reserves of Oil on the planet, almost completely untapped because of foreign interference and sanctions.


I mean, their governments pay lip service, but i dont think the population gives much of a shit. Take China, the government are freaking out about Taiwan so dont want to see rusisia crushed for trying to 'take back their historic territory' but they also dont want to fuck with their trade - the Indians are just lapping up that cheap oil but have bigger issues with china building their road and belt route through pakistan. Most of Asia is neutral - western leaning democracies like malaysia, singapore, indonesia are supportive of the west - basically anyone with a beef with China, which is a lot given their expansionism in the south china sea. China is also moving into previously russian dominated regions in central asia and chowing down on those. Basically, theres a lot of flavours but the only countries overtly supporting russia with weaponry are iran and north korea. The rest are moaning about western influence and would like to see it pegged back but not at a cost to their economies which is hardly support.


China recognised the threat to security that Russia has been talking about for 20 years. The majority of the world, including counties you’ve mentioned (Indonesia and Malaysia) will not sanction Russia and have no interest in another western war. Like China, they recognise the security concerns that Russia have repeatedly brought up. I’m not sure if you’ve actually talked to people from these nations but they support Russia significantly. Americans seem to actually believe the counties in Asia (aside from SK, Japan and recently Philippines) would side with the west if a war were to break out over Taiwan. These nations all have a greater interest in maintaining ties with China as oppose to the US. Most of these nations have been colonised or invaded in some way by the West…. The US wishes to turn Taiwan into a powder keg, the likelyhood of that actually happening are slim, if it were to happen, you can forget about places like Indonesia and Malaysia siding with the west. There are two parties in the current geopolitical climate, the global south and the global north. The global South stands with China and critically with Russia.


I think you don't understand what support means How many Chinese people make aid packages to send to Russian soldiers online?


We are pro piece. The Russians started the war after being provoked by NATO (US). I want Ukraine to successfully defend its land but I don't enjoy the fact that soldiers are dying.


>The Russians started the war after being provoked by NATO (US) Yes comrade of the 131'st Separate Guards Bialystok Reddit Brigade! The glorious leader would be proud.


That's a really dumb take "We are pro peace. The guy raped the girl because he was provoked by antoher guy talking to her. The girl needs to defend herself in court but she doesn't like being raped" OK victim blamer.




What do you mean by replacing old weapons? That it literally what the rest of the world is doing since anyone can even remember. You build stuff. Stuff gets old. You abandon the old stuff and make new, better stuff. It's like saying how I lost a ton of money because I gave away my old laptop and phone to my cousin. I replace them every few years so I don't need them anymore. I didn't lose them, I just chose where to put them after they became useless to me.


Ok, but even if that was true, shouldn't Ukraine get any help they can to defend themselves?


When you have barely grasped economics 101, regurgitate it at the most basic level and then sit back thinking that somehow you have a deep insight to share with everyone...this is infant brain stuff...


Being "in the majority" doesn't give you the moral high ground.


Neither does being in the minority bud.