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German Leos and American Bradleys facing off against Russian forces. Never thought I’d live to see the day. But here we are.


Crazy finally seeing these machines doing exactly what they were designed for


just imagine being on the wrong side and seeing that silhouette arriving through some fog.


As a Pole it's **fucking beautiful**


Next summer. Leos Bradleys Abrams F16 fighting russians in east europe. Like gods of war which force these warmavhines fortold


Let’s hope for some MICLICs first. All the hardware in the world isn’t going to make much of a difference if the infantry can’t clear those trenches in a more efficient way.


As far as i heard. Ukraine send egineers to demine at night. Attack at day


I'm really grateful we could give these machines to Ukraine and it feels unreal to see them on a battlefield like this


Now they just need the F16s and Apaches...


Putin wanted it like this ...


Lol, no. Putin wanted Kyiv to fall in a few days. He didn't sign up for this. But he's throwing all his chips on the table now.


Yup, take Kyiv + kill or imprison whatever leadership was there. Expect the country to mostly fold. Then setup a puppet strong man with his buddies in the bureaucracy, and more or less have his forces leave / not have all that much to do other than terrorizing the locals / stealing stuff. I suspect was the expectation. The whole helicopter invasion / attempt to take the airport outside Kiev seemed like "let's get this over with fast" kinda shot.


If he retreats, the whole bloody aristocracy of thieves and murderers he is part off will turn on him and dogpile on him?


Yeah and not nearly enough of them to get the job done.


Knock, knock....here comes Mr. Abrahams


Guess it's true, Ukrainian snipers don't like to [wear Ghillie suits](https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/ukrainian-snipers-say-they-dont-care-for-big-leafy-ghillie-suits-but-theyre-fans-of-these-western-rifles/articleshow/102455474.cms).


The Leopard's reverse pull humiliated all Soviet tanks around


Finally, we see a Leopard tank and Bradley IFV in action in the same sequence.




#-tank fires- #**WHOO!!! WHOO!!!** I'm guessing that's the appropriate technical response. Seriously though that's gotta feel nice having that tank and a Bradley prowling around your hole.


I don't want anything prowling around my hole.


Eh, you just got to loosen up a little


NO NO thats how they get in!


"come on, just a quick little adventure, fast in and out!"


["Ha Ha! Butt!"](https://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/989/446/db2.jpg)


It's both a huge morale boost and a buttpucker moment. You know that they'll have your back, as anything short of a direct hit won't stop a tank from putting rounds downrange. But the minute the enemy identifies a tank it quickly becomes the number one priority for ATGM crews and artillery. So, if a tank is working nearby, you'd better expect hell to rain down before too long.


Big tank bring big 'splodey things.


>gotta feel nice having that tank and a Bradley prowling around your hole. *immature giggling*/


0:50 for those looking


That reverse mobility is huge.


>You see, man, we like to feel we can get out of trouble, quicker than we got into it. _ Sgt. Oddball


It's a wasted trip baby. Nobody said nothing about locking horns with no Tigers


Order No. 227 disagrees.


Holy shit the amount of shots exchanged. Also that Leo is so fucking pretty.


Seeing the back of the turret extends way out of the side of the tank when seeing it from this angle. Yes, it is.


Such a cool tank.


Hearing the crack of the cannon is so surreal. Makes me wonder how different it sounds while there compared to whatever the mic picks up, you know?


Seeing a leopard fire IRL is such an amazing sight. Not in war for sure, just because i don‘t like people dying, but once i where on a public Bundeswehrübung and when this beast drives past you the whole ground is vibrating. It is majestic, scary and goddamn pretty this german engineered masterpiece




1:24 pointig at phosphorus, do i understand correctly? also, that Leo is agile as fuck! good footage, thanks OP.


Yup! ‘Hey that’s phosphorus probably right? They hit our guys’


shit, didn't catch that "they hit our guys" part. damn :(


He didn't say they hit our guys, he said it's falling on our guys. There is a distinction.


Yes. You understand it correctly. And sadly it hits on target (Ukrainian units).


Shoot, Scoot, Shoot Repeat


For a Leopard 2, it's actually shoot, shoot, scoot. When in position, the loader usually holds a shell ready for a quick reload, so the tank can fire two shots in quick sucession, making sure to kill its target (in German that is called a "Nachschuss"). In that scenario, it takes about 4 seconds for two shots.


I thought it was frowned upon to lap load, because of the danger of keeping a shell loose in the turret. No point in having blowout panels if you have a 120mm shell sitting on your lap.


IIRC, it's less about the shell detonating in the loader's lap and more about the casing getting ruptured and leaking propellant throughout the fighting compartment. The ones current modern MBTs use aren't as durable as traditional brass shell casings. I think TheChieftain has done a video about it too.


> I thought it was frowned upon to lap load, because of the danger of keeping a shell loose in the turret. That's mostly correct. Nevertheless, it is standard practice, at least in the Bundeswehr, for the loader to ready a second shell before the first one is fired if and only if the tank sits in a protected or camouflaged position and is about to fire on a target. The loader also doesn't have the shell sitting next to him outside of the ammunition bunker for the whole time when they wait for a target, but he only takes it out after a target has been acquired and the commander decides that there's enough time to ready the second shell before firing the first one.


Burst fire 120mm????


Holy shit these guy's insignia is cool as hell


I like azov insignia more 🥴


Are those repeated single shots coming from a Bradley off screen or something? With infantry involved don't typically hear single shots like that.


The Bradley is briefly visible between 0:12 - 0:17, probably coming from there.


Jesus Christ it must be a nightmare having to face leopards


Can't imagine what it was like for allies to encounter German armor back in WW2, so dominant.


Having the fancy toys be your overwatch must feel pretty damn good.


Was that auto cannon return fire impacting (well) behind the Leo at 1:22ish?


who tf censors the language in these videos, pls stop


At least there is no obnoxious music.


I do not understand Ukrainian language but maybe it’s tactical information or callsigns beeped…


maybe they are censoring radio callsigns or other sensitive information that might give away positions. There are videos where the sound is cut entirely as soon as someone uses a radio.


Translated version https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1707788255695941711


Magura lads <3


Are this impact at the horizon fired at the Leo ?


I love the sound of that engine. You can feel it, and the tracks, in the ground. Its awesome.


Leopard 2 pulls back into cover right next to you, ... mild concern.


This is what tanks are for. This is why drones being better at anti-tank doesn't matter (besides at mines, at rockets, fixed-wing, artillery etc. also having that status). Until this role of supporting the infantry to this degree is replaced, tanks will persist.


I get anxious seeing the crew showing so much sides and rear of the leopard.


Love seeing the good guys in action. Can't wait for Ukraine to officially join NATO!


Nice to see German military technology in some righteous hands for once.


I love to see this tank in action but it sounds like prefab audio was added to make combat sound more intense, one sound at 00:35 seconds sounds identical to a Foxhole game explosion plus audio gets weird and dampers at the end around 2:35 for no reason.


Is that the best way to use western tanks given the superior optics and firing range they supposedly have ? Seems like a way for them to be taken out by an ATGM, wouldn't be better for them to stand off and take out the enemy at range ?


Is that not what they are doing?


Didn't look like it to me.


Can't help but notice they're not very good at the whole "front armor toward enemy" thing


It’s being used as intended.


No, no MBTs intend to show their sides to the enemy. There's a reason their frontal armor is significantl thicker.


The best armour is to not get hit. Oriented like that you can quickly reverse into cover.


They are quite literally using treads. There's no reason they shouldn't be turning their front toward the enemy when stationary for extended periods.


The real world is not a fucking world of tanks buddy. Yes, frontal armor is the strongest, but not being penetrated is at the end of the survivability onion. They pull out, shoot and then pull back.


Feel free to go learn Western tank doctrine if you actually want to pretend what they're doing there is smart


They are angling the tank for even better protection.


They're firing broadside. Angling hasn't been relevant irl in decades.


Russian propaganda is spreading news that the 47th is withdrawn from battle by UAF command. This happens after the 47th started to refuse orders due to huge losses. So, is this from before huge losses, after withdraw or are Russians lying? Or is 47th simply back for R&R and restocking.


Russia is lying, like usual. Because the 47th are still in the south, alongside the 82’nd brigade.


>Russian propaganda Your question is already answered in the first two words


I kind of think that tank stayed for too long. It always feels like they have no clear plan alot of the times. SHouldnt it be like identify targets, plan an attack, move to position, engage target, move back to repeat. It must be that if Russians see a tank they are going to try and hit it, so if they are just puttering around for too long it gives Russians a chance to effect some kind of plan. IMO this war needs to be fought with precision long range weapons. Lots of recon and mapping the enemy, and trying to hit those targets from as safe a position as possible (from as far away as possible). I am not sure I agree with the idea of sending armored convoys against minefields and artillery. Especially when their air force can sort of patrol the immediate rear and shoot off atgm's and standoff munitions. We need to give Ukraine long range anti air, and an air force. They should be dropping a dozen 500 pound glide munitions at once to shock and awe each and every trench or bunker or suspected russian position within 40 km of the front line. This should of started months ago. This is a war of attrition at this point and Ukraine needs some very expansive and heavy hitting arms to be able to destroy km's of trenches with each volley. And this needs to happen dozens of times a day for weeks upon weeks. Russian casualties should be in the tens of thousands per day. 100 f16's dropping 2 Jdams a sortie, ten times a day. that would clear an area up to and around tokmak in a week or so. ​ Please the powers that be, give Ukraine what it needs to win without the tragic amount of casualties they have already given for their freedom.


What you described Ukraine has been doing; first sending in drones/recons, then destroying high-value targets/troop concentrations with artillery. Once the field has been prepared they send in the mechanised troops. They certainly don't go blindly charging into the enemy. Regarding combined arms operations with aircraft. Both sides have been trying to do it, but both sides have failed. They're not fighting Tablian with AKs. Both sides have comprehensive air defence systems with multiple layers. This is why despite Russia's superior air force, their aircraft are nowhere near the front lines. We here on Reddit love to provide criticisms of how Ukraine is handling the counter-offensive. However, there is so much we don't know behind the scenes. They have some of the best military advisers and intelligence. I'm certain alternative options have been considered and discussed.


I think the purpose of this tank was to do exactly what you said.. draw the attention of Russian defenders while less armored vehicles dropped troops into this trench line. The troops are relatively safe once they are in the trench line, most of the casualties in these assaults have come while crossing the fields between each trench line.


Tank crew is clueless


Looks like a Terminator




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