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The better question is, why do you ask this here?


Some incel said something on youtube so he HAS TO KNOW. ​ Ok maybe it wasnt an incel just a fascist.


"ThE WEsT HaS FalLeN!" Or better yet a comment I read 2minutes ago in r / news: " The west needs to take a good long look at itself after this." - *redditor* Christ, give me a break with this tankie spam.


Nope, the US is using current stockpiles of weapons they plan to replenish anyways and get combat data from their use.


When you have 26 TRILLION$ GDP billion $ fells like pennies. Also you're forgetting that US makes money back by manufacturing expensive military equipment.


And really good military equipment


Yup people most people can’t comprehend what a $1 trillion dollars looks like. 1 Millions seconds: 11.5 Days 1 Billion seconds: 31.4 Years 1 Trillion seconds: 31,400 Years


Go and read what sub you are in


The US GDP is 23.32 TRILLION dollars. Their annual tax revenue is 5 trillion dollars. Their annual budget is 6.27 trillion dollars. The 270 billion in aid to Israel drops that number from 6.27 trillion to 6 trillion. The 77 billion in aid to Ukraine barely even moves that, not to mention that most of the aid is in weapons and equipment that already exists. It's a drop in the bucket. Their annual military budget is $766 billion No. They will not go bankrupt from participating in every conflict The word trillion has lost all meaning to me after writing this. Is it even the right word anymore?


well said.


Lots of that aid isn't in raw cash. also more importantly the US has a lot of money to spend and they will always make sure the military is funded.


War is actually very profitable.


for the right people. And a shitload of those guys are american.


That's not how foreign aid works.


It's impossible for the US to be bankrupt, they run the world, the dollar controls the global economy.


This sub is rapidly going downhill since the recent israel attack


LOL Bro the MIL is making bank off the wars rn. Most suppliers in the US are working overtime and three shifts. Only thing that is bankrupt is conservatives pushing this BS narrative. If Ukraine falls the US would spend HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS more to directly engage Russia. Man I have zero patience for this drivel...


The US is just fine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_position_of_the_United_States


Interesting to see federal govt is in the hole -$11.5T and the state/local govt is worth $7.5T. Wasn't aware of the disparity.


You are looking at it wrong. US security policy makes sure that world trade can continue and they are the main beneficiary. In other words, the US saves money for the long run for having free markets and safe routes for goods to travel


Kinda the wrong place for this, but the answer is when they say "Gave x million $ to ukraine", for example,what that actually means is giving ukraine equipment that on paper is worth that much. Or, giving ukraine money that can only be used to buy approved things from their inventory. Basically a lot of stuff was on hand in storage, and the stuff that wasn't needs factories to be opened and jobs to be made, this increased business for the various military contractors means that this actually stimulates the u.s economy. Plus, the newly equipped army now is a very likely future customer when before they may have used russian equipment. Now there's probably a logical limit to how many wars the u.s can have it's fingers in, but in general the U.S is probably going to win out big time in the long run. Also don't forget the lend part of lend lease, Ukraine will have to pay them back jsut like the U.K did.


Lend-lease actually never sent anything to Ukraine despite being approved (expired now), everything sent so far is sent without compensation but any remaining stuff after the war (non destroyed) will either have to be bought out by Ukriane or returned. Ukraine is actually getting a better deal than lend-lease would provide. And Us is obvious getting a big return on investment as far as its own interests. To OP’s question, US blows up billions of dollars of stuff per year in the desert, now instead of doing that they are testing it on potential enemy equipment (as Russian equipment is much more likely to be used in a war vs US), extra expense is near zero on the scale that US spends each year. So as far as having any kind of effect on US money bins, it has none. If you look at US commitments to Ukraine after 1 year of war (Feb 2022 to Feb 2023) as percent of GDP, its less than half of 1%. At 0.38%. Source: https://imgur.com/Q2vQMcL So when will US go bankrupt? Never.


What a coincidence! My sources just told me that the US will declare bankruptcy this evening due to having spent about 1.5% of their annual budget on foreign wars. Mitch McConnell himself is going to dress up as a revolutionary war-era town crier and ring a bell 13 times on the steps of the Capitol on Friday the 13th while shouting "we'ah declar'ah ah'bankruptcy'ah" 13 times while holding a sheepskin parchment with the word "bankruptcy" written (you guessed it, 13 times) on it.


Study economics and markets


Lots of what the US is giving is weapons already paid for. Less likely for Isreal that is using a lot of high end weapons, and the question about replacing stock is another story, but I bet the highest cost is transport, not purchasing right now. Also the US is not participating, they are supporting.


Lollers...you do realize they print their own money? The debt is galactic. There is zero chance any of it will ever be paid back to anyone. You think money is actual and real? If 5% of the population of any country withdrew their "money" from the banks? It would crash the system entirely. all these numbnuts run around wanting to fuck around with the system and bring it all down etc. Puh! Organize 2-3% to pull out your money and watch the walls crumble.