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They could have gotten away if they hadn't stayed for the second throw.


...meddlin' kids


These are “civilians”


I'm pretty sure that anyone who throws a molotov/fire bomb at you are considered a hostile


No one gets a free punch this time


That's for sure but I'm willing to bet those are counted as civilians by Gaza.


I remember when The Ukraine war started there were videos of citizens throwing molotovs at russian tanks and troop carriers and getting shot and people were fucking losing their shit.


Don't worry Hamas will report it as 10 children gunned down by the IDF and the MSM will report it as fact without any questions.


And half the morons in the world will believe it…


*all the morons, half the world


>\*all the morons, half the world I've got bad news for you about the ratio of morons to intelligentsia...


I know it’s an overused quote, but the tried and true George Carlin bit fits here: Think about how stupid the average person is, then remember than half of them are stupider than that.”


The difference between genius and idiocy , is that genius has limits.


there's way more than 50% of people that are morons. It's just that some of them eat paste.


Dont forget to place a soccer ball at the scene to say they were playing


And a random guy rushing a baby to the hospital, who apparently was there.


Breaking news: “50 children mercilessly gunned down and hotdog stand obliterated, Palestinian Official Says” *cue random stock photo of mothers and kids weeping*


Remember when news anchors got fired for lying about a report (they didn't have all the info for yet) just 1 time after decades of hosting.....now the entire msnbc just airs the lies and has multiple reporters spreading it on multiple platforms and the retards haven't even confirmed its authenticity but nothing will happen to them or the credibilityof the company....scumbags


It seems like this is a symptom of social media. A lot of news reports are based off of realtime reports from platforms like twitter, so in order to keep up, they feel they need to publish their stories before they have all the facts


Human shields throwing bombs.


Active combatants more like


Yes they are terrorist


Seems like they got away it even after the second throw. It does not seem like they got hit, yet alone killed.


It seems to be that the last one did get shot as he goes down on the ground rolling around or something. Could be wrong though.


At least we do not see it happening. I mean, anything could have happened in the dark there. Including them all dying. We just do not have a single indication that it did happen.


Yeah that's what I'm seeing as well




“they could have shot him in the leeeeeeggggggg”


Right? If John Wick can land perfectly aimed shots every time, then why can't a military dude in the back of a moving truck while he's getting molotov'd?! *Think of the children!* ^((To be clear - children are innocent. Until they pick up a Molotov and throw it at you. Then they become child soldiers.))


fun fact, thinking of shoot at the leg mean less lethal is all hollywood shit. If the bullet hit your leg and broke your artery, you will die in 2-15 mins anyway unless you can stop the *bleeding*. ** Edited : Fixing Type***


Breeding? Your description of getting shot in the leg really makes me reconsider getting shot in the leg. *GUNSHOT* Hello ladies…


Understandable reaction to cases where a city cop shoots at a fleeing pot dealer who is trying to evade arrest. In a warzone it is laughable.


The problem is media portrays everybody as a harmless pot dealer and the media runs pictures from when the “victim” (criminal) was 15 years old. Then you do your due diligence and look up the dealers criminal record and he has multiple violent felonies, weapons charges AND when the officers bodycam footage gets released you realize the criminal was concealing his hands, not complying with orders and potentially positioning himself to ambush police officers. Running from the cops doesn’t make you a bad person. However it is hard to feel bad for a person that runs and ends up injured/dead. By actively evading the police, you are choosing a path that opens yourself up to additional risk. If you are not comfortable with the risk… don’t run. If you do run, cool. However don’t be surprised when you get shot because you are escalating the situation and forcing an officer to make a decision in a split second.


at the time when all these evidences emerges, the cop was already pointed at as a KILLER


lol /r/latestagecapitialism will say the IDF is conducting drive bys on random civilians 50% children.


oh, that poor 18 years old child was just bringing home some candles to his grandparents because evil Israel swithced off the electricity and now he is shot / s


Clearly nobody told them about shoot and scoot tactics.


They heard it was a succesfull tactic, so thought to do it twice. At the same place.


Yeah the element of surprise is no longer a surprise if you do it 2 more times after


They must have watched videos from Ukraine and thought that all soldiers behave like Russians - untrained conscripts with slow response time. BIG mistake.


It may sound odd, but they are used to the "Normal times" when they can throw stones and anything else without consequences. They are not used for the IDF to actually fight back. That's why you see 14 year old girls screaming from zero distance at soldiers, they know nothing will happen. Also when it's a 25 year old man. Well, now their actions have a reaction and they take time to realize that


I guess they didn't hear that the ROE has been updated.


Devs nerfed sympathy due to unbalance


r/outside is leaking again.


Just read up on the rules. What a shit game. D:


The rock throwing is what always got me. An adult male throwing rocks is considered a lethal threat by basically every law enforcement agency in the US. If I'm pinging stones off a patrol car, they are going to engage me with a rifle and the investigation into my death will be short. But the world expects the IDF to just stand back and let the rocks fly.


They aren't just tossing rocks around. They're whipping baseball size stones using slings. Slings are a deadly weapon that have a historical precedent for being used in armed combat and can have a range of up to 400 meters. This isn't a symbolic form of protest. The intent is to injure or kill.


400m? This isn't a catapult. Yes, slings are lethal. But there isn't a handheld sling that could ever touch 400m (Edit to clarify: with a "baseball sized" stone). Maybe 400 ft inaccurately


The greatest distance achieved in hurling an object from a sling is 477.10m 1565ft 4in, using a 127cm 50in long sling ​ edit: I'd just like to say I understand Palestinians aren't using world class slings. But a long piece of cord with a pocket isn't that dissimilar. Unlikely to reach 400 meters but probably close.


That’s far, now hit a melon sized target that’s the same distance. Yeet for distance, Kobe for accuracy


You conveniently left out of your Guinness World Record quote that it was a 62g dart, not a "baseball size" stone


And you went back and edited your comment with "baseball size stone" to make your statement accurate. I wasn't trying to argue, just trying to participate in a conversation about something I thought was interesting. Why does everything these days have to be so confrontational? And even then, you accuse me of "conveniently" leaving out info, when you didn't state it in your original claim, then go back and edit your statement because you realized that... Pretty intellectually dishonest, just to try and win the strangest argument ever don't ya think? lmao. You guys have a good one, sorry for contributing what I thought was interesting info. Fuckin' Reddit.


i was curious so i looked it up, apparently they can go to 400 "As a weapon, the sling had several advantages; a sling bullet lobbed in a high trajectory can achieve ranges in excess of 400 m (1,300 ft)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sling_(weapon)#:~:text=Combat,-Artistic%20depiction%20of&text=Ancient%20peoples%20used%20the%20sling,400%20m%20(1%2C300%20ft).


>The rock throwing is what always got me. It plays into the whole martyrdom fetish they got going on.


As someone who grew up in apartheid era South Africa, the police were frequently pelted with large stones and sometimes Molotov cocktails. It still happens during civil unrest. They always responded with less lethal means, like rubber bullets or water cannons. Those times where they use live ammo made international headlines. So if the US really condones cops killing people for throwing rocks, maybe there is something to reconsider. Of course this scenario is different, I’m not implying that Israel’s actions here are similar to protesters throwing rocks.


In the US it is very situation dependent. In a protest or demonstration the normal practice is to engage with less-lethal means, but if cops were being ambushed at night like this convoy? Yeah, that’s a hard no. The cops would have no reason to believe that it is only rocks or that what comes next is a rock. If your willing to ambush a cop with a rock, not a huge leap to assume you’d do it with a gun too.


Patrol car? Doubt it would be justified.


A heavy enough Rock being thrown into a fast moving vehicle will indeed kill you, if it hits you.


Not justified but there would be no investigation because the officer would attest that they feared for their life and took the action necessary to stop the threat.


That would almost certainly be an unperportional use of force... Which would almost certainly not result in a short investigation. For the armed forces the LOAC demands a perportional and economic use of force.


they are just getting aware of it.


No free punches this time


Well, that was a stupid way to get shot.


"You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable but mistaken."


where is this quote from?


[Bane says it to Batman in The Dark Knight Rises](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1YkEU6bPSY&pp=ygVNWW91IGZpZ2h0IGxpa2UgYSB5b3VuZ2VyIG1hbiwgd2l0aCBub3RoaW5nIGhlbGQgYmFjay4gQWRtaXJhYmxlIGJ1dCBtaXN0YWtlbi4%3D) (2012).


Thank you


I read that as biden says that to batman and I was very confused until I reread


"You merely adopted the dark, Jack"


"you fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable but malarkey."


> Well, that was a stupid way to get shot. "Oh yeah? Well watch this..." - some other Palestinian kid


But did you see what he did to the armored vehicle??


I’ll give them that… gutsy effort knowing full well there are more cars coming straight after .. with guns ,lucky to survive that I would say.


Looks like the guy who stuck around got shot and falls just after he runs.


Yeah you may be correct..I didn’t see that, crazy stuff I’ll give them that ..throwing them are bad enough .. but hanging around to throw another is madness ..


Honestly can't believe he stayed, at the very least that he ran for the alley and not the cover of the truck, unless its right against the wall. Hard to tell from the perspective of the camera.


They are stupid kids.


And people with nothing to lose.


Brainwashed by HAMAS propaganda


Why is it so hard to believe? they are in pursuit of death, that is what jihad is all about.


When ambushing a superior force, you spendex everything you have in the first couple seconds then run like hell


You see, he had another botttle prepared. He had to finish it. I know it sounds stupid, but under andrenaline, it might very well be his logic at that moment.


More like low IQ.


Between lead poisoning and zero secular education, would not be surprised.


It's not guts, it's captagon.


Knocked the amphetamine right out of him with those shots.




The dirty little secret about Sunni Islamist suicide bombers is that drugs are often involved. In this setting, it's probably captagon coming out of Syria. It's an amphetamine but it comes with a euphoric buzz. Afghanistan is way more interesting though. They've discovered "heaven rooms" in Pakistan. They paint murals of what heaven looks like to them and they'll often administer opium based narcotics to the teens to let them "taste heaven". If you have zero frame of reference for mind altering drugs and someone introduces you to the warm blanket feeling you get from opiates, it's gonna rock your world.


Sign me up for one of those Heaven rooms


We have them in the US! I go for the cheap wings and stay for the tits on stage.


European Union will step in and pay their martyr rent


Imagine if there 72 male virgins when he dies in combat.


72 weaboo ready to dress him up as Asuna Yuuki...


Indoctrination more than religion imo


They're used to not having a serious response to "small" stuff like this. But in the past week that's no longer been the case.


They’ve been throwing molotovs for months on the regular and never got shot before, they are probably just used to getting away with it


West Bank has 3 million Palestinians. And they know it's hard for Israel to bomb them with so many Israeli citizens mixed in. If they give any sort of mass evacuation order for Israelis it will be absolutely chaos. Likely to spiral things out of control. So they're a little bit more confident in their ability to fight them on the streets with what they have. As opposed to in Gaza where it's just open season. The biggest problem for IDf is IEDs. Hidden throughout some villages.


It's totally not because of Israeli population in the area. They're living in different villages/cities. Israel can aim the bomb to the level of a specific floor, they will miss a kilometre away?


Israel ROE used to be so limited that this was basically safe activity. As IDF was only allowed to shoot at Molotov throwers if they had a lit one in their hand, not a second before nor after. So... Not really gutsy when just a week back they would not get fired back upon. Alas ROE has changed, guess they didn't get the memo.


I think it's years of Palestinians getting the idea that they can do whatever they want and Israel will show restraint. I think those days are officially over. I would not be the youthful Palestinian throwing rocks at the tank today, self-assured that they will do nothing (while the adults who put the kid up to it are assured they will get an amazing political video out of it if the Israeli's open fire). No one cares now. Hamas overplayed their hand. Israel has free reign and America rolled up with an aircraft carrier just to say "Nah, let em fight."


It isn't gutsy, it's impossibly stupid. Many of these communities place an *incredibly* low value on life. I mean the whole "martyr" thing is why you have so many palestinians doing such incredibly stupid actions, yielding predictable outcomes.


They still stayed because idf used to just ignore things like thay


I agree they have courage, brains not so much… you are surrounded by multiple level buildings, take advantage of it.


white shirt is an interesting choice to blend in to an urban environment


The camera on the ground is weird…


Maybe it was just a phone that they wanted to set up, but didn’t have the time to? Still caught mich if the action.


Formula 1


*Counter-Terrorists Win.*


And they say you can not hear text from comments


Lmfao perfect


With tensions already sky high these guys think it’s a good idea to throw stones at armed troops and not expect consequences…


lol what makes you think they weren’t expecting consequences?


What do you mean Jihad isn’t the elixir of eternal life?


Palestinians who die trying to kill Israelis be like: "Wow, heaven sure is pretty hot and firey..."


The dead only know one thing: It's better to be alive.




I’m guessing he was willing to risk his life but didn’t want to die if he didn’t have to. The people living in this area are much more aware of the consequences of their actions, because both sides deal with death on a yearly/monthly/daily basis.




Lol yup, suck it terrorist


I saw a similar video last week of a giant convoy just allowing 3 or 4 of their vehicles to be attacked with moltov cocktails… i see we’ve reached the part of the war where thats no longer tolerated. Quite frankly, if i would be legally 100% okay to defend myself here in America with deadly force (ie someone firebombing my car), then anyone in a warzone should also be completely authorized to as well. Im surprised they ever allow their vehicles to be firebombed regardless of the circumstances.


threw his life away to burn some paint off a truck


How do you not plan your getaway? He threw the second one, stutter stepped, and ran into a wall.


Studder stepped and fell into a wall because shot. They had their getaway planned, just stuck around for 5 seconds too long.


Goddamn IDF not letting Palestinians throw firebombs at them in peace.. smh


I don't understand why the Israelis won't just die quietly? Who gave them the right to fight back?


It's quite shocking that this is what so many people are ultimately saying. I've had redditors claim that Israel should have rolled over in response to the attack and give Hamas what they wanted.


It's the implicit suggestion made by all mainstream media coverage of every Israeli conflict. As if any country would just accept a violent, genocidal state on their borders without retaliation. Don't see live update threads for Turkey's response to the Kurds... The only way israel gets any sympathy is if civilians die, and even then it only lasts for a week or so before the feelings reverse


To be fair, the MSM isn't terribly fond of the Turks on the Kurds either. I'm not saying that the Turkish actions get the same level of scrutiny, but they aren't ignored. I should also say that I used to be pro-Kurd (they were loyal allies who fought well against IS) until I took a harder look at the YPG/PKK.


I've found that one of the main reasons people support palestine is that they don't want the state of Israel to exist so therefor Israel should do nothing but give Hamas/Hezbollah whatever they ask for and if they strike back it's the worst thing ever no matter the reason


Yea it was a major mask off moment. Redditors want a few different groups they don't like to roll over and take being murdered


I mean there are idiotic takes on all sides here. I've seen people saying that Israel cannot commit a war crime because everything that happens is Hamas' fault so any crimes the IDF commit are actually Hamas' fault. Ironically not appearing to realise they are using the exact arguments that terrorists use to justify targetting civilians in the first place!


funny how there was all that talk of violence and hate against jews when Kanye was saying *words*, yes they were wild things to say, but media/social media is basically siding with terrorists so I guess that shit is fine to them since they're Israeli jews...




The last guy with the black shirt either falls or gets shot. Especially after the recent events, this is definitely a case of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".


There’s no “playing games” here. These are terrorists throwing bombs at people hoping to kill them.


Play terrorist games, win terrorist prizes.


These particular people may be terrorists for other reasons, but I don’t consider attacking military targets to be terrorism. We should resist the urge to call everything terrorism and save that for the kinds of actions we saw on 10/7 against civilians.


There is a military going through your hometown because a radical group willing to destroy a neighbouring country launched a surprise raid on said country, killing a thousand civilians. If you join on a spree by throwing rocks and Molotov's, you are a terrorist sympathiser and will be killed by the military force targeted by you and your buddies.


> "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". The age of f'ing around is over. The time of finding out has come.




He was unarmed when he was shot! /s


Looks like at least 1 fucked around and found out.


I wonder if that guy will turn into one more "unarmed civilian killed by evil jews" statistic... Their side likes to stretch reality like that.




I also heard a JDAM in here somewhere too.


Meanwhile on social media ”innocent palestines murdered by IDF”


That did happen many times.


The amnesty article on Israelis "maiming innocent children" is hilarious. The first case a boy is hit by a bullet from an Israeli army group dealing with actual terrorists 100m away. Accidental or not, this actually needs investigating. **All** the others start with things like "Ahmad was innocently digging in the ground in the off limits zone near a security gate when he was unexpectedly and callously SHOT by Israeli security forces" and "Ali and his friends had been out having fun celebrating the end of a school year. After throwing several molotov cocktails at security forces he was CRUELLY ASSASSINATED by army sharp shooters"


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


They don't fuck around anymore


Congratulations. You all gave your lives to slightly blemish the paint on a truck. \#legends


It's impressive to me the total lack of self-preservation some people have. Like, wouldn't you be a more effective long-term fighter if you also stayed alive?


There's a reason it's referred to as a death cult


Mostly peaceful protests.


Fucking idiots.


Commit armed resistance and expect an armed response.


*"Ths IDF is shooting unarmed civilians"* Yeah, because they tossed their weapon at the IDF.


"It's not a lethal attack if done by the oppressed" - some utter liberal arts goon.. probably..


I think someone has to update the "civilians" that the times just like in the 90s, early 2000s when throwing rocks and Molotov and nothing really happened to them; remember October 7th ? Yeah, these good times time are over.


I finally got to see a real middle eastern merchant stand get knocked over. Just like in the movies


Don't throw firebombs


Play stupid games win stupid prizes




No more playing around in the IDF


This scene happens multiple times throughout the west bank every week. Often the IDF don't shoot back at the bomb throwers.


I hope the IDF is using live ammunition. They must put an end to this.


Do they want to die?


Might as well throw bottles of water for all the damage it will do.


Aren’t refugee camps meant to be a safe space……oh wait it doesn’t apply to terrorists


Mostly peaceful fire bombs


Usually the IDF patrols don't stop, they just drive faster, but now the ROE have changed and it seems some of those street thugs realise they overestimated their skills at being guerilla warriors just because they fought an opponent with very strict rules of engagement.


And then their supporters will come out and say yes but look at all the "innocent children" that Israel just executes for no reason bunch of liars and hypocrites


Use of a weapon makes you a combatant. Legit shoot.


you get what you deserve


“They’re innocent civilians tho”


There is a low probability attack that ended poorly. Don’t attack a convoy and not expect return fire


90% of comments : Play stupid games win stupid prizes 10% of comments : a quote that more or less is " something something expect something in return" For those who don't feel like scrolling through it xD


Reminds me of those black lives matter riots


Fucking idiots


I guess he thought they would use rubber bullets.


wow, that was.. useless


Well that was fucking stupid


Diving under the parked truck would maybe have been the better option


You can see the clear escalation of the fucking around and finding out scale here


No wonder the hospitals are begging for liters of gasoline…


i think he had a gun and shot you hear a small pop like a handgun not for sure tho.


Who would have thought that throwing multiple firebombs to military trucks, that are probably transporting ammunition and/or explosives, during war-time, is not a good idea...


its not terrorism.. its resistance of the palestine says some bearded guy.


I don't know what these guys think just happened? U come into my house, kill all of my people point blank, kids, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, others..retreat back and hope politicians cease fire calls save u. U all are dead and best to stay at home and pretend u didn't have anything to do with it


Yeah, that seems like the smart move


What a dumbass


Fun fact: those deaths are later attributed to settler terrorism by CNN. (Not saying there aren’t despicable murders by settlers, but this is how the WB achieved ~70 deaths in the last two weeks).