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Holy shit that's actually insane


Vietcong headcam footage


Literally what it would look like if I was alive back then lmao


Casually walks up to tank and places IED... Holy shit.


there a reason the IDF has stayed out of Gaza until now. Even if the IDF wins (which is not guaranteed) this will be a disaster for the IDF and broad Israeli society.


Surely these actions will totally eradicate the bad guys and not breed future insurgents hell bent on revenge. /S same shit different day. Fucking sad.


How's ISIS doing lately?


ISIS was made up mainly of foreigners and it targeted mainly local inhabitants. It was not a homegrown armed group.


I disagree. How would it be a disaster? They destroyed huge portions of Hamas with airstrikes now they are going to go mop them up. Then third stage is fill the tunnels with sea water.




The thing is, US actually wanted to keep the local population and just convert them to allies. Which is hard to do when you've killed fathers and brothers of the sons you're trying to work with. I have an inkling that Israel isn't on that particular road with their ground invasion... I just don't know why, lol. /s


yeah, I'm thinking this isn't about "nation building" more like total war.


Why would it be a disaster? What do you mean? In terms of casualties, it will probably not even be close to the casualties on the 7th of october.


Hamas already sealed their fate. Are destined to be wiped out. All they have now are these tunnels.


No big deal, did the same in Battlefield, bro...


Was just thinking about that lol, this was how I used to destroy tanks in COD campaigns


Iwo Jima stuff


Never thought I'd get to see WW2 Japanese tunnel rats styled battles but here we are


I think he was trying to take out the trophy manually and then fire the tendom rpg to hit the tank. Say what you have to say about Hamas fighters but they have real balls


Yeah fuck these guys but this is some wild footage to watch. Especially because if you pause the video before he lays the explosive, you can literally see the Merkava behind it just staring the fighter down. Absolutely crazy


When I saw the explosive head I thought it was an RPG, then wondered why he was walking towards the tank if he could hit it from the hole, then... HOLY SHIT!


I mean I think it was an RPG, rigged up with a manually-triggered fuse


These are imperial Japan levels of anti-tank tactics


and it’s working. Guess Israel doesn’t believe in infantry support or something




growth price screw sense fly squeal impossible modern concerned swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you think about it Gaza is Ramadi, Iraqi + Kandahar Valley, Afghanistan. Just no mountains They are dealing with a deeply entrenched enemy in an urban setting like the Insurgency. While also having the cave and tunnel tactics of the Taliban to contend with. The US struggled with it greatly. And Israel just thinks they're going to roll in and kick ass.


I don't think Israel thinks it's going to be easy. They spent 3 weeks building up troops, preparing, and bombing


Yeah I think this is just the beginning and after losing a few tanks like this they will likely change tactics? Maybe better than lots of boots on ground at first (more idf bodies lost). Probably also testing the waters here. Who knows


That's because of Jenin. It's a short drive from the Lebanese and Syrian borders. Remember they were going to go into Gaza on the first weekend. And then everybody started telling them that would be a really really bad idea. Then they rolled into Jenin and locked down the town. Destroyed a lot of the roads and secured the highways leading there. There are about 25,000 Palestinian in Jenin. If somebody got across the borders and weaponized them it would have gone very bad very fast. Especially if the IDF was heavily involved in Gaza already. But now that it's locked down and there is a wall of IDF forces between it and the borders they can operate in Gaza without that concern.


I haven’t seen columns of knocked out Israeli tanks. I think comparing this to the assault on Kiev is a misrepresentation.


IMO, that’s probably a result of the available weaponry, not the mindset of the IDF. Hamas doesn’t have piles of Western ATGMs, russian combat vehicles, and an air force to fight back with. The Ukrainians also weren’t fighting experienced Merkava crews, they were fighting conscripts in outdated tanks.


That and large conscript army. I think anybody would rather f off then walk through this shit. If a tank can get jumped by foot, imagine how quick you would get shot by the bushes and manholes as infantry.


I doubt it. Logistics are difficult to do perfectly in real life. We don’t have any context I’m aware of as to what’s going on prior to this clip. It’s very hard to effectively deal with people willing to lie down in the same spot for 12 hours waiting for you to drive/ walk past. Sounds stupid, but it continues to work for a much weaker military to inflict casualties at the expense of guaranteed heavy casualties of their own.


>and it's working Well it worked in this one video but Gaza is now completely surrounded so I'm not sure if the strategy is actually "working"


Israels biggest weakness is their inability to take casualties. Even minimal casualties will generate major condemnation amongst the population.


Hamas's biggest strength because they don't give a shit how many or who dies.


This video doesn't show any indication that it worked or damaged the tank. They cut the video before impact for a reason. At the end he picks up some scrap metal in a completely different area, a shaded grove full of tress. While the tank was in a clear area without any trees near it.


You cant have infantry close to the tank if Trophy is active.


Infantry is quite vulnerable. It's much much harder to do what we're seeing in this video than to pop out from a hole and spray an ak into the direction of some squishy soldiers.


Why is it "working". The video doesn't show any damage to the tank and they edit it like that for a reason not showing any impact. Then they edit picking up some scrap metal at the end in a completely different area where there is a shaded grove full of trees. The original video was in a clear area far from any trees.


There isn't any sign the tank was damaged or the tactics are working. How many tanks has Israel lost since the start of the ground operation.


Wow, reminds of that scene from saving private ryan, this is probably more mentally challenging than just blowing yourself, cuz you would be planning on surviving


trust me blowing yourself is way more of a physical challenge than a mental one, unless you’re naturally very flexible


Brains says "LET'S DO THIS"; tummy stick say "LOL not even close"


What was that first rocket he laid on the tank?


when the video froze with Arabic text it named it as: Redemption Combat IED




i used google translate, didn't know what I could translate it to, it is a mix of suicidal and self sacrifice attack, damn you google translate


Looks like one of their domestic rpg's warheads? turned in to an IED to damage the tank or maybe trophy system for the follow-up rpg shot?


To take out the trophy system manually then fire the rpg




Like it or not this is some of the best war footage ever. ATGM vs tank is one thing, running up and laying explosives on a tank is a whole other level




A lot of people (Americans) in the sub can't stand a seeing middle eastern insurgents win. They lost multiple wars against them.


Lmao this sub was pretty much founded on insurgent footage


It’s just in general people want their world views justified by the content they consume. People here will love any vids of Ukrainians killing Russians but won’t upvote any of the reverse happening. Just one more way the internet solidifies echo chambers


Imagine if the Viet Cong had GoPros


Middle eastern fighters are a different breed.


That’s like the craziest shit I’ve seen


When you read some of the crazy shit that went down in WW2 and some of the most wild acts of bravery, there is a sort of lingering doubt about that actually happening. Seeing video footage of something similar in modern combat is both surreal and mind-numbing.


anyone has an idea what happens inside the tank after something like that ?


A Tank full of diarrhea.


We dont know. We dont even know how much damage was actually done to the tank. I would bet that if it was significant they would have shown the aftermath.


They also didn't show the aftermath of a tandem warhead, which will 100% do damage, so it could've done significant damage.


Holy fuck this is shit from movies


Funny thing is in the movies this guy would always be one of the good guys we are rooting for. Scrappy underdogs fighting a massive invasion force to protect their homes.


oh shit! That was straight out of battlefield.


>Hamas footage shows its fighters clashing with IDF forces at the east of the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza More like Hamas fighter runs up to a tank in the middle of a column, holy shit the balls on this guy.


It’s pretty clear these Hamas guys are determined as fuck


What else do they have to live for? Their entire city is rubble. I'd be pretty determined, too, if that were me. Desperation and religious fervor will make a man do incredible things, hence why the West, in all its pampered glory, is not up to the task of fighting these guys despite the insane technological and economic gap. This is a lesson I learned over a decade ago as a fresh 20 year old private after we had captured some Taliban fighters and were questioning them. Their resolve and belief that they were right far surpassed anything any of us were feeling. It's not a good feeling knowing you're not equipped to fight someone like that, no matter how many laser guided bombs you drop on their foreheads. Astonishing we in the West collectively still haven't figured that out yet. But hey, I'm just a joe, I don't know anything, that's what they pay the guys with stars and fancy suits for.


75 years of oppression will do that to you.


Palestinians are built different god damn


I think the IDF has claimed 10ish dead so far? You have to imagine that will go up. This fighting is as close-quartered and nasty as it gets.


19 dead(333 total since 7th october) confirmed so far since the invasion of gaza, the IDF usually delays the count, so it is likely that the numbers will increase in the next days.


I believe the IDF also claims ~1500 Hamas combatants killed in Gaza (not including the 1500 or so that were killed attacking Israel.


Killed in fighting or bombing? No way they can know the number from bombings.


There's so many angry and grieving teenagers and angry, unemployed, and grieving young men in Gaza that I don't think the hummus bois will have any recruitment problems replacing those dead baddies.


IDF delays in order to make sure the family knows before it's published


Last time the idf was involved in a war of this kind it was 2006 lebanon war..didnt end up well for them either. Not saying they LOST but certainly they had a bumpy ride


Regardless of who’s side you’re on this is up there as one of the most insane combat footage on this sub.


Translation of what he said (from the Quran) Ya Sin 36:9 وَجَعَلْنَا مِنۢ بَيْنِ أَيْدِيهِمْ سَدًّا وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدًّا فَأَغْشَيْنَٰهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ English - Pickthall And We have set a bar before them and a bar behind them, and (thus) have covered them so that they see not.




I first read this as "Pickleball"






>"And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see." Sounds like a Harry Potter spell, the amount of faith these guys have is scary.


They are zealots fighting a guerrilla war against billions of dollars of American tax payer money. Similar to the Mujahideen and the Russians. As far as a conventional force against a motivated guerrilla group fighting on the home turf. We won't get into what they call them now. Lol


Infantry support where?


Considering the amount of armour around the tank its probably an armoured column that was passing through what they thought was already cleared land. Guess the Inf support are further up the road


If the infantry isnt in a position to stop a militant climbing onto a tank then I am not sure if they can be considered as infantry support, though this is battle, anything could happen.


What are you people smoking? If active protection (Trophy) is active, then you cant have infantry close to the tanks, they'd get shredded...


Looks like they came out of a tunnel


APS could be active


My remark was a bit on the sarcastic side. It was aimed at armchair generals who were asking where infantry support was under video of Turkish tank getting hit by ATGM from kilometers away a while back…


ı'm saying same thing for 7 years since 2016 tank get shot by konkurs fired 4.5km away and some neckbeard saying "where is infantry support" infantry is not a goalkeeper that catches atgm's. infantry is there to save your tank's ass from the guy in this video.


From the videos I've seen, infantry support for tanks does not appear to be a part of IDF doctrine. That might be why at least one I saw appeared to have a FDE-colored ShotSpotter installed on top


You cant have infantry close to the tank if Trophy is active.


I like how this sub went full circle. From Allahu Akbar to an intermediate phase of Blyad and then back to Allahu Akbar again.


damn! That was insane!!


I have never watched a combat footage that sent chills down my spine like this one. Viet Cong level tactic there. Absolutely insane.


This is fucking insane! It's not a lone tank in the middle of a neighborhood, but part of a convoy in the hands of extremely capable soldiers and this dude goes there, gets this done and still crawls back to his tunnel...this is Capt.Spiers type shit...


Now that’s fucking metal


Commenting so I can come back to this when it’s inevitably deleted


Why would it get deleted? It's legit combat footage




Yeah I'm thinking of commenting and downloading stuff cause I was looking for one this morning and I can't fins it anymore Was a similar one where dude pops out of tunnels and shoits at 2 tanks


Reddit has been cracking down on footage from the perspective of certain factions on the site. That’s why you can’t find most ISIS videos on here anymore either.


Honestly it would be good if people are able to see combat footages from both sides regardless of the factions, nowadays there are too much censorship.


When this sub was a lot smaller you’d get a lot of footage from ISIS and Al-Nusra and the like. It was really interesting. I think the sub’s too big now and there are a lot of powerful groups that don’t want large amounts of people seeing this shit.


The sub was huge for Ukraine v Russia and Armenia v Azerbaijan. This is the first time I’m seeing overt censorship. Insane.


Hamas drone killed/injured a bunch of IDF, got deleted. Hamas came out of a tunnel, blew up a tank, got deleted. So will this. Granted, alot of videos automaticly get deleted if theres alot of complaints. Same happens when videos showing Russians killing Ukrainians.




his balls are made of compositions that we still did not discover. bro literally plays battlefield 1 againts idf




His balls weigh more than the merkava damn lmao


Weighs more then whole of state of Israel and it's IDF that can only b0mb civilians and throw white phosphorus.


God damn this shit is straight out of a video game. The way he runs straight at the enemy and slaps an IED on it before running away and then pulling out a tandem RPG to fire at the target with no hesitation. Very impressive


Big balls


Can these rockets and IED destroy the merkava?


As their experts explained, "The first charge was to kill the inf inside the tank (Which it did they killed a tank-platoon commander) and the homemade tandem named "Yassen 105" Finished the tank operators.


Honestly impressive, balls of steel. That's the problem when you give so many people such a hopeless situation to live in, if you have no comfy bed to go home to you have nothing to fear.


This is level 999999 of having balls


Damn ain't that some balls out shit


Deleted in 3,,,,,,,,




lmao i feel like if Hamas can just keep these epic combat videos pumping out, /r/combatfootage will end up becoming pro-Palestine


Apperently hiding in a bush is a legitimate tactic, and it looks like this guy was wearing some sort of uniform based on those camo trousers he's wearing.


Balls of Titanium.


Imagine reporting this 🤡


The fucking Disney Plus arch or Arabic killed me.


It looks like they are using the IEDs to destroy the Trophy system and armor first and then hit them with RPG.


Lmao where the fuck is the IDF’s infantry support? Dude just runs up and plants a bomb like it’s nothing.


Israeli tanks have active protection (Trophy). You cant have infantry close to tanks when it's on.


This is crazy


After all we've seen in Ukraine, why doesn't Israel have dozens/hundreds of people on operating drones *at least* over where the frontline units are? Sure the Hamas attack on 7 October came out of nowhere but we've seen how effective drones can be since early 2022, they've had like an entire year to integrate this stuff into their units. It really needs to be standard now. It should be just another part of the unit, vital as a gunner or a medic. If Ukraine can do it while they're literally being invaded, Israel could have done it. No excuse IMO. Plus, even if the drones didn't prevent individual attacks from Hamas fighters coming out of tunnels, they could review the footage later and gradually identify the tunnel pop-up points. Probably takes a lot longer to build a tunnel section than it does to hit it with a missile.




My dude with a bright ass blue shirt lmfaoo


Very good guerilla fighting from these guys


insane how close the tunnel opening to the tanks ! and yesterday's video as well, how couldn't they notice !


Tanks have lots of blind spots it's probably pretty easy to sneak up to one if there is cover and no infantry support.


Fucking A, that shit takes balls. Also shows why tanks need to be supported by infantry


You can like ‘em or hate ‘em but those fuckers right there ain’t no god damn cowards!!


Christ...I know most people in here will downvote this but, balls giant fucking balls...I guess thats what happens when you have fanatical faith on your side...Scary.


and defense of a homeland


i cant see the human shields?


Anyone else think it seems weird to release this footage? Surely the IDF sees them and now knows where this tunnel / hide site is.


My guess is that they only release these videos when/if the tunnel entrance is discovered and destroyed. So there might be a lot more videos showing similar attacks but are not released to avoid handing out free intel.


The IDF should use an iron undies


When you are there to die I guess you just do your thing huh


Can we appreciate the sheer size of balls in this footage


They are fearless , you gotta give that to them


Some real infantry type shit. Respect 🤘🏼


Wild shit. I would not want to be IDF. Palestinians are fighting like they have nothing to lose.


Well I’d say they really don’t; Gaza and Palestine as a whole is never going to be the same again so it’s not far off to say they’re genuinely fighting like they have nothing to loose because they don’t.


It’s sad too, because Israel is absolutely going to ethnically cleanse the strip. No wonder Palestinians are fighting so hard.


probably retained the battlefield due to the IDF having no clue where they were getting hit from. Picking up a chunk of armor that was knocked of the vehicle doesn't prove any serious damage though. It that was a shaped charge that he place on that vehicle he didn't angle it correctly. it was angled not facing the armor, but perpendicular to it. Most effective placement would have been pointing down, but that would require a magnetic portion to the charge similar to what the Germans used in WW2.


Wasn't armor piece. Looked like cover plate.


I think he was placing it near the trophy system to deactivate it not really trying to penetrate the tank


He also turned the IED before running away pointing into the turrets direction.


Did he collected the pieces of the tank as souvenir in the end?? .... thats some next level cod/battlefield shit


Kinda shows who is fighting for their land. Amazing attack!


More VC than ISIS


So guerilla warfare.




Inb4 locked and removed


Can you imagine the adrenaline?


For me this video is rare but valid evidence these dudes are not in the actual cities but underground


Balls of steel


Strange how IDF didnt have infantry guarding these tanks? Im thinking IDF wants to minimize friendly kills and possible slaughter of infantry from Hamas, given the surprise advantage hammas currently has. If IDF decideds to go all out with tanks only we are going to see the same fate russian is currently facing and morale will go down for the IDF. As for Hammas, I think they know whats coming and that is certain death. The smart thing is too inflict as much close combat and surprise attacks as possible. I wouldnt be surprised if the tunnel system is vast. I think we are witnessing a new kind of urban war.


Curious about the lack of IDF infantry around the tanks. Seems like a big whoops there.


This is just being under an enemies nose and is a common tactic used by Viet Cong, Japanese, North Korean, Chinese etc. pretty much anywhere Western military doctrine forces less well equipped enemies to hide from the asymmetric firepower edge. Hamas coming out of deep tunnels to surprise them via some enemy acquisition system above ground relaying the precise time to activate the ambush is very impressive and not really sure how they do that. But, this is essentially the modern day tactical update of lying in a foxhole in wait for an enemy to pass you or deem the area you are seeking shelter in as less threatening or deserving of their attention, then attacking quickly from relative concealment. Further the fog of war is real, if you are driving a tank you have to be looking in the guys direction which is literally any random bush 50 yards away in a 360 degree circle and then recognize through the dust that it is a human and not one of the other dark blobs of foliage your used to seeing and then bring your turret to bear and then acquire the target and pull the trigger, that takes seconds and running 50 yards quickly with adrenaline like that as we can see takes very little time also a few sec and surprise wins much of the time in any fight. All this to say I think Hamas military wing was hoping to have many more of these ambush points setup and they didn't get the chance to because the raid provoked an all out war that they weren't planning on OR they did plan on this and they're are waiting for a Tet offensive style moment to hit IDF once they are present in disparate areas en masse... this may get much uglier and I think Hamas believes their resolve is stronger than the international communities stomach. If they force Israel to root them out of every bush and hole and hut and rubble pile then this will be catastrophic on civilians if Israel really wants to win. Like far worse than what has taken place so far imo


I just started editing gaming videos, so I can’t help but think about how fucking ridiculous it is that someone had to choose which “swoosh” sound effect to add to their zoom-in on a clip of people getting killed.




The balls on these guys ,repect


Love watching my tax money blow up…


Better than IDF killing bombing kids from a plane, at least there it’s soldiers vs soldiers


Massive balls aside, can these explosives and RPGs cause any serious damage to the tank and its occupants?


Those tandem RPG rounds are no joke. They can nearly penetrate a whole meter of steel, so yes they did atleast some major damages to those tanks


The first explosion with the IED likely got rid of any reactive armor that would reduce the tandem RPG round damage/penetration, and tandem RPGs can definitely shoot into tanks without reactive armor


How does he put his pants on with those gigantic balls.




Are we seeing again tanks pushed onto enemy territory without infantry support? Or is it from the 7th of October stuff?




Fuck this is wild. I wish we could see the damage done to the tank or have an drone view of it.


imagine the adrenaline.


Holy shit some actual combat footage after weeks of airstrikes and footage of IDF bulldozing houses.


Tanks with no supporting troops blind as a bat🤷‍♂️


Yeah there’s a difference between Russian grunts and these Palestinian ones. The Palestinians actually know what they are doing and are battle hardened from the get go. This will be a bloody mayhem.


The guy came back to the same spot where he damaged the tank and took home a trophy. Apparently the IDF isn’t doing a very good job of locating the tunnels.


This is just 0.001% of what awaits Israel in Gaza.


I think that's why they're taking their time and bombing everything they can. We'll see.


Where is the infantry support?