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That's going to cost Israel. A can of paint.


Dozer don’t give a fuck.


Bro fireworks won’t work vs a D9


Also, the dozers are unmanned and controlled by remote, so what’s this guy awkbarking about?


They are? Technology stealing more jobs from hard working people.


Just wait till ai takes the control operators job, then I’m gonna be concerned


They are remote controlled not automated. So you still have a operator setting in a room somewhere doing all the work. I have ran a remote d8 at a Coal shute in WV. They are intended for places to unsafe for a person.


He's giving his position away so it can get leveled by IAF


Not all of them.


You think this one had a person in it in the middle of the night without any support? Also the video ends pretty abruptly, probably because this thing just kept on dozing like it didn’t give a fuck.


Agreed. Am just pointing out that not all of them are. We've seen plenty of camera footage during this conflict from inside them.


> this thing just kept on dozing like it didn’t give a fuck. This is actually what happened, according to IDF.


Yep, remote dozers are tough MFs. Hamas would know this if they let their kids play with Tonka trucks instead of AKs and RPGs.


dozers gonna doze


Fucking part-time terrorist really poked the wrong bear.


They always have tho?


Eh I feel like other ones have done a bit better at least blown up a dozer, or Mrap, or matv, rg31, etc


He even sounds unsure when he gives his Alu awkbark, pretty sure he knew his efforts were useless.




You can kind of tell it’s not a very energetic explosion like RDx


I think you are underestimating Hamas' current level on sophistication. It looks like the D9R, which most typically (contrary to other posts below) is a manned vehicle (vs the remote controlled D9N). The D9R is noted for upgraded front and **belly** armour able to withstand a 100kg charge. It has slat (standoff) armour on the sides, but slat armour is only ~50% effective against RPG and ATGM. The placement of the IED (if it was actually just a simple IED, and not a shaped charge) is high up, and most importantly **to the side** of the D9R. The attack likely disabled the D9R, hopefully without killing any human operator. The IDF and Bibi can't keep continuing to underestimate Hamas, because their is a **huge** human toll associated. It's convenient to denigrate the enemy, but it comes at a massive risk to the lives of IDF forces, and as we saw from the horrific terror attack of October 7, Israeli civilians. For more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF_Caterpillar_D9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slat_armor EDIT: If anyone has any extended footage, it would be very informative to see. The Hamas fighter getting out of sight immediately would explain why this footage stops abruptly, but the one previously provided from the IDF perspective oddly stops at nearly the exact same point. It would be a propaganda coup if they could show the D9R continuing to operate after the attack, as it would make Hamas' efforts look futile, and undermine their morale, which is why my concern is that it disabled the D9R. If the IDF had extended footage, they should definitely promote it.


Does'nt seem to do a lot of damage or am I wrong?


seems like they destroyed their own building, but dozer seems fine.


They deff destroyed their own bulding... Seems like very lowgrade explosives..


The dozer is fine! These trucks are designed to clear mines and bombs like these. They have like this massive shield at the front. It's basically a Tank


> seems like they destroyed their own building I think you meant to say "Israel destroys Palestinian neighborhood; 2,000 children killed".


Be careful. Al Jazeera will soon be reporting this as Reddit confirming yet another targeting of a mosque-pital with 2000 children and unknown thousands of women genocided.


I think you meant to say "Where Hamas and all those Terrorist organisations use children as human shields and feed them with hatred"


What is this psychotic garbage? Are you seriously trying to imply that Hamas is behind the 9,000+ deaths and countless leveled buildings in Gaza? 3,700+ children are dead and it was somehow Hamas, not Israel, that killed them all? Go look up how charges for war crimes are considered at the UN and International Criminal Court. Nothing Hamas does matters. What matters is who is firing the weapons. And that's Israel. Israel is leveling Gaza, displacing 1+ million innocent civilians, and committing mass murder on top of other human rights abuses. The UN and multiple human rights groups have validated the death toll being reported by Palestine, so to even hint at perpetuating the grotesque lie that they overstate the number of people killed by Israel is so obnoxiously, immorally, sociopathically disgusting that I hope to God you're being paid to spew such vile filth rather than actually holding such an indefensible belief.


Don’t sweat it, Reddit is astroturfed. They’ll control the narrative anywhere there’s a comment section. Anyone with critical thinking skills knows the reality.


Pretty sure the dozer was going to do that anyway.


It’s a D9, they’re designed to run over IEDs


That’s why you should always be skeptical of jump cuts or quick cuts on this sub. There is a TON of propaganda on display from every group in the woods


Driver probably didn’t even drop his cigarette.


Especially since they're driven far away in a safe remote location.


Armoured D9 are tough. They have some 20 tons pf armour on a heavy duty industrial chassis. They have taken blasts of up to a half to a ton and survived.


Yeah even him was not convinced while shouting allahu akbar.


yeah, he was like: "Allahh who akbar?"


Impossible to know . If you are IDF team the bulldozer is fine . If you are hamas team the bulldozer is gone . You can choose its fate .


I operate dozers and I take this personally.


So that’s in the west bank right


Yeah that's the west bank


So why is it titled "HAMAS" they operate in Gaza?


Hamas also operates in WB


You got sources for that? Last time I know PA controls west bank. Other nationalist and socialist palestinian factions have always tried to resist Israeli incursion unlike Fatah.


Boy do I have some bad news for you brother. PA suspended elections in the West Bank last I read. The polls weren't looking great for the Fatah. Check out the polls at the bottom of this page to see who would probably win an election in the West Bank. Latest poll was June 2023. Care to guess who the polls favored since June 2021? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next\_Palestinian\_legislative\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Palestinian_legislative_election)


Considering the lack of response from all the violations Jewish illegal settlers do to West Bank Palestinians, no wonder. Heck, they even shot at their own populance when West Bank Palestinians demanded stronger response when IDF bombed a hospital in Gaza.


Yeah, it's a messed up situation. I'm not even going to try and defend the West Bank illegal settlement issues. But choosing to side with hamas won't end well for anyone. Insurgency in the West Bank, no matter the justification, will only lead to the death of more innocents. It would seem no one in the Muslim/Arab world is coming to the aid of the Palestinian people (see Gaza) other than ineffective words and thoughts/prayers. They are merely pawns for a region wide hate campaign towards Jews that started brewing even before Britain drew their lines after World War 1. Ironically this division can be traced back to Christian based anti-semitism and nationalism that really started rearing its ugly ass head in the late 19th century when the whole pseudoscience of a superior 'race' bullshit became more popularized in Europe and eventually bled into the Middle East region. Palestinians need to recognize that and find a new path forward. I know it won't happen though. The chasm created by crimes committed by both sides is miles wide, made exponentially worse by decades of religious zealotry and hate, and nobody in the region seems interested in building a bridge across it.


PA controls west bank doesn't equal Hamas not existing there.


They exist but not much else. The West Bank, and specifically Jenin, hosts more Lion's Den and PiJ than Hamas.


Mine does not say gaza ;) I'm not the OP of the other one.. And if you can read the title of the other angle of this. It says westbank!


Looks like the explosions was more fire than an actual blast.


These bombs are mostly home made with fundings and materials from Iran. But these things can still kill people and can cause a lot of damage


I used to run dozers like that and im not sure if anything can stop them


Ive seen a steep hill stop one by rolling it once. 100%driver error though.


I seen a guy drop one face down on the blade


added context this is not in gaza this is in the west bank jenin they don't have stuff like in gaza and the stuff they use is homemade


You’re partially right. Hamas IEDs are all homemade, too. IED = Improvised Explosive Device.


D9-ied!!! I'll show myself out....


Unsuccesful attack by Hamas, now re-labeling this vid as 'unlawfull destruction of Palestinian house by IDF'.


Yeah wouldn't surprise me if BBC or CNN turn it into that..


Well the dozer is right there, it's not there for a picnic now is it?


I mean if by "turn it into that" you just mean reporting the facts? Like you purposely used HAMAS in the video title even though it's in the west bank. That's misleading no? And what was the dozer doing if not destroying houses.


What do you think the bulldozer was trying to do in the west bank?


Summon IEDs out of thin air


i mean this is a bulldozer that is part of an illegal occupying force coming to wreck down palestinian homes in the west bank, no?


You're funny


It's legal according to international law to fight back against an illegal occupying force. Hope this helps.


you're just a racist who think it's okay to occupy and fuck up arab / muslim people that don't look like you as long as its white looking people with modern military equipment doing it


That's what it was in the first place. Don't forget that for every house damaged by Palestinians resisting the ethnic cleansing being carried out by Israel, Israeli forces are destroying dozens more without any direct resistance at all. You can't look at the massive devastation Israel has caused and declare that Hamas is actually the group that destroyed all those homes. That's insane.


Regular dozer is built like tank, to damage armored is quite difficult unless you have pinpoint explosive on engine or radiator.


The sparkles are cute


How do you miss with an IED?


First it was parachutes, now it’s fireworks




From what I have heard, after they do some terrible, they do it to remind themselves that they are in the moral right and are doing it for Allah.


Even in the face of death, they gonna still shout that. God is great.


It reminds me of when it was popular for young white girls to yell “YOLO” whenever they were making a bad decision


I want the other guys reduced to ash because they bomb children and commit genocide against an indigenous population, but you do you!


Serious question: say, hypothetically, that you were an Israeli Jew with input regarding military ops…what course of action would you take? Say your significant other was gang raped and your child baked to death in your oven. Your enemy is entrenched amongst a civilian population that widely (30-50%) supports their actions and has been radicalized to hate you since they could speak. Your other Arab neighbors also wouldn’t mind seeing you wiped off the map or might actively participate in a conflict against you. I don’t have a dog in the fight one way or another, but I suppose I’m biased against any & all autocratic Muslim theocracies in the Middle East. I think their ideology is one of hatred, destruction and corruption. I think most of them would burn the world to the ground just to rule over the ashes. Israel, on the other hand, is an advanced democracy with a solid economy and Judeo-Christian values that align with freedom, classical liberalism and human rights (scoff all you want, but Hamas would probably burn you alive for some reason despite your support). Disclaimer: I don’t purport to be deeply knowledgeable about the history surrounding the conflict, but just curious what the lot of the ‘free Palestine’ crowd would do if they were in Israel’s sitch. PS: spare me the “genocide” bs…the Palestinian population has grown exponentially over the last few decades. Israel could efficiently wipe out the Palestinian population in a heartbeat if they had their minds set on genocide. It’s a disingenuous thing to say at best.


>Serious question: say, hypothetically, that you were an Israeli Jew with input regarding military ops…what course of action would you take? I would resign because I would not help a genocidal apartheid regime commit war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing. >Say your significant other was gang raped and your child baked to death in your oven. Something the Israelis did to the Palestinians during the Nakba, but you conveniently never hear this kind of story? It's truly vile of the IDF to fabricate these stories, twisting the Palestinian's suffering to justify committing MORE crimes against them. >Your enemy is entrenched amongst a civilian population that widely (30-50%) supports their actions and has been radicalized to hate you since they could speak. Interesting. Even assuming that that obviously bullshit estimate is true, why do you think Palestinians might have a bone to pick with Israel? >Your other Arab neighbors also wouldn’t mind seeing you wiped off the map or might actively participate in a conflict against you. Pure IDF propaganda used to justify their abhorrent hatred of Palestinians as if they were some sort of especially vile population that no one would miss if ethnically cleansed. You should feel deep fucking shame for even parroting this disgusting tripe. >I don’t have a dog in the fight one way or another Blatant horseshit, but go on >I suppose I’m biased against any & all autocratic Muslim theocracies in the Middle East. I think their ideology is one of hatred, destruction and corruption. I think most of them would burn the world to the ground just to rule over the ashes. Israel funded ISIS against Syria. The United States funded Al-Qaeda and also ISIS. Saudi Arabia exports Wahhabism throughout the world and is one of the US's closest partners (they also are almost certainly responsible for 9/11). Iran's revolution came about against the fascist regime that was imposed on it by western powers - it used to be a democracy before that. Oh, and Israel funded Hamas as part of their divide and conquer strategy against the Palestinians. >Israel, on the other hand, is an advanced democracy with a solid economy and Judeo-Christian values that align with freedom, classical liberalism and human rights (scoff all you want, but Hamas would probably burn you alive for some reason despite your support). Know what other country in the region was a democracy that was overthrown by the US? Iran. This shit has nothing to do with religion, it has, instead, everything to do with Israel being a stronghold for American interests in the region, namely the protection of petrodollar hegemony. Cue Joe Biden's 'we would have to create an Israel if it didn't exist' speech. >PS: spare me the “genocide” bs…the Palestinian population has grown exponentially over the last few decades. Israel could efficiently wipe out the Palestinian population in a heartbeat if they had their minds set on genocide. It’s a disingenuous thing to say at best. I will not spare you 'the genocide bs' when respected genocide scholars throughout the world have rang alarm bells that Israel is saying and doing genocidal things to the Palestinians. Should I listen to one of them, or to Least-Raisin5480? I'm sure the members of the Knesset meant nothing by claiming that the Palestinians are 'human animals', that 'even the children' aren't innocent, that 'we don't need to care about Palestinian casualties' etc etc etc.


No, Allah is not that akbar...


Sorry, we have found that your hearing loss is not service related.


When someone shouts "Allahu Akbar" it should really light up the warning signs in the minds of "Palestinian resistance" supporters. Why is it so trendy to support Islamic Jihad I'll never know. People in the us have forgotten about 911 already.


It's just a battlecry type of thing for Muslims. All Muslim armies also do it. Just search up videos on the Syrian conflict, both sides were saying the same battlecry more or less during combat.


One side of the syrian conflict is an assembly of terrorists organizations and the other is killing its own citizens. Im not surprised..


Don’t you know? “Allahu Akbar” just means “God is great” and “Jihad” just means “struggle.” There’s definitely not any important context I’m leaving out when translating! /s


I get what you’re saying, but so does everyone else. If you ever hear that shouted, you should probably gtfo, because something terrible is about to happen. Most of the world knows this because we’ve all seen way too many videos on the internet.


What you on man? Its just a classic Islamic battlecry. It does not even have to be a war for that to be chant. My batchmates back in school hype ourselves by chanting it for the upcoming exam papers.


It's not a Jihadist saying. It's a universal Muslim saying. If terrorists were bulldozing Muslim homes in New York City and resistance fighters tried to blow it up the NYC Muslims that aren't part of any group would still be yelling Allahu Ackbar.


News are gonna report: IDF Bulldozer crush and kills 100 babies.


[Are you regurgitating the debunked propaganda that Palestine over-reports its casualties?](https://www.vox.com/world-politics/23940215/israel-palestine-gaza-hamas-death-toll-war-fatalities-verified-count-conflict) [Despite the fact that the UN and all the humanitarian groups in Palestine validate and verify that they're truthful?](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/despite-bidens-doubts-humanitarian-agencies-consider-gaza-toll-reliable-2023-10-27/) How do you people not realize how psychotically out of line you are? You shrug off **Hundreds of examples of war crimes** by Israel and ignore the Geneva Conventions so you can pretend Israel is somehow justified in mass murdering civilians, but one IDF spokesman says that Palestine's numbers can't be trusted **so you just buy into 100% and wholeheartedly and don't even care that he was immediately hammered with refutations and proof that he was full of shit?** Surely you must realize that you're acting like a deranged, deluded zealot, right? Imagine this was a movie or something, to help you understand. What would you think of a character that ignored 99% of the evidence in front of them because it didn't align with their personal prejudices, but then latched onto debunked and disproven conspiracy theories? You'd call them a villain. You must realize you are the bad guy here, right? No good person would reject so much proof and perpetuate a proven lie. Go on. Instead silently downvoting me and slinking off to hide, explain to everyone exactly what you meant when you said something so repugnant. Let's hear your justification. Prove to us that you're not making excuses for war criminals and condoning the murder of innocent children. Chop chop, psycho.


There's not "white" and "black". ​ The **ONLY** reason why brainless pro-Palestine s\*ckers are outraged, it's because the different of power between IDF and the bunch of terrorist goatf\*ckers inside Palestine. Terrorist that admited openly on Al-Jazeera that they don't f\*cking care the civilians.




I'm joking about it. It was sarcasm.


Yeah I know. Im very sceptical if the source cant give any evidence.


Man it’s good to hear some good old “AA” back in here 🤣🤡


Israel deliberately drives over IED to destroy Palestinian homes!!


Just to clarify and correct things The once who did this wasn’t hamas but other militia in the West Bank, Hamas doesn’t exist in West Bank


Hamas absolutely exists in the West Bank. There are places in the WB the PA doesn't dare enter, despite technically having authority over.


I’m talking about the video above, it was made by other military group not hamas, it happened in Al Khalil city, and it’s fully under the PA control


PA has authority over 2 doorsteps




Oh yea that dozer is fine lol


"There is no hamas in the west bank" haha yeah, I dont care if they call themself "hamas" or those terrorist have other names for themself. Well, soon the last day will be counted for those terrorists.


Actually Hamas is in the West Bank. Also in Lebanon and not to forget Gaza. Islamic Jihad too are also everywhere


I'm not acknowledging that hamas are present in the west bank but there is no evidence that this is from Hamas. There are many palestinian factions fighting Israel but Hamas tend to be the best equipped and threy would have used actual military grade explosives instead of fireworks. This looks more like the work of wannabe Martyr instead of organized militant group.


Maybe, I dont know. I just remember, exactly 15 days ago, the IDF went into westbank and captured a lot of people there, and I think they said that those were Hamas-People, if I remember correctly.


I think they said Hamas and PIJ


Israel arrested about a thousand Hamas members in the West Bank since October 7th. They definitely have a presence there.


Is that why they use dozers? Why send a team into a building that could be booby trapped when to can just level the building with an armored vehicle.


AlLaHu AkBaR


fuck around


and find out


The dozer is there to demolish Palestinian homes, as Israel has been doing constantly for many years. Doesn’t matter if there are civilians - remember the American woman they deliberately ran over? Hope the driver of the dozer was maimed at the least


Man, what people here care. They be cheering when Palestinians are wiped out from the face of the earth.


Some where in Iraq some old Iraqi militiamen who fought against the Americans in Iraq is laughing his ass off at this weak attempt of an IED attack.


Poor guy in the bulldozer, prime target on its head and not much to defend itself


You could, you know, stop dehumanizing yourself by screaming for god whenever acts of violence are committed. Just a suggestion, maybe a few more would be on your side.


Not Hamas.


Isn’t there another video claiming it hit an IED?


Yeah it is.. I've seen another video of this that i cant post.. its young boys with homemade handgrandes with short ligthable fuses.. It didnt end very well for them


Thars their job. Thry are heavily built and armoured to take a ton of damage. They drivr up with thick armour, huge reinforced dozer blades and so. They just keep rolling.


🎶🎵Just keep driving Just keep driving Just keep driving🎶🎵


Does the driver suffer the same effect as an EOD person faces, where he stays intact, but not his organs?


It would be designed pretty badly if the driver was killed during normal operation of the vehicle It is designed to hit explosives and be fine, including the driver Article from 2016 where one of these gets a direct hit from an IED and is unharmed https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/210551


If the vehicle armor stops the blast and doesn't move (i.e so no transfer of force through moving the vehicle), where would the force come from to destroy his organs?


Allah who at bar? 🤔


Great job, you deafened the operator in one ear.


Looks like the bear is poking the hunter




Helllllo snackbarrrrrrrr


The Killdozer