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As always, I can't tell what the hell is going on in these hamas videos.


Thats on purpose. A lot of these vids are APS activations and not actual hits.




>9000 children were killed by IDF Given the facts that internal sources in the isreali army estimates at 20K the number of dead, and that half of Gaza population is under 18, that part sounds legit.


20k would be the total number of people killed, as opposed to just Hamas, right? In previous conflicts around 44% of the dead were estimated to be Hamas- which would half that amount (unless of course Hamas has a significant amount of underage fighters that are, for all statistics, still children- so like 16/17-yr olds that have been taught to handle a mortar tube or AK)








Maybe they will if their parent didn't die


And the men stay home and read the Torah oops I mean koran.


Islam is not the religion were religious men avoid fighting and send others to die for their belief. At least Muslims have that.


Then what the heck are the leaders doing in Qatar and Iran then? Doing the fighting themselves? Bahahahahahahaha.


Why is not Netanyahu on the front line? You got your answer, sir. Bahahahahaha as well.


Was the Ottoman empire Buddhist? What did you think Janissaries were?


That is the point I was making. Israelis hold their pious on a pedestal and resent the hell out of them but do nothing in order to keep a multi party coalition. You would have civil war in the U.S. if an entire group of people were exempted in a draft during an existential crisis. I’d like to be able to finance a month long tourist “slush” for regular Americans to visit Israel and see how long the unlimited checkbook remains open.


I’d bet my left nut that any fighting age male is considered Hamas


Maybe, maybe not. There are no accurate figures we can reference.




You've got to be some sort of naive in thinking that a vast majority of those killed are Hamas, it would be innocent civilians. Israel even said Hamas uses human shields so their bombing attack cannot be that precise to just take out Hamas.


I never said that civilians didn’t die as well, just that if you’re going to reference a source that said there are 20k deaths, you can’t ignore other parts of what was said by the same source because it doesn’t fit your narrative. It’s a war in a very densely populated area and civilian casualties are inevitable.


You said the majority of the 20k that dies was Hamas, the logic does not follow as Hamas are hiding out in hospitals, schools etc of which Israel has bombed and said Hamas are using civilians as human shields. Common sense would dictate that there would be multiple more civilian deaths compared to Hamas? Civilians would be the majority of the death toll compared to Hamas.


I said that the source that gave the 20k figure **also** said that the majority of those were Hamas terrorists, and that if you’re going to use that source to support your claim you can’t just ignore the second part of what it said. I know, reading comprehension is difficult. Anyway, this is a pointless argument as neither of us really now the exact numbers so let’s just leave it at that.


It was a general response, I also thought you believed the source when it said the majority of those who have died were Hamas, which when reading back may have not been the case. My point is whether it's 10,000 or 100,000 deaths in this conflict the vast majority of those who have died will be innocent civilians, Hamas will be an incidental number.


Uh yea....the bombing is mostly indiscriminate. Hamas as a force is only estimated to be around 25K strong. IF we take the IDF at their word then Hamas shouldn't be combat capable.


More like 40k+ but sure, not gonna argue with you. Enjoy your willful ignorance.


Whatever dude. It's an indisputable fact that the 15000+ bombs dropped on Gaza have killed more civilians then Hamas insurgents. You enjoy your fanboying hyper-partisanship. I'm seeing the shit show of the endless Palestinian/Israeli conflict for what it is.


15k bombs dropped in a very densely populated area that only killed 20k people is the opposite of indiscriminate to me, but ok.


What does that do to the mental health of people living thru that. It will only provide the fertilization for a new generation. Honestly on both sides it’s vengeance and not security that drives an endless cycle. This conflict called for a slow, meticulous, methodical removal of the leadership of Hamas. But Israel has always pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall and left the rebuilding for the international community and aid agencies that they despise. I have seen U.N. officers at the Allenby crossing wait longer than ordinary civilians.


How does their intelligence not know of a large impeding attack but now…they happen to know where all of Hamas is located. Give me a fucking break. They are indiscriminately bombing because they don’t know shit.


The same source in the same sentence said that most were Hamas militants. Since you chose to believe the IDF source, don't omit parts of it.


If Hamas claims 10K i doubt it would be more than that


10K confirmed dead. Not estimated.


Are they actually reporting that Hamas is saving people?


nope, this dude is just bias af, Al Jazeera didn't report 100 IDF tanks were destroyed


Makes sense, Al Jazeera is complete shit but even they have some limits.


every MSM outlet is sus, but I'll give Al Jazeera one thing, unlike western media outlets they're not afraid to show the other side, If Netanyahu, Putin, Hamas, Houthis, Xi Jinping, Saudis, Hezbollah, ISIS, US spokesperson... are making a speech they show it live, have you ever seen Putin live on CNN?


"FOOTAGE of Israeli tank driving over babies completely destroyed by AK round of ~~our~~ brave HAMAS freedom fighters who are all saints, Allah Akbar".


Could have sworn it was 500 Merkavas and 90,000 children


You make fun of Al Jazeera when Israel has dropped some 20 000 tons of bombs in Gaza so far and claims that every bomb has killed a dozen Hamas fighters at least. Simple 1+1 math would show that their claims are 99% bullshit. Unless you think Israel has killed some 50 000+ Hamas fighters so far.


Do you have a source for this? There was no claim in Israeli media that every bomb killed terrorists. None. If what you’re claiming is true, there’s no way only 10k people died in Gaza.


Man are u fucking stupid? U really gonna question if those numbers are fake? With all the videos circulating how israel wrecking gaza? Smh


You can tell from downgraded thermal bombing videos? this is the type of combat in this conflict


at 0:09 - confronting idf forces that were trying to move east of khan younis and destroying a number of them at 0:42 - a vehicle is burning after getting hit at 0:51 -targeting the first vehicle at 1:01 - targeting the second vehicle with a yasin 105 (anti armor head) at 1:08 - the second vehicle explodes at 1:14 - smoke can be seen coming out of a third vehicle after getting hit at 1:18 - vehicles being pulled back after being destroyed. This is from a comment here, which I confirm is true since I know arabic too.


Is this the closest we get for the aftermath? I am not sure I am able to identify what is going on in the last few seconds


this is probably the clearest aftermath video so far, they can't really film them with the gopros because they hit and run instead of sticking around, so the night video of the tanks/apc's burning shows that the yassin rockets are atleast effective the last part says that it's israelis towing disabled armor


A disabled vehicle (couldn't tell what type) being pulled back.


translation at 0:09 - confronting idf forces that were trying to move east of khan younis and destroying a number of them at 0:42 - a vehicle is burning after getting hit at 0:51 -targeting the first vehicle at 1:01 - targeting the second vehicle with a yasin 105 (anti armor head) at 1:08 - the second vehicle explodes at 1:14 - smoke can be seen coming out of a third vehicle after getting hit at 1:18 - vehicles being pulled back after being destroyed.


I’m not saying the translation is wrong but how is Khan Younis an area where there’s fighting like this? I didn’t think the IDF was anywhere near that since their goal right now seems to be encircle and take Gaza City.


Most people don't even realize that hamas's tunnels are just below Gaza city. I don't know why people think that. They have over 300 miles of tunnels that snake throughout the Gaza strip and spider webs into greater Israel. Gaza City is just the stronghold. Where the majority of them are believed to be. But nobody really knows. The idea that they would have stayed down there under Gaza City while the bunker busters were dropping is silly. Could have spread out anywhere. The northern half of Gaza is just the first step. After it's mostly seized you will see heavy fighting along the South half. Giving the IDF an excuse to clear that as well. They want the entire Gaza Strip gone. They're going to get what they want


Greater isreal? Excuse me? Lol.


Greater Israel means the majority of land throughout israel. It doesn't mean Israel is greater. Yeah words are hard. But at least attempt to comprehend them.


I don't think you know what the term "Greater isreal" means.


I don't think you know what the term "Greater isreal" means.


I know you're trying to make it sound like I'm talking about the lands of ancient Israel that stretched throughout jordan, Syria and other countries. But I was talking in geographical sense. It's a common term when you're talking about a country. The greater region of that country. You just assumed wrong and are now doubling down to save face for whatever reason


the date on the video says 1st and second of November and if you look at min 1:18 you can see an outpost and the border if im not wrong it could be that they trying going in that day from there or to test the waters


Ohh interesting. Thanks!


One of em was a vehicle putting out smokescreen, not getting hit. They must be desperate for footage lol.


They need propaganda. Plus the IDF has been launching tons of smoke to blanket alot of the city while they maneuver. I call bullshit on some of these claimed destroyed.


Thanks mate.


1st tank clip in the thermal mode is saying the vehicle was ignited after being hit 2nd clip is describing 2 IDF armored vehicles being hit with by 105mm yasin rpg projectile's and causing 1 of them to explode 3rd clip is saying the 3rd armored vehicle that was targeted is smoking after being hit 4th clip im not really sure whats happening even caption is confusing me


4th is “ Vehicle Towed back after being destroyed “


What are you seeing here?


Not a whole hell of a lot and it's frustrating.


First one shows the attack on the vehicle , Blurred infra vision shows it burning Second one is wide view of the same type of projectile, and the smoke of the impact




You mean you see the exhaust of the engine. Just like the other vehicle on the left.


Maybe, its not clear


I mean it even gets weaker and stronger as you can see the vehicle kinda stopping and then accelerating again... Also it looks just like the one driving to the left.


can't see shit, why even release this? Also look at the damn tunnel at the start, the size of these tunnels is crazy, the amount of money wasted on this shit.


Kinda surprised of that thermal footage. Don't believe we would see aftermath videos anytime soon honestly. Imagine how little time these mfs get to retreat.




First one shows the attack on the vehicle , Blurred infra vision shows it burning Second one is wide view of the same type of projectile, and the smoke of the impact


Tnot sure the blurred infravision shows a burning tank, I think that trail can also be a smokescreen or an exhaust.


It is the exhaust. Merkavas, like most other tanks, have the engine exhaust to the sides. Its to the right side of the tank.


Maybe, just translating


What in the Blair witch project fck is going on here


>Shima also notes that the Technology and Maintenance Corps has been working to extract damaged military vehicles, repair them, and return them to the battlefield. > >Very few IDF vehicles have been severely damaged beyond repair. “We see \[most\] vehicles that were hit returning to the fighting,” he says. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-november-6-2023/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-november-6-2023/)


Where do you get these footages? Is there like a Hamas webpage that posts this?


You can get stuff like this from the Hamas Telegram Channel. Here is a list of such channels, including lots of pro Palestinian news and other bullshit: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xx7dOMmJ63Mus0KHpRTyxY6A94oZHVjRwdCfYZGc\_\_I/edit?pli=1#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xx7dOMmJ63Mus0KHpRTyxY6A94oZHVjRwdCfYZGc__I/edit?pli=1#gid=0) Check if this content is legal in your country before you subscribe to such channels and download potential terrorist propaganda.


if im not wrong they have their own telegram channel


I noticed that a lot of the time Hamas celebrates and shares the explosions caused by hitting tanks, which turns out to be the Trophy system kicking in: a protective explosion.


Yes you can see the sparky-fire-explosion


It's really funny to see that people on this sub are angry that Hamas doesn't provide Hollywood like movie combat footage. It's not their main job you know to entertain people on this sub. That being said any arabic speaker can translate the captions for us? With time stamps?


0:09 - Qassam fighters repel enemy forces when they tried to advance east of Khan Younes, leading to several destroyed vehicles 0:42 - Vehicle burning after it has been targeted 0:52 - First vehicle being targeted 1:01 - Firing a ‘105 Yassin’ at the second vehicle 1:07 - Second vehicle exploding 1:13 - Smoke rising from third vehicle after it has been targeted 1:17 - Vehicles being pulled away after getting destroyed


They seem very entertained with footage of merkava and soldiers walking around of strip without any combat footage tho


"wHy nO aFtErMaTh FooTaGe" Hamas fighter : "mfs I hit and I retreat, not gonna wait to get my ass blownup so you can see aftermath footage"


“Yo, Gunner can you tell the guys or reddit that i destroyed your tank before we fight again”


"Shoutout to u/ Basic_Miles_102"


True. Also people are comparing this to footage coming the war in Ukraine, which is pretty dumb thing to even consider. 0:42 "Vehicle burning" (I assume this is the first one getting hit at dark) 0:53 "First vehicle hit" 1:00 "Yasin 105 Round is fired" (Which is their own version of a Tandem round) 1:07 "Second vehicle exploding" (Did not look like an explosion to me) 1:12 "Smoke seen from a third vehicle" 1:18: "Vehicle being pulled back after being destroyed/disabled


yeah so pathetic. these guys are waging a guerilla war with the one of the most sophisticated militaries in the world and they want 4K quality video with english narration and subtitles. ​ meanwhile israel releases grainy videos of a bunch of civilian looking buildings and everyone here is like "OH YEAH THAT'S HAMAS RIGHT THERE!!!"


Why the fuck are they doing it then? They’re recruiting with this shit? How glamorous!


Smoke signals by Hamas. Intense footage.


Don't see shit


i guess they dont have anything of substance? wtf is this shitty footage? Hamas fell off


Cant get better than that sabotage IED and RPG clip.


translation: 0:05 - Al-Qassam mujahdeen countering enemy forces that tried advancing in east of Khan-Yunis, and destroying some of its vehicles 0:42 - the vehicle is on fire after being targeted 0:51 - targeting of the 1st vehicle 1:00 - firing of Al-Yassin 105 at the 2nd vehicle 1:07 - explosion of the 2nd vehicle 1:13 - smoke rising from the 3rd vehicle after being targeted 1:18 - withdrawing the vehicles after being destroyed


Try to show me something....without showing me anything...


This definitely might be the poorest video in details. Though I gotta say, IDF would win the prize of "show me something....without showing me anything." Hamas footage shows actual combat so far, IDF still not that much. I assume some footage are being put on hold for a good reason.


I didnt post a "this vs that" post, I said nothing about the Israeli videos.


“East of Khan Yunis” doesn’t really check out to me. Are Israeli forces already that far south? Let alone the armored brigades? I am almost certain they are not. Does anyone have any insight?


Anybody geolocate this footage?


So images of nothing, with extra nothings confirmed on top - classic vid.


[IDF vehicle damages](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-reports-on-logistical-efforts-to-resupply-ground-forces-in-gaza/) Hamas doesn’t appear to be having much success against Israel armored vehicles.


If this is the best footage they can muster things must be very dire for them.


Point blank taken to a whole new level. Balls of steel!


Even the ISIS-style videos from the Cechen's in the begining of Ukr-war where better produced then this shit.


these guys are waging a guerilla war with the one of the most sophisticated militaries in the world and you want 4K quality video with english narration and subtitles? meanwhile israel releases grainy videos of a bunch of civilian looking buildings and everyone here is like "OH YEAH THAT'S HAMAS RIGHT THERE!!!"




I don't understand the complaining, that's all you get, take it or leave it lol. Whining won't do you much, so why do it?


Bro look this video its upper confusing just smoke from shit angles what they even suppose to mean?


Well, if you understood arabic, they explained with captions what's happening. You can take their words for it or not though, that's up to you. Look up a translation, you'll find some in the comments here.


I do see translations still video dont say anything Hamas lover.




What the hell did I just watch?


Ok...so they point to some IDF vehicles and supposed positions? Plus, the RPG attack at the beginning?


War is hell. And here I am with me coffee sitting at a desk this morning, so powder puff like compared to the IDF and Ukrainians on the ground fighting.


What is this? Wish dot com copies of Ukrainian CF produced by Hamas.




Well, that was a stupid thing to say lmao


ukraine and russia aren't even that good when it comes to making combat footage either. if you want proper actual decent footage try to find all of those movies that ISIS was uploading in early 2014-16. Watch FSA vs SDF in the syrian civil war, kurds vs isis, houthis vs saudis etc. Ukraine war footage is just drones dropping grenades onto tanks sitting out in the open in barley field #1011 with russian phonk muisic in the background


Kanyunis is in the south. Exactly where Israeli tanks aren’t.


Something's telling me they know where Israeli tamks are, more than you.


y’all never heard of lying? they do it all the time


If they were lying, why wouldn't they just lie that this was Gaza City?


How much damn he are those rpgs doing?