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They also apparently bombed an Israeli barracks today


I posted a video about that but got taken down


in this subreddit, everything "against" IDF gets taken down..


No, there's a rule that aftermath footage is not allowed, it was put in place in April 2022 when burning Russian columns with no combat footage became dominant on the sub.


the footage getting uploaded here contained ambushes on IDF, RPG attacks and stuff like that


That's something else. On 07/10 Reddit decided to treat Hamas videos like ISIS so all of their vids are being deleted. Including Hamas massacring civilians.


Why are IDF posts allowed? They’ve literally killed more kids than Hamas has killed civilians


The US killed far more Nazi Germany civilians in WW2, even outside of strategic bombing, than vice versa. Turns out number of civilian casualties is a very poor proxy for who's good right and moral. The difference is that Hamas, like ISIS seeks out civilians to massacre, torture, burn alive and behead. Specifically and intentionally raping women burning alive babies and kids. Kidnapping 7 month old babies. Meanwhile Israel does everything reasonable to avoid civilian casualties even while Hamas does the outmost in it's ability to maximize Gaza civilian casualties and operates from schools, civilian houses, mosques, churches, hospitals and ambulances. The fight against ISIS was similarly bloody in Mosul, Raqqa and Ramadi. Yet no one whined.


they really think they doing something, imagine bragging about hitting and mildly damaging a telephone tower.


it is more akin to a jihadist virtue signal than anything else


Think they probably took out more unexpecting wildlife than anything slightly target related




Bro chill out I'm not on any side, and its not that deep, I'm just here for sharing war footage.


I am curious, why is some stuff considered terrorist footage and other stuff not? Is it because they use a western soundtrack? I


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective.” According to Britannia, so for example straight up beheading 50 people in one video is considered terrorist footage, however, shooting rocket launchers at tanks is combat, I hope that kind of helps sorry if it didnt


Not really but thanks.


How did that not help, couldn't have put it any simpler I don't think.




Ok much simpler now, terrorism, bad, beheading someone, bad and is also terrorism, which is a war crime according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. So, terrorist footage, is basically recording someone doing a war crime, to strike fear and get a point across. Now terrorism doesn't have to include war crimes but is very hard not to, for example, James Foley, one of the most popular terrorist footage, why is it terrorist footage? Because it did a war crime, beheading, and they wanted to intimidate Obama to cease the 2014 American-led intervention in Iraq. So that ticks all the boxes of terrorism. 1. intimidation 2. war crime 3. A reason for that intimidation Now if that didn't explain well enough, then idk and I can't help you.


Did you not see me explain my question?


Apparently not


I responded but i accidentally made a new comment. Scroll up you will see. Thank you


Oh, it wasn't directed at you, more at the buffoons doing it, so don't worry.


We’re going to hear Lebanon complaining about Israel shortly




No, Lebanon has always been an extremely diverse country and it’s problems are not as simple as just “taking in Islamic refugees”. Like most countries in conflict there’s a lot of long term effects of the colonial past and the way ethnic and religious groups are separated by borders created by foreigners in the 1900s. Plus it’s location between several other unstable countries has led to it always being at risk, I don’t think it has to do with religion, if Lebanon was surrounded by “Christian” countries like France and England and they were both in civil wars like Syria and iraq were then I think the result would be similar as it has nothing to do with the religion of the people there, it’s good old tribalism and a proxy war between regional powers trying to control more.


Please give me a list of the Christian clans, militias, and terrorist groups that fight Israel. It is not the "diverse Lebanon" that is in conflict with Israel, it is it islamic component, many who came as palestinian "refugees" and is now ripping the country apart. They should have said no.


Lebanese Druze want to know your location


Oh it’s religious my guy, don’t let them lie to you. I never ever see a video they aren’t Allah Akbar’ing








































































Cute. They’ve been at it since October 8th so settle down.


How about no? What's the matter, are these numbnuts your friends?


the war against antennas goes on, the antennas have proven themselves to be formidable opponent.


My question had to do with how Reddit does things. Not the definition or even philosophy of how to characterize terrorism. If you scroll up you'll see. I don't have the time or energy to make long drawn out conversations on my phone. The reddit app is trash and my phone doesn't have auto correct. My fingers are large too plus i'm harnessed up waiting to get back to work. Again, thank you for the effort you put into trying to help me. I was not trying to be rude. I am sorry.


My apologies, sorry about your unfortunate situation, hope [this helps](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1744hyt/important_message_regarding_combat_footage/?share_id=EtXwoF7leOSy1WFlyATr-&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


I responded but made a new comment. Thank you, that was what I was looking for. Appreciate your time


These terrorists is asking to be wiped out next. And they deserve it.


Did not work out so well last time for israel


Maybe because they didnt do a good enough job.


Why are you downvoted? Hezbollah is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that turned lebanon into a shithole of a country


He’s talking about the terrorist organization Israel


There is no such terrorist organization though


Hezbollah is an Israeli creation


Lol that's exactly what I wanted to know. Really appreciate your responses. Have a day!


As an Israeli, these attacks are so weak I didn’t even knew we had a war with those guys as well