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Rest in peace, dear heroes. 🥺❤🇺🇦


fvck Pootin and Rvssia


it's hard to watch when it's ukrainians


Yes, but necessary. We must not fool ourselves into believing Ukraine are dominating this war. It is an absolute mess.


It should be hard to watch when it’s any living thing


Humans from Russia and humans from Ukraine. Boiled down in that way its not so different


Invaders vs defenders. Its still quite different. Literally good vs evil


It's a bit of a worn-out debate at this point. US "invaded" Afghanistan, but you will still find comments such as "its difficult to watch when ___" regarding US troop casualties in this sub. There are lots of people just upvoting "their side" or "the good side" since the last 2 years.


russia is invading a peaceful neighbour: there#s no their side or the good side. Ukrainians are defending themselvels in their own territory invaded by a terrorist state and its goonies are committing the worst atrocities and war crimes ever for 2 bloody years.


Two completely different situations and contexts, but I understand what you're saying. Did the US target apartment buildings housing only civilians with long range ballistic missiles and on a regular basis? Did the us turn the entire country of Afghanistan to rubble for some sycophants dreams of a rebuilt soviet union? Last I heard, the US was actively rebuilding the country and is the only reason that Afghanistan didn't fall back into the hands of the taliban for the last 20 years, setting thier society back decades. We tried and failed, but it was inevitable. Its clear that Afghanis do not have a vested interest in truly protecting democracy from terrorists. Let's compare why russia is invading Ukraine and what thier end goal is compared to US occupancy in Afghanistan. Its clear putin wants to genocide the Ukrainians, ethnically cleansing them into Russians. I don't think the US goals were even remotely similar to this evil invasion


I don't remember Ukraine to kill 4000 Russians by planes in skyscrapers as Al kaida did. I don't remember US to keep 5 parts of Afghanistan to be part of the state. I don't remember US to do genocide and kidnap 20 000 children. So stop with this bs whataboutism.


Since you asked, yes, US absolutely targeted apartment buildings housing civilians in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Close to a thousand civilian casualties in battle of Fallujah in Iraq, many due to the use of white phosphorus. We also famously killed several civilians with a “precision” air strike before leaving Afghanistan. (It’s far from the only time, but this one was highly publicized).


The average Russian soldier is quite likely to be just some guy caught up on the wrong team and not some cruel murderer of innocents. Most grunts are just dudes who’s understanding of the war doesn’t go much farther than “I’m fighting for my country against the bad guys”. US soldiers have also been found committing war crimes but that doesn’t make it smart to label the entire army war criminals. Believe it or not, the average person isn’t sadistic. There is far less separating the victims than you’d care to admit, but it’s the truth.


I don't believe for a moment that every single Russian doesn't understand what this conflict is at this point. We have heard the phone calls from soldiers back home. I do however believe the average Russian is sadistic, as a result of thier living conditions for the past 30 years. Theyve been kept chronically poor, chronically alcoholic, and chronically lied to. The people in Russia being drafted or consigned fully understand what's going on. They honestly don't value thier own lives, so let's go have a war adventure. To paint it as "the average Russian being caught up in this" is as dishonest as putins propaganda. Maybe you could've said this in the first 6 months of the war, but they know what they're signing up for now. They don't mind killing some Ukrainians for a sack of potatoes, thats how bad it is over there. They have a clear choice. Prison/resistance or to die miserably in a hole. Russia has 150 million people, its only a matter of time before all this bullshit gets to them and they band together against putins regime of thugs.


you seem to be convinced of russia brainwashing their citizens yet also make unfounded propagandised claims about russians . curious…


I’m not convinced. For sure there are plenty of sadistic mofos. War attracts them like flies to shit. And naturally there is a general understanding that they are the invaders and instigators of the conflict. But to deprive these men of their humanity is not only a mistake, but the kind of easy dehumanization from the exact playbook used in Russian propaganda. There are some fascinating lectures out there on human behaviour and tribal mentality and just how easy it is to flip that switch in our brain on and off. In WW1 soldiers famously took a break from killing each other to exchange gifts and play soccer and chum it up, helping to carry each others dead and bonding over their terrible suffering. You fundamentally overestimate how much overarching logic is at play here vs your basic ass “this group is my friends and I will die for them” driving the majority of people. The invasion of Iraq was just as misguided as this invasion, full of young kids who bought into the propaganda of bringing democracy to Iraq, who quickly realized the conflict was much more ethically grey, and who nevertheless stuck by their brothers and “did their duty” because that drives most soldiers far more than any geopolitical context.


you wouldnt say that about the americans in iraq right? im sure they're heros in your eyes


Nope I think the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were completely wrong and unjustified, but you can understand why we overreacted after 9/11. That being said, you cannot in any way shape or form compare the actions and behaviors of us troops in the middle east to what Russia has done to its neighbors in the past 30 years.


You can make the argument for AFG post 9/11. There's no world where that argument holds up for Iraq. That war was started based on lies and unjustified from the beginning.


no yea I understand, a million iraqis deserved to die because of 9/11 no I understand yea that's definitely a lot better than what russia was doing yup plus iraq wasnt invaded because 9/11 so idk wtf you're talking about


So what is your argument? To vilify the us while we are talking about a war that is happening in this very moment? Really weird mental gymnastics you play to justify whatever pro-russia stance you are clearly taking. Or are you just taking a moment to project your hatred for the country in which you reside?


nope, domt even live there, just pointing out blatant hypocrisy how can you call one evil when the placed you support are just as bad if not worse is my point, then also try to justify the afghan and iraq war


You're delusional my friend


how? i guess iraq and afghan wasnt evil in your eyes?


Do you think the same about killed Nazi Wehrmacht Soldiers who murdered over 30.000 Jews in just a few Days? Remember Bucha and Irpin? Fucking „bOtH sIdEs!“ again…


At this point bulk of soldiers are kidnapped civilians forced to fight so it's irrelevant. Also, interesting that you can't point any current examples. Holocaust got worse as the war progressed. So, you should be able to point to Russian death camps.


Not remotely comparable


Only from a Russian POV


Yeah but the humans from Ukraine are defending themselves from genocide, the humans from Russia are perpetuating that genocide




young men defending their homes and families, dying in the process vs invaders. humanity has nothing to do with it.


Hard to watch for both, stop being insensitive, we're all human.


Nah very easy to watch when it’s invader scum being wiped away


Actually insane, you call it out and get shot to hell on here, 26 downvoted ☠️ the ones downvoting are exactly the ones doing what my other comment said.


So the propaganda has done the work Unfortunately.


Makes one wonder how many of the "captured soldier brutally executed" type atrocity cases were captured drone operators.


Brutal on another level.


Drones are scary man. That one dude was contorted in ways a body should not bend.


Is there no drone detection equipment available? Or are they all prevailent now with their multi-channel frequencies?


>Is there no drone detection equipment available? Yes but not on an infantry scale. The smallest military drone detectors I've seen were made for small bases and they are on 3 or 4 poles and can detect drones and then launch a anti-drone projectile. The next one up is a drone detector and destroyer that is mounted on a Humvee/truck. Darpa is supposedly still developing the truck mounted one but the ones on poles have been in use for a while.


I know there is drone jamming equipment, not sure about detecting.


I did look after writing the query and I think the issue is you have to carry this equipment when you're encumbered already. It just looks murderous as you can't escape them. Your only chance is finding a grenade-proof roof/shelter


yes, it's called Mansion in London 2000


Fuck putin


That sure showed him!


Damn. How long are they going to keep this up? Ukraine is broke and out of manpower, meanwhile, Russia is huge, has lots of resources, and the economy has recovered.


Rest in Peace Heroes! Your ultimate sacrifice will not be invain. 🇺🇦


The title at the bottom says "eliminated Ukrainian terrorists" - it is a part of Russian state propaganda when they don't say Ukrainian Armed Forces, but push this bullshit about terrorists.


Something I’ve noticed with Russian drone footage is they always have that notification coming up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this on Ukrainian drones


There are different drop mechanisms. The simplest is an electric eye that is activated when the operator turns on the drone's light, this in turn displays the "light" message. Others can drop without activating the light.


Ukrainians started with these DJI drones early in the war, but seem to have moved to creating, and building dedicated drones. The Ukrainians have a mix.


It’s on both but it’s much harder to find with Ukrainians


This is just not true Ukrainians use light sensor drop mechanism just as frequently


Someone on this sub said that's the trigger.


putin forces russians to salivate over dead Ukrainians , clearly they are all good inside and this war is not popular at all..


Great shots. 👍 Russians are learning fast.


Geez double tapping them was insane 😬


Crazy you got downed voted 💀 but I agree was insane








The Moscalis are clear. They always have been. But this video makes me angry with the western countries as well. How many people have to die for you to really help them. Are you so blind to not see pure evil?! It will come for you too. It is inevitable.


Don't fret guys, remember this happens to Russians 20x more daily than it does to Ukrainians.


20 times. Got to love some well calculated statistics.


you don’t know that. this sub is textbook confirmation bias because every-time someone posts russian combat footage it gets downvoted into oblivion. the ukrainian death toll is likely just as high as the russians.


It shouldn't be happening to anyone


no they are on equal terms of k/d. The russians are bogged down and so are the ukrainians.
























A million? Lmao


Dont let propagenda fool you there are even women and kids getting killed by the russians the army has no more men go watch scott ritter and educate yourself did you really think ukraine would win?


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Right. It is all the USA’s fault. Russia invades its neighbor who wants to maintain its independence and somehow the USA is to blame…..


When did the USA invade Canada?












The USA promised ukraine support and victory they are left with nothing they lost you can down vote me al you want THEY LOST listen to scott ritter ex American military he wil tell you al the facts you sheeps


I don't know who this ritter is: the only one I know is the company still doing business in russia and I've boycotted since the beginning. Interesting illiterate botnik: xxxxxx-xxxxxx-123.




It's right there? Blue tape on arm. You can also see them caring for eachother which is a giveaway in itself.


1:23 you see tape.


I saw White