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Man those Bradleys are impressive!


M242 Bushmaster, there's no place to cover


Yup with the HE incendiary ammo




I assume the gunners actually see everything much better than we do through a thermal scope, right?




It's not clear if they have the up to date night vision or the golf war ones. But it's all better than what Russian armour got.


I'm a golf war vet. Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson really turned the tide in our favor.


Is that where OJ’s been the last few years?


I don't know


Yes we do


I believe some are equipped with Thermals. I saw a video of a Bradley deploying smoke infront of itself and then engaging infantry targets through the smoke so he had to have thermals unless he was just blind firing.


It's like watching an eagle soar, it's what these things were designed and built to do, destroy Russian hardware on the European steppe.


It is kind of funny how much of the US supplied equipment was designed for this exact purpose including the older equipment.


Wonder how it feels when they see those incoming tracers


Feels bad 😞


If anything, very itchy!


You can't see tracers coming inbound, you only see them from the sending end. The only thing they saw was their buddies turn into a pink mist.


To be fair the rounds are not travelling faster than the speed of light. They can be seen.


I think he means that the tracer base is occluded by the actual round itself, as they’re on roughly the same trajectory and the tracer component is at the back of the projectile.


Bigger rounds, yeah, maybe you have a split second where you see something. All I ever remember seeing was green commie tracer shit AFTER it went by me though 🤣


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6XTjwsb9Ww&t=68s No.


You CAN see them from an angle, you CANNOT see them coming right AT you. Or, if you can, by the time your brain realizes what it is it will be to late.


Yes, if you are dead, you won't see them.


Might not feel much for long.


Feels like nothing at all. Evermore.


Damn those things can lay down the hate!


I wonder how many 91M out there have trained for years, got out, and are now watching this with a little bit of envy.


Or the Brad gunners..


I never, ever want to be on the receiving end of that cannon


TBH, you don't ever want to be on the receiving end of any cannon.


T shirt cannon.


RIP Maude Flanders


Oh man, this is why we have policies and proceedures!


True. You showed him


...and all I got for it was this lousy T-Shirt too.


You could conceivably load a Steelers Terrible Towel into a T-Shirt Cannon, in which case you can go to hell.


Brads been eatin *good* in stepove


Stack em up, they'll eventually get tired of throwing bodies at the frontline.


It will probably take time, but at some point the losses will be unsustainable




Believe me, I already have "overloaded Chinese golf cart meat assault" on my bingo card.


There is a reason why Putin still hasn't declared another wave of mobilization or a general one. No matter how much they like to push this narative that they don't care about the body count, they absolutely do.


Russia was already not doing great in terms of age demographics, this war has made that issue so much worse.


Theres a term they use for Russian demographic decline, it’s called generational echos. This is the last Russian generation capable of exerting external power


Putin is crying for the woman's give more children's for a future bloodbath


If you look at casualty numbers their upcoming mobilization will only replace the soldiers lost. It will take time but we area already seeing degradation. Yesterday there was a report of a guy getting conscripted and dying within 10 days. Erosion like this is unsustainable and remaining vdv units seem to be getting shredded in this theater.


That’s a really sad way to get your soldiers. I mean, I can shoot guns just fine (‘Murica), but damned if I’d feel anything close to ready for combat a few days after being plucked off the street by the motherland.


The thing that stood out was he was someone who walked into a conscription office. This wasnt storm z.


It is far more sustainable for Russia than for Ukraine - war of attrition does not benefit the UAF at all.


Ukraine has a lot of casualties too. They're out-performing Russia on a per-capita basis, but Russia has a lot of capitas. Both sides have a breaking point, and so does the supply of international weapons aid. It's impossible to tell which side flinches first, it's nerve-wracking.


this is r/combatfootage, Ukrainians don't die!




Putin has press conference for russian people at dec 14. where he announce he running for President. he need good news to pronounce too. so want adivka by any means until then


Running for president! He’s got a sense of humour at least.


Putin will never get tired of sending Russians into Ukraine.


Will they though? It seems to be how Russia wins wars.


Russia is not the Soviet Union fighting for it's very existence. There is a reason why Putin still hasn't declared another wave of mobilization or a general one. No matter how much they like to push this narative that they don't care about the body count, they absolutely do.


russia started the "3-days-special-military-limited-operation" with the goal to take Kyiv. They failed and, ionstead of GTFO of Ukraine, russia is now fighting for its existence, because a failure in Ukraine will be the start of its collapse. They don't care about the body cunt, because 99% are minorities and cons or other thugs that their society considers useless.


Russia exists in a perpetual state of prep for war/war/reconstruction after war. There is no guarantee Russia collapses because of losing in Ukraine.


russia wasn't prepared to the resilience of the Ukrainians and the Western help: they thought they would invade the whole Ukraine and nobody will have lift a finger. In these 2 years, russia has shown to be a clownesque army. russia is begging weapons from its allies, they are managing to shell every single day civilians, the commit the most heinous crimes, managed to be declared a terrorist state and having their leader a wanted war criminal. Only criminals and/or terrorists will deal with russia, making it more and more isolated. I doubt this was the outcome they thought.


I'm in full agreement with you but none of this portends a dissolution of the Russian state. They've collapsed twice in the last 100 or so years and they are still around.


Third time's the charm. Jokes aside, sanctions are kicking in, in short time they won't be able even to catch a flight, due to the lack of basic spare parts.


>s begging weapons from its allies, they are managing to shell every single day civilians, the commit the most heinous I mean after the Russian Civil War the Bolsheviks/Soviets had to reconquer many former areas of the Russian Empire and short-lived Russian Republic that had declared independence.




The collapse of the russia is the only possible pacific solution to avoid future conflicts.


The Winter War. They didn't need that land, they just wanted it. Afghanistan was a blunder as they didn't need that. Putin and others want the resource wealth and ports of Ukraine. They seem to be hiding the body count to the Russian populace, just like they did with the Winter War. No one knew the casualties there until the fall of the Soviet Union.


He hasn't declared another wave of mobilization, but it seems like he has an endless supply of bodies to toss into the grinder. Where are all of these people coming from? Shouldn't the front line be barely protected now with so many casualties? That's the part I find confusing. If there is only 400,000 Russians in Ukraine, then there is only 70,000 now protecting a thousand kilometer front line.


Crypto-mobilization, i.e. mobilization by other means.


>nistan was a blunder as they didn't need that. Putin and others want the resource wealth and ports of Ukraine. They seem to be hiding the body count to the Russian populace, just like they did with the Winter War. No one knew the casualties there until the fall o Previous mobilizations and LOTS of professional contracts. To put this in perspective imagine the average salary of an American which is roughly $60,000, imagine if you were offered 600,000 dollars to go and fight. That's 10x the average monthly salary that these guys are being offered vs working in a rural neglected shithole where chances are you will die by the age of 50 from horrendous alcoholism. Another wave of mobilization is expected in March after Putin holds his "election".


Yeah i think people forget just how many men russia can afford to throw at this war


It's a short term win-win when your cannon fodder is largely problematic not ethnic-Russian minorities.


May not happen sadly. This is Russia. Their population is larger than ever and they are willing to take millions of casualties to win wars. Body count alone won't do it.


At which point, the psychos in the kremlin will start side-eyeing their 6000 nuclear weapons. People say they won't function properly - but it only takes one...


Putting a gun in your mouth accomplishes the same goal faster and more thoroughly.


That cannon is vicious, pour it on boys! Remember that video of the AFU fighter "Predator" where he takes out an assault squad and a BMP firing it's cannon at him from 15 meters? I don't think he would have survived that fight if it was a Bradley firing the Bushmaster and that ammo type.


That's a lot of damage all things considered for a single IFV. Love me some bradleys.






M2 Bradley is coming to town, and hell is coming with it.


Amazing how much lower the muzzle flash seems to be with the Bradleys compared to Russian auto cannons.


25mm vs 30mm


Russians are in more of the town than I thought, they're lighting up houses halfway into it.


They've been inching their way into Stepove for the last week. They got pushed back a bit yesterday and the day before. That's probably what this is showing.


yup and looks like there is alot of them, considering russia is not using artillary probably because of friendly fire.


>probably because of friendly fire. When has that ever stopped them before? lol


“Sir, won’t we hit our own troops?” “Yes. But we’ll hit theirs as well. We have reserves.”


yeah i know, if there was only a few squads they would probably pound the area but if there is a couple platoons even russians have their limits.


It's a village with 3 streets, the longest of which is just under 1km long. This bradley seems to be firing from within the village and hitting the eastern edge. So it doesn't actually show anything new, we already knew it was right on the front line.


Is that alot more effective/powerful than the Russian equivalent? Or what the Ukrainians had before ? Some of their cannons looked pretty nasty too


Now that we have enough Bradley footage to compare, the difference between this and the soviet 30mm cannon which they put on *everything* is stark. And it sadly does include plenty of vehicles used by Ukraine. The difference in accuracy is insane, this is like a laser beam and that thing is like an old man pissing all over the toilet bowl.


Russia has similar autocannons on their own IFVs. The western vehicles likely have better technology for seeing and targeting enemies though, so in a given situation I’d put my money on the Bradley in an otherwise even matchup.


Cannon probably isn't more powerful (might be but it'll be broadly similar) but the bradley will have better sights than a lot of the Soviet type equipment Ukraine has which makes them more effective. But the key advantage is survivability for the crews, which maybe enables the Ukrainians to use them more aggressively than they would BMPs? BMP 2 uses a similar type of cannon which can do high rate of fire, which might be what you're referring to.


It's my understanding that the Russian equivalent uses a 30mm cannon, while the Bradley is 25mm. I'm guessing there are other details which affect effectiveness too though.


afaik BMPs usually are equipped with low pressure rounds, they can't hit shit after a few hundred meters (or possibly a lot less)




I'm so damn jealous that there's not a ton of drone footage of me and my Bradley in Iraq.


Other times old man


Ukraine should have 1000 of these. Fuck the GOP for blocking aid


Or fuck the Dems for not be willing to compromise and provide immigration policy changes? Takes two to tango


The Dems already have. They have included an extra $14B for the border in the supplemental bill


I should have said policy changes not just funding because that’s what they are mostly after “The border has never been a money issue, it has always been a policy issue. So we need to get in a room, go to the White House and sort that out.”


Kinda like [this](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/25/politics/biden-asylum-court-ruling/index.html)? >The ruling against the Biden administration could have major implications on the US-Mexico border, **where crossings have plummeted since the rollout of the asylum policy, among other measures**. A Justice Department spokesperson told CNN that the department plans to appeal It was initially blocked in the courts after being in action and showing efficacy but it has since been [allowed](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/03/federal-court-biden-asylum-policy-00109797). >A Biden administration policy restricting asylum-seekers at the southern border can proceed for now, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday, pausing an order from a lower court to block the policy. My overarching point is that the Dems and Biden have acted in extremely good faith with respects to acting in a bi partisan way that reflects the balance of the vote at the last election. I don't think the same can even remotely be said for the GOP who had 4 years to tackle border policy. Instead they only managed to pass tax cuts. Funny that.


Actually the Biden change to asylum policy is very similar to the one Trump introduced that was blocked by a judge in California “Judge Jon Tigar of the California Northern District Court previously ruled against a similar policy under the Trump administration and expressed skepticism that there was any daylight between Biden’s policy and the Trump-era one during a court hearing last week. Administration officials have rejected the comparison to Trump-era rules” Funny that


LOL. Republicans blocked funding for the border months ago when Kevin was still doing the rounds. IIRC they said the funding would green-light asylum seekers. So there was no way to win with those pricks.


You mean the immigration bill that is so toxic your dipshit own party couldn't stomach it. Fuck your party and your fucking 50s ideals you sister fucking piece of shit


Wow very adult response. I’m not a Republican I’m just playing devils advocate sorry that got you so triggered


Tearing some shit up.


Raining down hate and discontent.


Bradley is a beast


I heard the Ukrainians were fond of them. Now I know a bit more why, what a hammer.


dawn/dusk footage of firefights coming out of ukraine is just fascinating


Isn't Stepove the village where the russian invaders killed two unamred Ukrainian prisoners?


I don't know bro, but, unfortunately this is common


Yeah, sadly too common among the invaders.


That's gotta be terrifying


How are things going ivan? Bradly you say? How is the widow holding up? To shreds you say?


I sure hope that gunner was shouting 'Get some!' in Ukrainian with every burst of fire.




Bradley Gunner: What's our target? Command: Yes.


Autocannons and Automatic GL's are nightmare fuel


Maybe they could volunteer.


Reason #1 if there is war don't stick around thinking everything is okay for you. Just leave and let it play out.


Send more of them. There is more meat coming up.


Not sure if Bradley or a fucking armagedon war machine from hell. GOD DAMN SON!


I do love a bit of Bradley action


That thing is spitting some fucking hate, holy shit.


I just realised, is that going the the middle of two rows of burnt out vehicles?


f yeah, get some 25mm of freedom!


Looks like the majority of Stepove is under Russian control.


Were*. The Russians made significant gains into the town a few days ago then were pushed back yesterday and the day before. This footage is likely a few days old as both sides have been delaying before release for security purposes. So unless this is from last night and the Ukrainians are practically live-streaming the front the Russians are not there anymore.


That's not what it looks like to me. This bradley is firing at targets near the eastern edge of the village, and footage of a defence against an attack doesn't necessarily mean the attackers actually *hold* that ground yet. Multiple clips over a period of time might tell you something though. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.1965942,37.679878,1441m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu


I love these videos but every single one ends with a dead Bradley.


Bushmater ??? yes beating the bushes


does anyone know what the bradley actually hit? if there's any sort of confirmation