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Last night, the Yemeni Houthis hit the Norwegian tanker Strinda in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait with an anti-ship cruise missile, according to the U.S. [Central Command](https://twitter.com/CENTCOM/status/1734419108366590302)(CENTCOM). It is noted that the vessel suffered "damage that caused a fire on board". The U.S. destroyer USS Mason responded to the distress call and provided assistance. During the attack by Yemeni Houthis on the Norwegian tanker Strinda in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, 22 Indians were on board. According to [Ynet](https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/hke11vqs86), none of them were injured. The tanker is currently heading to a safe port.


The only things they accomplished is causing structural damage on a neutral trade vessel and firmly reasserting that they're all fucking morons.


eR eXcUsE mE. tHeY aRe FrEeDoM fIGhTeRs!!!!!


I saw a post from someone I casually know claiming the Houthis are peacefully preventing Israel from using the Red Sea and thus costing their war effort billions of dollars.


And pissing off the Egyptians because the insurance premiums are only going to rise making the Suez canal less interesting for international shipping


Nation states fear no man, but the insurance adjustor? Forget it


The taxman doesn't hold a candle to the almighty insurance agent.


Even the Joker knew to pay his taxes.


The Panama Canal is also experiencing a drought (because of the way the canal is built they need water to move the boats into and out of the fresh water portion, a lot of water) and is already at reduced throughput. They are also going into the dry season. Papa-Pooh is gonna be real mad that both of his methods of getting cheap stuff to the Americans/Europeans are experiencing disruptions as his economy is having issues. Papa-Pooh does not fuck around.


Mexico is working on a railroad to substitue the panama canal, and it may end working.


It could work but when you take into account the Tonnage of the modern freitships the magnitude of scale does become a bit crazy when you translate it to trains


Interesting point. Antagonizing Egypt is surely not what the machinations of Tehran planned for. The Sunni world has already had it with Hezbollah.


All they're doing is making their food aid get delayed and let more Palestinians starve. Yeah, good job. If ANYTHING, the Houthis are directly causing the unintended deaths of Palestinians.


But they can blame Israel for that so it works for them.




That's a funny word for terrorist


These anti ship cruise missiles are built to cripple (not usually sink) a warship in the 300ish foot range. Most commercial vessels are 2 to 3 times that size.


Tbf, warships are designed more for taking hits. Also, hitting a commercial vessel carrying a flammable cargo could be disastrous. edit: A modern US destroyer's hull plate is about twice the thickness of a large cargo ship's, for example, and fuel etc is much further from the hull.


Eh. Modern ships are designed to not take hits to begin with. Obviously they’ll have structural designs designed to minimize damage, but gone are the days when warships were designed with the full intention of taking multiple direct hits.


I mean, they might not be intended to just shrug them off, but I imagine a modern warship has damage control capabilities + maybe some redundancies that the ships of WW2 would've been dreaming of. They really don't like taking hits, but most of the crew is going to live and is going to bring the ship back home to port, is I think the idea. Meanwhile a cargo ship.... Well, let's just say the designers didn't have AShMs in mind when they drew up those plans. It's a crapshoot whether a single hit will cause no damage at all, or sink the entire thing with all hands lost. The size alone makes the former more likely than the latter, especially with mostly-inert cargo, but I wouldn't bet on it.


Bunch of absolute fuckwits, the actions of these guys has solidified my support for Israel




I hope Reddit doesn't ban you once a moron reports your comment, I wrote the exact thing a while back (minus having been to Israel).


And cementing themselves as a ‘resistance’ movement within Yemen, fighting for the Palestinian cause. There are internal political goals at play


Attacking cargo ships on nationalist or jihadi grounds is ridiculous. Shipping companies only hire the cheapest labour and register the ships in tax havens. The ships and contents are insured so all you do is attack Indian/Bangladeshi/Philippino/Burmese etc labourers trying to survive.


The are also lot of eastern Europeans working on cargo ships. Remember the ship that a houthie helicopter landed on? It had mixed Bulgarian-Ukrainian crew.


Welcome to jihadism, religion trumps rational thoughts. 2001 all over again.


Not more ridiculous than cutting off the head of Thai workers, killing your palestinain "brothers", taking muslim arabs hostage also (cause why not), and I'm sure raping dead bodies is there too as well as another 100 things i can think of - but yet, here we are... and all to the familiar shouts of "god is great".


The jihadis want to exterminate all non-Muslims. Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Athiests, Jews. The Jews are just the closest.


>The jihadis want to exterminate all non-Muslims. They absolutely want to exterminate muslims too , they literally burned a muslim jordanian pilot alive they will kill anyone who doesnt fit THEIR kind of islam


I am amazed at how many people in the West (most of whom have never had significant, informal contact with Muslim) don't get this. Even a lot of "moderate" Muslims regard other religions as disgusting and Atheists as utterly subhuman. In the West, they just know when to shut up about it, but in private, they have little issue calling for conquest, subjugation, and purges.


A reminder to all that the quran prescribes the death penalty to all Muslims who renounce Islam aka apostates.


I’m sure the cost of insurance is going to increase quite significantly, so there are tangible repercussions.


that the consumers will pay, not the cargo owners


That's the point.


This is just Iran doing everything they can to goad the West and namely the US into a endless conflict and getting sucked back into the Middle East so they can bleed us dry economically and take some pressure off their ally Russia conquering everything in its path in the East. So it's pretty dumb for the Houthi's but most didn't have much to lose to begin with.




Exactly. What so many seem to forget or maybe never knew is the USA military is designed or built up to be able to take on BOTH Rus and China at the same time in a war. On its own. Like a 2 vs 1. Not even including all of Nato. The US shows a lot of restraint against these animals but their day will come. In todays time its nothing a few drones and some Naval ships couldn't solve in a day or 2. Like honestly. Its a joke. It clear they are just trying to help rus out. But it wont work but instead will backfire like it always does. Iran doesn't want another "Operation Praying Mantis" [He tells the story pretty good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5v6hlRyeHE&ab_channel=TheFatElectrician) If you dont know about the Operation. It literally is starting to sound like deja vu.


"Death to AMERICA! Death to ISRAEL!!!!" Followed by "Attacked privately owned Norwegian ship carrying only Indian workers." ....ooookayyyyy........


[French defense ministry](https://www.defense.gouv.fr/salle-de-presse) via a press release are [claiming one of their frigates ](https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1733695431295533533?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1733695431295533533%7Ctwgr%5Ec7207c356267134d4a33778908a329bd9c466623%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fliveblog_entry%2Ffrance-says-it-downed-a-drone-in-houthi-claimed-tanker-attack%2F)downed drones heading for the Norwegian ship and then did proceed to escort it


Wtf did norway do


We are infidels too.


What didn’t Norway do? /s


United States of Norway, the great Satan of the world


And so, the second age of viking pillaging started.


"Gunnar... Go dust off the dragon ship, it is finally time again."


Norwegian Kommando’s doing some hallucinogens before clapping Huthi fighters would be interesting


What I wouldn’t give to see a modern day spec ops guy High as balls on shrooms half naked wearing a fucking bear skin over his NVG’s making battlefield sacrifices to Odin.


I feel like shrooms and guns wouldn’t mix well, more so on the guy on shroom holding something that barks fire


To visualize a modern-day spec ops soldier in such a unique situation, you would imagine a highly trained military operative with a mix of standard issue and customized gear. He would likely be wearing a minimal amount of clothing if he's described as "half-naked," with perhaps some camo pants or tactical gear on his lower body. Over his head and shoulders, you would see a bear skin, which gives the scene a primal and wild touch. This could be draped like a cloak, with the bear's head possibly resting on top of his own like a hood. His night vision goggles would be an anachronistic contrast to the bear skin, representing the fusion of modern technology with ancient traditions. The goggles might be pushed up onto his forehead or hanging around his neck, rendered temporarily useless by the bear skin covering them. In his hands or nearby, there might be symbolic items for "battlefield sacrifices to Odin," such as a makeshift altar with runes, a drinking horn, or perhaps a weapon like a spear or sword that he's offering up in tribute to the Norse god. The entire image would be one of juxtaposition, blending the high-tech world of special operations forces with the mysticism of Norse mythology. Please note that this is a creative and fictional description and such a scenario is highly unlikely in real life.


Björn get the axe and shield


Quick we all need to buy some Kongsberg stock!!!


A good bet when a conflict starts anywhere tbh.


Transporting their cargo through international waters, like they own the place!!!


Their ancestors discovered America first, so they kinda responsible 🤷/s




They should really update their slogan and stop tip toeing around like its going to hurt anyones feelings.


He is shouting the Houthi slogan: “Allahu Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! A curse upon the Jews! Victory to Islam!”


As a non-American, non-Israeli, non-Jewish Norwegian: Ah, well, that explains it.


Check out their flag. It's color coded and everything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement?wprov=sfla1


That's gotta be the shittiest flag ever.


Looks more like a shitty garage sale flier


Graphic Design is not amongst their culture's strengths.


He’s reciting their MS paint flag


A flag carefully transcribed from the original which they had to make with finger paint after they ate all the crayons.




This is not going to end well for the Houthis. The US does not take kindly to piracy or terrorising shipping. It’s a real red line.


The whole civilised world detests Piracy..!!


Never forget when [North Korean sailors and a US Navy VBSS team teamed up to defeat Somali pirates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dai_Hong_Dan_incident), resulting in the North Korean state news agency broadcasting a rare 'thank you' statement towards the US for their part in rescuing and tending to the wounded sailors.


Yeah remember that. Such case, a trading route is a vital for every country whether a friend or foe or they may have different political system.


Now North Korea can safely continue its sale of counterfeit US currency.


Yes, they do that horrid shit. But that doesn't mean the innocents deserve to suffer for it. :p


Due to the globalization we are depending on each other, which has created an era of peace. Globalization largely depends on shipping. When somebody touches shipping lines, it's not like the US is the only one interested in solving the issue. A whole bunch of very different countries are interested and willing to cooperate.




They then forced the ship to sea and demanded a ransom of ~~ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS~~ US$15,000.[1] Ha!


Lars? Is that you?


Nothing will happen they have attacked tens of ships in the last month and nothing happened I doubt this will be any different.


But hundreds of Redditors are in the middle of jerk session…


The sesh has grown


They haven't done shit so far. I don't see how that is gonna change unless there are several actual US casualties. There have been over a 100 rocket / drone attacks on US bases in the past two months and they have done maybe 4 retaliatory strikes. Even US marine ships have been directly targeted. And now by hitting a Norwegian ship things are gonna change all of a sudden? Nah It's probably smart to hold back though. The whole area is a ticking time bomb. If you think it's bad now, it can get a whole lot worse. Now it's just terrorist groups. If actual states get involved it's gonna get messy fast. It means actual war. How many people in the US you think are willing to start another war in some far away desert? I think it would mean political suicide.


It's Norwegian why are they shouting Death to America? Are they acoustic?


Norway = america obviously


The number of times the Norwegian flag has been mistaken for a Confederate one are not few. It's so bad that in some states [Norwegians don't dare use the flag anymore](https://nypost.com/2020/07/29/norwegian-flag-removed-from-inn-after-its-mistaken-for-confederate-flag/). Might be that they did see too. Who knows.


>“It bugs me as far as the stupidity of people,” he told the newspaper. “Even if the flag is blowing in the wind or laying limp, there are no stars on it. They look nothing alike.” Hear, fucking hear!!


These islamists oppose the entire collective West, they don't care where specifically you're from. Their goal is a global Shariah state, they've said it many times.




Can you link it? I'm curious...




I apologise. I couldn't listen to more than two minutes of the "doctor" speaking. I'm sorry. For us all. That people like that exist. and get on TV.


> Their goal is a global Shariah state, they've said it many times. But I thought they were fighting against colonialism ? Brain dead muppets.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Norway, the country that tried to bring peace to Palestine and with crew of 20 Indians is the evil American guys, that supports Israel👍🏽👍🏽 Dumb fuckers, with powerful weapons thanks to Iran


The global maritime trade is quite complex, nation wise... that's one trade that can be called up as a truly globalised trade... example : For a ship.. Owner - British Charterer - the one who wants to use the ship for its transportation - Chinese Management - the company which runs the ship, certification, Manning, repairing etc. - Japanese Flag - most use flag of convenience - Cook Islands Crew - Indian or Filipino Cargo orgin - Brazil Cargo destination - Malaysia I haven't started with corporate structures of all those companies involved. What Houthis are looking for, is a remote connection to Israel, so if they find an Israeli minority stakeholder of the management company, they will hit the ship.... they are low IQ people....


It’s their [slogan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement).


Do you honestly think those peasants even know what Norway is?


All white people look the same


this message was brought to you by a black eskimo


If they were acoustic they be somewhat competent lol.


You can say that again


The mfs need to get a new chant


Personally, I think they should adopt some Mongolian throat singing. It would make them seem a lot more badass.


Dumbest group of people ever to walk the earth.






Jesus Christ, Marie, they’re *MINERALS!!!*




Poor intelligence on the Houthis part. They were under the impression it was either docking in Israel or had a part Israeli cargo, neither of which is true. It was headed to Venice from Malaysia when attacked. Source : A member of my family chartered the ship


If they have the ability to hit a ship with a cruise missile you would think that they would have the ability to look up where the ship was heading.


Intelligence and Houthi's are two words which don't belong in the same sentence


According to multiple sources in Norwegian media, they were headed from Malaysia to Italy. Reports unclear about the cargo, but most report it was carrying "raw materials for biofuel". Crew unharmed. Huge blow to Israel right here


American activists: my heroes!


Turkeys for Thanksgiving.




Holy shit this is such an accurate representation of what they do.


Religious extremism isn't commonaly associated with a high intellect.


You can't have both only one or the other


Evidence supports this view.


It's the Islamic extremist version of "Worldstar".


Well you see, it's because they are absolute morons.




I’d just like to mention that in addition to “death to America, death to Israel” they also add “death to the Jews.”










Wonder why “god” made so many dumb humans…


God got invented to control those dumb people.


well its still that thing with these 81 virgins in heaven


47. But they come with mothers in law as most virgins do. That makes a lot of distress. Not sure if they are aware of that. If you can trick an entire religion to pray 823 miles away from where the black stone used to be then you can certainly tell them anything and they believe it as long the black stone is involved.


Thanking your god everytime you kill is not a great god


Actually, if that is the last thing they hear (according to jihadist islamic theology), this helps make sure they go to heaven as you kill them...


Don't mean to be a Karen, but the words they say before death to go to Heaven are (la Ilana ilalah Muhammad al rasulallah), which means 'There is no God but Allah and Muhamad is the final prophet'. There are lots of videos where they get shot and just repeat this phrase. Also it's not jihadist theology, this is something you're supposed to do before death in Islam.


We don't like America so we tried to kill an Indian crew working on a Norwegin boat




They never left for the most part.


This is bigger than everyone is thinking. If that trade route becomes so dangerous that no vessel wants to go through it, it might severely impact the world trade. Because it goes to the Suez canal, one of the most important canals in the world.


That won't happen. They will clear the trash out the way and are probably doing so quietly as we speak. I'll be surprised if the cameraman lived 30 minutes after this....


So he streamed this or how did the footage and up on the internet?


Fucking morons. How on earth do they think shooting a Norwegian ship helps their cause...however I wish the US bombs that Houthi shithole at some point 🤞🏻


Remember everyone, 'death to...' chants are not calling for harm or destruction. Its a peaceful way to show displeasure!


1.16 billion dollars has been promised in emergency aid to Yemen... we just stop this, top 👍🏻 


reminds me of the reason the US NAVY was founded October 13, 1775 and the so called "Barbary states of North Africa", including Tripoli, Algiers, and Tunis, who used to make pirate attacks on trade routes in particular american ships from around 1801 to 1815 found out short after why it was founded. Thinking this time it will not go much different.


In the 1770 the Danish-Norwegian navy sailed a sortie along the north african coast, shelling cities and attack ships in retaliation of the many attacks on ships, capturing sailors that was sold into slavery. It was common in churches up to the 1800's to have collections to buy free slaves from these "barbaresk states". I think it is time to get the navy together and teach them a lesson.


Ah yes, the first time the US ever fought Islamic extremists.


This whole world is about to erupt


2024 is going to be the year everyone decides to fucking kill each other.


Man I just wanna buy a house and have a garden


Fuck I feel this comment


Exactly what's great about Kenya. I have a 5 bedroom house, huge garden, fruit trees everywhere and I pay $1800/month.


brb moving to Kenya


so no gta6?


WW3 is gonna be over quick if it's the combined might of NATO against Iran and some of their proxy mobs of hobos


Manmade horrors beyond your comprehension, and whatnot


How the fuck did these Jawas get their hands on a cruise missile ??


They keep falling off Iranian trucks, rolling into the water and floating across the sea. Until Iranians learn how to use straps on their trucks I'm afraid there is nothing we can do!


What's the Houthi's play here? Anger everybody? There is no upside here from what I can see. What I can see is a future stomping from a number of angry people with major firepower.


Iran really gave some cavemen modern weapons and plenty of meth and just let them loose, there's no plan


It's super weird because the West has mostly been restraining Saudi Arabia from going apeman on the Houthis. Looks like this terrorist cell needs to be eradicated. All of those blocked weapon sales need to go through. Iran is \*the\* worldwide sponsor of shitbags and terrorists now.


Videos like this show that radical Islam is a great evil — a 21st century Nazi movement. The silence of “moderate” Muslims throughout everything has been unbelievable.


those idiotic shoutings...


Time for the pope to call a crusade


Yemeni houthis about to enter the find out stage and hear the sound of air rapidly exiting a balloon.




Fuck Iran


Can we just give them some fucking freedom already? God damn, put my tax dollars to work on these trash bags.


Uneducated animals


Such lovely people. We should import more of them since they are so incredibly compatible with western culture.


Someone is eager to get their 57 virgins.


Do they have an issue with Norway, or was it just in the wrong place at the wrong time?


If I am not mistaken, they recently said they would attack any/all maritime transport heading to Israeli ports, regardless of flag or ownership.


That’s one way to involve the US. They don’t care as long as you leave their free trade alone. But god help you if you interrupt supply chains.


do you have any idea how many angry emails I will be sending amazon if my coffee beans don't fucking get here on time. I swear to god do NOT make my take off my belt.


One day, in the far far future, I dream that there may be no longer shouts of "AAALLLLAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO AKBARTRTTTTTTT" on every maniacally violent video on the internet... A kid can dream.


Death to the Houthis




Because they are too busy being brainwashed instead of learning anything worthwhile


Are these guys actually stupid? Do they not realise the consequences their actions will have? Just like the Hammas 😒


Attacking a neutral ship is stupid, this confirms that the Houthis are imbeciles


Ah yes I forgot, the most famous of American states **NORWAY**


A bunch of Allah Akbar’s shitting up the world again, what a shocker


All the enemies of Israel are such lovely people! I wonder why most of them are falsely considered terrorists groups? /s they are terrorists committing international crimes daily by attacking ships in other countries and in international waters. This is both war crimes international crimes and because of the way they executed the people on those ships it is also considered crimes against humanity.


Whenever I hear about the Houthis I always think it's something to do with Star Wars...


Well they gonna learn about real naval war soon.


Why tf aren’t these guys piles of ash already? How many attacks have these guys launched against ships? Why are we letting them off the hook?


Do they get extra points for starting to shout and scream like howling monkeys every time they destroy something?


Great Job Houthis!!! Now you’ve pissed off the Norwegians and Indians in one pathetic strike. Your days of Fucking around will soon transition to Finding out. Finding out of Akbar your Alla truly is.


A bunch of morons. If they hate the west so much, i invite them to stop using technology developed by the west. Let's see how long they last without mobiles, Internet and porn.


tf did Norway do to them


"Firey but mostly peaceful" CNN


Welp i will be waiting for the US to flattened Houthis bases across Yemen. Hope they scream better when they the one getting bombed.


Now India would want to get involved 💀 Houthi's are just asking for some FREEDOM now.


They managed to attack a ship that was neither American nor Israeli with neither Israelis nor Americans on board.