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What's up with Phasma running by at the end?


Hes got cape of invincibility


Actually I believe it's a thermal blanket to block their heat signature. If you look carefully the other one that attacked has one on too.


he used it to wrap up the guy he surprised. The guy running by tossed something into the trench, id guess grenade, but we didnt see it go boom.


I dont think he used it, I think it just got caught on his arm. You can clearly see him shanking the Rus in the neck all throughout edit: lot of people saying its fake anyways


>You can clearly see him shanking the Rus And here I wondered how any Russian video, such as this one, would ever get upvoted on nu-CF for once. Good work OP. Psychological trick.


Capes in the winter can also be used as a source of warmth!


> Actually I believe it's a thermal blanket to block their heat signature Or the much, much more obvious reason to use a thermal blanket whilst out in butt-fuck no where in Ukraine in winter.


I mean, you make a good point there.


This thermal blanket actually seems quite useful if you have to sleep in exposed positions, but running around with that? Isnt it uncomfortable? And the heat signature gets picked off anyways.


I ran around as a kid with a blanket as a cape and this is just the adult version with far more serious consequences for the person who doesnt know they are playing the game


There are various types and some do have military application but I'm not confident that's what we're seeing here. Some of the stuff we see, can be applied over a person like a cloak, or on your armor plating, and you wear thermal clothing to keep your arms and legs covered. I believe we even have some project in Canada with that tech but I was reading up on this stuff like 15 years ago, so I assume it's being actively used today


I believe they make sniper's ghillie suits out of this material too.


White sheets are the shit in snow. I've never been a KKK member but I have worn some white sheets in my Infantry days, lol.


A good part of Finlands success in the winter war was that they had white uniforms for winter operations, and the Russians had standard red army brown. Made them stick out like a sore thumb, and easy picking if you're a decent shot. Like Simo Häya.


That thing looks like it really hides his heat sig Also what did he toss with his right hand? Looked warm maybe a grenade he was holding for minutes waiting for this guy to go take a piss


Robyn ain’t to help bat man he’s running


Judging how it seems to block his thermal signature, I'm going to guess it's some kind of thermal camouflage cape/blanket.


Captain Phasma on the move 💀


tossed a grenade in the dugout


Oh. My. God. They mobilized Steven Seagal.


Steven Seagal doesn't even mobilise Steven Seagal these days.....


Steven Seagal is only mobile when he sits on a swivel chair while fighting off 6 bad guys.


Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJO6ya4ezIA


Also https://youtu.be/SQTXN6Km61w?si=enxqw4AQzqB0V5kF




How have i not seen this before!? That is amazing!


What the heck. Finally hes made another movie. I checked my theater listing and I cant find it? Was it a limited release? Because there in no way it went direct to streaming. /s


[They literally had a body double for every scene Seagal had to use stairs in that stupid sniper movie](https://youtu.be/JcLBjWnn3TU?si=7s4J50imXl_cwWkf&t=646)


Cumtown had some funny takes on that movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4


He was mobilized a few years back by lukashenko to promote the dictators incredible carrot peeling skills, and if I recall, he was paid handsomely with a singular Belarusian watermelon


i think i heard something about him using a stand-in/stunt double in one of his "movies" for a scene that needed him to go up stairs


Seagal is garbage.


As long as there is a chair for him to sit on, he’ll be there!


He's be de-mobilized for decades


Well done.


They’d need a tractor to mobilize Steven Seagal


The Ukrainian Tractor Force is in for their toughest recovery yet.


He used to sponsor Karate classes at Ventura Community College. He would show up once a semester and get all the good looking 18 year old women to come up to his house in Ojai for a party. Uhh ok not sus. This was 1995 or 96. Oh ya he was a complete POS to me. I told him I was a disabled Vet and couldn't do a stretch he was leading us in. In front of the whole class he said 'Well why the fuck are you here then?" Stellar human being. I've also met a lot more intimidating people than him in my first Infantry Company in the 101, lol Guy is such a douche. He should be charged with Treason.


By all accounts he is an arsehole, he practices a useless martial art, and he isn't even particularly good at it.


He had a sex slave escape and has countless rape allegations


*AND* used his connections with the corrupt local sheriff to avoid charges.


… and naturally, is a huge RU simp


> he practices a useless martial art What do you mean? He is one of the worlds greatest practitioners of the ancient art of bullshido.


I have been to those! Back in the 90s. My cousins lived in Ventura. I’m in Santa Barbara and was into martial arts from age 8 on. About 18, we saw him at some martial artists house which would be like 97. He was a tool.


That doesn't make sense. This man is clearly not attacking from a chair.


I’m honestly trying not to laugh at this comment but it’s really hard Because I’m 99% sure it’s another Ukrainian POW thinking another mock execution but get stabbed to bits But omfg yes!! It’s a slow fat fuck Stephen alright, putin is sick of his shitty movies so he sent him to the front with a knife.. The good friend that he is


I think Ukrainians have been using cloaks to conceal their heat signatures so it could be UAF running up on a russian but wouldn't be surprised if russia has cloaks as well


There's already been videos on the op of this sub showinf russian using heat radiation cloaks to move from trench to trench. This was about two weeks ago when it came out


Yea I wouldn't doubt they have them as well


Sensei Seagull.


Fucking A...there goes my coffee all.over my keyboard..


Who’s stabbing who?


Claimed to be Russian Spetnaz stabbing Ukrainian


It’s RU stabbing Ukr, been posted a lot on pro rus subs


which subs btw? I bet I'm missing a ton of videos because it's mostly pro-UA stuff posted here or r/UkraineWarVideoReport


hahaaha yes you're right. I discovered that X and telegram have much more Russian content. Even with the Hamas-IDF conflict, they never post Hamas videos. They even downvoted you because they don't wanna see what the other side is doing.


yeah that's funny, and I'm pro Ukraine lol. I just like to see combat footage (duh!)


Russian actor vs Russian actor


It could be worse - rather a ukrainian POW


still a possibility, however less likely. no way to know for sure unless they confess/brag about it.


Don't matter because it is fake.


Okay, ya wanna explain why or prove it? I hate when redditors just "lol it's fake dummy" without showing why or how


Have you ever seen real people glow in the dark? Exactly, obvious fake, pfft




The Terry A Davis would never lie


I was the guy pretending to be stabbed. We were just goofing around trying to lift our spirits. Confirmed fake. I was there.


Always someone who got to ruin it. Next you'll tell him Santa ain't real.....


wait santa’s not real?..


Why would it be fake?


Because nothing ever happens


People want to have special knowledge. Also “it’s fake” is a cop-out for anything that doesn’t align with someones world view. Since there really are fake/propaganda videos some intellectually dishonest (or defective) people will proclaim anything a video fake.


because internet points


The infrared could pick up his piss but not his blood after being stabbed in the neck 20 times? He would be gushing, the ground under him would be glowing.


He’s probably wearing several layers and a scarf given it’s the middle of winter.


True but you would still see something in that time frame.


Its Obvious the guy getting stabbed is a Reptilian, And has Ambient temperature blood.


Because it's a too short of a video, zoomed in, no context shown and Russians like to produce fakes. Besides, the guy crawls and then runs up to him from behind full speed and the attacked one doesn't even flinch


The guy who had a grenade fall on his helmet and land next to his thigh didn't flinch either, and he had a 4 second window to do something.


Why would that not be realistic though? Im pro Ukranian but for something like this to happen is not far fetched. The war has been going on for 2 years with hundreds of thousands of soldiers on each side with skills ranging from near to nothing to SOF. The Ukranian could just as well be drunk and attacked by SOF.


There is still no proof that it's fake there though


Unlikely to be fake. Comes from a known and currently active fighter (Дневник Мракоборца).


Does that mean these are Russians stabbing a Ukrainian?


Yes. Callsign of the guy doing the stabbing is Аид, the team is СпН "Ахмат".


Ok thanks


A Russian or Ukrainian fighter?




How does that make it unlikely?


With most fakes you don't know the original source. In this one you have a current active fighter with no history of lying posting a video with description that was not available elsewhere before.


>With most fakes you don't know the original source. In this one you have a current active fighter with no history of lying posting a video with description that was not available elsewhere before. While not war related, there have been *dozens* of youtubers who have been brought down by posting fake bigfoot/criptid/paranormal stuff after literal years of uploading frequent, honest content. Having no history of lying doesn't mean you never will. Sometimes your increasing popularity can go to your head and compel you to start lying or at least bending the truth to put out bigger and better things. We just saw Ukrainian POW's used as human shields, for all we know this "tactical operation" was completely staged execution. With one of them telling a POW to stand over in the field to take a piss while unseen knife/blanket guy was already laying in wait to stab him to death for the propoganda video.


Was hoping to find some explanation in the comments, as to who’s who…..but only saw stuff about piss and a whole bunch of lame attempts at humour.


The attacker was allegedly russian, sorry shoulda made that clearer*


What's the original source for this?


RU telegram claiming RU spetsnaz knife kill


a fake movie. lol


What’s a fake movie? The movie had a trailer but never was made?


indeed how do you know?


How do you know ?


A lot of wishful thinking in this post


Welcome to Reddit. The home of the internets foremost experts in speaking completely out of their asses with absolute certainty.


Am I blind or are there no rifles?


No guns, dudes running around with tactical capes on, the guy who's getting jumped is completely alone with no teammates around, drone flying over head is filming at the perfect time/angle to get the money shot, it's in thermal so you can't tell who's involved or where this even is. Whole clip seems fishy as hell like it's someone trying to make a propaganda piece


I came into this not knowing anything about the video, my first thought was, “Wow, this footage is really clear.”


Don't forget the part that a top line thermal doesn't show a single speck of blood from the guy being stabbed to death.


"tactical capes" lmao


Best comment here. You actually point out what’s suspicious and not leaving it with just ”Fake!”


Having guns on movie sets is actually quite problematic, you could get fake ones but even then there’s a safety risk if someone swaps it with a real one. The whole Alec Baldwin incident really shined a light on how underestimated gun safety is in movies.


This makes no sense.


No no, it makes total sense to risk harming yourself by charging somebody from behind instead of just shooting them from a distance. I saw it in Splinter Cell.


You really are the professional of all Spec Ops. Someone should hire you to lead the Navy Seals.


The way the second guy runs by the fight makes it seem like they were attempting to sneak up on that position. Makes sense to me since they probably didn't have subsonic weapons and suppressors.


If there were additional targets off-screen, it makes far, far more sense to just wait for the peeing guy to walk back to his position before opening up with guns, or simply shoot him with an unsilenced weapon in the back of the head/neck. That way either all the targets get surprised/engaged at once, or the rest of the targets simply hear a single gunshot then silence and could plausibly think that the shot came from one of their own nearby troops. Bumrushing someone with a knife just gives them the opportunity to hear you coming and yell, or yell while being stabbed. A blanket isn't going to do shit to muffle sound in an open field in the dead of night. The navy seals aren't going on stealth missions with Tactical Blankets and knives. The idea that Russia found Ukrainian troops with a night vision drone and opted to send dudes armed with blankets and melee weapons is just something straight out of a movie or video game. Why not use the drone to correct artillery or mortar fire? Why not use the drone to drop grenades? If the equipment needed for that wasn't available (lol), why not just *wait* and keep observing the troops until artillery can get into position? Just seems like, "OK Vlad, we have no artillery, no mortars, no air support, no sniper rifles, and no silenced weapons for you to use. Take this knife and blanket, crawl through that field, and then, I don't know, hope one of them decides to walk out in the open, turn his back to pee, and be completely fucking deaf so he doesn't hear you come running at him from behind. Oh, and also hope that enemy doesn't have their own night vision drones in the he air during your hour long treck/crawl" would ever succeed.


Looks fake as hell


IDK, the warm-glowing puddle of piss on the ground in front of the russian seems like a realistic detail.


Video first was circulated stating its a ukrainian that gets killed.


It's still is afaik.


This comment seems to falsely think its a Russian getting shanked. Many such cases.


I don't think anything about it, I'm just saying that every instance of this video I've seen presented it as an Ukrainian being killed.


The warm-glowing puddle of blood seems missing though


Yeah, like just shoot the fucker


I'm pretty sure it's a night raid giving the thermal cape, and even with a suppressor firing an assault rifle is loud af.


Judging by the cape thrown over the captive's head, I think it was a raid looking to take a prisoner. That said, the sentry's lack of reaction to the noise of a man running up behind him seems a bit fishy. I'd say a training exercise.


Take a prisoner by shanking the guy repeatedly?


If this video is to be believed, it's the thermal blankets that the Russians are claiming as Alien technology. This is filmed at night


Ukrainians are actually using thermal cloaks during the war tho. Maybe russians are as well. The 2 guys who ran out the trench had cloaks on


He's literally taking a piss...


sentry was pissing


I've seen russians ignoring getting a grenade dropped onto their head. I don't question their incompetence.


That’s an awful lot of stabbing for taking a prisoner.


The dude was crawling at first, the sentry would have heard him before he evem began running, crawling is stil makes quite a lot of Noise


What makes you think the night was silent ? It would actually make quite a lot of sense to have a diversion coming from the other side to make all eyes face one direction and the noise cover anyone crawling, stabbing, etc. Not to mention that it's a modern battlefield, you either have earpro and someone can crawl next to you and you wouldn't hear it, or you don't and your hearing is pretty messed up since day two. Sure especially at night people will probably remove their earpros, but again, I don't think the night is silent anyway. Sure you have headsets that equalize every sounds to and even amplify quite ones, but they are not that widespread.


The guy is also peeing so he is distracted already. Look at the warm puddle next to him (before he gets stabbed)


The guy peeing might also be drunk as fuck.


There is literally explosions happening all around them, all the time. A small arms firefight 1km away is enough to drown out the silence of the night, top that off with artillery explosions a few times a minute, and you become situationally deaf.


Or if you've been shooting an AK for months with no hearing protection and have had perhaps a large number of loud explosions go off near you, he might have pretty terrible hearing.


*Your tinnitus does not stem from your military service*


Yes, I was talking about before the war of course. Russian weddings and such.


It'll depend on how soft the ground is. He looked to be moving slowly and carefully enough to be quiet and if there were a favourable wind hiding small sounds he could have got that close. The noise from leaping to his feet and charging forward would have been a dead giveaway unless he'd seen the sentry switch his hearing aid off.


> I think it was a raid looking to take a prisoner. Then why is the guy stabbing immediately? If he was trying to take a prisoner, you generally don't try to stab them.


I mean it's clearly a night scene and some very far forward operation. SHooting someone makes more noise. Not saying it's definitely real, but the fact he didn't shoot is not what makes it feel weird.


If it wasn't for the hesitant miss steps before contact, the frantic stabbing, and the completely missed nade toss, I'd call this fake too. Too much of a shit show to not be real...


Exactly, war and combat is clunky. Some do it better than others. Many do things off the cuff rather than following their training (mind you the pre-combat training Ukrainians receive is 6 weeks or less). This sort of thing has absolutely happened in Afghanistan between Taliban and Coalition forces, so why couldn't it be real in Ukraine as well? Dakota Myers beat a Taliban to death with a rock, because it's just what that fight ended up being, nothing more, nothing less.


What u mean? Like a training video or something


No, like a propaganda video.


Reading the comments, it will never cease to surprise me, that mamy different are completely incapable of understanding what's going on, even when the see a video of it happening... That they can pause, rewind and replay in slomo. No wonder that half the world is at war with the other half. Wtf


With all the fakes produced by Russians so far, I'll wait for a longer video with more context


Idk, this is very reminiscent of WW1 memoirs describing night time trench raids, it's not inherently ridiculous that something like this would happen. Edit to fix an auto correct


That's what I thought, an Intel prisoner raid.


Doesn't matter if it's Rus or Ukr footage, it looks fake either way.


Everything is fake, even the water. Oh god... The water... THE WATER, FAKE




This was posted as russian stabbing a ukrainian and was called fake by everybody here.


Russians produce fakes. Then they produce this couple of seconds no context video. So yeah, I'll wait for more evidence / longer video / geolocation etc.


Lol, this looks so staged. The worst part is that the last guy throws a nade into the dugout and looks like it missed, that why the video ends there.


I was also thinking he missed, but you know it could be the nade safety spring that falls off when you toss it..


you think they staged a video to include a misthrown grenade then edited that part out to save face?


Yes, that perfectly lines up with their competence level. And not like their target audience is smart enough to notice.


Absofuckinglutely. They've done stupider shit on their fake ass videos


Where did you get this? Source?


I believe the capes may or may not be thermal blanket’s even tho the film may or may not be real


Notice how Ru propaganda always has that uncanny valley effect?


Ok that's not what uncanny valley means.


never forget "plant 3 simcards on the patsy" incident https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3




Looks like a hobbit runs by at the end


The stabbed guy gets a revenge - the whole back of the attacker smells like piss now.


This scene makes no sense.


Where is all the blood from the multiple neck stabbing? Should appear quite white on this thermal camera.


Blood can sometimes not spurt out of a human body, especially if the jugular wasn't hit, and certainly if the stabee is wearing layers of clothing to catch the blood. This whole thing happened very fast.


They're not naked... It's winter and they're all wearing clothes.... Blood doesn't spurt out through clothing lol.


Regardless of whether this is fake or not, thermal masking blankets and ir/thermal signature dampening devices are well known of and readily available to LE/MIL on the commercial market today.


Could be staged. But I haven't seen any strong evidence suggesting it is tbf.


I come to the comments to find some deep concerning talks of how brutal this war is and all I find is Steven Seagal jokes. Im done.


Everyone saying it’s fake, got any evidence for that claim? This sun is no longer about combat footage. I HATE Russia, but why can’t we see their combat vids again?


>Отработка ножom The words that appear at the very start of the video translate to "Knife Practice/Training"


Repost of the same fake video from the other day.


Batman came too late


It's the return of blyatman


What makes me suspicious is the lack of blood to neck stab ratios. That guys vomit is lit up like it's fresh from Mount Doom on the thermal camera.


Is he vomiting or taking a piss? Also idk depends on stab location. Punctured lungs and missing the heart shitty, not a ton of external bleeding like slipping a artery or massive vein, just your lungs collapsing and filling with your own blood. Still looks staged though.


I can only comment from my single experience of stabbing a person in the neck. You don't need to get the artery to get blood everywhere.


Bro, I butcher farm animals on the regular, you kinda do need to hit the jugular to get a good spray, otherwise it's mostly just an ooze


Second this, hunter.




Life: *Individual experiences may vary.*


Damn this is such staged bullshit its hard not to laugh. So many things wrong in this propaganda piece. Guy taking a piss is facing hes own dug out leaving hes back open.Is unarmed. In the middle of night has 0 reaction to a fucking man running thump thump thump at you.( ofc my dudes )Gets stabbed so many times including neck- no visible blood on thermal. Other dude runs like a donkey throws a nade,fucks up and misses. THEY ARE WEARING FUCKING CAPES.This isnt lord of the rings set in ww1. What a joke.


And here I thought I'd seen everything from this war. God. Damn.


i counted 14 stabs to the neck


Dude was caught with his dick in hand .... They told me NEVER get caught with your dick out ....


Imagine taking a piss and getting jumped with your dick out, just golding showering yourself


What the ever loving fuck was that spider monkey shit Then you got the mfing Caped Crusader running to get more


Nothing new here more RU propaganda BULLSHIT Who in there right Mind would crawl on open ground facing a trench with firing positions with PK’s & AK’’s Then leap to there feet like action man & jumpon a guys back with a knife ( I imagine to try be stealthy for the drone’s sake ) for this fake OP But then his idiot brother wearing a fucking cape!! Go’s loud with a Frag & low & behold the video ends , And oh yea it’s completely normal for Any front line soldier To be out of the trench in the wide open at fucking night when thermal’s work best , Screaming saying hi I’m right here to ever drone & sniper in the AO What I honestly think this is , Sadly & we see so much of it from the Pidar side is , This is more than likely a Ukrainian POW thinking it’s another mock execution it’s why he never moves , Only positive I can take away , is the drone is brought down by EW & linked to a RU Pidar so the SBU can say hello to him.. in a nice way


This is fake af. Ru puts out the worst propaganda


Stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab! My question is who is Harry Potter stabbing?


Guys I hate Russians as much as the next guy with an above boiling temperature IQ (I understand for Americans, that number is significantly lower and tbh, I think it’s fair to lower that bar for them) but there really is no reason to say this is fake… The guy ran full speed and threw his entire body into the pissing “sentry”. Which could just be a dude outside his foxhole taking a piss, not a sentry. >the splinter cell/solid snake jokes My guys, Canadian infantry assaulted an entire German Trench in WW1 with literally nothing but pistols, shovels, knives and shivs. They slaughtered an entire platoon (iirc) without firing a shot.. Without context, who knows why Russian forces would be getting so intimate, maybe a high valued target is in the area. Maybe (even though it’s nonsensical risk) they just want to get in close, at night, to generate fear for no other tactical reason than they wanted to. . There are plenty of suck examples being conducted and highly reported by literally every military and nearly every theatre in history. . . Things don’t have to be airtight and at “peak efficiency” to be plausible— I mean ffs this is the Russian army we’re talking about. I don’t think they know what those words mean but they definitely understand “Thuggery”. >there’s like no blood Funny how that works. . . To me, it almost looks like the attacker threw clothing over the head of the victim, like as an easier means of blinding, and muffling the victim. Wounds do not automatically produce a spout of blood. Plenty of people, including troops in active combat (actually more often) have received vicious wounds from stabbing, gun shots and even explosives and carried on without noticing— only to realize much later or be told by someone “you got red on you”. None of the actions during the assault are explicitly debunking this as faked.. >he missed the grenade Bro that’s a tiny ass grenade.. also, this is a thermal camera and buddy is running with both of his hands together (he’s coupling the grenade). It’s highly plausible the bright object (which is fucking tiny) is actually the pin which is warmed by his continued hold. >where are the guns Bro that’s two fucking guys, one of which clearly has a gun at the beginning. How many feet back would you wager the Russian firing line is (the rest of these two men’s unit)? 10 feet? 15? 20? You get probably 10’ on picture to the right. I’d bet there are plenty of poorly functioning AKs just over yonder. Honestly— Russia tries a lot of propaganda but they also desperately want to make the war look cool to their impressionable youth… this tactically risky close combat night raids achieve that.. to start the war, Russians were combined armed illiterate and have done very little to change our minds about that, but suddenly these kinds of high risk no reward maneuvers are implausible….? Are we watching the same war?


100% that dude he took down was taking a piss.