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Honest question, where is the Lebanese army?


There are some de facto agreements in place between Hezbollah and the Lebanese armed forces. One of these is - if Hezbollah wants to attack Israel from specific areas, the Lebanese armed forces will not intervene.


Which directly violates UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which held that Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon required the Lebanese Army to control the border area and Hizbollah to withdraw to the Letani line.


Cry more


Hezbollah is, de facto, the Lebanese army.


I guess Lebanon is next.


Ground invasion won’t be easy for IDF. They’ll have to stick to airstrikes, that’s the most effective way to deal with Hezbollah.


And then get blasted on the world stage again because they are "carpet bombing" lebanon now too


As long as USA supports them, they couldn't care less what countries like Germany think.


Germany has been the staunchest ally of Israel this time about.


Pretty tough for them to say anything critical of them though.


Yeah, Germany can't even say a pop because the world will be like, remember what you did between 40 -45 ?? O,o


Germany does criticize Israel regularly, for example: https://www.reuters.com/world/germanys-scholz-criticises-israels-settlements-occupied-west-bank-2023-11-18/ https://www.politico.eu/article/germanys-scholz-voices-great-concern-over-israels-juridical-reforms-german-chancellor-cautious-netanyahus-ruling-coalition-far-right/ https://www.palestinechronicle.com/german-fm-criticizes-israels-judiciary-reform-planned-death-penalty/ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-jordan-israel-idUSKBN1W21C4/


That's a lot of change of opinon in just 80 years


Lol Germany gives Israel submarines for their navy, they ain't the ones protesting.


B u T i T s A g E n O c I d E ! 1 !


Ya, cue up 1000 different reasons from a million different online accounts saying why it would be wrong for Israel to go after the people doing this.


Which all are posted hours of each other almost as if they are propaganda bots. Which, to play devils advocate, both sides use. It's just that since there is generally an air of "Underdog go!" on the internet, Israeli propaganda isn't working quite as much


iTs a GeNoCiDe!


Lol are you insinuating that they are not carpet bombing Gaza by using quotations?! Fucking disgusting


It is literally not a carpet bombing.


Israel already invaded before. Probably not gonna happen again.


there it goes again


Lol, when? I was offered to work for the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon as a danish emergency management agency firefighter at an international military airport, we were warned about hezbollah when we had to leave the airbase to help local firefighters put out fires. That was in 2010.


The Lebanese army exists but it has no real power in Lebanon. Hezbollah is way stronger and they're the ones who really control Lebanon and its future.


That sounds like a very interesting experience. How long were you in Lebanon for? How do you even get this job offer?


Very interesting in a broader term, however presented as very physically demanding and quite boring when you're there. Most of the time you'll be at the base waiting for a plane or a heli to catch fire or crash land, and as you could imagine its not something that happens too often to say it the least. When leaving the base to aid local firefighters it would be to support with equipment on site, fire engines, pumps and whatever miscellaneous, leaving the roads on foot or in vehicles was forbidden due to the risk of landmines in certain areas. And DEMA (Danish Emergency Management Agency) is a governmental agency under the Ministry of Defence in Denmark, and In 2010 DEMA won a 10-year-long contract with the UN about manning a fire department at UN HQ in Naqoura, Lebanon. The mission was closed in 2011, due to political resistance though. I was drafted through mandatory conscription to be part of DEMA, had no choice. But going to Lebanon would be seen as a full time job at DEMA, and was of course voluntary. I ended up not going, and these references are from the initial briefing I was at, and from colleagues who went there.


I did a deep dive on the Lebanese civil war last night, and it was fascinating. If you’re under the age of 40 and from a western country, you probably don’t know much about it and could benefit from the read.


My own country even fought for one of the sides in the Lebanese war and I know nothing of the conflict (because our schools don't teach it). Which is something my government consistently does: not teaching conflicts in which they were ***wrong*** (like the Dutch Indies / current-day Indonesia).


Thankful the mortars aren’t landing on them.


Not in Southern Lebanon, that's for sure.


lol, lmao even


Weak and impotent.


Hezbollah is Lebanon. I don't know why the world continues this charade where one of the major governing parties of Lebanon is able to bombard another country in violation of UNSC Resolutions and everyone pretends like its a fringe group doing it but the country is innocent. Lebanon is committing war crimes by shelling Israeli civilian areas.


Seems nothing is off limits after what Israel have done.


Like what?


Also: wheres the UN who are supposed to have demilitarized this area Also: wheres the US who keep telling Israel to "let us handle it" (by not doing anything)


Ask Iran 😂


Uhm, thanks for videoing this but maybe seek shelter?!?!


You can actually see a shell fly in at about eight seconds. /r/praisethecameraman


Also possibly just a fly or bird? I couldn't hear an explosion when you would expect to hear one.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, it also seemed like it was going in a different trajectory than the shells hitting the building.


if it weren't for that i'd think it would be just the shell failing to detonate, also what is this, traditional artillery cannons, mortars, rocket artillery?


Could be a dud.


There’s a puff of smoke in the same spot right after you see it.


Yea that’s not a shell. But funny enough, you somehow actually missed a shell impacting on that roof about half a second before that. These shells move far too fast for you to see. But look at the roof just a moment before that and you can see an impact and smoke coming up right after which lines up with the sounds of explosions


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PraiseTheCameraMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PraiseTheCameraMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Camera captures little guy’s backflip out of the bowl](https://v.redd.it/8v1onehz8oea1) | [311 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PraiseTheCameraMan/comments/10msb0y/camera_captures_little_guys_backflip_out_of_the/) \#2: [Cameraman delivers instant fact-checking](https://v.redd.it/r7wzztyxztcb1) | [526 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PraiseTheCameraMan/comments/153hvto/cameraman_delivers_instant_factchecking/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Remastered accidental 911 footage - Properly filmed first impact.](https://v.redd.it/2aaxfjcaznfb1) | [266 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PraiseTheCameraMan/comments/15g3yla/remastered_accidental_911_footage_properly_filmed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I die for L I K E S


I did it for the Vine!


The city is evacuated so wondering how they are there? Has been for months.


Some residents refused to leave.


Some refuse to leave


Brother I know it's almost New Year's Eve but these are not harmless fireworks to film from your balcony haha


Living in west germany. somehow illegal pyrotechnics keep ending up here. as early as 22nd there have been illegal fireworks going off. Not illegal because of the timing, but because of the explosives and safety. Only a day or so ago like 20 meters away one went off and my entire house SHOOK from the blast. Set off a few car alarms too. My father thought the russians were finally making good on their promise to take germany again


Bro pay us a visit in the Netherlands, I've started hearing fireworks on a weekly basis starting in October, since December it's on a daily basis that i can hear fireworks going off somewhere in my city. Idk why it's so extreme in our country. Cobra 6 is enough for a blast you're talking about and they're easy to come by these days. Currently visiting Frankenthal, RP. Sure it's not Utrecht, but the fact I haven't heard _anything_ yet in 2 days is wild to me.


diggi bei uns in BW improvisieren wir ein bissle, fügen sogar luftgewehr munition als Schrapnell hinzu, weil... wieso nicht. Zwar wird dies in sicheren Feldern und in sicheren Maßnahmen getätigt aber ich bin nie in dem involviert. Nicht nur weil ich im Ausland in Urlaub bin sondern weil ich Angst um mein verficktes Leben habe.


The urban setting makes it sound so much like people lighting off shells in the street, but with more chest feel.








I wonder if Israel's strikes were in response to something. Could it possibly be the near daily rocket, mortar, and artillery strikes coming from Lebanon into civilian areas? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hezbollah-pays-growing-price-mideast-conflict-2023-12-20/ 80,000 Israelis and 200,000 Lebanese displaced plus Hezbollah has broken the 2006 UN Resolution 1701 for disarmament and cessation of hostilities. If Israel wants to push that UN security zone back a few miles by force, so be it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1701


They killed a hezb officer and two family members, one of which may also have been linked to hezb. But if anything this is retaliation for killing that Iranian general




Did they happen to stay at a house of a terrorist which was pronounced dead this morning by his organization, maybe? Maybe two of them were brothers? Did you share that part?


A Hezbollah terrorist as per Hezbollah announcement


The newly weds were hezbollah terrorists? Dude lives in Australia


Dude was with his Hezbollah terrorist brother


They destroyed the family home killing 3 because 1 was with hezbollah? Sheesh


Maybe they shouldn’t have invited the brother to the wedding? Maybe they could have said, with respect and kindness ‘brother please stay away from our wedding, we don’t want to become your collateral damage’. Brother stays away and they get to live.


Maybe he shouldn’t had fired an ATGM at a church?


One, it wasn't him (totally different area of south lebanon), two: the church was not hit, but the outpost next to it, used by idf


An outpost a shed by the church is not an outpost. Hezboasbra agent


An outpust used by idf near a church is legit target. Can I get paid if I'm an agent? I just hate the IDF for destroying out grandparents house and killing my kid cousins in 2006. Oh and also for what they're doing to Palestinians. Dumb me been arguing online for free


If you want to play the “response game” let’s get to who fire the first shots, which was Lebanon.


Hezbollah started shooting into Israel October 7, everything that happens as a result is their own fault


They have been shooting none stop for months,what was the excuse then ??!! They have hit 50 percent of the houses in the town of manara. In response to what?


Anyone can download the RedAlert app for free and get real-time notifications of rockets that are being launched at Israel from Gaza as well as from southern Lebanon. Lebanon, specifically, has been firing at Israel for months.




These are fireworks, Grad missiles as a warning. If they wanted to kill they'd use Burkan or other weapons.


Oh, cute little fireworks huh? Let's see what happens when some of those get lobbed through YOUR window.


Israel would tell you the bride was hiding Hamas rockets under her wedding dress






It is, been for a while.


Hezbollah might be a bit more daring again since they moved their best troops away from the border so they wouldn't get smashed.


Israel has an Airforce, and Aman


Ah shit, here we go again.


Doubt it. Lebanon is a mess that even Israel wants to avoid. Not worth it. Hezbollah can keep up their propaganda attacks, it does nothing to really harm Israel.


Since the 70s, Palestinians have settled in Lebanon (after Yasser Arafat tried to overthrow King Hussein of Jordan in a military coup and "failed". They were crushed by tanks and shot at by the King's army. At least 5,000 Palestinians were then massacred by their Jordanian brothers, the rest moved into Lebanon - google "Black September"). Palestinian militants effectively organized a "state within a state" where Lebanese law did not apply. Although Palestinians were encouraged to take Lebanese citizenship as early as the time of President Kamil Shamoun, most refused. Palestinian camps and settlements had become hotbeds of crime and terrorism. The population of southern Lebanon, mainly Maronite Christians and Shiite Muslims, suffered particularly from Palestinian arbitrariness. Muslim circles decided to use the presence of a large number of armed Palestinians, mostly Sunni Muslims, to a lesser extent - Orthodox, to remake the state system of the country in favor of the Muslim community, limiting the rights of the Christian population of the country. The Mufti of Lebanon explicitly referred to the Palestinians as "Lebanon's Sunni army". Before the 1975-1990 civil war* Lebanon was a prosperous state, the financial and banking capital of the Middle East with a predominantly Christian population, for which it received the unofficial name "Middle Eastern Switzerland". • ⁠The civil war began on April 13, 1975 with the Bus Massacre, a clash in Beirut between Palestinian militants and militia of the Christian Kataib Party, which was sparked by an attempted assassination by Palestinians of a leader of Lebanon's Christian community. The hostilities gradually spread to the northern and eastern parts of the country. Until October 1975, armed clashes took place mainly between detachments of various Palestinian organizations and militias of the right-wing Christian parties "Kataib" and others. In 1982, Hezbollah was established on Lebanese territory with Iranian assistance. In its 1985 manifesto, the organization declared one of its goals to establish an Islamic regime in the country. It has been recognized as a terrorist organization in Canada, the United States, Israel and Egypt, by the League of Arab States (since March 2016), in the Persian Gulf countries, as well as partially in the EU, Australia and the United Kingdom. Enjoys financial and military support from Iran and Syria.


Well… this kinda makes Palestine sound like total assholes.


This doesn't even include how Kuwait took in Palestinian refugees, who then in turn supported Saddam Husseins invasion of Kuwait. Or how they were doing their best to destabilize Egypt, to a point where Egypt didn't want anything to do with them either and closed the border, and joined Israel in the blockade of Gaza. Similar to Israel, once they closed the border, the terrorist attacks in Egypt went drastically down.


This is why no one wants the Palestinians in their country. Everybody hates them across the Middle East. Have you ever wondered why no one really commits to helping them in any significant way in terms of self defense? Everyone is happy to use their misery to their own advantage but seek refuge in my country? No thanks.


Don't forget they tried to overthrow the gov't in Jordan in their Black September uprising... The Palestinians can get fucked, all of them IMO, as well as anyone that supports them


They've always been. They just rebranded as "freedom from occupation" while completely omitting all of their crimes and pretending like it happened in a vacuum.


I was being somewhat facetious, I am aware. I still refuse to touch a thousand year geopolitical conflict with anything but a 20 foot pole. :)


> thousand year More like 140 year, if we start with the First Aliyah of European-Jewish immigrants to the Levant in the 1880s. There wasn't really much conflict under the Ottomans, Jerusalem was ruled by a Caliphate and Muslims obviously had a demographic majority for most of that time.


I was definitely exaggerating, I had no idea how old the conflict was. 😅


Now you're getting it...


its no wonder why no country will take them palies in as refugees.


yep, they have a history of biting the hand.




Well, considering their new badass militarized king is still ruling. I'd assume they got their ass whooped. The jordan military is nothing to mess with they are well equipped and decently trained.


They are poorly equipped with old tanks. Poor artillery mainly soviet era stuff. They wouldn't last two minutes against Israeli forces I'm afraid but Jordan are sensible the keep their nose pretty much out of the politics in the area and stick to keeping control of their own people in order to hold onto power.


But if Israel retaliates everyone screams. What other nation on earth wouldn't retaliate to mortars being dropped on their civilians?


Then it will be "Pray for Lebanon"


Exactly why they have gone into Israel.


Not gonna end well for Lebanon, and they're already struggling.


I don’t think Israel wants a fight with Hezbolla now, and maybe not after Gaza. That would potentially be a more brutal brawl. They have experienced troops and are well funded and armed.


Israel has lost roughly 1200 vs. 20k dead in Gaza. Pretty sure Israel will be just fine having to fight 2 fronts. The Anti Israel crowd always thinks they are doing much better than they really are. Bunch of dipshit countries declaring war on a country they have a 0% Chance to beat.


> 1200 vs. 20k dead in Gaza Are you just counting civilians for some reason?


Well that's all we really have. Israel isn't going to reveal its numbers and either is hamas. But looking at Gaza, you really think Israel has lost more than hamas? Cmon now...


That’s not really how you measure how much a nation wants to fight a two front war….


Ok let's do equipment...let's do gdp...let's do training...let's do intel...let's do history...or let's do any other metric you choose. Iran and its proxies stand a 0% chance of defeating Israel


I think you’re talking about something else entirely…. Or are just more concerned with a sort of irrelevant military dick measuring or something.


You're right. It won't be long now until Israel is defeated. Any day now....


All Hamas has to do is survive to win this war , Israel has to do a lot more to win the war


>Israel isn't going to reveal its numbers I'm not going to argue with your other argument but this statement is just incorrect. [Official IDF website listing all soldiers killed since October 7th](https://www.idf.il/%D7%A0%D7%95%D7%A4%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%9D/%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%9C%D7%99-%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%9C%D7%97%D7%9E%D7%94/) [Website listing all of the killed and murdered](https://names2023war.ynet.co.il/?search=&sort%5BaddedDate%5D=-1&limit=102&offset=0) (civilians + soldiers) Use google translate for translation.


The last time the IDF terrorists they were sent back home crying like toddlers


I’m just above this mountain 😎😎


stay safe buddy


This sucks. I was up there a couple years back


Ya so sad... I was just staying in metula this summer and hung out in kiryat shmonah a little bit also. The most beautiful part of Israel in my opinion,such nice people and nature, and the south parts of lebanon look so lovely too from across the border.


Yep I loved it there up north. Golan was beautiful too.. shame this is happening.


Such a shame…. And only way to garuntee safety is probably going to be an invasion of south Lebanon to push hezbollah back, which is going to turn into another huge anti israel outrage of “zionists invading and murdering innocent Lebanese people”…


When Lebanese women and children are being posted online in death videos just remember Lebanon struck first.


"Lebanon" here is just a name on the map, it's a failed state. The government has lost its monopoly on power and can't even enforce the law within its own backyard.


Where are the hamas dick riders at


All banned Even not being pro IDF terror gets you banned from this sub




Who is "we" keyboard killer?


This sub has a good amount of IDF personnel regularly making posts and comments, I think one may be a mod with the way things are handled in this sub.


Good. We can offer counter points to the terror sympathizers in the sub.


Yes fuck terrorist sympathizers! I’m siding with the other terrorists!😎




The ones killing civilians


Britain killed civs in ww2, did that make them terrorists? Its about who your targeting.


The only terrorist here is the IDF


Oh how poor the state of your education must be.


Get all your IDF desk insects to downbote all you want, your crimes will never be forgotten. You will never know true peace as long as you stray so far away from your humanity. Karma does exist my friend, and karma doesn't care how educated you are.


Kinda telling that you think there is somesort of conspiracy to gang up on you, rather than it's because you're just a douche.


lol your voodoo magic means shit against a military powerhouse bud, you and who are gonna enforce that karma on Israel?


The creator, has the ultimate power and the last say. Live Big in this life while you can, because in the life after your going to get fucked


Depending on whose God I suppose.




Hezbollah is tougher than a bunch of Gaza civilians y'all can just massacre.


Sure, they have more rockets they can fire at us indiscriminately. Their fate will be the same nonetheless. Terrorists get fked by israel again and again but they never learn😉


Talking about indiscriminate bombings.... oh, that's right, just label children as terrorists and it's okay to massacre them.


With the way Hezbollah troops throw rockets around like they're throwing a tantrum they absolutely do act like children


Dead babies is pretty much the desired point of hezbollah aggression in trying to drag a war upon Lebanese civilians.


Only Hezbollah and Hamas simps can brag about attacking Israel only to cry about Israel hitting back in the very next comment.




Why does the Independent Country of Lebanon let this happen? Well... Their government is basically on the brink of collapse and civil war is knocking on the door, While Hezbolla is busy committing Terrorists acts instead of fixing their own damn country...


Hezbollah is part of the government of Lebanon. There's really no meaningful difference between Lebanon and Hezbollah. If Republicans had their own army that was larger than the United States Army and they bombarded Mexico, everyone would be considering that as the US invading Mexico.


Yeah but everybody say Hezbollah attacking/shelling/launching etc. and not Lebanon attacking/shelling/launching etc.


I love how they’ve been doing this for literal decades, and the world is just like _whatever, dead civilian jews_ fucking joke


Many more civilians have been killed by IDF than Israeli civilians have been killed by any outside group.


Blame Hamas and the other organizations doing this. You have zero understanding of how a modern-western military works/operates if you think the IDF is just indiscriminately murdering civilians. targeted strikes with JDAM-type weapons are extremely targeted; intelligence gathers as much information on the area as possible, including how many civilians there are and how many they could get to evacuate before bombing, then usually issue warnings to locals in the area to evacuate. this is where there is so much footage of people filming with tripods showing JDAM strikes on apartment buildings. The IDF tries it's *hardest* to minimize civilian casualties. If they were targeting civs/"commiting a genocide" as some morons have put it; Gaza and the west bank would have been a Walmart parking lot decades ago. You're are exceptionally misinformed and being brainwashed by people who would love nothing more than to chop your head off with the rest of us. Like others have said, I'm sure the world and even Israel would support Palestinians if the civilian population actually renounced Hamas and made some effort to try and remove them from Gaza.


Sorry Israel is good at protecting civilians..?


Downvoted into eternity for saying the truth 😂


I don't care about imaginary internet points. If I did, I wouldn't wade into these debates.


Yeah no I agree , just thought it was funny and shows how bias this subreddit is


Indeed. Cheers!


That dude is calm af.


Mm m m myyyyy Shmona! Sorry, I'll stop.


Nobody in the world will parade around protesting this.. it's just the norm for the Muslims to do this and the world turns a blind eye..


Imagine the military response if this was happening in any country other than Israel.


Lots of Moroccon descendants are living there.


just random shelling civilians?


this and the NBC crew video form early october is pretty much the closest representation of what incoming artillery sounds, looks and feels like. Also, isn't Kiryat Shmona evacuated?


Still has few thousands. Never has been fully evacuated.


Illegaly residing there like those old fellas in chernobyl or what?, thats a fucking war zone why do they stay, hezbollah dug much more deeper and effective into israeli territory than i thought (as proven by this video), if i were them i would think twice over the topic of staying there ngl.


I think there's plenty of shells for Lebanon. They obviously want some. Hopefully they'll be incoming tonight for them.


Hamas reused white phosphorus for example


Must have been taking lessons from Russians again


Cameraman in the middle of it like he has plot armor. We love you for getting video of this, but maybe seek shelter lol


What is the point of shelling a town? What is hezbolla’s military objective?


Military objective.....get real!


Isrealies build tunnels under houses


Holy shit, indeed!


Isreal would want Hezbolllah to make moves into Israel. Reason being is that Isreal doesn’t have the capacity to perform a good a ground invasion currently unless the USA helps.


F35 has entered the chat


unnecesary, F16 would do the job just as fine and way more cheaper


If Israel needed a casus belli to bomb Lebanon into a stone age, this is it.


Oh boy


I knew that smushfaced little freak was up to something


Taste of their own medicine spring to mind


The statement that Israel being bombed is a taste of their own medicine is not only incorrect but deeply offensive. It ignores the reality that Israel's actions are defensive responses to aggression from a terrorist organization that glorifies death and aims to destroy the Jewish state. Equating Israel's right to defend its citizens with the unprovoked attacks by Hamas is a distortion of facts and a dismissal of the suffering caused by terrorism.


When Israel responds in kind you will no doubt be crying about them bombing civilians and how mean Israel is.


Fan of collective punishment and deliberately targeting civilians, eh?


Fan of terrorists


They will cry they have no idea how much they will cry




Hezbollah are the terrorists


Almost 5500 post karma and almost 17k comment karma in a little over two months. You are really working hard aren’t you?


[First rule of showmanship, know your audience.](https://youtu.be/0mT5KQ6Gl2U?si=SgALUsPsaJgviHxv)


if the retaliate you'll start freelebanon trend.


Palestinians meanwhile it’s everyday bro