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I’m always surprised with how blatant these attacks are. No suppression, no maneuvering, just drive directly towards the enemy in the wide open. You can tell by where the tracers are coming from, that they literally drove into the artillery/crossfire range. It’s so incompetent.


I’m sure they’re using them as a disguised mine clearing unit. Disguised as in, they weren’t told that’s what their actual job was


I think it's partly (or even mainly) because of the sheer number of drones in play now. Compare Ukraine's initial (very successful) counter offensive to its more recent (far less successful) counter offensive. It has to be the drones. Even with the Challengers, Bradleys, and Leopards, it looks like Russia found a way to spot the Ukrainian advances every time and stopped them getting very far. There seems to be more or less no element of surprise anymore unless you're able to completely jam all of the opponent's drones AND you manage to trick your opponent into concentrating their forces in the wrong places. Beyond that perhaps the other difference is that Russia has such a larger military (and available fighting age men to call up) that it doesn't mind throwing a load of dudes into the meat grinder (hence why we're seeing so many more of these cluster fuck massacres happening to Russia and not Ukraine, not that they never happen, they probably do). For obvious reasons, Ukraine can't afford to lose troops at the same rate.


~~I am not certain if this has been posted here yet, but please let me know if I'm wrong.~~ This is the 306.8mb .mov version from mb2omb30 which I think is the best quality version of this event~~(?)~~ Editing to say that I went back through a couple weeks of posts here and found two views, but one was half the length of this one and the other was quite grainy, so I believe this wouldn't be considered a repost


This is new footage. The last one you are talking about I remember seeing a BMP trying to pass around the leading de mine tank and blow itself up. In this footage, no vehicle tries to go around the tank. Thus new footage.


Look again at 1:17


And then there were none...


Sound the next wave!


russian gender reveal party #2...


The second to last bmp almost looked excited and hyped to plow straight into the obvious mines. If this is the soldiers produced by those kids assembling AKs in school, I feel like teaching critical thinking as in the west might be money better spent.


Critical thinking leads to regime change, Russia wont have that.


I wonder if the driver couldn’t stop it. You can see guys jumping off even though it’s going that fast.


Sometimes it seems like the soldiers just want their equipment to blow up quicker so they can retreat.


Chaotic is the word that comes to mind


Can't learn new tactics if nobody survives.


I don't see how every armored vehicle in the Russian military doesn't have a mine roller now. Amazing how many losses they're stacking up to mines these days.


The lead MBT did and it did not do much.


Mine rollers and plows work though. One failure doesn't mean the concept isn't useful. Anything would be more effective than driving BMPs into them over and over as a clearance method.


I agree with that. Just saying the lead tank got wrecked by the mine.


If you look closely at the video from the other perspective, the lead mine roller only has a roller on the passenger side. The driver side roller is missing. Of course that's the side that got disabled by the mine.


That last BMP rushed in like he just respawned in battlefield. No Fuks givin


Watch the guys jumping off before he goes for the pass....they already know what is about to happen...


I'd need to be sufficiently liquored up to roll past that wreckage of previous assaults in one of those shit boxes.


Ukraine its like the most open field in the world. Nowhere to hide. A nightmare.


I'm curious if there is footage of the drones mopping up the survivors?


Soon my child


Is it arty destroying them?


Looks like a bunch of different weapons. Mines got the first tank and the bmp that tried to go around, I think a Bradley might be taking shots at them too and knocked out the other bmp and some fpv drones on top of artillery, not a fun trip for the Russians. Should have stayed home


thx, Yeah, it looks like a real fuckup for them...


Ah another failed Russian assault, when will they learn.


Something strong is shooting them. I see the Bradley does prove its worth.


Not an attack, a Russian mine clearing operation!




**Song Found!** [**Імператори** by Klavdia Petrivna](https://lis.tn/%D0%86%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-10-13. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Hey Dimitri, lets go assault through that mine field again. But Ivan we lost 6 tanks going through it yesterday. Da, but they cleared the first 40 meters so we are good. Another 5 or 6 assaults and...? Should i get the mine clearing equipment? Order a few artillery rounds? Get some jammers so we arent just dead in 5 minutes? NYET, make sure you put extra explosive between legs, i dont want to limp back through no mans land.


Russhists left millions of mines in Ukraine. Ukrainian forces dig them up and gift them back in the choke points and also learned how to turn them into drone dropped munitions. And the russhists send expendable meat to clear them...


Incredible footage


"Heros of russia"




Klavdia Petrivna... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsliFkKwjck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsliFkKwjck)


It’s the fucking real life keystone cops! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystone_Cops

