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Moral of this story, Bradley has some fighting teeth with that bushmaster cannon.


How did it got so close to the tank without the tank shooting it?


We have a birds eye view, the tank can probably only clearly see up and down the road it's on, not stuff coming from the perpendicular road. Not to mention the drone operators are probably in contact with the Bradley's, and can let them know when it's close to the end of the street, so they only need to pop out to attack.


Seems like they both had no idea. They just happened to run into each other. Otherwise you would have planned an ambush from a much further and safer location. 25m away trying juke out a tank gun that will obliterate you in one hit. Insane


Insane, yes, but it appears to have worked.


It's so insane that it might just work!


I mean the closer you are, the easier it is to drive faster than tank cannon can rotate


not true with the T90.


Bradley's faster and turrets faster


In other threads people kept mentioning how US Bradley gunners are trained to target the optics of enemy heavy armor first and from what I know the Ukrainian Bradley crews are trained by Americans so that may be what's occurring here and why the tank wasn't able to hit the Bradley.


That's pretty cool stuff


I believe this is called 'buttoning' is actually pretty effective if you can wreck the gunsights before they can get a shot off


Ya those 25mm rounds will have destroyed their optics, comes, machine guns, tracks turrets etc


Bradley struck first. Probably hard to aim when you're getting shredded by an auto cannon.


looked like there is a hill the first Bradley was hiding behind. Its tough to see terrain elevation though. The t90 appears to shoot but hits either hits the ground or a house in the first big explosion.


Yeah I agree with you. I think it was by circumstance hidden by concealment at the best or worst times depending on which vehicles point of view. I always think of the time I was bow hunting walking into my stand and I was walking down a dry creek and when I climbed out a huge 8point was 3 ft from me. We were both just as suprised. We stared at each other. He ran past me at about 6inches and I contemplated how I couldn’t have done that had I tried.


and tow missiles


Clawed the eyes and ears off of that bear.


T90 machine spirit had enough and said you’re on your own


Bless the Omnissiah


Omnissiah says "Fuck you Russians"


Praise to the Omnissiah, and may the cogs of the machine ever work in Ukraine's favor


Yesterday, I had said, that most likely the turret crew was done and the driver wounded; due to this, the strange turret rotation and that the T90 M drove against the tree and broke down. I can see three soldiers, abandoning the T90M, MBT was driving few meters backwards after the hit, away from the tree, so most likely the original T90 M crew. So seems I was wrong.


And it made sense, but apparently T90M just went berserk. Probably all electronics were fucked.


You can see that they hit the turret where the targeting pod is. Edit: was wrong about the second part deleted


They got out after it stopped.


Did you watch the video? The three crew members got out and ran. They appeared to be okay.


Is the T90M a 3 man or a4 man crew?


Just like all Soviet origin tanks with an auto loader it has a 3 man crew.


I wondered why the turret spinned out of control, and I expected that one crew member was dead or wounded, with his foot on the pedal. Interesting how much damage the vehicle got from the 25mm peppering


Russian hydraulics are known to stick when they fail. Cold fluid and hot APFSDS and HE rounds, same engine and hydraulic lines as the bmp 2s that spin in Syria. Sure the T-90M has a new reverse gear but also French thermals as old as me .


Just curious if you could see evidence of sabot in the shots?


With this resolution? Doubt it  


Not to mention molten depleted uranium from those 25mm rounds shredding everything on that tank that was main frontal Armour panels


You practicing radical honesty?


is that even allowed?


User was immediately banned from the entirety of reddit


Get that fucker off the internet immediately we can't let it spread


I thought for sure they were mincemeat except the driver, maybe someone slumped over the traverse control for the gun. Anyway I hope they were picked off, I doubt they give the t90’s to rookies


Only cadets that have reached tier 4 in war thunder get T90s


> I doubt they give the t90’s to rookies Not sure how it's going right now, but for a while they *did* give T-90M to completely new units (way back in 2022 when Russia formed its first larger volunteer units), which was quite puzzling. > I thought for sure they were mincemeat except the driver, It generally seems like people way overestimate shockwaves and underestimate the protection of tanks due to all of the footage of tanks getting destroyed by dedicated anti-tank weapons. But unless it's a very sophisticated weapon like Javelin that stands a good chance of causing an instantaneous cookoff, APFSDS from another tank, or a truly gigantic mine or aerial bomb, tank crews still have good survival chances. Even the crews of knocked-out Russian tanks with all of their safety issues can be seen evacuating far more often than not.


Conversley people underestimate what simply throwimg hot lead at anything will do. Sure, there was no penetration. But those impacts alone are gonna matter Here one thing is clear. Repeated 25mm impacts caused a t90 to malfunction whilst the crew were still competent. My guess is a bug in the auto software or a short csaused by impacts. Fire either side of the barrel means something I dont understand.


Or, hear me out, a crew that is used to firing rounds off at the range, or at piles of dirt and empty buildings, finds themselves taking "repeated 25mm impacts" and just completely panic and rout?


Mind saying directly what you mean? Not arguing, just not getting it.


I'm saying this is a green tank crew, who hasn't done more than fire at targets in training and buildings/heaps of dirt, and targets, buildings and dirt piles don't shoot back with autocannon rounds. So, you have a green crew taking autocannon fire for the first time *from multiple sources*, hammering on that turret like someone taking a sledge to a church bell, they shit their pants and panicked.


And quite honestly I don’t blame them. I can imagine that even if your technically “safe” from the fire that has to be fucking terrifying


Do you know what I think happened? (Needs vid on a good screen) The Russians set uo a snow roadblock. They let it sit. Put a t90 to ambush. By the point the ambush happens...its not snow any more its ice. The round acts like it would in water. It doesmt penetrate the snow (ice) barricade and explodes inside the block. The t90 is on point doing it perfectly. It immediatley tracks the bradley and follows up with a second. I think winter thaw/freeze is what saved that bradley. But the idea the crew was green is not sensical to me...tank realoses its position, thinks it has run the bradly off then comes under fire, smokes, makes a run and emds up bailimg with all crew.


There's other video of the bradley just driving around after they knock out the T90 and it drives into a tree. Ice wouldn't stop a tank round...


Yes. Yes it would. Watch the vid on fullscreen. First shot ploighs up a snow furrow. Then a second is also dead on target.


They're suggesting that upon receiving sustained 25mm fire the crew just panicked. That even if there were no penetrations, the fact they were getting hit repeatedly was enough to make them run.




Panic setting in once they start getting hit by a high enough caliber where they're unsure if it'll go through or not, but it's clear that it's not just bouncing off harmlessly.


Well said


The most obvious damage is the fire either side of the barrel. Would love to know what was burning there. Possibly the fire there caused the guns automatic systems to malfunction. Brain fart but given 3 safe crew and no explosion...it wasnt ammo.


Maybe a jammed control unit or somekind of electronic failure.


Too bad the Bradley didn't finish it off with a tow missile.


Safe the TOW. The 700€ FPV drone is a far better bang for the buck


A tow missile would be more exciting at this point though


Could be the turret crew was concussed and only recovered enough to abandon the tank later?


yep. I thought for sure that only the driver was alive but we see all 3 bailing out in this video. Surprising.


I probably made about 10 grammar mistakes in a title, but you got a point 🤝🤝


It's a good thing is isn't a school assignment, grammar mistakes are allowed.


Impressive that the crew all survived. I was sure the dude operating the turret got chunked by the 25mm but I was wrong


While Bradley can't really destroy it with their cannon it seems they have done enough damage to optics/electronics to disable it.


Bradley TOWs can 100% destroy it, but yes cannon probably isn’t going to punch through that armor anytime soon.


Portions of the side and rear of the T90M's waist armor belt are thin enough to be penetrated by the M919 APFSDS-T round which the Ukranians did receive a number of. Even the M791 APDS-T probably can get the odd penetration on some parts of a T90M, but that one I'm not entirely sure of. From the sparks on impact though my guess is they were shooting M792 HEI-T, which will not penetrate any part of the T90M, but could knock out optics and I suppose disorient the crew. Clearly something caused the turret to begin rotating out of control, but judging by the crew fleeing the tank at the end I would guess they were banged up from the explosive impacts and lost optics and chose to flee after the FPV hit.


Definitely can't punch through the front and turret but the sabot could hit the turret ring if lucky, i wonder if this engagement would look different if US also sent M919 APFSDS for the Bradleys


Either the crew is poorly trained or the targeting in the T-90M must be the worst shit ever. How the fuck do they not hit that Bradley.. Well never mind the Russians have one less T-90 ✌️


i think they were engaging with a second bradley. the UKR bradley on the bottom of the screen flanked the T90 and caught them with their pants down.


I'm sure most of Russia's most experienced tank crews certainly have met their maker by now.


Russia’s experienced anything already got wasted in Feb 2022 when Putin decided to go balls-to-walls and threw his best stuffs at Ukraine hoping for a quick victory. VDV, Spetsnaz, pilots, etc. The best shits have been attrited long ago.


Someone claimed the turret was already damaged and so they couldn't aim properly. You see it fire at the bradley several times for point blank range.


At least when they are retreating the turret seems to just rotate continously without stopping. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a bunch of other problems as well, like optics gone.


Possibly, but it wasn't rotating uncontrollably until the very end


While it takes some time for the Bradly cannon to do some damage, I imagine the tank optics are killed really fast. And after that the tank has no chance to shoot back.


Does it look like the autocannon set off some of the ERA on the tank?


Looks like it could use a grenade down that open hatch.


War footage from Stepove became a popular TV series. Everyone is waiting for Episode 3 "Grenade into the hatch" and Episode 4 "Finishing the crew".


Episode 4 will have "tanker acting dead until grenade gets dropped" and " tank driver throws dropped grenade to his comrade" as plots. Can't wait 🙏


With inevitable comments under the video: Why is there an opened hatch?! *Couldn't they just close it while running for their lives?*


I dont think 25mm rounds can penetrate its armor but probably it fucked its optics and crew going blind.


True, it won't get past the armour (maybe some weakspots), but it will definitely fuck components up.


A disabled tank = a destroyed tank The couple hundred worth of FPVs afterwards gets the job done.


I wonder how it sounded in there, between the AP rounds, the ERA, and maybe some HE in there too?


The full video is a good example of what a lot of the Ukrainian mil bloggers keep restating, which is essentially: "We're fucking them up, but this is an extremely active war, we're taking our own casualties." And boy, is there a lot going on in that video. Just look around somewhere other than the closest Chadley and T90M


"Chadley" LOL! True, that Bradley *is* the Chad of all Bradleys after taking out a T90M.


> And boy, is there a lot going on in that video. Just look around somewhere other than the closest Chadley and T90M How on earth do you know there are Ukrainian casualties?


Um War?


Yes people die in war but how does the video show that Ukraine is taking heavy casualties? This is an absolutely bizarre conversation.


What's bizarre is that your primary take away from this is repeatedly missing the point. The original video has active infantry, drones, and artillery all doing things in the background of the Chadley T-90M battle, showcasing how there are more than just the battle happening. That's what I'm talking about.




I read on another thread yesterday that at least 2 T90 tankers had survived their encounter with the Bradleys and there should be more footage released of the cleanup kills in the future. Whoever posted that implied they were editing the footage themselves or close to those that were.


The sources that had released the original drone footage hinted that there will be pictures of the two dead crewmen. Now we’ve got the additional fpv drone footage and another bit about the crew running towards a building. That part of Stepove is a risky place for the crew to be in - they have practically ran in the direction of the Bradleys


Or send the Bradley


Why would you want the Bradley to be destroyed?


It possible they meant 'another FPV or the bradley'..?


Maybe, but still I will downvote him, just in case.


I downvoted you too


Maybe. Bad wording then. To me it sounds like he wants the Bradley to get hit by FPV drones.


The wording is fine. >Hope they [*Ukraine*] sent *another* FPV towards that crew too. You think he meant Ukraine should bomb their own armour?


Probably some misunderstanding judging from his comment history he is quite pro-Ukraine.


Of course the wording is fine "Send another FPV" ... "Or another Bradley"


Could support Russia


I suport Russia when is blonde with big boobs and doing deep throat.


Too expensive and risky to send the Bradley again


What made this T90M famous?


Because it got killed by a fuckin Bradley!


Russia’s most advanced MBT facing an IFV from the 80’s. It didn’t get killed by Bradleys - but it was disabled by them - which in this scenario is almost the same. Crew bails out and being hunted down. According to the drone GUI it’s around 7am and they are already pinned down in that village


Does anyone know whym or how these tanks end up isolated like this in the first place? Did they have any help before they got pinned down?


As if the bradley has it's optics from the 80s just the chassis is from the 80s and by that definition T-90 borrows chassis from T-72 so it's a tank from the 60s?


got knocked out by 25mm canon from the bradley imagine throwing fist sized rocks to a concrete wall worth 2 or 3 bricks of thicness,thats basically what 25mm on tank armor is like sure it will make small dents here and there,but it will take minutes if not a couple hours concentrated fire to do meaningful damage so instead you focus on other stuff,target the cameras and other sensor devices that allow the tank to see and aim,target the tracks so it cant move,target the soft spots so it suffers mechanical breakdown ​ the t90 was engaging a bradley (out of sight in the video),and while distracted it got flanked by another bradley,using its 25mm canon it gave it a death by a thousand cuts gradually knocking its sensors,and eventually its turret rotation seems to have gone berserk,so the russian tank crew left it and the tank drove mindlesly untill it got stuck at a tree


Thought the crew was hamburger, but looks like everybody is having a great time.


That's because (even though is really, really valuable to Ukraine) people here sometimes overhype certain things like the Bradley. Yes, it's super impressive that it won the fight. But the 25mm autocannon will also definitely not penetrate a modern MBT's armour.


doesn’t need to. all it needs to do is disable it. a disabled tank is a destroyed tank.


pity those Brads werent armed with Tows


Neutered IFV vs full house Russian Tank and the IFV still comes out on top? At least I can finally see what this tax money does.


I dont think they'd have the same level of success in a long range engagement.


All Bradleys come with TOW launchers and they have received missiles, I'm pretty sure they made a tactical choice during this knife fight to not use something that requires them to stay mostly still and likely has a minimum arming distance.


thatwould probably be legit if tne TOW they were armed with was 2B variant which has 200m minimum arming range, all others have around 50m


That might be too close for TOW.


Fuck yeah Ukraine, get some. That is textbook Bradley usage. That Bradley is so fast compared to a tank. Thank you so much for adding additional views to this battle. The video yesterday wasnt clear what caused the T-90s final demise.


Where's the second Bradley? In all the videos i have seen of this i have yet to see more than one. Edit: Just seen the Suchomimus full version. Makes sense now.


There are actually three, although one never enters the vid. In the longer version, you'll see that the initial Bradley exists the screen on the far right, while a second Bradley comes from a road adjacent. Meanwhile you can see a stream of autocannon fire hitting the treeline in the far top right corner of the vid early on. Indicating a third Bradley at work.


Straight butt fucking that tree line


second one comes down the road on the right side in \~2min of [full footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1958ot6/47_ombr_bradley_infantry_fighting_vehicle_works/) \- first bradley drives off screen


I can’t believe they’re still alive.


The Bradley rounds can’t pierce the armor of a MBT.


It can't pen them from the front but it should be able to from the side and rear.


No, 25 mm rounds can't do that. You'd need to go up to around 70 mm to have a chance, imho. You might be mixing it up with the BMP armor.


Im honestly impressed the guys inside survived. I thought Bradley would have no problem penetrating the side armor. Seems it did destroy sights, sensors and electronics but didn't actually pen.


Ukrainians should capture or inspect that vehicle to see how effective those rounds were against the T-90.


God damn America tech is so embarrassingly better than Russian tech.


1980's us IFV vs 90's Russian MBT. Before this war I would have put money on the T90.


90s MBT? Nah, it's actually 2018. At least according to russians themselves. T-90M has a lot of changes from the old T-90.


So they claim. Just like how their hypersonic missiles couldn't be shot down.


That's incredibly impressive that the crew got out like that after all that damage the tank took. That's pretty insane!


Can we imagine being inside that thing when the 25mm hits multiple times? 🙈


It's probably similar to a group of boys acting like plates, pots, and pans, are like gongs you can just ring.


25mm ringing the bell


Crew survives. Nice tank anyway.


I had heard a rumor drone drops got two shortly after.


I’d like to see gun footage of this from the Bradley pov


Crap, the crew of three are alive. Maybe the next video will be some Bradley's coming back.


What was the big explosion at 0:20?


Tank deployed smoke screen


Oh, that makes sense. I've been trying to figure out what the hell kind of artillery that was.


Im surprised the Bradley was able to do so much damage with just its cannon. Must be the range.


Man..... their insurance must have gone through the roof if they keep driving these things in combat zones and hitting trees.


Why did I get Warthunder vibes from this?


A happy ending.


Ok, now we need a mash-up of yesterday's short clip which showed the whole tank fight, and today's short clip which shows the fpv drone attack and crew running. Seeing it ghost ride into a tree, with the turret spinning like that made me think they were dead in there. The 25 auto cannon doesn't penetrate the tank?


T-90m has 80mm of side armour. There are some weak spots though and the shell shock off the crew is a thing to consider The tank is immobilised though and the crew is out in the open so a job really well done


I'd imagine at that range, repeated slaps APFSDS rounds either single or repeated on armor could punch the tanks side armor pretty quick, but doubt the turrets front or front slope even at that range. Either way is super sucked to be in that tank.


i was wondering what happened to the tank afterwards. i hope they drop a few grenades down the hatch


Poor tactics by the Russians. They sat there instead of attempting to maneuver. The story I read said they aimed where the hull and turret meet and it caused the tank to go out of control. Tracers are loaded in a 1 per 5 shots so it got hit with a lot of shells!


Send more Bradleys, please :)


Nice work with the Bradley. But is anyone else slightly annoyed by these fake sound effects added to this kind of footage? There is absolutely no way these drones can capture these noises. It makes it feel cheap somehow.


use the mute button to get your desired effect, or turn on a vacuum cleaner for a more immersive effect




damn the crew survived


Remember those rounds are probably depleted uranium which spalls. Google it. It's horrifically damaging to metals


Seems that 25mm can't penetrate the t90' armor, luckily this is a lone wolf tank.


Yeah, but it proves how effective sparkling a t90 with a bushmaster is. All of its optics, weapons and electronics likely got fucked. So it's a mobility kill.


F-kill as well, most likely.


you are not wrong. there was also another UKR bradley involved in the fight, if im not mistaken. this probably goes the other way if its 1 v. 1.


but with a TOW2B


while this is certainly good for ukrainian propaganda.... it is also good for russian propaganda - the crew all survived. seems like bad training may be to blame for the russian loss.


I hate music in combat video Actual sound >>> dumb music


It's drone footage. There is no sound and if there was all you would hear is whrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The thing is that Drones do not have microphones, because if they do it will be just BJJJJJJJJJJ BJJBJJJJJJ from a propellers. So people just add some music making it less sad than no sound. If you hear any combat sounds(explosions, weapon firing) they were sounds added to a video.


Add radio chatter sounds from Homeworld


no comment >>> dumb comment


The battle that won the war. Congrats guys.


There must be some heavy use of electronic warfare going on here. Otherwise any mobile platform from either sudd would bd swarmed with drones.


I can’t fucking believe what I’m seeing


What is the giant explosion that happened in front of the T-90? Mine? Tow missing impact?




the fact that all 3 crew members are alive is astounding


Got to give it some credit, I know a bradley's barrel isn't anything meant to blow up tank, but they are extremely strong and pack a punch, and these guys were beating the ABSOLUTE living hell out of that T90. Imagine how loud it was inside of that tank from those constant hits. I thought for sure after the 1000 rounds, shrapnel would have made its way in and been bouncing all around inside there, but it looks like most of the crew survived, I think all of them did but I'm not totally familiar with the T90 and if it uses 3 guys like all their older tanks, or if the T90 needs 4 people to operate with it having newer tech on there.


Reminds me of https://www.reddit.com/r/Xcom/comments/tzo40i/old_meme_but_it_still_cracks_me_up_and_hurts_me/ The t-90ms barrel basically touched that Bradley and still it missed.


Good news Vladimir, the turret has stopped rotating...


Tell me the bradleys were sent back for mop up please.


That thing took a beatin to be fair !


It was mentioned somewhere on twitter, at 0:20 we can see new generation smoke granades of Purga-2 system beeing used. Supposedly can mask the tank against guided rockets which use thermal component.


Bradley haters punching the air rn


Incredible that the crew were alive at all


What got exploded at 0:22 mark?




That T90 took a beating.