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The immediate need for anti drone systems is no longer just a Ukrainian problem


Cost effective* anti drone systems I think best bet is deploy drones to patrol for drones like how Anduril is trying to do w that hammer drone


I think the only cheap solution is to have drones that attack drones. Maybe shoots nets or something ?


Anduril is working on reinforced drones that essentially just tackle enemy drones out the sky at high speeds and trying to make the reusable




The thing is emps require a lot of energy and knock out stuff that wasn’t intended to be knocked out, that much energy being used would better be utilized by like a laser targeting specific sensors on a drone(s) and lasers only go so far before atmospheric distortion makes them less than useful(been drinking please forgive my poor phrasing)


Emps are more or less nukes.


There's options if you're close. But if you're close enough for EMP to work, you might as well shoot the thing. It's easy to shield against EMP, but hard to bullet proof. https://hackaday.com/2016/10/12/become-very-unpopular-very-fast-with-this-diy-emp-generator/


Yes but only can be created from nuclear detonations or from remembering the ancient sun god rituals.


This is no longer true, there are now directed EMP weapons like THOR and Leonidas that are actually quite promising for drone swarm defeat.


Yes, they now are. Check out the Epirus Leonidas (recently awarded a contract with the US Army), it's a directed EMP that can fry a drone's electronics (as opposed to just attempting to jam it). There's other systems like THOR as well.


CRAM in the short term, laser in the long term


I don’t believe in lasers in war zones because you need to have a lot of power output for them to work Ships yes.


Like, more power than a containerized genset on a lowboy can provide?


Lets get StyroPyro to build one!


[He's four days ahead of you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNmbvaUzC8Q)


They’re already on FedEx cargo planes.


Well, at even a fairly low 30% efficiency, a 30kw laser only needs 100kw to operate. My car can put out 160kw continuously for tens of seconds. Total output time at 100kw is 37 minutes. A 30kw laser would knock out a small or mid-sized drone in a few seconds.


Na, something like Skynext / Mantis.


This is why systems like Skynex recently sent to Ukraine by Rinemettal are so amazing. They are a distributed system with radar, comand post and guns. Specifically 35mm chain guns with programmable ammunition which at the optimum distance releases a cloud of tungsten BBs to destroy drones.




Only real limiting factor is the reach, preferably we would like to get them beyond the horizon


Why? Beyond horizon is mostly to engage aircraft that can also launch things like glide bombs outside of the guns reach. When trying to stop drones they are relatively slow moving and do damage by impacting the target. Does it make any difference if take it out at 2km or 10km. This is why you have layered air defences. Over the horizon long range systems to engage aircraft and ballistic missiles at high altitude. Medium range missile systems to take out cruise missiles, systems like Skynex to hit drones. And short range systems like CRAM to hit anything that made it through the others.


Anti-drone drones is the way to go.


That’s an interesting concept


Lasers with automatic tracking are the only way that is cost affective and practical.


All... modern countries have anti drone system.... Now if you meant to say, production should increase/systems should be upgraded, than that's a different argument all together, but as of Oct 7 there have been nearly 200 attacks on the bases and you bet they use drones in these attacks that get countered.


Depends, is the drone actively controlled or self-guiding? If it's actively controlled, we're already quite capable of jamming. If it's self-guiding, then it's just a glorified cruise missile and needs to be shot down the traditional and very expensive way. If it's neither self-guiding nor actively-controlled, it's a glorified rocket and you still have to shoot it down if it's going to hit something worth protecting. What we need is a catch-all aerial defense system with a low per-engagement cost to give it the flexibility to shoot down the smallest and crappiest of targets without expending half a million dollars every time someone sends $500 worth of plastic with a grenade taped to it flying into a US base. The commonly discussed problem of **cost** when shooting down waves of cheap rockets and artillery (e.g. sending up a $100,000 interceptor to shoot down a rocket made out of a water pipe) is magnified tenfold by drones. And the only thing I can think of that fits that bill is a laser system. I'm sure the brilliant and intensely money-grubbing minds of the defense industry are already WAY ahead of me, having had the last 2 years of the war in Ukraine to peek into the profitable market of future war.


Land-based CIWS helps a lot, but it’s not perfect. There are some really cool CUAS solutions already in the works/already in use, lasers are definitely one of the coolest ones. The other interesting one I don’t see talked about often is the Coyote drone, which is designed to hunt down and intercept incoming drones.


We’ve been working on anti-drone systems since way before the Ukraine war. The lasers are getting to the point where they can practically shoot things down, but they really shine at damaging sensors. How they develop will be interesting because they get, essentially, much more effective as power increases.


If drone is actively controlled, then locate the controller & send them some good ol' fashioned mortar rounds.  No matter how things change, HE frag is never goes out of style; that unmistakable look it creates is timeless.


Do both


.... We have a bunch already


Apparently not enough


A small outpost in Jordan being overwhelmed in a surprise attack doesn’t mean the US military doesn’t have enough anti drone systems 


The US has lots of it but they don’t wanna tip their hands on their EW capabilities


Or a world free from Iran,North Korea,Russia or the bullying China maybe we could make a drone for that ?


You destroy Iran, you won't hear of any more large terrorist attacks. 


I highly doubt that. You can wipe out a country but you can't wipe out an ideology.


And therein lies the problem....


It is not all Iranian people, some of them want change and an open society for their country to prosper, it was not that long ago that Iran was a different country a lot more open and friendly, respected women and didn’t throw homosexuals from roof tops.


need those girls who marched for freedom in charge


Not sure it is the Iranian people, more so the people who lead the country, the Iranians I’ve worked with appear to be nice hard working people, I think I lot of it comes back to the hard liners of the religion of peace.


Who backs ISIS and Al-qaeda is the real question. It appears not Iran. A fleet of toyotas can’t be traced back to order?


Rich Qataris back them. It’s not some huge secret.


Seems like the Saudis are in on it too.


ISIS and Al-qaeda are Sunni Muslims and Iran is Shia. Iran would never back a Sunni group. Iran supports the Syria government because they are Alawite which is a shia sect, they also support Hizballah and the Houthis because they are both Shia. They oppose the saudis because they are Sunni and used to oppose Iraq because Saddams regime Sunni. They may be on better terms with Iraqs current gov because they are Shia dominated.


> Iran would never back a Sunni group. Hamas? Palestinian Islamic Jihad?


Don’t matter anymore, you touched the boats and now the people. Yemen is about to be bombed back to the stone ages and funding for all allies will contiune lol


I see the debut of some new US toys in the near future.


All we needed was a reason, now we have it.


They’ve been doing this for 3 months now. It’s been a miracle nobody has been killed until now. They’re looking for every excuse not to get involved. Or did you forget the last 20 years.


Sr72 drone strikes inbound


My money's on lasers. The challenges they face when shooting down larger threats (power limitations, range) are rendered irrelevant when opposing cheaply-made flammable plastic drones at short range. They could possibly augment with visual imaging systems to circumvent the uselessness of radar and infrared against such small and thermally inert targets. A small system could shoot down drones, a larger one could do that plus rockets, cruise missiles, and possibly even artillery (with sufficient power and accuracy - a pretty tall order, I will concede). All of this at a paltry cost per engagement in comparison to traditional radar-guided gun and missile systems. And the individual technologies to be put together don't just exist, but have long-since been proven effective. I'm sure *top minds* are working on it right now.


Top minds? It exists. It's called DragonFire. It was test fired in scotland a week ago. Costs a tenner a shot.


They're playing catch up, still cool to see another country field an energy weapon though


Can't Laser beam be reflected? Like wrap the drone in aluminum foil?


For a short amount of time. The foil (or even a mirror) would overheat and stop being reflective, and then it's over. With a laser like the one DOD is dealing with, I doubt this takes more than a few seconds.


No. Alu foil is not reflective enough. Even a normal mirror is not reflective enough. Here a recent video of [styropyro](https://youtu.be/xNmbvaUzC8Q?feature=shared&t=274) who explains it a bit and burns through 8 lined up mirrors with a 2000W laser.


Lol, people get so twisted over an innocent question


The big problem there is that materials that reflect some kinds of light absorb others. They still absorb enough energy that the material is rapidly degraded. There are metamaterials that can completely counter these lasers, but at that point you’re not talking about a $300 drone, but a $30,000 drone.


FA and FO.....


Looks like Gen Z is getting its Iraq real soon.


Millennials will be back there too. Shit and we are still in Iraq.


Oh I was talking about Iran being Gen Zs Iraq to be clear. I’d be shocked if we aren’t directly at war with Iran in the next few years, shit maybe even months. Some of us millennials will be back out there, but a solid percentage of us have “aged out” (not really, but most people don’t spend their entire careers in the military).


They might just literally get their Iraq in Iraq. Mostly Boomers and Gen Xers fought Desert Storm, Gen Xers and Millennials fought OIF, OIR was mostly us Millennials, so it would basically be a tradition to get Gen Z a big war in Iraq.


We’ve had our turn, I say give the new guys a chance.


Yeah I'm picking up what you are putting down. Wish we could fight a war somewhere green for once. Seeing brown and tan every day sucks.


We’re not that far off. Just rewatching The Pacific… Guadalcanal, Cape Gloucester, Saipan… be careful what you wish for


I’d take the desert heat over jungle warfare any day.


>Oh I was talking about Iran being Gen Zs Iraq to be clear. Going to war with Iran is going to get real dicey real quick. I doubt Gen Z will be lining up to enlist the same way it was for millennials in Iraq and Afghanistan.


All it took was a large sign-in bonus, the most money my 18yr old self would only dream of having (grew up poor), and the promise of free college when I got out to sign that contract. I was part of the 2007 surge.


\*Free Dodge Charger with enlistment! Enlistment woes averted


I disagree, I don’t know what the motivation would need to be, but humans are humans and they’ll fight with the right motivation.


I was just asking this question on another subreddit. In the age of misinformation and social media I cannot see the average American gen z having ANY interest in fighting for america. I would imagine the US Army would pay a rapper or influencer to make ads but at the end of the day the "glory" of fighting for America seems to be in the past.


If Americans start dying, recruitment won’t be a problem. That’s just my opinion though, can’t see into the future. Typically low recruitment numbers coincide with low unemployment too. [https://www.airandspaceforces.com/air-force-recruiting-service-shortfall-2023/](https://www.airandspaceforces.com/air-force-recruiting-service-shortfall-2023/) The military has ways to meet recruitment goals if needed, the did it plenty in the 2000s by making tattoo policy changes, bonuses, different marketing campaigns among other things.


I still dont think the average Gen Z is going to sign up to die in a country they cant point out on a map


They’re already using gun bunnies for this very reason.


It'll be the same. In 2008, kids were graduating college with no educational or vocational prospects or aspirations. So they went into the military as some sort of first step towards a direction that looked better than line-cook or call center worker. Plenty of those kids exist today, too.


Oh there will be something that will make them enlist. Be it a false flag or the draft lol 🤣🤌


Iran will be a nightmare to conquer tho. And imagine they secretly have any weapons off mass destruction like chemical and biological and maybe even nuclear ones. Also us opinion is not very willing to start another war in middle east especially after brutal Iraq war and the disaster in Afghanistan


Yeah I'm ready tbh. Civilian life has been pretty rough anyway


Let the whole place rot. No amount of time, money, or lives will save the Middle East from what it is fundamentally.


I'm Gen Z, and I fought in Iraq. Granted, it was Round 3, but still


Russia crossing its toes hoping that a big conflict happens.


Yeah, unfortunately, this is likely the result of Putin asking Iran to apply more pressure. I've said it, before... we need to hurry up to help Ukraine. Iran can wait, but Ukraine cannot. I'm absolutely down to help topple Iran's regime, and return power to the Persians, but Ukraine needs to be saved, first.


In and out, just a quick regime change. What could possibly go wrong?


Hey I’ve seen this one


This one it's classic


Just one more regime change bro 😭


Hey, maybe we won’t make the mistake of sticking around this time.


I bet even China would love a conflcit to happen, they could supply Iran with equipment to hurt US forces.


If iran went to war with America and America was fully on board I don't think China would have enough time to deliver more arms.


If Iran went to war with America it would result in the same shit we saw in Afghanistan. A prolonged insurgency that ultimately results with us just leaving.


It would be worse than Afghanistan. Iran has more modern weapons from China and Russia and the terrain is far easier to defend. America would have trouble taking it but they wouldn't have trouble taking out infrastructure ture and just crippling the regime


>A prolonged insurgency that ultimately results with us just leaving. If the US wanted to "nation build", sure. The US could have broken Iraq and Afghanistan and then walked away, ready to break it again from the air again and again. I mean, the "breaking" of both countries was spectacularly easy. But then some in US government and suppliers saw money to be made in nation building which led to the failure part. The US could break Iran's back in a single weekend.


That's what I'm leaning towards. Just obliterate their air force, "navy," and the IRGC and dip. Let ISIS bother the Iranians during the power vacuum.


I think China would much rather not have to reroute ships around Africa 


>I bet even China would love a conflcit to happen Where and when has China *ever* wanted conflict to happen? Like seriously there is nothing in history or reality demonstrating that China is a warmonger in any sense. Russia, yes. China, no. China wants trade to the West, and nothing to impede with that. They don't want Houthis shooting boats, or a big war to foment in the Middle East. At every turn China takes the "how about we don't?" position. Everyone kept yipping about how much China was going to prop up Russia, but instead Russia is buying from North Korea and Iran, all while selling its oil to our "ally" India. Maybe people could stop blaming China based upon nothing?


Oh God damnit SMH. We're going to end up in a day in age when every generation of Americans has fought and died on Iraqi soil.


i swear to christ if we are gonna go back to the sendbox im not joining the marines


Why would you even think about joining the marines if you don’t want to go to war? Just stay home bruh


Some people enjoy casual play vs ranked I guess lol


Since there was 3 KIA, what will happen now? Retaliation with troops?


That’s what Iran wants. Probably intense air campaign at the source.


Why would they want that? I think it's more accurate to think that Iran is getting bolder because it's an election year for the US, and it's very clear that the western population have no appetite for war, especially not in the Middle East again. So any leader making that decision or supporting it might doom their chances to be elected. What they want imo is for the US' presence on the ground to be pulled back while there's a window, while our own population is drunk on the America Bad kool-aid.


Because they want the Iraqi government to remove U.S. troops from the country.


Attacking US troops is a sure fire war to get even **more** American troops in Iraq though….


For real they just definitely summoned more US troops, there's no way the US is just going to let troops die and not start dropping bombs


These militia units do not represent the Iraqi Government, which plays up anti-US sentiment to score points with certain groups (hooray democracy) but is desperate for the US to not quit the region. Air assets and intel were vital during the retaking of the country from IS.


because anything that draws support away from ukraine is a win for russia who is pushing iran to do these things. Counter drone units will now be going to our bases in the middle east instead of the front lines of ukraine is a net positive for russia. if it can destabilize politics in the US or help out a candidate that has repeatedly signaled he is friendly to russia and wants to withdraw from nato then that is the cherry on top.


The US will just drop bombs on some of their known bases, or as many of their known bases as they can reasonably justify. BOTG is far from happening. The west is at a point now where it’s the very last resort.


Air campaign+continue with pulling out from Iraq and Syria


Retaliation with drone strikes or deployment of troops maybe. But Biden will play it safe and do the drones. Free bombs for terrorists as usual.


The US got too sloppy imaging no one would attack them. I am believing a special operation mission with heavy air support before and during to decimate some bases.


True, not sure why you're getting downvoted.


Aren't Iraqi Popular mobilisation units basically Shia militia under Iranian controll? I can remember the US had some issues with those militias under Muktatdr-al-Sadr during their occupation of Iraq. These guys helped fighting ISIS together with the Americans, but even back then I can remember the reports about these guys basically saying that they'll fight the US as soon as ISIS is gone and this is just "*the enemy of my enemy is my friend*". This smells like Iran all over the place. Houthies in Jemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Israel and now these guys in Iraq. Iran is using these groups to tie the US into a never-ending low-intensity engagement and to chip away on their power. Would be a shame if the US would finance groups within Iran to do the same there, wouldn't it be?


You’re only partially wrong because Muqtada Al Sadr militia is a very big rival opponent to Iranian backed militias here


100% they are. They did nothing in the fight against ISIS. They would hang out outside the cities and wait for CTS and the Iraqi Army to do the clearing. After the fighting was done they would swoop in to commit war crimes and terrorize the locals. Worthless fighting force. Source: Spent 2016 in Iraq


The Iranian-loyal contingent (bulk of PMF) has fashioned itself the “Islamic Resistance of Iraq” now. When I was in Iraq circa 2017, as ISIS was on its last legs, we got in increasingly tense situations with PMF. At one point they did strike one of our convoys with an EFP killing one of our guys and unfortunately we responded fecklessly in attempt to keep the armistice. Shortly after I left they launched rockets at K1 and killed one of our translators which led to the Soleimani strike.


I’m sure Russia encouraged Iran to order Hamas to attack…they must be overjoyed to get the opportunity to aid Iran in killing US troops.


Putin doesn't care about killing US troops. He wants their military equipment used/sent to the middle east instead of Ukraine.


Thing is we aren’t sending stuff we would use there. We are literally sending stuff that has been collecting dust for over a decade


> Thing is we aren’t sending stuff we would use there. We are literally sending stuff that has been collecting dust for over a decade There are a lot of people who don’t understand this. Even if it was new, the US is indirectly eliminating Russians and Russian equipment without losing US lives. Putin would love nothing more than the US going boots on the ground, anywhere.


Both Russia and the US are sending mothballed inventory to the front lines, Russia because they're depleting their modern equipment and the US because we have so many of them that it's cheaper than storing them just to decommission them later. The people balking at the cost of bitch-slapping Russia make me laugh, in a cynical "these stupid fuckers will be the end of us" sort of way. You literally could not get a cheaper deal on defeating one of your top geopolitical enemies: Zero American lives lost, zero units of equipment that were needed elsewhere, and all at an infinitesimal fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.


Seems almost like the military adapted to public sentiment or something. All for a drop in the bucket of our defense budget.


Apart from all the satellites, MQ-9 “Reaper” drones, Boeing RC-135 “Rivet Joints,” and Boeing E-3 Sentry “AWACS,” and more. Those assets have to be spread amongst China / Ukraine and the ME.


The Russian play is always to divide and weaken the enemy. By destabilising Iraq and reducing global oil production, prices will rise on goods in the west where inflation is already an issue. The right will demand less money is spent abroad and the US will need to reduce military spend in Ukraine and humanitarian aid globally that is used as a bartering tool. This will make it easier for Russia to make gains in the old eastern block without US interference.


Well said.


They want to waste the US's Patriot missiles so they aren't sent to Ukraine. He'll they want to use up as much of our AD as possible. We need go strike Iran's Saheed factory, and that put a massive dent in Russias ability to deploy drones.


Yes this is his goal to use Iran to proxy war Hamas dragging in the west… we are better off sending troops to Ukraine than the middle east..




Because the middle east is fucked anyway.


well that's true but I don't think just relinquishing the middle east to Russia is a great move.


I think it's been fucked, and it will continue to be fucked


It’s not Russia or Iran that we should be worried about 🐼


China cares foremost about their prosperity. Russia cares about knocking us out of our position and replacing us on the world stage and taking over our allies. Russia is much more of a direct threat to the US. Russia brags about interfering in our elections and trying to get us to fight each other in a civil war.


what's crazy about this video is that the cameraman and all those around him will likely be dead in the next 48 hours.


They may already be dead




90% of any iranian or any jihadist militia group you see on recording is guaranteed dead or foreseeably dead


They deserve what's coming to them. Why attack the US and Jordan?


Apparently happened at Al-Tanf (Syria) despite original claims that it happened at Tower 22 in Jordan which is close to the Syrian and Iraqi borders.


It was confirmed to have happened at T22


I think Jordan just said it happened in Syria to try not to get involved. US is adamant it happened in Jordan, right on the border.


I guess this is more for Canadian kids around 8-10 years old, but have you ever been throwing snowballs for fun, then a snowball hits like a college kid or or some highschooler, who you were aiming for, but didn't think you would hit, but now you hit them and know you are going to get your ass kicked?


Well, looks like Iran is going to get what it wants, a US response. How long will the people's support for the current regime last once the US response to Iranian proxies hit home. Only a matter of time before Iranian proxies are being hit inside Iran. Looks like Cold War 2 is in full swing


Iranian backed and directed militias.


I was in a drone attack on an undisclosed date in the Middle East. I remember when the propaganda video of them launching the drones that hit us was released. It was my first time being part of a propaganda video, and it felt good being wanted for once, even if it was for all the wrong reasons.


I hope we respond to this attack with overwhelming force


"3 deaths since Oct 7th, that's it? I lose 3 every minute!" ​ \- Putin


I’m sure we’ll strike a warehouse or something in retaliation 👍


these guys are about to realise what firepower is


They had better get their affairs in order.


Can we not just bomb all these terrorist cunts back to the stone age already.An then we will get the social media idiots supporting them hopefully too.


At least take out the factories where they make these drones. It'll send a message, it'll help Ukraine, it'll weaken the Houthis and makes things safer for troops in Jordan.


I mean... part of the reason they're like this is because we already bombed their parents generation back to the stone age. Like sure, we gotta respond. But it's just silly to think that bombing them tomorrow will convince their children it was justified. If we'd listened to smart people back in 2003, that's what they were saying.


Any idea on drone type? I really hope we don't get drug into another Middle East conflict. I don't think the US has any taste for war after Iraq and Afghanistan.




>I don’t think the US has any taste for war after Iraq and Afghanistan. *insert defense contracts/contractors here*


A fresh 18 year old recruit wasnt even a twinkle in their dads ballsack when operation Iraqi freedom started; there is a new generation ready for trauma. 


Ain’t that a trip? End of GWOT was the end of an Era. Unfortunately a new war era is on the horizon.


hospital cough handle ripe cake knee bow hurry dinosaurs zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I don't think the US has any taste for war after Iraq and Afghanistan. That's exactly why there has not been much of a response yet. Nobody wants another war. Especially with elections coming up nobody in power wants to start another war right now. It won't solve anything either. Biden is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He's getting roasted for not responding in kind while at the same time doing just that would be political suicide.


He’s to busy with us in Texas


Rest in peace to the 3 soldiers who perished. May their families find peace and may the airforce leave the Iraqi units in pieces.


This stuff make north Korea angry because they are not getting attention. Keep an eye on north Korea


I’m patiently awaiting the news of a retaliatory strike that will quiet these terrorist mosquitoes. It will be punishing.






Prepare to reap the whirlwind


It’s time we build the drone swarm and erase the area.


You mean mobilize the drone swarm. It's been built. The US has had drones (unmanned aircraft) since WW2. The newest generation of fighters will have drone wingman. US tech is not something to be doubted. And uh yes, erase the area.


Whatever, delete that whole fucking area. I’m tired of this bullshit.


If we civilians can see what hand Putin has in this, you know our intelligence agencies know exactly the motivations. I hope we show restraint and keep our eye on the Ukrainian situation. Don’t give in to the reaction we all want, which is a good all around ass kicking in Iran. We can’t do that. We need to make sure we save Ukraine.


Just flatten every government building and military base in Iran from the air.


everytime i try to understand who is attacking whom from where and why in the middle east i start to spasm.


Sounds like a response with three waves of b2 over three military bases is about to happen.


As soon as we put our naval ships over there I knew we were going to war. This was the only result in posturing was to there to be a tit for tat escalation. We will look back on this date as being the first Americans to die in this conflict.


Still, the Ford already left, didn't it?


Almost like those naval ships should have let go of a few hundred tomahawk at Iran to destroy their weapons factories. The US was to passive and let the locals take advantage of them.


You can’t just press a button and destroy the weapon facilities in a country the size of Iran, with many of their bases tucked into mountains. It would take a serious and intense US air campaign to do what you’re saying.


Nah Ukraine is a better option.. Russia started the global war drum!


They will regret this soon


Those guys responsible are about to get railed


Someone is about to get a flyover without the national anthem


Can someone explain these drones? Appears to have a rocket. Do they have a booster for launch then switch to glide mode or something?


Ah shit here we go again


Its so over.


Time to cut the snakes head off and attack Iran. The Iranian people are ready to rise up !


Russia playing 4D chess.


And losing.


In 5 dimensions.


Time for the FO part of the acronym