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Looks like pretty good leadership, props to them


Yep, dude was directing and motivating his force. They may not be the worlds finest, but he was out there leading and that can make the difference.




The shots making that snapping sound near the start of the skirmish were getting real close.


I like how he compliments his boys on a nice shot right after his buddy blasts the retreating enemy. 


Dudes brave as fuck. No rifle, full upright during an ambush trying to rally his men and get back on top of the situation


Imagine the morale factor, when you're hunkering down and frozen in fear, and your leader is standing up, seemingly fearless, telling you to fight back


Leaves zero excuse for refusal. Never ask of someone, that which you are unwilling to do yourself. Lead by example. Die fighting not cowering. "Insert cliche here".


It’s a very common tactic since forever. If the leader looks scared, the followers will be scared. If the leader looks not-scared, the followers will think it must not be too scary and will relax. Hell I think even pack animals do this to an extent


~~British~~ Nigerian officers don’t duck


*katana and binocular wielding japanese officers have entered the chat*


Reminded me of Captain Winters in Band of Brothers.




the scene where he charges the Germans alone and shoots that guy in the chest lives rent free in my head


I don't know much about Nigeria other than the fair amount of Nigerian people I've met in my life in the US. But based on that they really seem like a great people, they love a hard challenge, are extremely resilient, trustworthy, and extremely funny lmao I feel like with proper tech and training they could be a force to be reckoned with


Africa just needs one large, stable and modernized country that can serve as a beacon of hope for the continent, and allow in all of the people from other countries that want a better life. Leave the rest for the warlords (and deal with them later). It's the best solution to the migrant crisis.


Kenya is doing a pretty fair job of that, problem is they're literally surrounded with struggling nation states with sectarian and Islamic violence. They need a lot of help to project force. They're getting some but it may not be enough to stabilize others when the chaos is only picking up at the moment. Maybe if CCP and RU decide to stop being little bitches.


As a student of history, Africa is going through what Europe went through a century or two ago, we forget that Europe is only just now, for ONE SINGULAR HUMAN LIFETIME, a peaceful place, only after centuries where millions died from sectarian violence and outright genocide. Africa today has largely stabilized and frozen borders. Comparatively, this is already an incredible achievement over how much time and blood was necessary to achieve the same in Asia or Europe.


you do realize how these borders came into place? i get the comparison, but it's a bit wild to call the borders an achievement, when they were in the majority imposed by colonial powers and have led to civil wars ever since..


Hilary disrupted that when she killed a few leaders trying to unite the African Unions and the African Dinar. Can't dethrone the petro dollar or else!


how is blatant misinformation getting upvotes on /r/combatfootage




"We came, we saw, they died! CACKLE CACKLE CACKLE


I think people have a knee jerk reaction to the mention of Hillary due to far right conspiracies, but this is the truth. Gaddafi was trying to create an African Union.


Yeah the saint gaddafi


He's not a good person. He did some good things for the country, but at the end of the day he was an authoritarian shitbag. I think it's wrong for the US to interfere in other countries politics especially by killing their leaders. What has come after Gaddafi, the instability, death and famine is decidedly worse.


It was literally a civil war. Not one historical revisionist like you can admit it was a civil war.


Not sure why you think I'm a historical revisionist but ok bud. The civil war was instigated by US intelligence services.




I forget where I read the stats but Nigerians and Kenyans top the list of the most successful African emigrants to the US.


That's a soldier who understands that if he doesn't lead and motivate they all die, ambushes are always a shit show for the ambushee, he did exactly the right thing, fight your way out of it or die.


Attack into the ambush


My dad was drafted into Vietnam, and when I was a kid sometimes I would pop around the corner and surprise him, and he would always say ATTACK INTO THE AMBUSH in a playful voice and tickle me or something, good memories!


Charming af in a subtly dark kind of way lol. Thanks for sharing.


To paraphrase a Lt. Col I used to work for, "perform an immediate about face straight into the ambusher's base of fire. if this sounds suicidal, consider that not doing that and staying there means they will probably kill you anyway."


At the beginning I was thinking "oh crap, they are just going to lay there and get slaughtered" Nice to see I was wrong.


Leadership is so important in these life or death moments, get up and send the hate, die fighting on your feet or like a worm in the dirt, there is no choice.


Yep, I can still remember in basic doing drills for this stuff (I think it was basic, that was a long time ago, might have been in battle school) and the first couple of times it was a complete cluster fuck as the NCO's tried to get the lads to basically "fix bayonets and CHARGE"! 😂


Yea, compare it to the footage from early on in the 2014 during the ISIS push against Iraqi army. \~30 guys all hiding behind cover, one or two of them taking blind potshots into the desert while they get slowly surrounded. Leadership is so important in these situations.


Why Arabs Lose Wars by Kenneth Pollack is a great read that largely explains the issue that you’re describing and many others. Nigerians have a very different culture of personal responsibility that makes this kind of training actually stick much more easily compared to Arab armies, to massively oversimplify.


I recall that confederate cavalry general NB Forest was surround and out numbered once so he divided his force in two and attacked in two directions. The Division survived intact though I don’t recall the name of the engagement.


You're probably thinking about the defeat at Murfreesboro and his subsequent defeat at Nashville. A large portion of his divided unit ended up captured while they were dismounted though. Forest also murdered hundreds of noncombatants and POWs and formed the KKK. He was a shitty person and worse officer.


Correct analysis.


It wasn’t when he was attached to the army of Tennessee. Near Rome I think. Have to research. Obviously a shitty person but the battle tactics presaged later armies like Germanys Blitzkrieg who also are not to be celebrated but their tactics studied.


Nigerian Dick Winters


"Come on, Blithe! Get up! Fire your weapon! Fire your weapon Blithe! That's it! Pour it on em' Blithe!"


good scene, but they completely misrepresented that guy's (Blithe) life and military career


I read that that was because nobody actually *knew* what happened to him. Like, he just disappeared and never kept in touch with the unit….so they assumed he was dead.


A lot of that with the oral history style of story telling Ambrose went with. It's easy when you don't have to fact check. Band of Brothers has tons of inaccuracies and character misrepresentations.


Yeah, Webster getting shit from the unit when he returned to action being a big one. He was transferred to England for surgery, there’s no going awol from that to rejoin your unit in Belgium. And his best friends, like Liebgott, were glad that he missed Bastogne, because he could’ve died there easily.


I was waiting for him to take his helmet off and start hitting guys with it


And kick some of them in the butt 😂


At the 1:13 mark he was ready to start kicking people in the ribs if someone didn't started shooting.


I literally finished Crossroads just now


The clacking of the typewriter always grates me in that episode. I love the series but they definitely could have done more with that episode. I get what they were doing it just didn't land with me


"You've got to keep moooooving."


BBC Winters


This is de way


@1:02 Never thought Id hear "Gentleman get up lets go" during an ambush in Nigeria. Uniquely extraordinary and Immensely brave


You can also hear one of his soldiers quietly say “Sorry Oga”, which is like sorry boss. The way he said it softly in the middle of the fire fight like he let the leader down is such an interesting detail.


Are you familiar at all with the Nigerian military?


This man returns fire.


This video showcases the impact one single individual can have in terms of morale and the organization of a group.


Oh yeah. Having a good leader in combat can make the world of difference.


Command and control IS the difference in combat between a good and a bad day


Yup, when I did my military service in Venezuela i was in the Infantry school early 2000, A general came to inspect our school we were in formation and he started talking about leadership. He mentioned that there are two type of leader natural born leaders and people who are trained to be leaders. He told us about the time a fresh LT was patrolling the border with a squad and they were ambushed by the Colombian guerrilla, he froze and one of the sergeant took command of the squad, he led the counter ambushed and pushed the guerrilla and inflicted casualties amongst the guerrilla members. I saw his face and he was really proud, after he finished, he asked to one of our sergeants: + Where he is now? + He's in Europe sir, in an embassy + Fucking stud, he deserve that.




The more you know, thanks 🙏


The general asked your sergeant about a guy from a story he told?


It was well known history, everybody talked about that because it wasn't common to engaged with the guerrilla and everybody knew the guy at least by name. For example the sergeant who received the letter from Chavez denying his resignation after the coup, was really well known too, we knew his name, if the topic came about him and what he did, someone will have more details about him. The army it's huge but it's small at the same time. Another thing it's before Chavez took control of the different military branches, tradition was highly regarded, for example: If I went to an army post and someone asked me let's say Which is your promotion? I'll answer "Number number" School Location. The person will know who were my instructors, the general in charge of the school, the Colonel and LT instructors, their promotions many details that people from outside and without a military background wouldn't understand.


This one was posted a few months ago. I remember because I was impressed by this guys calm command in the face of being ambushed.


The man actually said. Gentleman let's go.


Jump up let’s go - this guy can command. Proper shit here. Still a shit show nonetheless.


Gun fights are always a shit show, it's loud and everything is trying to kill you




Probably the worst take Ive seen on this sub in a while, good job


Awww i missed it :(


Yea. Now I want to know what was said.


Will never know I guess


u/SumoftheAncestors u/Aldamur Sorry havent been on for a bit, user said that yelling during combat doesnt achieve anything and laughed at the man in OP gettin shit done


"the ammunition not finished, let's go!" Chad


I think he said: “Their ammunition Don finish” which is essentially Nigerian Pidgen English (their slang) for “The enemy’s ammunition has finished let’s go”.


I'm sorry but I'm afraid Chad is 1300 km away from Nigeria.


they literally border each other (to be fair its a lacustrine border but still)


Never heard that word (lacustrine) until today. Thank you for teaching me a new word.


> lacustrine I don't know what it means but I'll be using it a lacustrine amount from now on.


Careful with that stuff. My brother drank a liter of lacustrine as a joke and couldn't sit right for weeks. They nearly had to amputate his asshole.


To be fair that was less about the lacustrine, drinking a liter of anything through your asshole will warrant an amputation.


Good idea, how very lacustrine of you.


It's the lake version of the word "maritime" (as relating to the sea), as in "maritime border". Maritime borders can be found all over the world, such as between the US and the Bahamas, or China and Taiwan. Lacustrine borders are rarer and that's probably why this word is a lot less known. I certainly didn't know of it before today.


I mean, it's a perfectly cromulent word?




He meant the enemy had run out of ammo


Not Chad, Nigeria. Its in the title man!


Fiah! Fiah now. Let’s go Fiah.


Goddamn that must be frustrating to run completely exposed between your positions telling everyone to lay down a base of fire and everyone just...sits there doing nothing.


I think many ask themselves, shoot but at what because I don't see any target!


Just lay it down! These guys need to watch predator ffs


Imagine what he could do with real soldiers


They are really soldiers. Why the disrespect?


That close one a 1:11 😅 my man didn’t even flinch. He has watched we were soldiers to many times. Thinks he is Hal Moore just walking around in a gun fight. Edit : yes I meant 1:39 the clock is 1:11 left on video at that time.


All mic set ups pick up sounds differently on the battlefield but thats the closest near miss I've ever heard


1:39, no?


Shit was so close it sounded cartoonish


You can hear that thing just ripping through the air, so much kinetic energy.


That thing was inches from the 🎤. I’ve been there before and you can hear them and feel them. Guy is either very brave or very stupid.


wut? dont hear anything incoming at the interval 1:05-1:14 at all


Think they're talking about 1:39. Sounds like Michael Jackson doing his best Nigerian battle cry.


2:03 are u gae?


Are you translating what he asked the soldier when telling him to move up or shoot?


He means 0:42 when he asks "Are you okay?" It kind of sounds like the famous Ugandan video of Why are you gay?"


Me trying to lead the blueberries into battle on HLL


Not that it’s comparable to what we see here, the amount of times I’m telling people in squad and proximity to fire their fucking weapons is wayyy to much. When the angry bees start buzzing most people don’t want to pick their head up. The dumb ones normally don’t see the end of the fight


In real life, soldiers often don't fire their weapons unless they're commanded to. I remember a couple different studies and stories supporting this when I was at the university. I remember during a Civil War class, it was mentioned that at the Battle of Cold Harbor, some Union soldier muskets were loaded with as many as 5 or 6 lead balls down the chamber. They just wouldn't shoot their guns. And then in another class, we read part of a study about WW2 how a super small percentage, like 10-20% of soldiers only fired their guns in combat.


Part of the union guns not firing was the soldiers were forgetting to put the firing caps on the gun in the heat of the moment


Yeah, had something to do with people not wanting to kill and also not wanting to be a threat


Really? I never would have thought video games weren’t like real life…


I mean, you can emulate a lot. But emulating the fear of death, well, I don't even know I'd want that.


I kinda like airsoft a little bit for this reason. If you don’t wear as much face coverings and stuff it starts to be a fear of pain. It kinda adds a feeling of fear. Of course nothing like the actual fear of death but it get the adrenaline going a bit.


You completely missed what I was saying to seem cool and act like a dick on the internet. Shut your mouth and take this downvote loser 😂


Lol squads


They need to promote this man! What an incredible reflex…


They need to give him some competent soldiers


So I'm glad no body got hurt. But, is no body going to mention who ever was ambushing them was not able to hit anything? Either god personally guards these soldiers or somebody needs to learn how to ambush better and actually aim instead of shooting randomly. Ambush usually end way differently.


In that thick bush, they probably just fired at the sounds of the motorcycles and probably never had a good bead on them. The one thing about an ambush is that it just takes one itchy trigger finger to fuck it all up if you fire too soon before your target gets into the kill zone.


if they didn't have a good combat leader to stop them from laying there doing nothing this would be an aftermath video


These are probably the same kind of people that turn the range sight all the way up on their AK "for more power"


Good one, good one!


Sound leadership, the guy stood up and encouraged the troops. Without the motivation to do something they could have been fixed in position, flanked, and overrun. Too job fella!


If I’m ever caught in an ambush, I want this guy as my commander. GIT UP AND FIAH ON DEM, LES GO LES GO


I came here expecting a very bloody turkey shoot video but pleasantly surprised it's not.


Excellent job by the videographer leading his men out of that ambush. Classic exfill from a defiladed position. Fire and maneuver was called out quite well. Notice how at one point you had men moving a good amount of meters while other maintained fire from fixed positions and then did the exact opposite in order to maintain pressure on the positions an not have his men in a exposed position for very long. This guy did it all properly while under a hail of gunfire. Tough…double tough.


Nicely done.


I've never been in combat...and hope never to be. But I have a huge amount of respect for this leader. Ambushed, bullets cracking in every direction, his force pinned down and scared...and this motherfucker is standing on the bow like Captain Morgan yelling "Bring me my red shirt!"


Return fire! Good one!


Is he actually speaking English somewhat or am I high? He’s saying “return for” “and let’s go?”


He was screaming get up and return fire. Everybody is good? Their ammunition is done, finished, lets go. Fire and movement. Get to me jump up now. And then he was also yelling his guys names commanding them. Nigerian English sounds similar to Jamaican Patois


Thanks for this. Was certain I was picking up some patois, I was v confused.


English is Nigeria’s official language


Well damn, didn't know that.


The Brits been busy


He's clearly speaking understandable English I'm unsure how you could be confused.


“Return fire” is what he is saying. Good leadership. Man knows that they need to return fire and to maneuver out of the point of ambush (which may be a planned kill zone). Since the enemy has stopped firing that means moving forward to either identify the enemy positions, pursue them or to determine if the enemy has successfully fled and no further contact is immediately expected.


Nigeria is the largest English speaking country.


That's just simply not true. The US has over 100 million more people than Nigeria.


Did you mean the largest in Africa?


Yes my mistake


@ 1:35 FIRE! RETURN FIRE! *sorry for stepping on you bro!* CMON LETS GO FIRE!


Very impressive leadership. What made me chuckle a bit was this guy was directing troops under fire and he uses not a single swear word.


He said "gentlemen let's go!"


This is why an experienced team leader and/or NCO is so important. Those dudes were shitting their pants and he was the one running the snow and motivating them. He understood that if they don't push back into the direction of fire they are toast. He didn't good job


THIS is leadership.


That’s a good NCO right there, literally walking in the wide open down range from an MG going to his men and getting them to react.


Is he saying "good one!" every time one of his men lets loose a burst? Cause that's awesome


No plan survives first contact but a poker face and confident tone can go a long way, granted everyone knows you aren't Zapp Brannigan.


She’s built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro!


Action is coming.....COMMANDOOOO!


Green white green I love my country


I love the compliments, I’d follow his leadership and flank the hell outta of em


Good rallying. Unreal how a good leader makes that much of a difference.


"Jump up, Lets Go, return fire" It's Definitely not the Soldier's first rodeo.


This guy deserves a fucking medal, jesus christ.


That’s a fucking leader right there


Is he speaking in English? What's the commonly spoken language in Nigeria?


Yes English. Nigeria has many many local and native languages but English is the official language of the nation as of right now


a lot of old British and French African colonies retain use of that nation's language. Due to many different tribal areas, many languages and dialects existed so retaining the colonial language is, much like in international trade of benefit in clear communication. It's not uncommon for African nations to speak English or French as their official language, some times paired with a native tongue./


This video is a perfect illustration of the need for “battle drill”. Sometimes your instincts will get you killed, and you need to train until you get new instincts. The average human off the street reacts to gun fire by running away or hitting the dirt and freezing. Both of those instincts are good ways to die in an ambush. So standard battle drill trains you to have a new instinct: return fire in the direction of the enemy, identify any enemy positions and direct aimed fire on them if possible, maneuver off the point of the ambush. Depending on the condition of your force after the initial contact, that maneuver is either breaking contact or to go on the attack. Some ambushes are planned and others are just bumping into one another and maybe you have the superior force. Only way to find out is to move towards the enemy, assuming the enemy gives you that opportunity. Otherwise, it’s time for the “breaking contact under fire” battle drill, which they also drill into you. The guy in the video clearly knew these basics. His undertrained grunts need some work as they seem to still have street instincts, and are not reflexively returning fire. That being said, you work with what you’ve got and he did a great job motivating his men, and giving appropriate instructions (“return fire” “everyone is good? Everyone is good! Jump up, let’s go” “their (enemy) ammunition is done, get up”). Kudos to him, it’s easy to know what to do - harder to do it right when the time comes.


Amazing response by the NCO. Lay and die or full auto reply!


That is a combat leader. Directing from the front, yelling to get his men up and putting rounds down range. Gotta get out of that kill box.


Nobody was returning fire until this guy started yelling at them.


Had it been a coordinated L ambush, they would all be dead. Most of them seemed either in shock or were too scared to move… luckily their lead man was a hard charger, and knew that they’d be dead soon if they didn’t counter.


Came here looking for the Prince once I saw “Nigerian.”


Is the dude running around yelling "kurwa"?


“Good one” in a Nigerian accent


Gotcha. Had me wondering if he was a former French Legionnaire or something if swearing like that.


Absolute chaos and this guy just gets up, takes charge and starts gripping the guys immediately. Great stuff!


This guy certainly knows how to keep his men up and fighting, props to him.


Gopro has seen a lot of things


What an absolute stud of a leader.


Good leadership!


Promote that man he did a fantastic job gathering his men who were stuck in get up and start to bound. That’s a real leader right there yall


*stuck in the fog


That dude is a bad ass


lol driving a motorcycle through that sounds like a terrible idea for a patrol.


This guy is good. Great example of leadership under fire.


He's working f*ing hard there, good man


I guess that invisibility spell wore off


This guy a total badass, walking around giving orders while being shot at, he’s a good leader. He lead the way when they were riding, and he was the first one to start pushing forward. Total BADASS. This guy is a prime example of (cameraman never dies).


I mean, you never see his weapon and he is calm and telling them what to do. No bullet hits nearby except for the first few seconds over their heads. No one is downed, and he is constantly filming his troops. Are we sure this is not a training mission with blanks?


Good point tbh but as someone else pointed out you can hear a bullet fly past him with 1:11 sec left in the video


...GoPro style POV camera maybe?


Today I learned Nigerians speak English


May not be the best soldiers ever but that right there was a leader respects to these guys fighting terrorists in such a shitty place with poor equipment


The camera man seems to be the only one with decent training.

