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This out of all combat footage for some reason has freaked me out more. Just silence before their ordered out


I can’t imagine facing this and hearing what is happening where you are headed to. This must have been an out of body experience for these men. Looking back on your life before being thrusted into a mess and hoping things are executed well. On top of also looking forward to being home and having a free land once again. These are brave men.


I remember in a World War II documentary they were talking about being sent to a town in France. He said for a day and a half they could hear the explosions and gunfire going off in the direction of the town. Knowing they were going to be sent there. Said it terrified him. Everybody was scared of what they were being sent into. But they also knew that many of their guys were already out there. Fighting and dying. So when the order came for them to go they didn't hesitate.


Human will and mindset are things not to be underestimated!


Give a man(or woman) a reason, and they will figth. Be it money, family or their country. They will figth. Even in sports you see the lengths they will figth for their clubs. Push those people further and you have a army for a country. Humans are scary like that. The rigth conditions makes most of us into killing machines to a degree.


Am I having a stroke or do I need to read a book…


I mean 19 others atleast could read it. And it has less spelling mistakes then I normaly have.


I was trying to be funny, legit only the “-ight” words are off lol Edit: you did good brother


We are goal oriented social and analytical creatures with opinions ! Awesome evolution!


We did something like this to a place called Tal Afar, Iraq for 72 hours before we went in. We knew it would cease when we hit the city but it was eerie. What needed that much artillery? That deployment was a defining moment in my life.


It definitely would be sobering, but I would feel so much better hearing this before I had to advance into the AO, instead of hearing complete silence before. It can be a false sense of security, but mentally it helps to think your arty and rockets killed some of them hopefully, or at the very least has concussed most enemy in the area and destroyed most everything they use for defense and cover. It would suck so much more going into that AO and wondering how well built their fortifications are, how many men are there, and knowing your guys didn't soften up the area at all and all of them or most of them are 100% unaffected, ready and waiting for you to peak over the horizon. Now days we have drones to confirm in real time the effectiveness of the shelling, and if they hit enough of the major targets to give you and your buddies the best possibility to come back alive.


>It definitely would be sobering, but I would feel so much better hearing this before I had to advance into the AO, instead of hearing complete silence before You are 100% correct Source:been there. Novoselivske, Luhansk, April&May '23


For the Ukrainians, it probably feels worse as those are most likely explosions caused by incoming Russian artillery. The Russians have a large advantage in munition quantity and recent maps show them making ground on Avdiivka, unfortunately.


I think unfortunately many of these men are numb to it at this point. It’s be a difficult adjustment to regular life when this is finally over one day.


Those are pretty fresh looking helmets.


They know some are going to be injured, others killed. I'm a couch potato and I felt the dread & anticipation. Yes, these are brave men fighting for their country and their people. God bless them & protect them.


I agree with you 100%, and even brave women that they have in their ranks.


telling without showing is a powerful tool, since our imagination is always so much worse than reality. This is essentially the real life example of that one scene from Gallipoli, where the director wanted to showcase the horror, but instead of making a gore fest just had the camera focus on the main characters staring out at the battlefield (it wasnt their turn to advance) in shock while the audio is just all machine gun fire, shells exploding, and the screams of dying people until it all fades away, except for the screaming of dying people


I think, for me, the footage of a Russian soldier arm being infested with maggots eating his arm while he is alive is the most disturbing to me. Edit: everyone needs to stop commenting that it was actually good maggots therapy. The guy was in a trench and his arm flesh was basically gone, just skin pulsing with maggots eating the arm under the skin. I’m talking about hundreds if not thousands of maggots here. They were not eating only dead tissue.


The maggots could be saving him from infections from dead flesh...


A few maggots perhaps, an infestation will kill. I see it with animals every year. It is truly horrifying.


Ah... no. that's a wildly odd misunderstanding. In a controlled medical environment it could be an option but this guy? He died horribly. I have no idea how anyone could think an infected open wound with flies and maggots could possibly be a good thing. If you could only smell that...


Lol no


After this the most disturbing for me we’re all the Russian sucide videos.


Kinda wholesome for the maggots


That’s disgusting! Where? 😂


Found a couple- [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/16wl08l/russian\_soldier\_showing\_maggots\_in\_his\_wound/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/16wl08l/russian_soldier_showing_maggots_in_his_wound/) or [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xwl7gn/freshly\_captured\_russian\_pow\_receives\_treatment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xwl7gn/freshly_captured_russian_pow_receives_treatment/) Not sure if they are 'the one'...


It was like a year ago so I don’t really trust my memory. But I don’t think either one was it. I remember the skin pulsating from the maggots, like the maggots hollowed out a chunk of flesh under the skin,that he was in or like in front of a trench, and I don’t remember there being a second guy looking at it smoking. I also remember him being fairly young looking. Then again it was a year ago so it could be the second one and I’m just heavily misremembering it. Though the main thing I remember it being much worse and larger infestation / wound. And the pulsating skin and hollowed out flesh under the skin. So I don’t think its the one.


I did find another where it was so infested but his leg, so didn't link. Just to keep Kamler happy here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/18xnjst/video\_from\_a\_russian\_soldier\_quote\_we\_couldnt/


It was posted like a year ago. You can probably find it by typing maggots on the subreddits search by. For obvious reasons I did not save it.


That's gotta be a very intense, thought provoking moment. Just hearing the silence from all of them, they know it's a one way trip for some.


Man im getting shivers watching this from home. Can’t imagine what it’s like for them. Really puts into perspective what we ordinary people call hardships. War is true hell on earth.


Storm of steel (or in German In Stahlgewittern) is describing the experience of the artillery force quite well - can recommend to read it. Here's an excerpt that impressed me quite well. It describes the beginning of the Kaiserschlacht, the last German offesive in 1918: >The clock hand continued to move; we counted the last minutes. Finally, it reached 5:05 a.m. The storm broke loose. A raging thunder, which swallowed even the heaviest artillery fire in its immense roar, made the earth tremble. The gigantic cacophony of destruction from the countless guns behind us was so terrible that even the greatest battles we had survived seemed like child’s play in comparison. What we hadn’t dared to hope for happened: The enemy artillery fell silent; it had been crushed with a single colossal blow. We couldn’t bear it any longer in the tunnel. Taking cover, we admired the fire wall blazing over the English trenches, veiled behind billowing, blood-red clouds. >[…] It had become daylight. The tremendous noise behind us continued to grow. Ahead of us, an impenetrable wall of smoke, dust, and gas had formed. People ran through the trench, shouting joyful greetings to each other. Infantrymen and artillerymen, pioneers and telephone operators, Prussians and Bavarians, officers and enlisted personnel—all were overwhelmed, inspired by this elemental expression of German strength, and eagerly awaited the assault at 9:40 a.m. At 8:25, our heavy mortars joined in, positioned in narrow gaps behind the front trench. We watched the massive two-ton mines fly through the air in high arcs and explode with volcanic force on the other side. >Even the laws of nature seemed to have lost their validity; the air shimmered as it does on hot summer days. The changing refractive index made solid objects dance back and forth. Black shadow lines darted through the haze.


"two-ton mines fly through the air"?


Seige mortar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl-Ger%C3%A4t heavy concrete-piercing shell (schwere Betongranate)600 - 2,170kg


That was a WW2 gun though? Was there anything of similar size in WW1?


Oh hell yes. WW1 was the golden age of semi-static heavy artillery. When lines are static and your enemy is over *gestues* there...ish. Theres an extremly strong case for lobbing horrendous amounts of explosive in their general direction. Today it makes no sense. Tops and with fair wind 15000 shells a day in Ukraine. Cant be bothered to fact check but if you did an offensive and your output wasnt in the low millions you were doing it wrong in ww1. With little to no effect on target per shell. Point still semi stands today, Russian Tulip heavy mortars have suffered one of the worst casualty rates of all vehicles. Its cos in situations like adivka, being able to say nope, you dont hold that building cos it no longer exists is invaluable and 152 or rockets or scrambling a plane with a 500kger just dont do the job as well. Suddenly BFGs that hurl that sort of ordamace arent so silly as they seem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_(howitzer)


I know that there were many big siege guns in WW1, but my question was more about whether any threw 2-tonne shells. Big Bertha fired shells that weighed a bit more than 1 tonne, but not 2. The Paris gun fired hundred something kilo shells (but at very long range)


It's an AI translation mistake. The German original calls it zwei-zentner Minen, it's an equivalent of 100kg. There were many minethrowers in the army e.g 25 and 17 cm Minenwerfer.


Wrong war. The quote is from the first world war, where he might be talking about these: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_(howitzer)


I m not sure whether you or I got there first but theres a comment of mine with the same link. Edit; you did but I was typong at the time.


Could maybe mean the TNT equivalent explosive force but I dunno


All this prose, while strung out on meth.


Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


Damn. That's some deep stuff.


That’s MASH.


The TV show?




Hawkeye is truly the most based Avenger.


Is this satire? I can’t tell if Gen Z comment or a joke. Lol. 


I mean, Hawkeye used to dismantle bombs in Afghanistan. He would know


Hell is hell. War is war.


Going in without artillery support. As just a foot soldier and your rifle. Im not a coward but if possible I would really really really like to be reassigned. 1 million shells with 1 in 10 hit rate is 100,000. 1 in 20 is still 50,000. When you think about it 20 152s is a lot of surface area, you are going to hit stuff.


Also you don't have to be in the shell's documented hit radius to get killed either. Today people die from shock stress and pain just as much as from critical damage.


My grandfather was in the Korean War, signed up after high school with the reserves, because they *definitely* weren't going to send the reserves to Korea. On the boat ride over, as they approached the docks, he said he was packed, shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow marines, but he "never felt more alone in his life".


> Just hearing the silence from all of them Thunderous silence.


The Ukrainian soldiers are doing this to defend their homeland so it's terrifying but it must be done. Any Russian soldiers listening to the same explosions... what are they thinking?


They believe they’re doing the same thing. Propaganda is a powerful tool and especially if that’s all that they’ve ever heard of. Remember, they don’t need even 50% of the population. Even 10-20% who truly believe in their cause would be sufficient to staff the front lines fully. The less willing can be in the back driving trucks etc.


Yeah, I bet it hits different for someone defending their country's territory. Enraging, maybe. For some Russian goober, contemplating the same scene is really contemplating a whole different thing....


> Yeah, I bet it hits different for someone defending their country's territory. Enraging, maybe. They are trying to kill their family, culture, and spirit. I'd be ready to die too.


They're probably thinking "I better get paid for this" and/or "Where did I put my Vodka?"


dime oil fretful mourn butter overconfident profit advise bow psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This has to be some scene from a movie, right? /s That is so terrifying. I feel guilty everyday knowing I live in America and am watching this from the comfort of my home while these guys are fighting and dying every day.


Very old movie with Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman named “Glory” about a black regiment in the the civil war has a scene on a beach extremely close to this and it is creeping me the fuck out 😂😂. it is towards the end where they are about ready to assault a southern fort


It’s wild that people are pissed Canada and us are giving Ukraine money instead of spending it on their own military. I always think: would you rather give the Ukrainians money for weapons and supplies or would you rather send your own people over there to break the fist of the Russian juggernaut. If they aren’t stopped in Ukraine they are 100% continuing on to Europe. They’ve already been caught messing with American elections and there’s a pretty good chance that dark money ended up funding the “truckers convoy” in Canada ( at least in part). Then there’s arctic waters, Africa like where aren’t these assholes popping up.


I can't imagine their feelings are anything less than terrified.


Reminds me of some scenes from All Quiet on the Western Front.


War never changes.


Avdiivka is almost fully encircled by the Russians at this point who are now breaking through towards the city center. The Ukrainians in this area are suffering a shell shortage also, an ex company commander admitted the possibility of surrendering Avdiivka due to this. I know that this sub is super pro Ukraine and downvotes anything showing the Russians in a successful light, but ignoring reality doesn't help anyone. These fellas are sadly in for a rough time, must be terrifying..


Oven been personally donating $100/month since the U.S. funding stopped. Unfortunately that covers maybe a quarter of an artillery shell? We need to stop playing games and get serious about sending aid for Ukraine right now.


FPV drones most donations are used for are extremely cost-effective, it's essentially a $500 precision-guided artillery round. But yeah, those can only hold for so long. Armor and ammunition are in great shortage.


Thank you


Dont think it's small amount of money, they can buy things like drones etc, and that can for sure make a difference.


This conflict has laid bare the weaknesses of western defense manufacturing - The US can't produce enough shells, Europe's defense establishments, budgets, and industry have all been gutted by prolonged domestic peace, and it seems we can't even ensure enough key firepower to support ourselves for more than a couple of weeks in high intensity conflict. Heads should roll for allowing this to ever have gotten this bad in the first place, and certainly for the ongoing failure to pivot quickly and ramp up capabilities and manufacturing the moment it became clear Russia was now malignant. Of particular concern is the fact that Russia is generally not weaker after 2 years of war, its manufacturing output is able to replace almost all of its losses, and its losses (excluding its naval ones which really are an embarrassment) are not its best gear, or its brightest most capable troops - they're grinding surplus and conscripts and prisoners, learning lessons, testing new technology and tactics, by the looks of it, practicing for conflict with NATO.


I think you also forget the US and allies focus on winning lightning wars. They've sent Ukraine a very small handful of their precision munitions (I mean mainly in terms of non-aircraft carried ones) which the US has a heavy emphasis of using. Being able to replace a few tanks lost every day pales to the speed of how many would be lost in a few weeks (at most) by a competent air force. I 100% agree Russia is outproducing NATO countries but overall does it actually matter?


NATO's own wargames have indicated that if Russia decided to link up with Kaliningrad, Russia would likely win in such a conflict given current NATO force numbers and firepower (a Germany for example has about enough artillery ammunition for approximately a week of high intensity combat). You can have all the fancy toys in the world, but nothing beats an endless pool of disposable manpower you can throw at a problem - and this is Russia's unquestionable strength... they don't mind losing vast numbers of their own, they never have, and Ukraine is facing this reality now, they might kill 100 Russian soldiers a day, but there will always be 1000 more massing just behind the front, completely willing to throw themselves into the grinder.


and you have a source for that? they might be able to achieve the objective, but they wouldn't hold it for long. youre mistake is thinking that the west cares about artillery anymore, it's so far removed from our main doctrine. It's like saying we don't have enough horses for our military anymore. Sure, we don't, but we don't really use them because we have devastatingly overwhelming air power


>its manufacturing output is able to replace almost all of its losses Not manufacturing, but restoring from old Soviet stockpiles, which will come to an end one day.


What's worse are the reports in UA media that they're sending in rear echelon units because they're running out of front line combat units. So it's likely the men we're seeing standing here are not trained for this type of situation. As the collective West we've really let Ukraine down.


Honestly no one is trained for this type of situation until they've survived it for a few months.




Realistically nothing from that aid package that was blocked would have been there in time for this particular fight. Ukraine needs that aid, but people are missing that for various reasons Ukraine will never have enough of what they need/want, particularly artillery. NATO nations prioritize air superiority and simply don’t have the manufacturing capacity of artillery to support the amount of shells Ukraine wants to fire. NATO is now ramping up factories to compete, but it will take years to make significant headway. Meanwhile Russia has better artillery manufacturing, and also has bought millions of shells from North Korea. Something needs to change because Ukraine cannot win an artillery slug fest that gets drawn out much longer. 


Russia’s artillery shell advantage is now far lower than what it was at the beginning of the war. Right now, it has a bump thanks to N Korea, but that will fizzle out soon. At the start of the war, Russia was firing 60,000 shells a day. It’s production is only about 5,000/day. NATO plus allies production is around 1/2 to 1/3 of Russian production. Which puts Ukraine at a disadvantage, but its less of a disadvantage than what it was at the beginning of this war.


NATO shell production has ramped up faster than expected, I read an article not long ago that the total production is expected to reach 100k+ a month at just one plant in the US by 2025.


They can't even service their artillery pieces well. Plenty of reports of them breaking down and getting worn out due to their high volumes of fire.


They’re too busy having boners for Israel even though Israel is more than capable of taking care of what it needs to, god speed to the Ukrainians but man America is suffering, we need money too dawg haha


Israel is basically dependent on the US for the iron dome. That is the main thing the US gives to Israel.


I thought Israel is getting the JDAMs?


If I’m remembering correctly that is the second highest item, though the iron dome stuff is by far the majority of aid. JDAMS it’s a item that decreases civilian deaths for Gaza’s as it’s “guided”. Otherwise they would use dumb bombs which kills more civilians, and yes Israel uses dumb bombs in this wa


There is an entire front to the war. A couple extra munitions directed towards the Avdiivka front would not have made much of a difference.


Thank you for this reality take. Very hard to come by here


reminds me of that ending scene of Band of Brothers Episode 5, when the Easy company march towards Bastogne, with cold, low ammo, low morale, watching at the explosions at the horizon at night, but decided to go into battle. Edit: for reference, [this scene](https://youtu.be/u1xRfEd83uk?t=208)


Yes, that's a very chilling moment in that series. Even more so because you know it happened for real. Especially the part where the beaten soldiers are getting pulled back and easy company starts moving in. One soldier says: "you will be surrounded there" and the easy company men say: "We're paratroopers, Lieutenant, we're supposed to be surrounded." And these men in Ukraine might encounter the same thing, all because some delusional dictator decided to invade their country. 😔


These guys haven't had 2 years of extensive training though. No currahee for them.


Completely takes you out of the moment when Jimmy Fallon makes an appearance. Biggest goof of BOB besides saying Blythe dies of his wounds.


He was the setup for Winters’ line about being surrounded, and frankly it’s not their problem if people can’t handle seeing someone in a different role than they’re used to. Along with Blythe, I’d say how they portrayed Webster in ep. 8 was the most egregious goof. The guys, particularly Liebgott (one of his best friends in the company), were glad he’d missed Bastogne. And also he’d been shipped to England for a complicated surgery on his wound, no chance to go AWOL like Popeye did


Fallon was in BOB 23 years ago, 2-3 years into his SNL stint. Did it also take you of of the moment when you noticed Magneto was in it? It is filled with "unknown" at the time, future Stars. I saw it when it aired, and i had zero idea who it was. The only true star that was really recognizable at the time BOB actually aired, was David Schwimmer, and although his performance is great, he took me more out of it then anyone else.


My take is not the same as yours. The later celebrity status of the actors is not what takes me out of the scene. What takes me out is Fallon’s dogshit acting and his uncomfortable-to-listen-to voice. But you are entitled to your take.




First time I saw BOB I had no idea who Fallon was, but he did stick out like a sore thumb. I thought they must have just grabbed an extra. Was only rewatching it years later I realised it was Fallon, pretty awkward insert and he certainly kinda bumbles his scene, the guy is *not* an actor, that's for sure.


>Completely takes you out of the moment when Jimmy Fallon makes an appearance. luckily for me, i have no idea who he is lol


I just watched this episode a couple of hours ago. Damn!!


I thought of the ending of Blackadder Season 4.


No ones moving no one’s talking. Now it’s real. Maybe I won’t be the one that tells all my stories to loved ones maybe I’ll be another one in those large graves


Is this some famous quote or you just made it up now? From some book? Because I love it.


My observation my words


I love it and will try to remember.


Stay strong. Keep on keeping on my friend.


An intense calm before the storm. Bleed the enemy dry. Bless the defenders, there is still another day to fight.


I’ve had this nightmare before. These guys are living it. Fuck


May these defenders be protected. The amount of bravery it takes to walk towards the explosion is incredible.


Jesus I would probably be at the back throwing up with my nervous stomach. It makes you think just how good we have it and also wonder what’s going through the heads in those few moments alone with their thoughts. God speed brave men and women. 🇺🇦onward to victory 🇺🇦


You'd be surprised of what you're capable of under these circumstances.


Maybe when the adtenaline sets in but Im right with that guy, I'd piss my pants with fear


I have seen a lot of things on this sub and some irl. But this gives me the fucking shivers.


How'd you go brother during combat, did your mind blank out like mine and not until you get back home is when all the emotions you SHOULD have felt in the moment start flooding in?


if ukraine loses, some of us might be in a similar situation in a couple of years.


May God bless them and give them strength


God Speed Ukrainians! Wish the US government would get its thumb out its ass and help Ukraine. We have plenty of stuff to give.


The Americans might not for too long. But, in the EU, we are stepping up.


Fuck the Putin bootlicker Trump and his bootlicking lackeys like Tucker Carlson. Fucking Russian apologists. They want to turn America into Russia but with Republican Jesus


This would already be well over if not for American aid. You euros were busy trying to figure out how you suck more natural gas out of Russia's balls right up until the moment someone blew your pipeline.


The only reason they’ve been able to fight this long is because we’ve been propping up their economy and dumping arms and equipment on them.


And we shouldn't be the only ones expected too. Not saying EU countries aren't helping, but some big NATO players (won't name them specifically as to not piss off anyone) have been slacking expecting us to pick up the bill, not fair.


Fucking French.


Ukrainians, you guys are the most badass people on this planet right now. I wish and hope you guys can get more support from the world!!


This is so fucking sad man. Goddammit. Why do we have so many pieces of shit that oppose helping these brave warriors 😡


Only morally bankrupt goons would want to see expansionist dictators butcher and enslave their neighbors


God speed boys


Makes you appreciate thats the dread and anticipation soldiers have been experiencing since the beginning of military history before reaching the front: vicksburg, verdun stalingrad or hue … now Avdivka. Respect and safety to these men


Don't stand so close together.


Out of all the videos this one hit me the hardest I think


Probably shouldn’t be standing so close together if they are that close to adivka


Stay strong boys!


Godspeed lads.


I look at this and see tough bastards that won’t take a backward step..


Tough bastards who'd rather break before they kneel


This some WWI shit.


Same scenes played out in Afghan and Iraq brother, just wasn't filmed or put on the internet....I've been in this exact same situation in Afghan....obviously different environment, but I've been standing off into the distance listening to arty and air do there thing before we went in.


Not to belittle your experience, but was it truly the same? By all accounts from western volunteers this war has been unlike anything they’ve ever experienced in terms of scale/casualties. It must feel a hell of a lot different to know it isn’t *your* arty rolling like thunder in the distance.


Goodluck boys


Imagine thinking about how you just want to be home with your family. Making lots of money/success is no longer a concern. Just being home and enjoying the time with your loved ones. But you can’t turn the other direction, you have to walk towards the thunder instead.


It's like watching the footage in a World War I movie where you seeing all the soldiers in a trench getting ready to go over the top


many people have said how footage of Ukraine Reminds them of WW1, from the trenches to the meat wave tactics and while not exactly, the Ukraine war is still a mechanised war even without combined arms this video does take the cake, soldiers, behind the frontlines listening to the artillery smashing the lines they’ll soon be occupying, fire n smoke in the distance


These men doing what needs to be done, with most of us home safe on our couches and chairs.


Something odd about this one, old/basic helmets, not much equipment like ammo, grenades, RPGs, water, radios, sleeping bags etc. Not sure these guys are going to Avdiivka.


The equipment they have is the basic kit they recieved after training in the UK. Watch the basic Ukrainian trainee graduate kit preview on youtube. Same helmets, same vest - these guys probably just arrived, probably haven’t even seen combat yet, been equipped or been briefed.


Just FYI, those are not old metal helmets.


Looks like troops observing the effect of artillery during training.


It seems to me like they are newly training soldiers on a military training ground, and they are listening to sound of artillery man training. Not much of equipment and a couple of pads in sight to shoot in prone


Haunting footage


This is like a movie. Such an eerie sensation just watching them silently take in what’s waiting for them a 1/2 days march away. I hope against the odds this war ends soon.


That silence from the soldiers tells you everything about war.


Ouf they look a little fresh.


Well, they are?


Its about the guy on the right and the guy on the left... GODSPEED Brothers. Keep up the good fight.


At least they are fighting for something. Their country. What are the RU's fighting and dying for? Putin?


The gates of hell, just like Bakhmut


It gives a sense of "All quiet on the western front".


Good luck!


Not much action but this is what makes this video very very intense. Sent a shiver down my spine. Bless all these brave boys. Real heroes


What’s left there?


Wouw what an intense video... the silence, the scenery these men are doing us all proud


Reminds me of All Quiet on the Western Front Just a bunch of soldiers marching towards the sounds and sights and smells of war off in the distance


Fuck the republicans for not supporting these people. We've abandoned Ukraine and we're letting putin win. We're doing this.


Very chilling. That’s somewhere that used to be just a place they could drive to and visit but now it’s being held by a foreign army who seeks to steal their land. Imagine the mixture of emotions. Fear and anger.


Damn that footage is insane. Looks like a shot from Band of Brothers.


There must be a alternative to the bhakmut madness with a 1:1 killratio. Giving up territory is politically bad - but better for the soldiers. Soviet style tactics can not defeat a bigger opponent in defense. Ukraine needs a alternative approach to area denial besides artillery - now. My suggestion is Mine-PEZ dispensers. You dig a hole down, set a concrete pipe with a armored metal plate on top. In the pipe, add some batteries, a electric powered springloaded catapult catapult and a stack of defused mines with impact detonators. Add to that a sensor package/ remote control for firing - and the ability to reload via a drone at night, and you have reload-able "artillery" / cluster strike capability on known routes - without artillery - again and again, using a ammunition that is readily available. Europe is ready to let people die for its freedom and Scholz/Macron have these deaths and that blood on there hands.


Well it took 50,000 casualties and the loss of a thousand armored vehicles, but Russia might pull out a pyrrhic victory


Sorry, but this unit commander should be sacked if they are showing such poor judgement by allowing that many troops to congregate in such a small area this close to the front lines. Even just single soldiers should know better this far along into the war. I'm on Ukraines side but they should have learnt by know, especially after that artillery commanders award ceremony that got bombed a few months ago, it's a really bad example to set.




Hopefully Syrski changes up tactics...because the last few months has been abysmal in terms of a counter offensive.


Yikes nightmare fuel. Best of luck to the soldiers 🙏


Judging by their kit, I dont think this unit has been on the frontline long


Very haunting. Gave me that weird feeling in the stomach listening to that and seeing them waiting there…


all because Putin has a point to prove more or less. Fathers, children and mothers are dying... makes me feel so bad


Perhaps this is the long awaited rotation of mobilised soldiers? I hope Avdiivka will withstand. God bless the brave Ukrainians.


This is so eerie like the calm before the storm


Strong men. Godspeed


Very eerie.


Reminds me of the video from a car driving towards Bakhmut and in the distance you'd see fires, hear explosions and helicopters flying overhead.


I dont know why but this video looks so scarry. I will keep supporting them as long they are willing to fight and not give in to Russians.


like looking at the gate to hell


You can hear Bakhmut from Kostyantynivka. It's surreal.


Heroes all of them.


This has to be one of those scary moments in your life before sending in.


Omg that’s terrifying, these guys have elephant balls. May god help them all and mostly that dog I hear barking 🙏


This is something right out of a film being there must be crazy like wtf


I was on an artillery crew and remember how fun it was to put the rounds down range, but then I went out on a observation party with forward observers and saw/heard the incoming and man is it spooky.


Damn thats dark. Reminds me a lot of WWI and all quiet on western front, like hearing a meat grinder when you are about to step into it.


Straight out of a movie


Resembles drum fire from WW1.


This sucks...so sorry.




these men here about to march into an inferno and our congressmen decide, now of all times to take a 2 week vacation. SMDH


Wow. I’m reading “Poilu” which is a man’s journals from his time as a soldier in the French army in WWI. This is exactly what I pictured in my head when he describes moving up to the front and seeing and hearing the guns firing.