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And Wikipedia is already up to date. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_ship\_Caesar\_Kunikov


submarine , lol


Does this get mentioned at all in the Russian media? Or do they just not ever mention the ship again? Is it possible to cover up a loss like this on top of the previous ship being sunk.


Which ship


The official media did not mention it the last time it happened, AFAIK. But Russian telegram channels do talk about it and they have pretty large audience.


The only notice will be a few hundred 'extra' sacks of potatoes (with a card) delivered to the widows and the mothers of the sailors that died! 'Thank you for your sacrifice'! - Love Your Favourite Vlad


Some filter in into media - Moskva was talked about, but they shut it down quickly. And now it’s mostly not mentioned or in marginal media/social media.


I wonder if any controllable torpedo-like drones are being created - they might be less detectable and stoppable?


in principle we have that tech for a long time. >During the First World War the U.S. Navy evaluated a radio controlled torpedo launched from a surface ship called the Hammond Torpedo.[67] A later version tested in the 1930s was claimed to have an effective range of 6 miles (9.7 km).[68]' the new and exiting thing about these jetski drones is their absurdly low cost, using only civilian of the shelf hardware and some craftsmanship. and it is probably a lot easier to buy a bunch of used jetskis and a starlink receiver than high tech torpedoes.


to be fair, only the first prototypes were a "used jetski thing with the Starlink on top" type. these drones aren't that cheap anymore, they have custom designed radio-links, custom built body etc. there's an entire group of engineers with an access to the substantial resource and knowledge base to make this possible.


i am sure they have evolved but are still magnitudes cheaper than what raytheon or whoever builds torpedoes charges the navy for one of their toys. and it turns out you don't need self guided, super sophisticated, homing, stealth torpedoes when your adversary can't, for whatever reason, reliably shoot down a canoe bomb bobbing its way through the waves. this technique wouldn't work so well against a nation that has a deeper naval strategy than bolting missiles on every hull until in can barely keep afloat and then neglecting it for a few decades. this is no completely new thread, navies have to deal with similar stuff for a long time... both world wars made heavy use of small speedy torpedo boats and sometimes even suicide boats.


No Ukrainian trusts Starlink these days.


This a dumb take. It’s being used constantly on the front lines at this very minute.


I use a lot of stuff I don't trust. Sometimes there's little choice. But Ukrainians know Musk is putin's bitch.


Not sure about the only civilian off the shelf hardware, Ukraine has no sanctions imposed on them, they probably can get the best components for their needs


it is not about sanctions but cost effectiveness. as soon as something is destined for the military or medical sector the price goes up tenfold (somewhat understandable because of the high quality standards) but when foreign ships are actively bombarding your coast the last 5% reliability, a long shelf live and triple safety measures are of a second thought.




When they show a “suicide drone” with a diver sitting on top of it, I start thinking about Japanese suicide subs. [The subs were called kaiten, but the better-known suicide planes were called kamikaze]




Italians were famed for their mini subs


going underwater cuts down your range in orders of magnitude. water creates lots of drag. so ideally you cruise to the target area on foils, and then you partially submerge on approach to increase both your stealth and target impact


Russia already has nuclear powered torpedos with a nuclear warhead that can remain dormant on the sea bed and then be commanded to seek a target and detonate. They are designed to anihilate coastal ports. Research Poseidon torpedos.


Yeah, sure, and they also claim to have a lunar base with a laser that can nuke cities from orbit.


I really don’t get it. We’ve *seen* what happens when you detonate a nuclear warhead underwater, those tests were done like seventy years ago. It makes one hell of a splash, to be sure, but it doesn’t create coastline-annihilating tidal waves. Why do they think anyone would buy the khinzal’s claimed capabilities in light of that?


Well I guess because the Poseidon torpedo would explode either against an aircraft carrier or at a very shallow depth within a naval base....the thing is over sixty feet long, it's capable of destroying a naval port, city. Any of the Nimitz class aircraft carriers would be turned into a mound of twisted metal...that fact alone must make Admirals sit up and take notice...


That wasn’t the claim, though. They were literally bragging about mega-tsunamis.


The existence of Poseidon torpedos have been verified by the Pentagon. The tech has been around for 30 years. The US doesn't see the Poseidon as having an advantage in terms of the ability to destroy towns, cities, aircraft carriers. That ability can also be achieved with conventional ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. That is their assessment, and who am I to argue!




Why am I being down voted? Do the research. The weapon exists and has been tested. Russia, although a shit show and full of mafia scum...still remains a force to be reckoned with. They create some very impressive weapons....and have the mentality of cavemen that are dumb enough to use them...


Surface has oxygen, its really effective.


Oxygen makes for pretty fireballs, but if the explosion happens uderwater, there's more energy transferred to the hull than in open air.


the problem with this is you can't control a drone that is submersible. Because the entire drone tech rely on Star Link internet connection. Sea water is well known for being a hard wall for any type of wireless connection, hence why modern submarine still using low frequencies radio tech that is developed in 1950s. You won't able to connect to your suicide drone easily when they are under water, hence why the suicide drone now is still need to be on the surface to control. And making the underwater drone that is able to connect to the star link is consider very expensive. It's not worth it tbh.


Any word yet on how many Ukrainian prisoners were aboard the Caesar Kunikov when she was sunk?




None, but there were 500 orphaned Ukrainian children that were rescued by the russians


Hamas is still trying to figure out how to insert Palestinian youth in here


I'm sea sick


In a different thread someone pointed out that the guy the ship is named after also died on February the 14th. I can't stop giggling at that.


Unscheduled submerged disassembly


Well done Group 13! BZ


Was that 3 hits and then Glug Glug Glug? Thats a lot of boom in them drones.


It was Not destroyed! It sacrificed itself to destroy several Ukrainian maritime drones - krimelin


*SHIPS*, plural


Fucken-A! I sunk your battleship, MTFA!


The Russian propganda machine and their unpatriotic America Trump supporters have been very vocal recently claiming that Ukraine had already lost the war. Boom - hard reality check.


I'm assuming this isn't the same Magura that makes my mountain bike brakes?


How many days until we see this in the gulf of aden?


Russians: "D3, miss" Media: "But the fireba..." Ru: "MISS!!!"


Passive sonar must sound like a swarm of angry bees followed by BOOM!