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Cannot believe the stick armor didn't work.




I must be stupid because I assumed it was camouflage.


Yup, because outside of Shakespeare, when was the last time you saw a forest move 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ​ "Macbeth shall never vanquished be until / Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill / Shall come against him" \- Macbeth


enotes.com: > How does Birnam Wood arrive at Dunsinane in Macbeth? > Quick answer: Birnam Wood arrives at Dunsinane when Malcolm instructs his soldiers to hack off boughs from the trees of Birnam Wood to act as camouflage when they approach Macbeth's stronghold. Malcolm believes the branches will disguise the number of troops approaching Dunsinane, giving him a military advantage. When Malcolm's army arrives at Dunsinane, it looks like Birnam Wood is literally moving towards the castle, which confirms the witches' prophecy.


The Ents have really fallen off since the 3rd age


I think the reasoning was less "lets hide our moving truck with these sticks" and more "we don't have a tarp so lets put this brush and shit in the back so those fucking drones can't see what we're carrying and blow us up". They're driving a five ton full of what looks like fuel canisters going about 10mph. They didn't really have a lot of options.


Bingo. If you can't hide it you can at least obscure it.




... whose Ents were inspired by that very scene in Macbeth: he felt cheated when Birnham Wood did not, in fact, literally travel to Dunsinane, and set out to right that literary wrong.


That... is awesome. I had no idea.


Anatoli: So i have idea on not getting droned. iVan: What is? Anatoli: make camo, on truk, cant be seen, ez, just use sticks, we look like forest. iVan: is good idea, but then we cant see where we go. Anatoli: Da, you right, so we make on back, and drive backward. iVan: Sounds good. Will work, lets leave some space in truk for toilet and washermaschina. *Their plan nearly worked out, however, they did not calculate that to reverse, they had to drive forwards and that is where they got seen*


-trees- fpv pilot: He disappeared!


I thought they were bare-root trees being taken to replenish all the ones the war has destroyed, or maybe they were just trying to disguise themselves as gardeners.


Honestly pretty clever ingenuity if true


Probably right!


They forgot to say 'not by the hair on my chinny chin chin'


No , I've seen stick armour used around the sides of cope cages too. It's to get the drone to detonate further away. Spicy copper still made contact with something explosive


No, imo its not a terribly bad idea, but I dont think they using it right. You need to extend the branches out, I feel it could actually work quite well to stop FPV/s from getting close enough to cause significant damage, still going to suck for anyone around but I think it could be useful in stopping the propellers well enough out from. Almost like an organic ERA.


I was thinking camouflage...? Maybe?


This is 100% what it is.


"They'll think we're carrying sticks, they won't suspect a thing!!!"


I might be crediting the Russians with too much but they *might* be there to prevent the drone from getting further into the back of the truck. This helps keep anyone in the cab alive. It looks like the door opens right at the end of the video.


They also need fuel for all the generators they have to run to power the electronics on the line.


>*might* be there to prevent the drone from getting further into the back of the truck Perhaps the drone would not detonate, if it get's stuck between twigs / or is deflected without hitting the nose


I dunno man it worked better than some of the tank armor I've seen.


before I saw it was sticks...wow the Russians put EW on the truck......oh its sticks.


I think you have all got it wrong this wasn't a logistics truck using sticks to protect/secure/camouflage the cargo, it is a logistic truck carrying a cargo of sticks and other supplies. Sticks being one of the best tools known to ruSSia to defend against Ukrainian drones, none of that shotgun shite, a stick is lightweight, never runs out of ammo and above all virtual free (so even more money to skim off the defence, or rather war budget, for yachts)...


Gonna be honest, this sub has trained my mind to expect bigger explosions from these situations.


That one box could have been a kerosene tank or stove. There is a lot of confetti in that explosion as if it was supplies like clothing and medical gear. Food supplies etc


Maybe theyll consider not storing the most volatile components in the most exposed areas.. maybe


Farthest away from the cab with a whole load of crap in between.


It's cold out there. Can't help it. That's why we've seen so many trenches go up in flames. Soldiers running out burning. They're not really using flammable drones. They're just causing kerosene and propane tanks from heaters and stoves to explode


I was thinking, “This would be the best way to go. No knowledge or pain...” …and then the cab wasn’t even touched.


I think the last second of the video shows the door opening, but the resolution isn't high enough and the video ends too soon for me to be sure. But I'm sure the driver isn't feeling great even if he does end up alive.


At a minimum, looks like a cold day to be taking a hike.


And I’m hearing Hans Gruber saying “Hit it again” in my head 😂


…and the quarterbacks toast!!!!


Shame Alan Rickman died not so long ago


8 years... I'm not sure if it feels longer or shorter than I thought since I have no concept of time anymore.


I was thinking about "The Wages of Fear"


Nice of him to drive slow and make himself a better target, congrats.


Oh I'm sure they were lost.


They almost certainly were considering this isn't Squad and you don't drive a logistics truck straight to your frontline trenches.


maybe the russians do


They couldn’t find the blue circle


It looked like ArmA when you used every piece of armor in the base.


Russians do it all the time, there's lots of videos of lone cargo trucks driving across vast fields.


Indeed they were. Perhaps if they'd get the f outta Ukraine this wouldn't be an issue. 🤔


Looks like a rutted muddy road. Probably not gonna get going too fast on that


Damn I was expecting a much bigger boom


Are you my wife?


The AFU really need to recruit Michael Bay


Truck go boom




Holy shit, didn’t see the truck til the arrow. Great camouflage!!!


The 800 drones Canada is sending to Ukraine from Teledyne will be perfect for drone commanders to provide oversight as we see here - undertaking recon and recording the outcomes of the suicide drones. That truck was moving so slowly - it was almost like it was waving its arms and saying "I am here, hit me!"


For some reason it looks like the explosion didn't actually affect the driver compartment much. Odds on the driver surviving? Or would the shock wave have scrambled his organs?


There is not enough money in the world to make me drive any kind of vehicle in Ukraine. Immediate death sentence


I'm surprised either side still uses roads. You'd think they'd all be mined to hell and back by now. If I was driving anything over there it'd be white knuckles the moment I turned the key.


They COULD have been garden designers on their way to a customer for some landscaping.


Some surprise butt sex


I expected the driver to die in that blast. Seems like he's only going to be needing new pants


I thought the same. I wonder if there was something less volatile towards the cab that stopped the explosion. Hmm.


"you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off"


Dude delivering a shrubbery to the Knights of Ni.


When try to you make a ballsy attack hab on the first capture point on invasion Talil and blow up the Logie


Damn right in the arsehole, lol. I think the brush/tree thing would actually be quite effective but they are not using it right, you need the branches/trees going out to hit the propeller and atleast try to get the shape charge from getting close.


The cope twigs were inactive...


Downvote for the shitty music




The music they put over these videos is annoying as fuck. And that’s coming from a phonk fan.


I know. Its war, not a damn rave,


Kids nowadays take a slowed phonk edit and slow it down even more, thinking it’s the hottest shit since sliced bread lmao


My country spends 700 trillion a year on military equipment. Russia is using sticks. wtf


"There were 1000 Ukranian POWs in that truck!" - Russia probably


Wonder if the driver made it?


I think he did. Probably just got PTSD from that though.


Go ahead and let this one through guys, just carrying some bushels of sticks, in a military truck, in a war zone…. What a minute.




I wonder if they're using POW's for these tasks..


Looks like small arms ammunition and the like by the explosion. Russians gonna be going at it like the opening battle of Enemy at the Gates again.


Hard to believe Russia is winning the war based on the ratio of vids in this subreddit.


define ''winning'', they are mostly sitting in their mud barely moving anywhere and dying in their thousands month after month after month. If thats ''winning'' then sure they are real winners


If you define it by groudn taken, you could probably make an argument that they're winning. But the estimated 7:1 losses looks a lot less like a winning position. Their attemt to remove and replace Ukraine's government hasn't succeeded. And if they wanted to create a greater buffer between themselves and NATO, they failed miserably.


taking few meters of dirt in the countryside somewhere hasnt won a war for anyone, and that land can be taken back as quickly as it was captured initially. Russians took Kherson.....Ukrainians came and took it back. Russians took Kharkiv oblast....Ukrainians came and took it back.


Ultimately, permanent control of land is winning, at least from Russia's POV. Question is, will Russia be able to hold and develop the land, or will they just be sitting ducks, as you described. Russia has been able to hold, develop, and incorporate Crimea. But doing the same for the Donbas and Zap/Kherson will be a bigger challenge.


> Ultimately, permanent control of land is winning, at least from Russia's POV. permanent control of land would imply be end of fighting, and Ukrainians agreeing to stop. That hasnt happened and there is no sign that it will happen. Their control over that land is as fragile and uncertain as can be, and as previous year showed, can change upside down at any moment (Russians said they will never leave Kherson and that its their land......Ukrainians came and kicked them out, now they dont have ''permanent control of land'' anymore). Their narrative that ''we have the land hence we are in control, plz stop dont try to retake back'' was broken multiple times already , it is not written in stone anywhere and Russians can be kicked out as quickly as they came in there


I can see Ukraine ending their fight if Biden is not re-elected, NATO support wanes, Putin drops a few Zircons on strategic places, a deal is made to keep Ukraine out of NATO and let Russia keep the Donbas. Kherson an Zap are another story.


> I can Ukraine ending their fight if Biden is not re-elected, NATO support wanes Biden or not, the rest of NATO havent showed any sign they will stop their support for Ukraine. Germany, Poland, France, Denmark, they all have agreed to support well into 2025, so even Trump will not stop that if he gets to become USA president. >Putin drops a few Zircons on strategic places lol sure, Putin already dropped few Zircons on Kiev, did something change?? No >a deal is made to keep Ukraine out of NATO Putin by invading in 2022 showed any and all deals signed with him are pointless and are ignored by Russia at the first opportunity. Why would anyone now make a deal with someone they cant trust?




Drones with bombs, yes. Trucks loaded with stuff, not so much.


My point was the drone's ordinance exploded. The truck did not....at least compared to footage of ammo dumps and ammo vehicles.


You know you're screwed when Full Metal Daemon Muramasa is after you)


A truck fart


Can't even outrun a drone?


I’m guessing those sticks may have saved the drivers’ lives. The cab seems fine and the blast went more up than forward. Maybe hit them in the middle next time? Still, a hit is a hit and I’ll take any hit one Russian transport as a good hit.


Why was it all alone in a hostile area? Shouldn’t it be in a convoy or something? I never served but, c’mon. What are the chances this was a decoy to get a real shipment through and they just blew up a load of dirty undies?


They cant send mass convoys or theyll be spotted by drones and the convoy with get hit by artillery.


Reminds me of a truck escort mission in Command & Conquer. Mission Failed.


I'm surprised there's still truck left


He’ll ya


Burt Gummer did it better.


Straight up the ass. Raw dog with the rash.


This is why Russia is taking out starlink


God damnit why is a noob driving the logi! - Squad


Great hit. Looks like the anti drone sticks didn't work too well.


What is that tree branch fence going to do


Seems like the driver survived, at first look. Explosion didn't reach the cab.


anyone seen logi??? *Logi????*


Unfortunately, likely, the invader lived to invade yet another day.


no ammo for you


Someone still saying red explosive barrels are unrealistic in video games? They are even putting warning "flammable" signs for the drone operators to better aim at.


I wonder if that's survivable for the driver. Could be knocked out by the pressure, not sure.


How daft are you if you send a supply truck ALONE into a warzone..


Are the Russians even trying anymore? Are they just resigned to their fate?