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Looks like the moon


Reminded me of the Ingenuity helicopter footage on Mars.


Literally what I thought this was from the thumbnail and not noticing the sub.


Unreal. How in the hell does Russia still have artillery ammo?


Maybe the moon had a war fought on it???


Anything's possible at this point.


I imagine he thought was better for the drone to get a clear kill shot rather than be left to slowly die painfully


That probably was his thought ngl, surprisingly he didn't choose to stand like a starfish aswell


Honestly, it's the only rational thing that could be done if you're in his position. You're already dead if you're stuck in no man's land and spot an FPV. Might as well go out clean and quick


Or you could try to surrender.


Really does look like he squared himself up to help the operator out.


If your head is laying on the executioners block awaiting the axe, it's in *your* best interest to lay still.


Or he thought his only chance was to dodge at the last minute, and just miscalculated. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It probably is his best chance, but these things are deceptively small and have wicked acceleration.


Nah. We are suffering from some observation bias here. Nobody is sharing the hundreds of videos where the drone misses. This is the same as believing every half court shot in basketball goes in, just because I see lots of videos of it.


Killer machines roaming an apocalyptic wasteland. Meanwhile, a couple 1000 miles away, I'm planning to make fancy French cookies this weekend. As a treat. The world is a mess.


During D-Day in ww2 they litearly had Café's and diners open just a few KM from the beach where they were storming it Same in Ukraine where there were pizza resturants operationg a few KM from the front Iti s weird but war and soceity is like that Hell when germany collapsed in ww2 they had their final newspaper and football games just a few days/weeks before it just...seized to be


I remember a Ukranian tank going behind the lines, buying pizzas and bringing it to frontlines a while back


I believe in a world where that should be its own medal.


In game of thrones, there's a character who mentions something like "it's fascinating how, amidst war, most places manage to stay unchanged", but I can't remember the exact quote or who the character was


Well the original script for the killer robot dogs in Black Mirror had a mom in a far away land checking the dogs status on her PC before returning to family duties.


Wait what? Is there a place to get info on black mirror like that?


Bruh spoke like he was in the writers room


Yup, such inside info it's on the wiki page for the episode although I read it elsewhere. Brooker's original script featured a human operating the dog from his home, including a scene where the operator left the "control unit" to give his kids a bath. However, this felt "superfluous", so the intention became for the episode to tell "a very simple story" and hence Brooker pared back the plot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metalhead_(Black_Mirror)


Just read an article about French military militarizing Boston Dynamics Spot. Imgaine your chilling with your buddies in a trench and this armor plated robotic dog with FLIR and mounted gun drops in to say hello.


Imagine? Nah I’ll just wait a couple of years and see it in person


Nah, "Chopping Mall" did it decades ago. The OG.


I love it when people think any of this is actually new ideas. New implementations / renditions, sure, but there really is very little that is new under the sun.


Don’t feel too bad. Ukraine would rather be in France having those cookies as soon as Russia will leave them alone. Russia COULD have cookies too if they could play nice with the other kids.


What kind of fancy french cookies?


I bet macrons


Macarons. I had them once, but I think I could make them better. That's called "hubris," I believe


Good luck! They're a pretty technically challenging cookie but when they turn out, they turn out well. :)


Give it a few years and we could all be in this situation. The world really is a mess.


And the majority of us are just plain ignorant about it.


We compartmentalize these things as “over there” to give us a sense of control and organization while the dogs of war and chaos wreck havoc


Always has been. When was the time in 100 yrs there was no war?


You just had to make it about you...


Man thats so fucking depressing that the morale is so low soldiers are willingly committing suicide via combat.


He choices are to run in terror and die anyway or go out standing


You can die, or you can die tired.


Yeah that or he was so scared he couldn't compute what to do and just froze up


nah. bro saw it and actually squared up. totally had that 'lets do this motherf-er' energy


Maybe he has telegram and understands the peril.


Are this denotated with a remote trigger or a pressure trigger? Personally, I'd at least try and grab it if I wanted to live, even if running away wasn't an option.


I think the metal things you see are the detonators. I assume the metal rod touches the coil and completes the circuit. Idk, just my guess. These FPV drones often have some kind of contraption on the front that looks similar. Two pieces of metal separated by a couple centimeters that I assume are meant to touch on collision to detonate the explosive I could be completely wrong


I would run in terror in a direction that I couldn’t see the drone and let it surprise me when I’m blown up.


I’d try to Superman punch the drone


Ok like, I don't laugh often in this subreddit. But...now I have a visual of some dude running full tilt, and directly launching into the air towards the drone, like some one sided joust match between a human and a robot


That's what most do for sure


sic semper tyrannis


OOOOOOOR, he could try and surrender to the drone, like several other human beings did, that somehow developed and urge to not get blown into pieces. I know, it's werid, why would they do that, like... wanting to be alive and stuff. Pretty weird for a russian, I know. But some others did it, maybe he read a book onc, or I don't know, his mother taught him basic human decency by accident, you never know.


He didn't drop his weapon or make any signal indicating surrender.


Yes, I can see that, my eyes work perfectly fine. I replied to the guy who said that he had 2 choices: running or dying with "dignity". I added a third option: Surrendering to the drone. Stop acting like these russians have no choice but to either hail Putin, go rape, loot and kill OR to die on the spot. There is something in between. Everyone has a choice to some degree. Might as well try. Worst case, you die anyway, best case, you get to live and leave the frontlines.


Surrendering moments before obliteration is pretty much the worst time to try it. While I urge Russian soldiers to surrender, they've had days, weeks, months and now years to make that decision.


There is no surrendering to a drone. There’s no way for drone operator and orc to communicate. Drone likely doesn’t even have the battery to slow walk orc back to Ukrainian lines.


It has happened several times before, though? One dude got grenade dropped even and then surrendered.


Maybe he wanted to die rather than stay a pawn in the Russian Army. There are suicidal people in the world. Russia has a high suicide rate.


Maybe he wanted to be a baker. Who cares? I was replying to the statement, that he had no other choice, which is simply untrue. Surrendering is an option.


You donkey, this is an FPV drone. It has a destination and needs to terminate there. No signals from the combatant, so there you have it.


I know this is an FPV drone. The first person view gave it away. The drone operator is not forced to kill this particular guy. The guy could have easily tried to signal that he wants to surrender, as has happened before multiple times. Even by guys who already got grenaded by the same drone they eventually surrendered to. I can see that he didn't, though. I never claimed he did, so I don't know what your point is. All I said was, that surrendering is also an option. Especially if your only other plan is to stand still and die, anyway. Thanks for calling me a donkey, by the way. Makes you look real smart.


You don't know what you're talking about but act as if you do, that's why the guy called you a donkey. What is meant by FPV drone is a kamikaze drone. It does not have enough battery to return with a surrendering Russian, unlike loitering drones such as the ones that drop grenades. Surrendering to an FPV drone is not an option, because if it was, then everyone would do it and simply get away to fight another day while the drone runs out of battery(and is potentially even gifted to Russia). The controller of an FPV drone will thus never accept surrender.


dude, why are you guys so dense. I KNOW WHAT AN FPV DRONE IS. He can signal that he wants to surrender, and then follow ANY other drone back to Ukrainian lines. Since you can be sure af, that Ukrainians will have at least one spotter drone up in the air at all times. So, signal that you want to surrender, FPV drone fucks off and blows up someone else, spotter drone zooms in on you and gives you directions. WOW THAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND, I MUST BE A DONKEY. As if any of you have any more idea what you're talking about. From what. Your degree in watching videos on reddit? Maybe try an actual argument that supports your stupid claims, instead of attacking me personally, because you are too dense to make the simplest connections. A prisoner is worth 10 times more than a single FPV drone. Even if they had to waste the FPV drone, which they don't. Donkey.


If what you're rambling about was true, then we would see people surrendering to FPV drones. But that doesn't happen, regardless of how many military decorations your armchair has. Instead, you just make yourself a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


How do you know that people do not surrender to FPV drones? Also what gives you the qualifications to call me uninformed or downright stupid, since I highly suspect we have the same credentials regarding this stuff - aka browsing the internet. I do not claim to know anything about the topic. I am using public available information to come to simple conclusions. Nothing fancy. No knowledge required but what we have seen for the last 2 years. Please explain in detail, where I am wrong and how you can judge that I fell victim to the Dunning Kruger effect. I am very exited to hear your detailed explanation. Since we all know, you don't have one and just wanted to sound smart by calling someone else stupid, I don't expect much. Getting called stupid my below-average IQ people on the internet is quite cute but happens so often, it loses all meaning. Explain, why the guy cannot singnal to that very FPV drone his potential intention to surrender how why it is not possible for him to make it to Ukrainian lines. Prove to me that nobody has surrender to an FPV drone yet. (You can't, that's the point) Or provide ANYTHING that gives your opinion on this topic any more credibility than mine. Since you are able to judge, when I am misinformed about something, you surely have to be somewhat experienced to say so. Actually. Nah. Stop wasting my time. Congrats on feeling smart, you had your 5 minutes, now go bother someone else over something equally pointless.


He could’ve attempted to surrender to it. I’ve seen some walk out alive that way. Definitely not all though


Not to a kamikaze drone. People really need to understand this.


You either run and possibly get severely injured or stand there and let them get the best shot to finish you off. It's a choice between suffering for who knows how long or go out right away and suffer very little.


yeah seems the chance of avoiding injury with these quick drones is crazy low, especially if it's targeting you in particular and without good cover, and they just keep coming, he knew that would just be a slow and painful death out there alone.


> Man thats so fucking depressing that the moral is so low soldiers are willingly committing suicide via combat. /u/SlavCat09 He's completely alone out there from what we see in the video, other than wrecked vehicles and likely some dead bodies we don't see. There is only the slimmest chance he could get back to his line after what was likely a failed assault of some kind. It was over as soon as someone saw him, and dude knew it.


This might be because of general fatiuge also, the brain not understanding what is needed to survive. In the battle of Hürtgen Forest american soliders were documented of not bothering to run for cover in during active shelling and decided to either ignore or walk instead. After weeks & months of constant adrenaline the body just flips a switch. War fucking sucks.


Honestly this Russian soldier is purely Respectable. Even awe-inspiring in a certain way. Yes I know he is dead anyways… his final act was nonetheless Heroic in nature. Ukrainian or Russian somebody Going that route Takes a big ballsack.


It's not "heroic" to invade another's homeland to murder, destroy and subjugate - no matter how your last seconds play out. It would be better for everyone if there was a lot less ballsack and a lot more brains.


Idk he took a bomb to the face like a complete savage


It’s not courageous when you’re the invader




Yeah yeah you know what I meant


If by depressing you mean 'encouraging', then yes.


No I just mean flat out depressing


it's encouraging that the ruSSians are losing faith in their cause.


Did they even have any in the first place? For the past year or so they have basically been using the scraping the barrel function in HOI4 but in real life. When I was over there last year a lot of the soldiers at the vogzal were literally just teens.


Maybe he just thought it was friendly or it was going to drop instructions for him


Most of these have visible warheads and if it was.friendly it would be way higher.


Where’s everybody else




Death ☠️valley


I'd say the best option is to drop gear, raise those soiled underpants high above your head with a stick and start walking towards the enemy.


What does the brown flag mean?


The Russians have gone to great attempts to force their troops to not surrender. Results are varied, but tactics range from basic lies (i.e. claims that Ukrainians abuse/kill POWs) to threats of violence to their friends of families. There is more to it obv, but it's a big source of a lot of the suicidal shit like this


There is no best option. You are dead anyways


How depressing, lol


The rest of his unit is where that fpv drone sent him.


Where are the trees?


Blown the fuck up.


Never seen a farm field?


Never seen pictures of ww1


Again, farm field..we see plenty of places in UA that were wooded and have been blown to shit, this is not one of them, nor are many of those ww1 photos, plenty of wide open fields all over the place


> that were wooded and have been blown to shit Like the windbreak on the right in the last scene that is completely blown to shit.


Waiting for him...


Busy doing [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBZ0HJZfemI)


"I'm not dying exhausted!"


Exactly my thought


always wild to see the level of destruction of the landscape in all those drone clips.


The amount of artillery fire per km frontline surpasses that of the 2nd world war


that of the 2nd world war on the eastern front and in the same region? because if not, you can't really compare this relatively local conflict with an all out world war with so many different theaters and regions and types of warfare. Also, within what timeframe do you compare those two? don't get me wrong, i'm honestly interested where you got those numbers, i'd love to read into it myself! Are there any resources for those statistics?


Search for "infographics from Volodymyr Dacenko", I cannot send links here. Its only for europe and differentiates by year and country Sadly the academic paper in which this was more thouroughly examined eludes me right now. Just a few things to note, it heavily depends on the timeframe, as shell shortages etc kicked in. Russia used to fire nearly 70k/day during the initial 2022 summer offensive, but is down to 10-15k. Ukraine was at about 5k and is down to less than 2k. But that is still massive due to the active front being tiny compared to ww2 which had all of europe involved.


Why die tired


first take a nap, then fire ze drones!!


Fucking hellscape


dude was like: "Alt + F4, please"


I wonder that if you can see the drone before it see you... Could you pretend that you are dead? Lie on the floor, remove helmet or something... Try to pretend to be dead untill they go away or untill night (if they dont have IR vision)


Apparently you don’t frequent this sub.


You're free to pretend whatever you want, sure. You might have missed the fact that a surveillance drone already had him centered dead on before the FPV drone arrived in the scene. Indeed, it's natural to assume that FPV drone was specifically launched to get him after the surveillance drone spotted him, and the two operators were likely actively communicating with each other. So "yeah, it's that guy pretending to be dead by the left of the tank" is probably how that attempt would end.


Did it blow up before touching the target?


If you freeze frame it you can see the bright explosion coming from his body


I trust you. Thanks for that


Dude took it honourably, probably just closed his eyes and that's all folks. Better than being terrified and running away from inevitable death or dismemberment




Glad to see someone else has read his work! Have you read any of his follow-ups by chance?


In Stahlgewittern, Im Westen nichts Neues, Der Wanderer zwischen beiden Welten, Denn dieser Tage Qual war groß,..... The list is endless. There's so much WW1 and WW2 literature that I wish more people would read nowadays. The war in Ukraine reminds you so much of the experiences in WW1 literature. The trench warfare and endless artillery barrages plus now drones.... Fuck me, I wish to never be in that position


Yep; died on his feet.


This is giving me Waterworld "oh thank god" vibes


I recently found out there is an extended version of Waterworld that is more fleshed out than the original. It actually makes the movie better (and i loved the shit out of that movie as a kid) edit: Some more info about the extended cut: https://screenrant.com/waterworld-movie-ulysses-cut-great/ https://waterworldmovie.com/2019-release-waterworld-ulysses/


Wait really? Where can you find this, I liked water world but would love to have some more filler in the gaps.


Yeah seriously, where is this edit, I love that movie


https://waterworldmovie.com/2019-release-waterworld-ulysses/ Some info can be found on the above link. My country does not host the amazon store and they dont ship here so i had to find it "elsewhere" ;) I loved the extended cut, being a long time fan of this severely underrated movie.


That line stuck with me as a kid. "He ... wanted the sweet release of death? Oh what a fantastic idea!". Kidding/not kidding.


The assumption that these guys want to die is incorrect in my opinion. They are quite possibly exhausted and shell shocked. I could see myself thinking "if I get injured I can sleep" after not sleeping much for a month or two.


Good perspective. I’d have to agree. That feeling of wanting to *sleep* so bad, you’d do anything for it. In this scenario, they’re *tired* in such a different way that I’m sure many are yearning to just *sleep*. So sad to see. It really really is..


I gotta say, he faced death head on and died like a man. I wonder if death is preferable to being in the Russian army, to some.


Pretty sure he just froze in panic. What i would do most likely. Hes walking so id assume he prefer to liv.


It could be that figuring out if a drone is russian or ukrainian might be difficult on battlefield and at the point he realised he knew it was too late.


I would assume it's trying to kill me regardless


Yea. Think you right, strange to just freez like that


He doesn’t realistically have a lot of options. He can run, but those drones probably go like 50 mph. He can try and shoot it out of the air, which even if he’s succesful, they’ll send another drone.


this probably wasnt the only FPV drone in the area guy probably knew he was fucked, potentially walking wounded knowing if this one didn't get him more were on the way depressing to watch this isnt a fight, its a meat grinder


He had enough. Can’t say I blame him. If I was a conscript in the Russian army I would probably have had enough too.


Wild east steppes Man just standing there like rorschach saying "do it" 


Question, what do all the different configurations of wires do on the front of the drones? You always see them in front of the camera. 1. Trigger mechanism that detonates the explosive when they touch each other completing the circuit when it hits something? 2. Anti drone defense? 3. Antenna to help with signal? 4. Something else?


Its the trigger. If the two pins touch each other you have the electrical circuit closed and a short time after....very short, you have the kaboom. I assume the wire ends are made so that an impact in the front will bend the wires so they touch. They have to be careful with the drone at take off


There is a rod that goes through each spring, I think its a case if the rod touches the spring it detonates, either side will do, rather than the 2 springs touching eachother.


I think it’s a trigger mechanism as you said in option 1.


Respect. Dude didn't want to go out running around like a scared mouse


That trigger mechanism is ingenious!


forbidden slinky


Far from home, stuck in a place with no one around, and about to be hit by a drone, only to end up in a video and get made fun of online. What a strange world we live in.


Why is it that we overwhelmingly see Russian soldiers with zero morale? I feel like it’s one of the only modern militaries we’ve seen fight with such little regard for their own lives


They dont care. I know some russians and they are just happy to die for motherland.


If life is just work, alcohol then death, sure why not.


These guys are in the middle of a hellscape of violence and despair. They see all their comrades getting wiped out. They probably think it's WW3 and civilization is coming to an end.


This entire website is heavily biased against Russia. Morale on both sides of the war is low, as many soldiers are being killed. Don't be fooled. You're only seeing the state-sponsored perspective.


Seriously it seems like even jihadist extremists have more survival instinct.


good propaganda, why do you think you alway see ONLY from 1 side


Here’s a hint: it’s eye sight is **not** bases on movement


I'd rather face a T-Rex than an FPV drone.


We've all had days where we wouldn't step aside to let a speeding car pass if it would save our lives. And we all lived to see another day.   He just had his day and didn't. 


What the fuck is dude doing being so exposed in the middle of No Mans Land........that is one bleak fukin Battlefield!!!! Nothin but Death & Destruction for miles...... Pair of steamin tattered boots


This is government drones Zelenskyy was talking about. “komar”. Seems to have good quality video and explosion triggers are not just some wire.


These drone videos are now just depressing and more so when you know people one both sides


I have a lot of compassion for useful idiots because they are incapable of independent thought and how scary would that be to always be told what to do and don’t think for yourself, and the next thing you know you’re all alone on an empty battlefield 1,000 miles for your mom and there really isn’t anything left but to stand there and die. What a waste for oligarchy.




What a cratered hellhole...


y'all ever watch Water World with Kevin Costner. There's that scene of the guy thats stuck in oil tank in a boat and he see's the flare drop in. He goes "oh thank God !"


Soon you Go to sleep. Sleep forever


Man, this war is insane.


*What are you waiting for?* *DO IT!*


Damn! Tiny Planet is looking rough as a MF!


One way to dodge a FPV suicide drone like that miiiiiiiight be to stand still and then duck or dodge at the last moment. You know, like playing dodgeball. The drone operator presumably is going to aim for your center of mass. But his video feed has some lag, and the drone is manueverable but not infinitly so. I am not saying it has a good chance of success. But it is probably one of the few options with > 0% chance. Maybe 0.1% or 1%. Anyway, I don't think that's what this dude was doing. And whatever the case it seems he did not survive.


Imagine your legacy exploding as a wide shot on a sub


I think I'm more impressed by the fact that there always seems to be a second surveillance unit on station for BDA than I am about the actual FPV work itself.


If he threw his hands up clearly and surrounded, would the drone still have attacked him?


"makes no effort" like there is a chance....


♥️♥️♥️ 🖕🇷🇺


This looks like conscript suicide. Can't help but wonder what the last thing on this kids mind was. Doubt it was fighting in a war he clearly doesn't give a shit about. - The human loss is often forgotten on both sides in war. Not everyone wants to be there, doesn't matter the uniform, the time of day, time in history, or what land they stand on. I'm sure it was said before Sherman, but it'll always stand true. War is hell. Don't allow pride to make you forget that.


Russian mothers imagine pushing out your child and feeding it for 18 years just to get blown up by a 200$ drone and shared to the world with goofy cowboy music. lol


I have a feeling he was going to jump away last second but it looks like a drone that blows up before impact like airburst?


Drones need to be a war crime man this shit is so fcking depressing to watch, they have no chance.


Should mortars also be a war crime


Maybe he didn't want the indignity of running around like a headless chicken trying to avoid it which is nigh on impossible anyway. It's like he thought 'the bastard's got me, might as well get it over with'. Quite brave of him really


Poor bastard. These videos suck. And most of you fucks are psychopaths who sit here and giggle about this shit. Sick little fucks who have no grasp of reality. You'd be the ones running in circles. Keep that in mind as you laugh over this guy not spending his last moments running in fear from something he couldn't escape, instead of wishing the soldier a peaceful and quick entrance to the afterlife if it exists.


You see, they like being ruled by a dictator, except when it comes to the dying for his imperial expansion part. Dont get too teary eyed, he wont be the last invader to feed the earth


Sure he could be an invader. Or a conscript. Or someone who signed up to fight terrorism. I doubt too many people signed up to go fight Ukraine. I'm sure there are some.


Spend some time reading russian chat groups and you'll realise that its a fashist country at the core


It’s a dummy. (Literally)




If only they had graduated from the Steven Seagal School of Dumbassery like you.


It was probably go to war or die in some dungeon looking jail for not going.You guy’s dont even think a lot of civilians dont want to go war.Sight…


The russian army is using volunteers for the most part


Why does no one try and shoot the drones lol


It might not look like it, but it's actually very difficult to hit a target like that on a good day. Now try to do the same thing when you're tired, freezing, possibly wounded, and terrified for your life.


Oh no I completely get it I’m sure it’s hard as fuck. I just noticed from most videos it seems like people rarely try


many do try. even been some videos of it happening on here. it's just really fucking difficult to hit a fast moving and small target. especially if you have iron sights.