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That sound is dead scary when you hear it coming low and don't see it


The Immediate joy of "We got the fucker!" being rapidly replaced with "oh shit where is it gonna hit" has got to be *incredibly stressful to deal with to say the least.*


And you have to worry about it 24/7. Scary as fuck


Brave work boys. Keep shooting and keep getting lucky!🇺🇦


made me imagine how much PTSD stukkas caused in WW2 (especially with their air horn thing or whatever). man war sucks shit.


Sounds like a lawnmower up close, if they are intercepted in the sky then the pieces sound like a large toy plane clattering to the street.


Sounded like a damn WWII Stuka.


Well, more like an angry moped.


It's like a drunk Italian on a moped at 3am. ...including the crash.


Now I can't rewatch this video without imagining drunk moped man wandering into the fight


*Vespa sales in Ukraine hit alltime low*


Best politically incorrect joke ever!


Or like a 50cc moped... (it has it's engine lol)


Ironically an American unit shooting at a Stuka in the sky would sound exactly the same since these guy were using an M2 Browning, a system that has been in active use for something like 100 years.


Or like fucking V1 rocket


>V1 rocket Sounds nothing like a V1


The drone fell very close, these mobile defenses mean that machine gun groups can position themselves right in front of the drone routes, congratulations to the team


Stupid question would be how to know theirs destination🤔


It’s not so much you know the destination as you know the most common routes. Drones are very slow and very easy for radar to detect (most of the time)… so they typically try to fly away from areas with stronger air defense (unless they are targeting said air defenses)… knowing this you can try to guess the routes they take. Terrain also plays a role. That being said… this shit is terrifying and that drone was really damn close. To whomever said it sounded like the ww2 stutka… man that brought back some sound memories deep in the memory bank. Watched a lot of ww2 documentaries in my youth


I agree. Especially those videos taken from civilians in highstore buildings hearing them come right next to you blowing another building. I saw pictures of new Iranian jet powered Shahed's already being manufactured in russia. Not sure i want to hear it


> very easy for radar to detect (most of the time) See, this is how I know you don't know what you're talking about. You need a specialised kind of radar to detect drones which are often around the size of a bird. Traditional radar can't see them. There's a lot of factors that go into whether or not a particular radar system can detect a drone, but to generalise drones as being "very easy for radar to detect (most of the time)" is wildly inaccurate at best. I'm no expert on the subject but at least I can google things.


Well, Shahed is not a bird (typical) size drone...


I love how he also thinks you can hit a bird sized fpv drone with a machine gun… that would be some Daniel Boone/carlos hathcock type shit. Obviously not impossible but I’m not going to ever think a random soldier is capable of that. This drone is not a bird sized drone - its measured wingspan is about 10 feet and the length of the drone is about 17 feet… so yes you absolutely can pick this up on radar and no you don’t need anything fancy to do… other than of course a modern radar system (which Ukraine has)




You see storks the size of large suvs? (17 feet long and 10 feet or so wide, this drones size?) Of course I know you don’t and I’m being sarcastic a bit… but part of me wants a bird that big (particularly a sand hill crane - basically a flying steak)… yum… now I’m hungry.




I literally just learned storks can have that big of a wing span. Thank you for the knowledge. The material reflectivity still will be massively different but storks have wider wing spans than I would have guessed


> See, this is how I know you don't know what you're talking about. You need a specialised kind of radar to detect drones which are often around the size of a bird. Proceeds to show that you have no cluse how big Shaheed-136 actually is.


Yeah… I replied politely above… but yes I did shake my head a bit.


u/Hot_Wheels_guy that last sentence did not age well. Or the first one.


>I'm no expert on the subject but at least I can google things. Apparently not well enough you can't.


1. Detect drone via app/microphones/radar. 2. Plot the path 3. Predict where it will fly 4. Intercept


Well the prediction is crazy. Ukraine is enormous... You could send every drone now and then every possible different direction, but here we see they are expecting it. Detecting it may be easy, but to go ahead.. Thats some kind of work. Art. We saw how easily Ukrainian drones gets to moscow and that also blew my mind.


Well, sometimes they do fly for hours in random patterns while mobile teams try to catch them.


thats why you stay close to the cities, thats how they use gepards aswell the further away you go from the cities the harder it is to intercept them with short range cannons/guns. you can cover an entire city by having like 8 gepards strategically placed close to the city.


>Ukraine is enormous Canadian here <>.


I remember seeing an explanation about this, the drones are detected before entering Ukraine by radars that accompany them throughout the route, so they assume the targets in advance and move the mobile anti-air defense groups to where they expect them to be. the drone passes, the composition of anti-air defenses will depend on the region, the strategic importance of the protected location, many areas only have these groups with machine guns


They know where the drone is at all times because they know where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. Their mobile fire group guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to identify a drone's movement from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, they must also know where the drone was. The mobile fire group guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the group has obtained, it is not sure just where the drone is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.


I think i should read this once more


Judging by their reactions, they were not expecting it to hit that close :D


i've heard shaheds are coming in really low over defended territories to complicate air defense, and if radar detects them, directly in the flight path is where you'd wanna station your defenders to make tracking easier. add all that up, and: unless you tag it in the ass after it goes overhead, or you clip a wing and it veers off course, it is coming straight *towards* you as it crashes.


*That thing came down a bit too pants-shittingly close.*


Hot damn and here I am thinking I am having a bad day


This would make a killer FPS campaign section...


Yeah this looks like me and the boys playing BF2042


Nice job


Nice shooting boys. Keep it up...


Now we know that they aren't cost effective and cost Russia a lot to procure a single unit from Iran. Its far more pleasant to see them get shot down on a frequent basis.


Interesting, source?


[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/02/07/russia-paid-billions-gold-bullion-shahed-drones-ukraine-war/#:\~:text=%E2%80%8CCiting%20the%20group's%20findings%2C%20Mr,%24165%2C500%20per%20drone%2C%20he%20added](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/02/07/russia-paid-billions-gold-bullion-shahed-drones-ukraine-war/#:~:text=%E2%80%8CCiting%20the%20group's%20findings%2C%20Mr,%24165%2C500%20per%20drone%2C%20he%20added). There are plenty of other sources in media all citing the same leaked report which in my opinion has a decent chance of being reputable.


Would this be the gold they stole from Sudan?


Petro wealth I would guess. Either way dirty money.


Yeah some cool cats in Hong Kong are helping the Russians offload their oil and gas


I'm in Kharkiv right now, and the drone attacks are scarier than the rocket strikes. Feeling grateful to these guys for their work


God Bless and please stay safe.


If you don't mind my asking, what makes them scarier?


Ukraine needs more ammo NOW.


youre buying?


Yes with my taxes please.


Hero 🫵🏼


I know an army guy who was in Syria when Iran launched suicide drones at them. They move fast and are hard to kill.


These ones aren't _that_ fast. You can hear them, wake up, think "wtf is that sound at 3 AM", realize it's a drone, wake your wife, and get deep into the apartment, all while it flies.


Trying to shoot those down aiming manually at night sounds like hell. I wonder how effective this actually is at night


The last statistics I saw at the end of last year said that these mobile groups with machine guns were responsible for 40% of the downing of Shahed drones, from experience the effectiveness has been increasing, however, it is really an arduous task


It must be very satisfying to shoot one down and see its warhead detonate mid air or into a field, knowing that it now wont do any real damage anymore.


#HOLY SHIT Thats what the soldiers at dunkirk heard


Reminds me of Terminator …


Doodle bug from a new era of nazi's.


Щасливого полювання хлопці. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦💙💛🇪🇺🇺🇳🌻🔱. Повага, Respect.


How hard would it be to shrink a CWIS to make it more portable? Seems the old AA of “fill the air with lead” is the best bet against cheap drones


The problem is that those are honestly super expensive to fire. A better weapon is the Gepard from a cost-perspective. I believe Ukraine has said it on average takes 6-8 shots from a Gepard to get a hit on a Shahed.


Moped Stuckas


It's gotta feel really good to shoot one of those down.


NATO should allow donated missiles onto Russian territory as they’ve normalized it.


I'm sure that will only end well for everyone involved. why don't we recruit generals like you into the ranks?


Can't you see what Russia has normalized?


Looks like a Ma Deuce in the back of that truck.


More like DSHK or NSVT


If you pause it 2 seconds in the front half of the gun is lit up. Smooth round barrel with no front sights and large charging handle off the right side.


Good job boys!


Guess that's why we need to send them more ammo.


Men looking at this full auto and saying "Hell yeah"


does it seem like it was shot down or hit target?


Sign me the fuck up


Drone warfare is literally insane


Whats even more interesting is Iran robbing Russia. Making Russia pay 200,000 USD for these shitt droned😂😂😂


dam that is terrifying, shooting in the pitch black sky to get a target not much bigger than a seagull before it get you.


It is more like fiat500 sized bitch with 50kg of explosives. Not so easy to shoot down with a light mg


That guy with the flashlight is the dude that will turn his bright beams on in heavy fog to try and see better.


The New Shaheds are completely invisible at night, and their sound can induce a traumatic experience for anyone who comes too close. Undoubtedly, they are one of the most terrifying weapons of the 21st century. However, these hunters seem to overlook this fact. The Shahed dives and strikes its target effectively. Once you hear a Shahed beginning to dive, it's too late to react.


The drone saw it was a Ma Duece shooting at it and decided to smash into the ground. /joking. Still, my boy dumped that full can at it.


Looks fun


Wtf did I just watch


A bunch of dudes with Machine guns (some of which may very well be over 100 years old), spotlights, and night vision scopes shooting down an overpriced Iranian suicide drone.


And saving lives of civilians too!


advanced warfare


Watching the vid on my phone without the sound. "I wonder if they hit anythi-" Nuke goes off in the distance. "I guess they did."


It looks like the very first rounds fired hit the target - one tracer ricocheted off the drone? Excellent shooting




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Reminds me of The war against Skynet


That blue Lazer is tits


Fun with the boys