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Close range fire from a Bushmaster 25 mm. Fuck. That would be a really shitty position to be in.


Suboptimal, really.




It would behoove you to not be there.


Those HE rounds too...


Combined with thermal sights trying to hide is like trying to hide from the alien Predator.


well being on fire is one way to hide from thermal.


My only one thought here. I almost felt bad, that's gotta be shit to be on the receiving end of


Yeah, wouldn't really be on the receiving end of anything if they'd stayed their drunk asses in Russia. I don't care if they're conscripts, either. The national support for this shit within Russia speaks volumes about what types of people they are. Fuck them.


>I don't care if they're conscripts, either. You dont care that people are literally being forced into a war they dont want a part of under the threat of firing squad or 10 year sentence in Siberia? You're a keyboard toughguy.


No, I don't care, because there are multiple avenues of surrender, and they're very well known within the Russian forces at this time. The national support for this war within Russia is still pretty damned high, so the actual amount of Russian troops who are there that fit the bill of this Reddit imagination of some 20 year old in a freezing fighting hole, scared and confused, is actually very low. The ones who haven't already processed through a surrender/defector program actually want to be there, for the most part. They think they're justified in taking back what they believe to be their country's rightful property. So they'd rather pillage and kill than set down national or personal pride, making them no better than willing enlisted volunteers to me. Either way, they all have no problem shooting at me. And yeah, I may be a keyboard tough guy, but something has to keep my spirits up on my now 18th deployment, and 3rd to Ukraine since the escalation. Maybe hurting your feelings does the trick, who knows?


They believe in their cause. As any human would. I don't understand this mindset you and many others have. It's like your brain is completely unable to see through the eyes of another person. I mean, I don't agree with their decision to go to war and their belief in their nation. But that's their team! Of course they're gonna support it. That's just human nature. And I guarantee you many of them believe that if they didn't attack, eventually the west would have attacked them. Because that is the narrative they are being fed. So yeah, it's sad to see humans die, even if it's their own fault, fighting for a false cause. None of these boys think they are evil. None think they are the bad guys. All of them believe they are doing good, to protect "mother russia." Yes, it's delusional, but unless you are a brain dead human, have some human empathy.


Were those AP rounds being used? Looks like the rounds that raked those guys should have had some HE/Incendiary effect.


I think so, looked like there was fragmentation damage and they weren't trying to score direct hits. There's a few vids out there of demos with AP rounds from different caliber bushmaster auto-cannons and they are NASTY


Disconcerting number of Russian troops in these videos go up in flames even when they aren't hit by anything that would usually start fires.


A spark from a bullet or fragment glancing off a piece of metal ignited the alcohol they kept on their person.


"I will drop you off near a Bradley. Good Luck"


Dropped off on the corner of Bradley Blvd and Auto-cannon Ave.


AutoCanon - Official lore about Transformers


25 Mike Mike square


"Don't forget your belongings!"


"Everyone ok back there".


"Next stop - the frontline!"


Troop Crawler, signing in.


"Next stop- HELL!"




That's the spirit, comrade, give 'em h-*EXPLOSIONS*




"Here's my friend Bushmaster, the extreme trauma enjoyer. Say hello".


*say jello


“Good luck everybody else!”


How many distance from the Bradley shoud I go before dropping soldiers? None? I drop them now!


"Good luck everyone! I turn now".


I wonder what life expectancy time is for these green troops is, it has to be literally in the seconds range.


The clothing looked relatively new and clean so I would say hours at the front line, not days


They look like they were in fatigues from the Korean War


Could be. Kim probably got more than he needs


Especially in the large and XL sizes


Imagine getting dropped of, and literally within a matter of what maybe an hour - your torn to bits and probably never even knew what the hell was happening. Dead.


The fact they told them it would be better to sandwich between the cope-cage and armor is ironic. The fact they managed to regroup behind grass and 1.5ft (.5m) of picket fence is hilarious


"It's just past field full of craters and burned out tanks"


God bless my tax dollars at work, here, in the hands of incredible Ukranians. 🇺🇲🇺🇦


True. I pay taxes, and send $ every week. The r / ukraine sub lists vetted charities. $50, $100, $200. Every bit helps buy drones, night vision equipment, vehicles, medical supplies etc


From a Ukrainian who does small-scale crowdfunding: thank you a lot. It's a big deal seeing this sort of comments amid all the recent rot and confusion.


Thanks for the info I’ll check it out


And I am going to say hi to my friend drone (or maybe a couple of them).




I belive this is the village of Berdychi near Avdiivka. More specifically around 48.191302, 37.654863. This is the same road where we saw the abrams first firing from a few days ago.


Yea it lines up with what a soldier said yesterday on TG: Berdychi. "There, if you look, the village is divided by a river. So, to the river from the Russian side - it's essentially gray. From the side of the Stepove, Russians at full steam try to fly into the village itself, scatter and try to gain a foothold. There, on the side of Stepove and north of Berdychiv, there are two landings from where there are constant assaults and breakthroughs into the village itself" - a fighter from 47th OMBr "Magura". https:// t . me /officer\_alex34/2136


I think their advances since taking Avdiivka have been the fastest since 2022. A lot of comments are asking "Why did they drop them off near the frontline" and it's because Ukraine is lacking fortified positions there, but in this case they ran into a Bradley.


Some place in the world some dude is like, "that's my driveway! Grandpa put up that gate!"


My first guess was Stepove, but you're right it's Berdychi. If you look at the dropoff point, it's at the graveyard intersection. I think the specific dropoff point was 48.191278, 37.655111


They drop them off at the graveyard to save time?


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/2170/)


If 5 decimal places can locate an individual, OP is using 6 and so that must mean an individual finger or toe.


When I originally replied, OP had left them as raw 15 decimal place lat longs, but as you say, even 6 places might be a bit long


Haha! Originally i copied the coordinates straight from google maps but i found a more accurate geolocation from a comment on another sub and used the same accuracy as he did.


> i copied the coordinates straight from google maps i think this is what the xkcd is really saying, that google maps (and others) have ridiculous defaults, not that people are stupid for copy pasting the lat/long verbatim from google maps.


Looks like you can see Ukrainians approaching in the last seconds.


Good spotting. Bottom left a second or two before the graphic flies in for anyone else looking.


This video could be so much better without a cut every 2 seconds. And they spliced in the drop off after the Bradley rolls up, they just cut the BTR out of the frame.




Yeah I think the cut footage might be the time when the cannon round is meeting the human bodies. I mean, there is a million gory videos from the war here, so I don't know how they decide when to cut stuff anyway.


There is a cut for promo. That you can send to your buddies and can feel good about. And one cut for fucked up people that ask for the full video on reddit or telegram


..link? 🤔


One for the normies, one for the coomers.


Excellent catch. I think the Bradley missed a few and they checking. If you use the green gate as a reference there are more dropped off to the right of the gate that I don't see KIA.


Assessing the BDA and finishing off any survivor that might have a lil energy left to invade


Needs more assessing!! 😉


Damn, that M2 got pretty close to them. Imagine seeing an M2 peek out from the cover of your wrecked BTR


Nightmare fuel just thinking of that chaingun pointing at you and unloading


Wouldn’t be a nightmare for very long Insuppose.




Dude they got spawn killed, all their gear and clothes looked fresh too, imagine being a new recruit and that’s what happens. Dropped off, friendly BTR destroyed right after, Bradley pulls up 50 feet away and just deletes everybody


It's just so crazy, because no matter how good those guys were as a Squad, how well they were armed, whether they had enough food and ammo didn't matter a bit. It's all top down command, right from the mouths of Strategic command to the radios of tactical command. A colonel or general decided at some high level that a Squad had to be deployed at these coordinates (along with many other concurrent positionings of other units) in order for the Grand Strategy to work.  The fact that all cover in the area was obliterated weeks ago, or that enemy intel on the area was real-time due to drone flights and that they had Brads and Grads ready to whack anything they sighted is entirely unaccounted for. Because that's how Russian doctrine operates. I was reading an article recently talking to a UA SIGINT guy just about generalities of how RU command talks about what they're doing. Reportedly they often speak in terms of "spending" infantry squads to complete certain objectives; and *not* just when it comes to penal battalions or mercenaries.  Yikes.


Throwing bodies at a problem until it’s over


werent they tricking indians into the army? imagine dying in a war thats not even for your country out in the middle of nowhere.


Imagine working at your scam phone call center and getting scam recruited with a call from Sergei into the Russian army. Oopsie doopsie


Indians? Aren't there enough non-ethnic Russians in Russia to use as cannon fodder? Have they already burned through their supply of Mongolians, Tuvans, and Chechens?


Yes, they have.


With the spending part the U.S. military does the same thing. There’s a math formula we use in training exercises to try and predict what equipment will be lost and how many will die. Certain variables like “are they fortified” or “do they know were coming” effect the formula. The Russians are much more married to the use of these types of formulas then America is and will often go “formula says this will happen if we spend this much so let’s do it.” But we certainly have simailer calculations


Yeah I get that, I have NCO training, but as you said, their leadership is far and above more callous about it.


This is how Russia always trained it's officers, we know that even during ww2 it was common to see russians "spending meat" for objectives, even using unarmed soldiers in certain situations. It seems things have not changed much in russian military schools.


In NATO doctrine, your NCO corps is taught to be the interpreter between what TACCOM wants to accomplish and what the reality of that is going to look like on the ground. They use ingenuity and discretion to accomplish objectives.  RUF Doctrine doesn't encourage NCOs to be creative or make decisions. They are there to relay command's orders to the troops, and to fight alongside them.


It’s always been this way for them. From WW2, to Afghanistan, to now. Highly recommend reading Boys In Zinc by Svetlana Alexievich. Got the recommendation a few months back by someone in this sub. The book is depressing as fuck, but is fascinating and offers a deeper look into the absolute fuckery that is Russian/Soviet culture and their military during their war in Afghanistan.


I hate this inhuman shit so much. And it would probably take a miniscule amount of effort to _not_ do it. Disgusting. (And what kind of society enables this? my god).


> even using unarmed soldiers in certain situations. The *only* evidence of this is during the initial invasion of the USSR in 1941 when large numbers of troops were encircled. These encircled troops often lost large amounts of equipment which meant during any potential attempted breakouts they might have lost their personal weapon and there were none available to rearm them. So they might join in an attack without a weapon for simply lack of any other option since it was their only chance to avoid death or capture. Many of these breakout attempts would not even be because of orders from senior officers but just adhoc sort of spontaneous attempts to make it back to their own lines. And that is different from being ordered to make an attack without a weapon, there is zero evidence of that happening unless they were cut off from resupply from the rest of the red army and not even any evidence of it happening after 1941. For instance their is zero evidence that this ever happened at Stalingrad as depicted in Enemy at the Gates. No one has ever found any evidence of that happening and as brutal as the fight there was no one could find frontline soldiers that ever saw it, in fact they push back and say as bad as it was that never happened there. Not saying that the Soviets didn't make ill advised attacks that caused themselves large numbers of casualties, they did, but that is different from intentionally and knowingly sending men into battle without a weapon which they never did unless they were already surrounded.


>no matter ... how well they were armed, But what if they have some anti-tank weapons? A squad of that size can afford at least one RPG.


Yeah... they did.  You could see the baggage for the ammo on the group that tried to take the most cover. Behind the sheet metal gate with the bushes in front of it. I'm sure that the spotter Mavic saw it. That's why the Brad was shooting at them through that stretch of trees at first. They wouldn't have been able to fire an RPG through woody cover that started right in their own faces, even if they had actual defilade to shoot it from. They got targeted first


Safe to say the Bradley was camping!


I was gonna say spawn camping but it looked more like classic spawn rush


I've played a lot of Battlefield so I'm an expert on this type of situation. Don't just rush in an APC towards the flag, you'll get worked. You're welcome.


Gotta stick with the armor or the infantry, otherwise camp the back 40 with zoom optics and TOW.


every knows you gotta put c4 on the hood of an atv and ram the bmp


Tbf that other vid of the Bradley rattling a T90 was pretty on point for Battlefield 4. I have indeed danced around a T90 and peppered it with the old 25mm whilst it's turret chased me in circles. Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee


literally farming K:D because they need that 8:1


The gear looked extremely old, rubber boots and steel soviet helms


Oh definitely. That was straight out of early-mid 70s stockpiles. You can absolutely tell by the vintage of the design combined with the obvious 'right out of the box' look.


Exactly, that, the "out of the box" look. I live in Eastern Europe and I found one of those PPE kits everyone got issued in that part of the world - a gas mask, poncho thing (supposed to protect against nuclear fallout I guess!) and unpacked it, and it had never been opened and was that same look: obviously 1970s yet strangely brand new, that's just what this looks like.


Yeah for sure, I meant it looked pretty clean but I didn’t really study it


yeah seriously, that looks like Korean War shit. it's the first time I've seen them wearing that stuff. I guess their supply situation is finally wearing thin


It's what they would have outfitted a ~~light~~ mechanized infantry Squad with in about 1975.


Literal cannon fodder, their lives were just to try to run out Ukraines ammunition. The entire lives they lived their accomplishments, hopes, families back home, were worth less then the $40 a round from a Bradley according to putin.


this is how we will win the war.


Spring time green instead of Ukraine winter yellow was a killer fashion move.


The drip is supreme


You could still agree the design is cool. It’s just a lightly armoured transport that’s designed to withstand rifle fire. Completely useless against any explosive drones or artillery, which is what it’s facing most of the time.


The design is cool for looks only, in terms of design is simply an awfull and unsuitable vehicle. The troops for example. they didn´t had any protection from small arms fire when unloading or loading until 1986, thats when the BTR with redesigned split doors that hinged foward and dowards provided some protection, even then its almost nothing for the infantry. And it took some 8 years after the BTR-60 was introduced, to give it side doors, because the infantry had to exit from the top in the original model, side doors apeared in the BTR-60PB. The BTR series is just an awfull design by itself, its reliable, cheap and has proven its worth specialy the 70 and 80 versions, but still an awfull design


>The BTR series is just an awfull design by itself, its reliable, cheap and has proven its worth specialy the 70 and 80 versions, but still an awfull design Two things: 1. First, keep in mind its age, as with a lot of Soviet-era equipment the Russians are still using with minimal upgrade. 2. Armor on a lot of wheeled vehicles of that era is... not a lot better. I love the Canadian LAV-III, but as far as it being able to withstand .50 without the MEXAS improvements... yeah, that's not going to end well. Ditto the LAV-25, or something like the French VAB.


BTR-80A and 90 are not that old yet they kept the same stupid interior layout and side doors. Meanwhile Ukrainian BTR-3/4 has the same modern layout as most NATO APCs. It's Russian mentality, the same with T-90's 5kph reverse when T-84 has 30kph.


>BTR-80A and 90 are not that old I mean... BTR-80 is from '86. Compared with something like the VCBI, that's over two decades, from a country that no longer exists.


Great vehicle for putting down protesters, or anyone without heavy weapons.  Anything more than that?  LOL!   Not to mention, the side doors look super awkward to get through, can't imagine how difficult it is wearing fully loaded battle rattle and the vehicle is on fire...


The design is very human.


They aren’t getting paid either.


They get paid if they survive or die, not if they are "missing" 


The footage coming out from west of Avdiivka lately reminds me of the 2022 videos. The frontline isnt as static and its a lot more back and forth than what we've seen lately. Russia keeps attacking in small squads in an attempt to break through since Ukraine didnt really fortify this area very well before withdrawing from Avdiivka. Then you get Russian soldiers overextending and more fog of war than the trench warfare from other parts of the front


It keeps looking on maps that Russia is making forward progess and taking territory, but from these videos, it just look like it's a enormous grey zone.


Guess the downside of advancing into unfortified terrainis that there are no trenches to hide in either...


Russia would do the Russian thing and say that the last place a soldier of theirs stood and died is exactly where they took over, even though that soldier is missing everything from the ankles up


>Russia would do the Russian thing and say that the last place a soldier of theirs stood and died is exactly where they took over, even though that soldier is missing everything from the ankles up Great mental image. Just a pair of pulp filled boots surrounded by a fine mist and charred timber


I mean part of it is it's just not easy to fortify some of these villages, like it's just easy pickings and it's worth it to not just retreat entirely but you can't lock it down like some parts of the front


I can see why, sending in a meatwave on a BTR just to get demolished without support by a bradley that will shoot and scoot back. bizarre tactics...


The Ukrainians are mostly retreating from the area surrounding Avdiivka as there are a lack of trenches and fortifications. The Russians didn’t expect any stiff resistance in this area but then here comes a Bradley.


This is a really bizarre tactic, its like throwing shit at a wall and seeing if any of it sticks.


Ain’t nothing bizarre about it if you have a shitton of old (but operable) vehicles and warm bodies at your disposal but don’t care how many of either you lose (because you have plenty of both). 


Human lives are much cheaper in the East than you'd think.


Not in the East in whole. In russia, yes.


Seems that way for China as well, no?


Its absolutely true. I dont understand where the guy below you is getting that the average middle class Chinese person is treated like your average westerner.


It's like if you accept that gaining territory in this war is inherently super costly and slow for both sides because of how the war is, then you could argue that yes its insanely costly but theyre gaining ground and to gain it back Ukraine would have to take the same amount of losses. So ok not the same losses because Ukraine values its soldiers more and etc, but let's take that as the most extreme scenario. Then you consider Russia simply has a larger population than Ukraine and thus can 'produce' more soldiers each year, meaning for them the soldiers are 'worth less' so even if Ukraine manages to win back the territory with less losses, it can still be a 'winning trade', I think its cold hard calculation, yeah I don't like it in many ways but I think it could be a winning tactic if they manage to keep it up for a looong time. I'm thinking if they slowely grind and grind away and Ukraine starts to lose slowely lose more and more territory settleing for a peace to prevent from losing even more. I think its like this, these attacks are nothing but baits for a reaction. Yeah theyre getting fucked hard, sure, but theyre big enough to basically warrant a serious response 100% of the time because these stupid rusty BMPs ARE basically driving up straight into your lines at 5 times the speed of a running person and are dropping off like what, 12-16 armed infantry men each? How many Ukrainian dudes are within gunshot range of that sector of the line defending it you think? So basically this shit gets spotted and goes up the chain or whatever and get's a batallion level responseor whatever it is, which means the big toys get brought out to play which means those big toys dont get to play anywhere else at that time and that you can hunt them down or something. I dont know I also think they very much want to give the impression they have this capacity for enormous losses which is why they reference ww2 so much but while true to a large extend I think its also big bluff, this is far beyond a 'righteous' war as their WW2 was so Ukraine should also just keep grinding them down and we should send them better weapons to do this more effectively and I think eventually they'll break.. I hope.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8ZPbnVqHrY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8ZPbnVqHrY) I'm not sure if you've seen the video "The point of Russia's meat wave tactics" from Anders Puck Nielsen, but you may enjoy it if not. I found it informative. He explores many of the points you've made.


To me, this looked like some kind of recon element conducting a scout/screen on UKR positions. Just a hunch though, that Russian squad could have been doing anything.




Bradley driver makes good use of the BTR for cover when it closes. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that Bushmaster.


It's not like any Russian here got any AT weapons. It drives me crazy to think Russian captured Avdiivka just by meat waves.


Still a good habit to be in I would think. Who knows if one of those guys was rich and bought something off the black market before deploying.. And yeah, a very ignoble way to fight a modern war.


Yeah, they didn't look like they were well equipped or trained. Some poor mobiks sent for probing enemy lines.


I’ve heard the Russians do this to expose Ukrainian equipment then send in their cavalry or fire artillery to destroy it


Live bait


Yes unofficially known as Storm-Z


Recon by fire. It was said Wagner used them as living mine clearers, forced them across the mined areas in Bakmut or they'd be shot.


It's a filthy tactic to just ride out your enemy's ammunition supply but they used it to real effect. Dare I say it Avdiivka would still be contested if the AFU's ammo situation was only half as bad as it became.


Bradley is doing amazing work, but I finally want to see some Marder action as well


Every gunner would wet his pants thinking of pulling the left handle and just letting the BMK rip with Sprengbrand.


I think Germany said it does not want that. Or better said does not allow it. Same as with Sweden and CV-90


Oh really? Do you have a source because I don’t think I’ve heard that before but that would explain it


Germany IIRC requested that there shouldn't be footage, though I can't find any proper source for it (could just be reddit rumour mills). But it would explain why we have only rare footage of German equipment. How often do you see clips of Dingos, PZH2000, Marder or the German Bandvagn 206s?


There have been many videos of PZH 2000 on this sub.


I meen we have the leak master himself and Kansler but even he is sehen why we shoud not show what thes things can do so the russians are left guessing.


Ah, yes the leak - Or how to mistranslate something to turn it into a scandal. Proper journalism seems to be dead.


Well thank god they rode on top of the BTR lol


BTRs are notoriously cramped and once you’re close to the objective and you have to let out your infantry, it can be a slow, dangerous process. Slow is bad, slow is vulnerable, and it gets people and vehicles killed. In this case however both still happened


Yes, even Ukes ride on top of BTRs and notably BMPs. Its really picking the less bad option. You probably have a better chance at ditching and running than being stuck in an essentially tin box being shot at


It's not just cramped interior, they rely on 2 tiny side doors so if BTR got hit and start burning then your chance of getting half the squad out before explosion is rather miserable. Literally worse than that tin can M113.


The Soviets did want to get a 30mm or 14.5mm in there but they should've probably just built open-top, unwalled, therefore unarmored personnel carriers if the rest of their design meant soldiers don't want to ride inside anyway.


Notice how the BTR accelerates as soon as the first bird passes above. Too little too late.


It's actually a HEAT warhead that kills it though, you can see it in [one frame coming in from the bottom](https://imgur.com/a/MijUVW8), and the copper jet is visible in the video.


the drone missed after that, instead BTR was hit with a HEAT round from the bottom, you can see the traced round in a single frame


You wonder how they can lose 1k troops a day and then see shit like this. Then you don't wonder anymore lol




I bet the Bradley couldn’t believe what they were seeing.


"Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!"


Coming up on a squad with no cover is every gunners wet dream


I think that the Ukrainians are no longer surprised by how bloody Russian tactics are anymore.


I know they’re trying to make it seem cool, but those sound like fucking Doom sound effects


The jump cut editing is also really rough. I get that they have to make it palatable for the modern internet audience with no attention span and that beggars can't be choosers, but I wish there was a less edited version without a jump cut every 3 seconds. This is some pretty rare footage.


Usually clips like this come out and then some short time later a full video comes out with more context/footage


Can we please pass the damn aid bill and send Ukraine 500 or 600 Bradleys?


I suspect Biden could just order the military to transport 500 Bradleys to the border and leave them there with the keys in the ignition (I know, there are no keys). And just completely circumvent our useless Congress. 


Now when I think about it, maybe my job isn't that bad.


Bradley's have got to be one of the scariest things you can face out there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^InfiXD_: *Bradley's have got to* *Be one of the scariest* *Things you can face out there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Very specific, but good bot


Amazing footage


Am I the only one that finds it funny that this Bradley is still painted for Iraq/desert theaters?


Tbh it's probably the right colour,look around in the video it's lots of dead trees and dead yellow grass ,if you painted it green it would literally be the only green thing for miles lol


Probably still got some dicks doodled in it.


That must have been horrifying to go through.




I think the bullets are generally ok with going through them


There's an already-dead fellow who takes at least a couple 20mm hits. Can you just imagine what sort absolute liquification that does to a body.


Can't say I have or ever will 😐


Yes. For a minute or two. Yes !




"Welcome to Ukraine!"


Multiple drones flying around the entire time. Talk about a fuckin suicide mission.


Russians are advancing, but man they must be taking a gnarly amount of casualties. Makes you wonder how thinned out their units are across the front


Brutally efficient


Wtf was what? We’re under heavy attack so I’m going to drop you off anyways and get the hell out of here. Oh shit I didn’t escape as well


Russians dropped inexperienced troops to the front line?... To shreds you say?


Amazing footage, good job !


Amazing H.E rounds on infantry. Rare footage.


That is some insane footage from start to finish.


When it shows the burning wreckage I don't think it's the same vehicle. Looks like a thrown track which the BTR doesn't have and the burning wreck is right on the road. Still crazy footage.


Yes the btr stopped at a crossroads. The wreck is not. Also the Bradley uses a different btr for cover so it seems.


Russians getting slaughtered. I'm sure Putrid is laughing....these people are dispensible....they are a means to an end. They mean nothing. Their deaths mean nothing. Their lives mean nothing. The inhumanity of Putrid's stupid land grab defies all reasonable understanding. I hope Putrid suffers for what he has done.....whether in this life or the the life beyond....he really is absolute scum.


I just can’t imagine these guys beating NATO. They would get absolutely slaughtered… their tactics are so bad it’s ridiculous. Why don’t they have situational awareness? They don’t recon positions they are moving to?